#uhhh short king i guess
1-marigold-1 · 9 months
An AU thingy that umm, please listen to my ramble I beg you :[
Hello!!! Had this AU in mind for a bit too long decided to dump it all here :] sorry if it's all a bit messy I'm bad at organising those stuff hghghgghg <-- delusional (explanation and story below the images)
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I call it the FMN AU [Forget-Me-Not] and it's set in a fantasy world of course, in a great Empire of Heremitaran.
Because of how big the Empire is, it's divided in two, with two rulers: Ren The King of the North known for his bravery, plenty of victories, feared by those outside of his Empire , and the other one in the Sout is ... well... Mumbo.. (yes he's a king because his father died, he sucks at it tho, can't help but be that wet poor cat and not knowing what to do).
And that's when we come in with Grian and Scar.
There's a crown, to be specific, called the Vacivus Halo which is safely kept in Ren's vault , away from the rest of the world. It's the most powerful thing ever known, and Watchers are ready to fight for it against Listeners, who are worshipped by most of north people and Ren himself. The war those two spiecies of angel-gods started over a crown has been going for many centuries and now when Listeners has had it for themselves for so long, Watchers start to fear that they might use it against them to finally get rid of the enemy.
The crown has been under Watchers' control for some time too, that's when they tasked Mumbo's father with protecting it, but he died at war, crown got stolen, landed in Ren's hands and now all they got is Mumbo... They quickly realized that he's definetely not... well.. worthy? So they give the task of getting it back to an orphan living near the palace. He's a poor chicken keeper until he meets one of The Watchers disguised as a snake, asking him for help, the snake promises him everything he wants. So he agrees.
He gets powers such as:
Manipulating others' minds [putting images and memories that never existed before into anyone's head ]. It's his most powerful ability that he uses by just looking into their eyes, yet there's one thing about it: he can't make people forget the things he puts in their heads.
Flight, he has a cape that turns into wings when needed.
He can see what his snake sees whenever he wants, so he can use it to spy on people.
With those abilities he fools everyone at the palace into believing he's Mumbo's new guard and personal assasin, so he can be always close to the ruler who should be visiting the North very soon... he also makes friends with the young king, they get along pretty well.
Meanwhile Scar has a simmiliar story, though he was an assasin and Ren's guard before Listeners chose him. Ren is still in a good shape and probably will still be a good protector of the crown, but they felt like they need more than one If Watchers ever plan on getting the crown back, so they chose Scar by appearing to him as a cat, they wanted to tell him that they are ready to give him anything he wishes for but he was like "KITTY!!!!!!!! HELLO YOU SO CUTE!!" and agreed right away, just to have a scarf that turns into a cat...... he likes cats alright, he's been feeling pretty lonely recently too...
Scar's powers are:
Super speed [he got it with the boots]
Sensitive Hearing
Completely silent walking
He also got his cat [he named it Jellie because it's semi-transparent like a jelly when in not-scarf form lol] that can transform into a tiger like creature sometimes.
Yeah guess what.
They meet. Grian and Scar. They. Meet.
And they uhhh kinda make friends with eachother and don't really think that they might be enemies.
Watchers don't know that Scar is Listeners' servant, and the other way around, Listeners don't know that Grian is Watchers' servant.
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Things escalate from here...... and that's where the story starts!
I have plans on making short comics and stories to tell you the lore piece by piece, but be aware that updates won't be very often, I'll try tho!
Just wanted to add that I made this AU long time ago and Jellie is a fundamental thing in it, very important, as much as she was important to all of us, may she rest in peace <3
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fortemelody · 3 months
for my high school sophomore year orchestra final i talked about the soundtrack of sonic movie 2 becus one of our choices was to write a paper on how a movie’s soundtrack helped amplify the film. i really wish i could’ve done an actual sonic game but that was not the prompt and i hate my teacher and i didn’t wanna spend time arguing with him so i digress. as always i did way too much work and research on it and got an A (which was a given especially becus i fucking love sonic). the problem however now comes with this new internal guilt like a year later cus i found out through saltydkdan’s twitter (one of my fav youtubers) that the guy who has been making the background music, Junkie XL, apparently really sucks. i read somewhere during my paper that he wanted to make the music inspired by the games and it was paramount preventing him but it turns out that statement is so far from the truth and this guy literally just hates video game music. i mean i personally theorize that paramount was *part of* the problem (cus they usually are…) but also i just got the other part wrong and i guess junkie is infamous for just hating video game music that much. so much so that a lot of people are upset at the fact that he’s returning for the third movie (hence why the tweet originated). he also put a song in ant man in sonic 2 (which i did write about but didn’t think of the inherent laziness till now) and basically stole a song from the modern lion king. and i guess supports ai content too but i’m not 100% sure on that one and i don’t really feel like deep diving anymore. i will say he did take the friends theme from sonic mania and the drowning theme and incorporate those but that was like. one short game cameo that lasted like a minute per movie. and there was that green hill piano cover but idek if he did that uhhh so. yeah i guess my school essay praising this dude was not warranted at all but tbf i don’t think i would’ve known/had easy access to all this info until this tweet was made. my orchestra teacher gives me an A on literally anything that isn’t my shitty ass playing (and even then it’s usually like a B) sooo fuck you american school system why do i even bother trying to appease you correctly
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calamitaswrath · 3 months
Cal Lucia plays Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Chapter 12
Phoenicis and Kilvas, nation of the bird people. Now those I've definitely heard about, seeing as I got a friend who's Normal™ about them
Dragon nation of Goldoa. . . why is the dragon in the artwork that accompanies that explanation so ripped?
Considering that this boat journey is said to take weeks and weeks, I feel like this might also be the place to set some oneshot fics.
Ike and Mist have a little conversation about race and racism. I like how Mist admits to having been afraid of The Other™ at first, it adds to her character
Mist, Nasir has pointy ears. Do you really think he's human?
So what kind of Laguz is he, anyway? Can't be a bird, because I know that those got wings, even in their humanoid form. He probably isn't a beast/cat, because then he'd have different ears. Dragon, then?
Come to think of it, he has a marking on his forehead, just like Soren. . .
Right then, let's go over the base conversations.
Ilyana: ohh, some neat little backstory about how she came to travel with the merchants! These base conversations are nice for that. Even if you don't get a unit's supports because they're not deployed, they at least can see a bit of their character outside of that this way.
Zihark: that guy's just teasing his backstory. Based on his overall vibe, I don't think that that's going to be relevant for the main story, so I wonder where it will be explored, whether in base conversations or in his supports. Or Radiant Dawn.
And the last one. . . Sothe! Oh, I definitely already know this character! He's the character that Micaiah starts out with in Radiant Dawn. And since he's currently looking for someone. . . is he already looking for her?
Pirate attack! Can't have a ship map without pirates. Or. . . well, shouldn't, seeing as there are some without them in other games
And here are the birds. Since I have a friend who's obsessed with them I've def heard of them before, but I guess it's another matter whether those particular ones are there
Ah, same rules apply as with other flying units. Figures. I wonder though if it's gonna be the same for untransformed ones?
10 units only, hmm. . . three less than the previous chapter. Now I'll really need to pick and chose who to bring
Jill is here! And judging by the fact that she's an ally unit, I think this is where she's gonna join? . . .I mean, I say that, but since I looked at the strategy for this chapter beforehand, I already know that she does
Ah, Jill is of the self-recruiting variety. And she has a last name? That's unusual, pre-3H
Oh, that was a good recruitment exchange. "I'm gonna join you! Let's kill those half-humans!" "Uh, no? How about you tone down the racism?" "Shut up, I'm gonna join you"
The boss mentions a King Naesala. . . yeah, that is a name I have heard before. Seems popular in the fandom, as far as I can tell.
Well that was a pretty short chapter. Huh. Fair enough though, can't have every chapter be as wild as the previous two. And makes for a welcome change of pace
More trouble brewing, and all just because Ike needed to leave the ship.
Uhhh, dragons! And generic ones, too. That's def uncommon in FE games
Kurthnaga. . . I heard the name before. And surely, the fact that he looks so similar to Soren doesn't mean anything.
Gareth! Now that is. . . a very red character.
Do you think that whoever drew the illustrations for the dragons in this game. You know. Really likes dragons?
For such a short encounter, this whole sequence really reads like it does a lot of setup for stuff that's supposed to come later
Ike muses about Beorc and Laguz, and realizes the inherent moral complexity of the world and people
Nasir and Soren both just so happen to not be comfortable near dragons (or rather Nasir is, and Soren just skedaddled). I wonder why.
Elincia, you must realize that you're getting nowhere with Ike. And I mean, I get the yearning on a general basis, I really do. So I'm probably not the most qualified to call you out. But still!
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linagram · 1 year
everyone's album covers, song previews and album trailer voicelines!
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okay okay i'm actually kinda proud of myself?? :'D like i always prefer just. drawing characters even though i don't really avoid drawing backgrounds and i don't find drawing them that difficult but i rarely pay attention to things like. doors so yeah it's kinda cool that i've managed to come up with ten different door designs and draw them! even though most of them don't even look like doors. it's okay listen i just wanted to make them as weird as their mvs okay
(also about some prisoners having the symbols on their uhhh restraints and most of them not having them. well you see i just didn't have any energy left to draw them so i was like "it's fine i'll just draw the actual symbols later" and guess what. i didn't :) and i'm too tired to draw all of them so y-yeah. honestly maybe i'll change the symbols to something else like it takes way too much time to draw them and they're not even that close to the canon ones)
okay sorry for rambling, you can read everyone's song previews, titles (though you can see them on the covers, but still. or maybe you can't see them i'm sorry if the text is hard to read 😭) and album trailer voicelines under the cut! and also more of my rambling
Album trailer voicelines:
Aimi: "Don't you think that's kind of.. unprofessional?"
Shun: "I-Isn't it a good thing that I'm getting better?"
Naomi: "But in the end, I've simply decided to agree with you."
Kei: "It's time for your punishment, Eiji~"
Eiko: "It's like.. your life finally has a purpose."
Asahi: "I wanna go home, even if I don't have one anymore."
Riku: "Haha, trust me, I'm strong enough to do that."
Reina: "So, yeah, the show's over."
Song titles:
Akio: The King's Execution
Aimi: Mask of Kindness
Shun: Wrong Route
Naomi: Your Story
Kei: Web of Desire
Eiko: As Seen On TV
Asahi: 'Cause I Deserve It
Yurika: Bitter Aftertaste
Riku: Trendsetter
Reina: Death of the Author
Song previews:
Akio: "Come on, fight me, punch me, beat me to death,
Show me how you've really felt about me all this time
There's no one left to support me, no one left to call me "Your Majesty"
I guess it's time for me to admit my defeat" 
"Let's have as much fun as we can today, like this is the last day of our lives
I won't ask you to be careful, I know you won't listen to me anyway
Let's make these moments more colorful than ever before
Let's turn today into our best masterpiece"
"I know that this is the best option, I don't even need a guide
"Real life"? What's that? Some kind of joke?
I know you will love me in every world and universe
Tell me I'm your everything, let me get the best ending"
"I can't believe I found out about this only now
Why didn't you tell me sooner? Why didn't anyone else tell me about this?
Your life was so short, but so full of pain
Does this mean that I've saved you from all that suffering?"
"Congrats, you've fallen right into my trap
Make yourself comfortable, you're in for a long ride
Tying you up, choking and biting
Keep your eyes on me, take those rose-colored glasses off"
"Yay, she did it, good for her! What an icon, am I right?
Haha, thank you, thank you! Serves him right, I know
You've forgiven me, darling, so let me thank you properly
Tell me what you want, I will give you everything and more"
"Give me more, you know that it'll never be enough for me
You want me to repay you? That's funny
Why should you give me so much and get nothing in return?
It's obvious, 'cause I deserve it"
"Please, please, make my world sweet again
This world is so cold, so bitter, if I take a bite, I'll get poisoned for sure
Hey, hey, what are you saying? You want more sugar as well?
Sure, anything for my master! But you're not her, so get out."
"Now, listen, I don't like to do this
I'm not the type to abuse my power
But looks like it's time for you to get what you deserve
So get him, everyone, I'll pat you on the head later"
"What about my crime? What about my sins?
Well, why don't you figure it out yourself?
I'll let you decide, I'll let you write my story
Aren't you the one who's supposed to judge us anyway?"
Random facts about everyone's song titles, lyrics and doors (spoiler-free. mostly):
The silhouettes from Akio's T1 MV are back!
If you've read Aimi's T1 MV description, you probably already went "Wait, is her song title a reference to that mask from her video?" and you are correct!
Shun's song title is kinda supposed to be a pun? Basically it's a reference to dating sims, character routes and all that stuff, but it's also supposed to mean taking a wrong path in life or something like that.
Naomi's song title was the hardest one to come up with and it turned out to be the most boring one. I am so sorry.
I actually wouldn't say that Asahi's door shows his MV that well, since his video will actually have mostly white and green colors, but I thought that a door like that would look boring, so yeah, I made it more colorful!
"Why is Yurika's door like that?" Oh, don't worry, compared to Asahi's door, Yurika's door shows her MV perfectly fine <3
Riku's door. Riku's door made me go through so much pain, IT WAS THE LAST DOOR I CAME UP WITH. I LITERALLY HAD NO IDEA WHAT TO DRAW. Not even because I dislike his MV, it's just that his MV has this motif that's. Very hard to show as a door. Like all ideas I had just sounded stupid so I decided to go with something like this instead. Also I still hate drawing chains and I used a brush instead.
Yes, Naomi's door just. Looks like a diary. BUT I TRIED TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A DOOR OKAY I TRIED
Reina's door having a more "actor-like" motif probably doesn't make much sense because of the song title, but trust me, it does. And yes, her song title is based on the trope of the same name.
Aimi's song lyrics kinda sound like a sequel to her T1 song though i guess her t2 song can be called that here, but the rest of the lyrics sound more different. And yes, there will be more of their song lyrics in the MV descriptions this time >:)
Kei's song lyrics are actually supposed to be much more sad this time and even the chorus will sound differently in the end.
Reina, please, stop breaking the fourth wall, you're becoming way too powerful.
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taxkha · 1 year
what drew you to klapollo? how do you perceive their dynamic?
I've always been extremely weak for flirty guy x grumpy guy which becomes very obvious if you look at my past ship obsessions (Iwaoi and Sylvix) Apollo probs is the least grumpy out of the other characters but. He's a snarky and sassy little short king and I love him for that. Just their banter and bickering fills me with so much joy and gives them such a fun and entertaining dynamic, plus their shared connection to Kristoph, as well as their similarities when it comes to past trauma. This is now mostly uhhh interpretation I guess but Apollo seems so closed off whereas Klavier seems like someone who desperately wants to get close to someone and in the end neither of them wants to be alone but they are both lonely and dont have many people they are actually close to. Them eventually finding and falling for each other is so augh ARGH AHHH _(:3 」∠)_ I also just love the idea of Klavier at first jokingly flirting with Apollo but then later realizing wait oh uh oh that he actually REALLY likes the guy and Apollo being annoyed with the flirting and never taking it seriously, thinking hes like that with everyone until he eventually realized that oh my god he has LIKES me???? IT MAKES ME WEAK
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acaciapines · 9 months
so....abt that adventure time daemon au....sits down with folded hands. im SO SO curious as to what your thoughts are and lowkey wondering if theyre anything like what ive been cooking up in my twisted mind...slash joke...YOU GO FIRST I WANNA KNOW!!
jkdfgdjfkg yeah im gonna focus on the fionna + cake aspects since thats what i posted but if you wanna know about someone else send a followup!! i have the strongest ideas for marceline and more scattered thoughts on everyone else but!! i turn this around in my head a lot lol.
under the cut bc i am incapable of being short
so. the reason fionna world is Like It Is despite nominally being a human au is bc i decided that in ooo, humans are the only people with daemons! everyone else has Something Else, but that something else isnt actually a daemon (this bit is still fuzzy lol since it would just be more bg in anything i write).
so that means the only characters in adventure time who have/had a daemon are finn (tossing around the name honey for her?? shes unsettled but mostly dogs bc they grew up with dogs lol), marceline (she lost her daemon upon becoming a vampire, gets her back at the end of stakes. do not ask me what she is settled as idk as of now lol), and simon (lost her upon becoming ice king, he does Not get her back. i think its fun if she is a penguin bc that makes ice king surrounding himself w penguins super tragic. he knows something is gone but cannot articulate what.)
also i guess people like susan strong and the humans on the human island but shhhh i dont have super strong ideas for them lol.
ALL THAT TO SAY. since fionnaworld was created by prismo (gonna be real idk what his deal is but he is obviously His Own Thing and as a deity type deal he probably is granted w 'can see dust' powers and thus has no idea what daemons are all about) and lives in ice kings/later simons head (one who doesnt know about daemons and one who is mourning the permanent loss of his own) when fionna and cake were "created" finn jake and finn's daemon were mashed into two characters, who are! human and daemon.
everyone else either never had a daemon in normal ooo (ex. pb) or didnt have them at the time fionnaworld was created and thus they werent carried over (ex. marceline.) of everyone tho probably marshall WOULD know the most, this is why he has a line in my fic where he's like, do you know what i'd do for a weird cat? as a sort of hint that he SHOULD have a daemon, but. alas.
uhhh. where am i going with this.
OH RIGHT so yeah basically when fionnaworld became de-magicked it took with it a lot of people's points of connection--everyone ends up way more isolated than they were. since simon is mourning his own daemon that translates to daemons just Not Existing, and so fionna and cake are very much isolated from each other. they dont have the words for their relationship. all fionna knows is she needs cake with her, and vice versa.
cake IS still a daemon, but without that framework shes stuck in the 'normal cat' role even though she does a lot of noncatlike things, n her and fionna are very very good still at sorta knowing what the other is thinking and reacting accordingly. the people closest to fionna (so, really just marshall and gary lol) have SOME idea of what is up but if asked its more leftover instinct than like, the ability to actually explain any of this. fionna and cake try to interact w the world as a human-daemon pair but that doesnt work when the world has no fucking idea what that is.
uh. that. probably answers some question!! i think the plot of fionna and cake itself is MOSTLY the same...really fionna and cake just find out there is a word for who they are to each other n get that relationship reestablished which isnt a far cry from canon. i really like the stuff they do with betty/simon so i wouldnt want to change that, though i imagine there is a bit of simon mourning his lost daemon too--idk i feel like you could tie those feelings in if you were to write a full adaptation but i!! dont think enough changes to do that so i wont be lol.
i mostly just wanted to do episode one bc again. daemon in a world that doesnt know wtf a daemon is. truly the funniest and most tragic thing in the world.
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hergan416 · 1 month
@user-needs-new-hyperfixation Thank you for the tag!
Also I'm glad you answered this at the same time you tagged me, because reading your responses literally helped me understand what the heck kind of media this didn't exclude.
Rare writer ask game: name three pieces of media that are not novels/short stories or movies/TV that were formative for you, and tag three people.
Like you, I really don't consider this "formative" to my writing but to my sense of "self."
This is maybe a cheat? Because I still read it? But The Importance of Being Earnest. I really hope that a play is separate enough from TV/movies & novels/short stories to count for this because it really does seem adjacent, and like I'm being overly technical about it but ANYWAY. The unit on this play and on Oscar WIlde generally was like - I dunno. It was a lot of things to me.
So for one, The Importance of Being Earnest is absolutely hilarious, and I genuinely enjoyed reading it. For two, even though a lot of WIlde's statements about writing as a craft were made in relation to The Picture of Dorian Gray, our unit on this book also talked about his attitude in regards to literature and morality and art and aestheticism pretty extensively - I think because this specific literature teacher is awesome, but also because he was arrested during a showing of this play? But all of THAT was also formative. (I could also probably put Billy Joel's Only The Good Die Young here for the same reason - I tied the two together in my mind so if this play can't be it, then that can take over. But the play also was formative when I was trying to get myself back into reading stuff because I no longer read the kind of... "genre" stuff that I read as a kid/teen and I was trying to come up with something I'd actually want to read, and came back to Oscar Wilde like "hey you made me happy before... what's your other writing like?" I was not ... really. expecting. The Picture of Dorian Gray to be Like That the first time - what a tone shift! But that ALSO was formative much later and this is why that showed up for me when it did so.
Next I guess I'll just say "Green Day" - like all of Green Day. At least their discography up through 2009. Like - I already agreed with them, so I guess they didn't really change my mind or influence me much in that sense. But the Green Day obsession was certainly a personality trait for a while. And like - I still jam with King for A Day or Holiday or St. Jimmy or whatever. The characters on American Idiot absolutely made it into some of my fanfiction at the time. It was a major piece of my life.
And I'll end with Arkham Horror: The Board Game (1st/2nd edition) This game was something I was introduced to in college and I had never played anything like it. It is cooperative (games can be won by all the players at once!?! totally foreign to college-aged me) and long and complicated. It took several sessions of playing it before the owner of the game taught me how to set it up even. It's one of those. And without it, I don't think that I'd be who I am today. We also played D&D and Munchkin and Killer Bunnies and some zombie RPG where I played a prostitute and Catan and Axis and Allies and Starcraft The Boardgame... and so I probably would have ended up this brand of nerd either way. But this brand of nerd is horribly central to my world.
I work in a board game store. And this is the first job I've had that doesn't make me feel like killing myself. It's a lot of work, but at the end of the day I'm in the business of having fun. I get to sell people a good time. We're not so corporate that we have no lenience, but it's structured enough that I still thrive. The kind of people I met playing those games in college are why I shopped at this store and how I got this job the first time - and my personality is absolutely affected by this.
Uhhh ok yeah I talked a while here. Let's tag... @sakuplumeria @vitya-nikiforova and @dragontamer05?
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narcissus-dot-png · 1 year
[DANNYMAY23] DAY 26 + 31 Art/Fic Switch & FREE DAY
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"okay i don't think i could do day 26 lol-" say sike right now
tbh this year was busy year, like i had some ups and downs to keep my motivation, but now i made it! i didn't wanted to have same lack of energy had last year! f//king horray!!!
so this is art/fic switch mixed with FREE day yeah? so i forced myself write a fanfic(witch is rarely do) but there's twist:
also disclaimer here: sometimes mostly typo are awful it's because ofc...it's my first fanfic...
"ouch...my...head." said Danny, he opened his eyes in middle of forest,
It was barely dark, he stands up and looking around himself, he has no idea what happened in while ago, the fact he knows he was fighting with one of his ghost enemies earlier that, but that sudden flash makes it harder to remember the details.
He stands up little bit sloppy, his legs felt tired and....strange??..."I feel weird, but at least I'm alright-"
"AAAAAAH!" He jumped out of fear by that pink horse, that pink horse just spammed out of nowhere, "Hey HEY Calm down! are you alright?!" they asked,
"WHO ARE YOU?!" Danny was shocked for sec, he still have no idea what is going on.
"You must be lost don't ya?, no worries" said pink one.
"Follow me!" As she walks away,
"Uhh...wait!" He follows her.
"Can you tell me where am I?, what is this place??" Danny asked,
"Oh!, were in everfree forest!", "okay annndddd...what are you? Like are a mythical thing or?"
"No! I'm a pony just like you!" Pink answered,
"Alright then why you- wait..."
He started to check on himself, his hooves, tail, wings and any single details of himself.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!?!, HOLY SH-" he look at himself on lake, turns out he's not a human anymore(okay for short he's a pony now)
"I'M...I'M A HORSE!!!!" said freaked out
"Hey, are you...alright?" pink asked with curiosity
"...wait", turns out that flash he remembered was the explosion from one of his friend's laboratory caused this situation!.
"...godamit jimmy..."(yes nicktoons unite ref)
"Who's jimmy?" pink summoned, again.
"AH!!...can you stop doing this?!, I'm already freaking out."
"Oops sorry!" Said pink one, she was energetic and upbeat, is sounds it looks like they casually on sugar rush(that's my best to describe pinkie pie and I don’t say her name yet so we going to call her pink)
"*sigh* calm down danny, calm down..."Finally Danny calms down put himself together” I hope there's way to come back home." Said to himself.
"...so do you wanna come with me?" pink asked
"I said wanna come with me?"
"... I don't want stay In this dark forest so uhh yeah I guess."
"Great!, let's go!"
They walking around the town, it seems like everyone know pink, and sometime in middle on their way she takes some orders, some sort of pastries or cupcakes, “think she have some have a bakery or something” danny said to himself.
They started walking in forest for exit, sound of munching leafs under their hoofs and the sound of birds and little crickets was around the this dark forest.
Pink break the silence(wait didn’t I just pointed the sound of forest?)"So what are you doing here?, I surprised you didn't get affected by poison joke yet!"
"Uhhh what?...no I just ended up this place...for some reason."
"Oh! I bet that must be a big fall heh"
" heh yeah."
"so...you said we are ponies, yeah?" Danny asked
pink nodded, "yeah! I'm a earth pony and you're a Pegasus!, that means you can fly!"
"Uhh okay?” he looks at his wings for moment, it was bright white as his fur, something like swan “and second why are doing here in this dark forest?, are you finding something or?", pink answered "Nope!, I just came back from Zecora's home for some books and stuff for twilight!"
"Yup! My friend! Don't worry you gonna met her soon as we arrived in ponyville!"
"The only thing I want is com back to my universe."
"Your?...universe?" and she froze after min, "yeah the place I liv-" pink jumped on his words "NO WAY!!! YOU MUST BE CAME FROM THAT WORLD TWILIGHT TRAVELED THERE!!!!"
"Wait WHAT?!" danny has no idea what she talking about "what do you mean?, are telling me she did travelled to the human world??" he asked.
"Something something YES!!, maybe she knows about your problem!"
"Wait really?!, if it is so..."
"Here we are!!!" they finally arrived in ponyville!, seems like a peaceful town, every multi coloured ponies was there, in any types like some of them are unicorn, pegasus and some of them are simple like pink!,
“twilight! Were here!” they finally arrived to twi’s castle, it was shiny and crystals was in the walls, shiny and purple.
There you are! pinkie you late little bit…and who is this pony?” said twilight a purple alicorn with dark blue and pink and purple stripes, she comes close to them, pinkie give those books and tools she wanted and introduced danny to twilight “twilight!, I found this pony in middle of everfree!”
“uhh…hi? hehe..nice to meet y-”, “he comes from that world from the mirror!” pinkie jumped in danny’s words
“HEY!” danny added ”I was talking right there!”.
Pinkie’s words caught twilight‘s attention, she looks at danny ”wait?, you said what?”, pinkie said again shortly ”he came from another universe!”.
Twilight comes closer to danny ”you came from human world?!”, “uhh…yeah, I mean I was about to say that but yes I am!” danny answered.
“… pinkie pie, can you go for moment, I need to talk to this guy”
TO BE CONTINUED?(i hope not...)
look if you all liked it will nice but if not...GOOD.
cya next year!
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azzie-tangerine · 1 year
OKAY I was really looking forward to doing something with this prompt.
I have a lot, and I mean, A LOT of fic ideas that I just don't ever write. Same applies to drawing. I have a very short attention span and my motivation is like a balance scale. One tip and an idea is likely to be gone for good.
However, I don't wanna pick one that I may end up writing in the future. It's happened before. So I'm gonna talk about a Kirby fic idea I've had since 2020. An idea I really wanted to write at the time, and even hinted towards it in my old One More Week fic. And a fic idea I know I will never NEVER end up writing in the state this idea was in at the time (I will explain why later!)
So, let's talk about my fantasy, Super Kirby Clash-inspired kirfluff au.
It started out as a just insert Prince Fluff into the story au. I did this a lot in 2020. I had a Smash brothers ultimate au with it, a Star Allies one. You get the point. And with Kirby Clash, there's a blue puffball right there. Very easy to just pretend that's Prince Fluff! But slowly I developed it to just be mildly inspired by Clash.
It stars Prince Fluff, who runs away from his kingdom after receiving a prophecy he just can't make out. It's vague, all he knows is that he sees four figures in it. But he can never make out what they look like.
He uses a disguise as a mage to stay on the low, and travels endlessly to figure out what exactly the message means. He hears the Dream Kingdom is well familiar with magic, so he heads there. And runs into Kirby.
Kirby had been raised in the Dream Kingdom all his life, and has been, quite literally, dreaming for an adventure he can experience. So when he hears of Fluff's predicament, he decides to help him! They're later joined by two other characters to fill in the Hammer Lord and Doctor Healmore roles, who I was thinking should be Ribbon and Marx respectively. I love Ribbon as a character and I thought Marx being forced into a healer role when he is very violence driven would be funne.
Bandana Dee and Meta Knight were also big characters! Bandana Dee was actually searching for Fluff, while Meta Knight is the titular mentor character for Kirby and Fluff.
I kinda stopped developing it from there, so I imagine the story just kinda falls back into the clash story. I did imagine a lot of scenarios with Fluff vs King D Mind so it makes sense.
And like I said, I later lost my motivation to continue the story further than the ideas I came up with. I had concepts (that I can't find right now hh), had a whole animatic idea, but I moved on. It happens a lot. I later stopped thinking about a majority of my aus from that time, mostly cause I wanted to be more creative I guess?
But here's where I pull the rug from your guys' feat. Because this story wasn't completely, COMPLETELY forgotten. It was changed heavily, it barley looks like the same idea by now, but I did later use the grounds of this story idea that i was most attached to, and threw it at a different story.
If you know my characters enough, you may have put it together already.
Because I ended up using some bits of this idea to change into my Mirror Prince Fluff character! The mage aesthetic, the runaway plot. A couple of other things. I won't go into complete detail here, mostly because the story I have with Mirror Fluff and Skirby in my head is still very much in the works. I'm hoping to share bits of it some day, if enough people are interested in it.
So uhhh. Moral of the story? Some old ideas can later be used to make something a lot better! I'm a lot more happy with this Mirror Fluff idea than I ever was with the original. While some things had to be dropped (like Ribbon with the massive hammer sadly. And chaotic doctor Marx), I have had a lot more fun developing this one. Story ideas can always be forgotten, but it's okay to look back at those older ideas for inspiration sometimes.
Sorry for the long post anon, I was just really excited to talk about some older fic ideas I've had. Maybe I'll talk about some other ones in the future.
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domjaehyun · 2 years
Ok, so I had this weird dream where I was living with nct 127. Everyone got a room/shared a room with one other person except yuta. He got the short end of the stick and had this living room-type area that was sectioned off by a curtain. I felt bad, but I wasn't gonna offer my room because... it's my room. I'm nice but I'm not Santa.
Anyway, cut to one morning where he's just RAILING the shit outta someone. Like blowing their back out every way to Friday. Mark was like "uhhh aren't you gonna do anything?" Since I guess my room was the closest to his "room" and I take out my earbud for a second, hear what's going on and just go "..... no." And put my earbud back in and go back to preparing breakfast.
Idk why I had that dream, but I did.
I hope you're doing well -ari
SGGJHHKJFB what a vibe like . that sounds personal king 🤷🏽‍♀️ i am doing well!! i hope you are too 💖💖💖
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samcybercat · 2 years
2022 Fanfic Meme
I did this meme at the end of 2021 and enjoyed looking at my stats, so I thought I’d do it again for this year. Word count for the year: 229,620 ...Which is actually a lot more than last year, even though I thought that I’d written less. However, some of this isn’t entirely accurate, as I was able to post zine pieces written in 2021 publicly in 2022 and I’m too lazy to subtract them from the total. In 2023 there will also be zine pieces that were written in 2022 being posted (and in one case, 2021, for a zine that keeps getting delayed...) Number of stories posted to Ao3: 20 (two less than the previous year) Pairings written for: Bill/Ford (Gravity Falls) The rest is all Hades Game: Zagreus/Theseus/Asterius Dionysus/Ariadne Theseus/Asterius Zagreus/Momus (OC) Theseus/Zagreus (a lot) Momus/Icarus (both OCs) Charon/Hermes Dionysus/Hypnos Zagreus/Dusa Hades/Persephone Ares/Skelly (the best!) Zagreus/Hypnos/Theseus Artemis/Callisto Nyx/Persephone Nyx/Athena Zagreus/Perilous Foes Fandoms I wrote for: Hades Game Gravity Falls Original Most popular story: I added a one year anniversary bonus chapter to “the prince with specific tastes; the king with specific regrets”, so that continues to be my most popular fic. Story I’m most proud of: Even though it was actually written in 2021 and only posted this year, I feel like it has to be “when ares met skelly” because it all came together so beautifully and was just so punchy and funny. Not to mention it has an amazing podfic based on it. Funniest: Same as above. Kinkiest: Uhhh probably “zagreus learns how to degrade hypnos (with help from theseus)” by virtue of having the most sex in it. The title explains it all, really. Saddest:  Some of the chapters of my original horror short stories, “Road to Longhanglington” are quite sad. But outside of that I didn’t write many sad stories this year compared to last year. Least Popular: “Theseus forgets not to be an asshole” got the least amount of views. It’s a short drabble about Theseus abandoning Ariadne on Naxos, which I guess I’ve just written about enough times before that everyone was bored of me writing it haha. The twist this time is that it was from Theseus’s POV instead of Ariadne’s though. Most Cringe-Worthy: I am cringe and free. Favorite Opening Line(s): “There hadn’t been a Dusa here, or anything remotely like a Dusa, back when Persephone had first lived in the underworld.” Taken from “caretaker of caretakers”. Favorite Closing Line(s): “ Thus, on the beckoning call of Chaos, Zagreus and Theseus jump.” Taken from “zagreus’s zany time travel antics (guest-starring long-haired theseus)” and perhaps my favourite because it is the one I’ve most recently written and was the end of a long and satisfying project. Top Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated: I honestly feel that my answers to this question from last year carry over to this year, but for scenes specifically from fics written this year: From “zagreus’s zany time travel antics (guest-starring long-haired theseus)”: - Zagreus & Theseus diving into the chaos portal together at the end of the fic - Any of the scenes with Momus & Icarus ...And that’s it for specifics. Literally any art at all based on my fics would make me immensely happy. Story I haven’t yet written, but intend to: At the moment, I just intend to wrap up any unfinished Hades Game projects that I have in preparation for Hades II coming out, since I want to have my table cleared and ready for all of the new brainworms that game will surely give me. I’ve actually managed to do do this for the most part, so there are just a few oneshots left (and one larger project that I may just not go ahead with). As a side note, I’m pleased to say that I achieved two of my three writing goals that I set for myself at the end of 2021 and both of them were the bigger ones: I did indeed write that full TheseZag time travel fic this year and I also wrote a bonus anniversary chapter to “specific tastes; specific regrets” to cap off the plot threads about the reunions between Asterius & Ariadne and Theseus & Aegeus. The only one I didn’t get written was the self-indulgent Dionysus/Momus fic, but I suppose self-indulgence should happen when it happens instead of being planned for. Fic-writing goals for 2023: Same as above, again. I know for sure that I have one TheseZag oneshot left to finish writing and several horror short stories that I might pick up again when inspiration strikes. But I don’t want to make too many big plans for myself when Hades II might render all of my fanfics to strictly fanon in the very near future. I’m more excited to wait and see what it gives me to work with. No pressure if you don’t want to do this, but I’m tagging @101flavoursofweird @crownofariadne @sweveris @krokonoko and @pandirpus
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kyzellar · 2 years
I'm probably not the first one to think these but uhhh homestuck body type hc's i guess
Short and soft and round. I think she'd have a really feminine figure, all squishy and chubby and this is totally not me having a bit of a crush on her and projecting or anything
Always gets mistaken for younger than he actually is because of his small frame and babyface. He is budgy and a bit self conscious about it (dw bby you are perfect just the way you are <3)
After the accident his upper body grew larger and more muscle mass from wheeling himself around
His diet consists of doritos and energy drink, he has like the most stereotypical lol gamer body type. Literally just some nerdy dude.
The definition of manlet. Short king. he is a chiwawa of a troll. Surprisingly fit tho. He looks thin but it's all muscle when you touch him because he works out to compensate for being 150 tall. He just doesn't bulk up. Also he has the most upright posture known to man because he refuses to loose a single inch of his height. Manages to look down on you despite being 5 something.
Athletic as fuck! She runs around all day fighting and taking down beasts + her diet consists of pure meat. She is on the shorter side. (still taller than karkat tho). I just imagine her like those olypian gymnastics
She is tall and slim, not overly skinny tho. I think she is probably kinda awkward about her height so she crouches a little.
Stocky, I think she is medium height but her torso being square shaped makes her look shorter than she actually is. She literally looks like a rectangle.
A bitch with this much attitude has to be flat chested. Like you know the anime trope where flat girl always being really mean cos she is secretly insecure about being built like a plank of wood?? Yeah that. She is taller than average and 100% makes fun of any guy shorter than her for not being "man enough".
STRONG . Like this guy is BUILT and the fact that he is somehow a vegetarian while looking like that?? He is tall and broad. Strong arms and shoulders. Also he probably has amazing posture like im talking army style straight shoulders puffed out chest legs straight the whole thing
Lanky motherfucker. Would be the tallest one if he didn’t crouch like a fucking shrimp. Skinny in the most unhealthy way like does he even know what food is??
Built like a femboy. He is shorter than Gamzee and it pisses him off (despite still being taller than the rest of the group). He has got child bearing hips i just know it.
True swimmers body. She moves around all day in the water so i imagine that she would be really well toned and slender.
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daisywords · 2 years
5 things you never get tired of writing
rules - list five things you never get tired of writing. It can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
Thanks @cactusmotif for tagging me in this!
gonna try to call myself out here so time to get specific ig:
1. Brother/sister duos
for example, the arguable four main characters of starlight-verse are 2 brother/sister duos: Alya & Eli + Kirsta & Kor. DaDBaB doesn't have any notable brother/sister duos, but that's an outlier among my wips. Other notable ones are Craisl & Isl, Asa & Hope, and Elinaya & Milo from wips that I like never talk about on here.
Why do I do this? idk exactly but it's probably something to do with having pretty even gender balance on most of my wips but not a huge amount of romance? Also I have 4 siblings myself so that's naturally something I write about, I guess. (I also have a couple important sister duos now that I think about it.)
also maybe leftover Fablehaven brainrot from my childhood?
2. Short protagonists
Alya from Starlight and Trip from DaDBaB are both short. I think it's bc I'm tall? idk
3. Memory loss trope
a central premise of DaDBaB and also my wip Memoratorium, albeit approached quite differently. Also another wip which I've basically scrapped bc the premise is pretty close to DaDBaB
I will say this though: I hate hate hate when characters lose memories after the story like ok I guess it didn't matter then? All that growth for nothing? But I like when the characters don't remember the past at the beginning of the story and have to discover it and confront it. yes good
4. Ridiculously large buildings
I just think they're neat! also full of narrative potential. *slaps architectural impossibility* you can fit so many characters in this bad boy
As an example of how far I take this, the entire country of Ciar from Starlight (granted, it's a fairly small island) is technically one interconnected building. (listen. it makes more sense than you think. It's dug down into the ground for the most part rather than built up, and also the island is made of a mineral(?) that they can control with their mind powers. And also there's twice a year there's "bad stormy season" and they don't want to go outside.)
But! Other noteable larger-than-life buildings are the Highking's seat/palace/capital building/monstrosity from DaDBaB and uhhh the Corporation HQ from Memoratorium.
5. Friends to lovers
So like I said I don't write a Ton of romance but I do enjoy it when it fits. DaDBaB is very friends-to-lovers, although there's a lot of...other complicated dynamics in there. The main romance in Starlight-verse is pretty much straight friends to lovers (we don't even get romantic until book 2 bc they're too busy being friends). The romance storyline in Glory (which is not so much a wip as a universe of possibilities that lives in the background of my brain and pays zero rent [read: word count]) is more of what the kids these days call "enemies to lovers" except that they...become friends first, so...
idk actually I think the only other romance storyline I even have is in The Good King, which you could argue also has friends-to-lovers elements, so I guess I'm just predictable like that.
I think it's something about falling in love with someone you already know well? It's just more compelling to me than the more whirlwind-style stuff. Also I've never actually been in love with anyone but I do, you know, have friends, so I think it's just easier for me to imagine? idk I'll stop psychoanalyzing myself now
anyway! tagging @muddshadow @baroquesse @pinespittinink @wri-tten and @hyba to play if you want!
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tobyfoxbutreal · 2 years
Toriel: Well, my child, I’d have to say… well, 80 is nice… and so is purple!
sans undertale: ehh, 1’s nice and short. y’know, like me. and, uhhh… vermillion. ‘s what my bro wears.
yup. color 20.
Undyne: You wanna know MINE?? Well, I like 50. Y’know, right midway. And I, uh.. like yellow. If ya know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Alphys: U-Undyne!! Ehehehe.
A-anywho, I like 50, and am torn between blue and red =^-^=
[my best approximation of] Mettaton: My favorites, darling? Well, if you insist.
255’s an oldie but a goodie, at least according to most computers. And, well…
If you don’t know I like pink, have you even seen my brand, darling?
Asgore: My favorite number and color, eh? Hmm…
Well, 80’s nice, and… vermillion’s calming, like a warm fire in Snowdin.
12th Month: Heh! ‘Course Goopster’s mad.
Anywho, I like 3 and green.
Specifically the green of light tricklin’ through green leaves.
Flowey: YOU of all people? Heh. Well, after being a flower for so long, you begin to not like anything.
But, if ya wanted Azzy’s…
Flowey, mimicking Asriel: Do’h boy! I sure do just love yellow and infinity!
Flowey: Happy?
Frisk: I am naught but a vessel for the player’s actions. I doth not have any opinions other than the ones of those who control me’s.
The First Fallen Human: …
…Brown and 6. Now leave me alone.
That One Talking Rock From The Ruins (AKA Speedrunner’s Bane): Well, I’m partial to purple. ‘S the color of where I spent a lotta my life. Ya don’t just forget that.
And, well… I suppose 20’s nice.
Snowman From Snowdin Forest: White’s really nice. Y’know, color of snow. And, uhh…
3’s nice too.
Jerry: Leave me the hell alone, freak. *crowd boos*
Shopkeeper Bunny (QC): Well, darlin’, if ya ask me, orange’s the best ‘round here. So’s 22, ‘cause it’s the amount my homemade Cinna Bunnies heal!
Politics Bear: Well, I quite like blue. Reminds me both of Snowdin’s ice and Waterfall’s walls.
And hey. 16’s pretty good. I’d say “thaaaaat’s politics”, but it wouldn’t make sense to.
Gerson: Wahaha! You goin’ around askin’ everyone, huh?
Well, a dark blue or indigo’s always nice. 18’s pretty good, too.
T3mMie: hOI hOOmaN! Yoo wANt tO kN0 teM’s FavRIt cOluR N nUBmEr?
TEm Lik BLU adn YELLO, yAyA! BLU andn YELLO coLuR oF TEm Sh0p! T3m aLSo liKE Th0rtY 3!
You better not tell anyone though, capiche?
Mushroom dance, Mushroom dance,
Whatever could it mean?
It means light blue and 66.
Hotdog Harpy *rock guitar plays*: Red and 30!
Red’s the color of hotdogs, and 30’s the headstack limit!
Heats Flamesman: Anywho, yellow and 40. Remember that, ok?
Catty: OMG! I absolutely ADORE purple and 300.
Bratty: OMG, like, I like the same number! I prefer green though.
Kris: …
Susie: Well, if you insist I guess?
Blonde and 14.
Ralsei: I like green, and… well, I don’t have a favorite number, so I suppose it’s whatever you like, haha!
Noelle: W-well, uhm, I like 3, and uh…
Berdly: Well, I like 10 and blue!
Jockington: Well, since you asked, bro.
My faves are 99 and turquoise!
*rock guitar plays Jockington out*
Catti: …
…6.6 repeating.
And black.
Eg: …
Egg(s): …
King: Leave me to myself. I have no reason to speak with you lightners. *crowd boos*
Queen: I Like 11111111 (In Binary Lol) And The Color Blue
Or Whatever The Cyber City’s Color Is Lmao
Lancer: Well, my delicious little worm, I enjoy both 100 AND navy blue!
How’re you gonna counter that, my sweet apple?
[Spangtong]: I [Enjoyable] THE NUMBER [π] AND COLOR [Gray]
Heats Flamesman: Well? Did you remember?
❤️Yes No
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Shortly after asserting N'Kosopa's will against the vindictive Racules and fending away the Bugnarak Empire in Peta, King of Evil Gira and President Yanma Gast are unexpectedly stolen away by God Kamakiri: Guardian Shugod of the Kingdom of Ishabana. Infamous for her lavish lifestyle but beloved by her people as a healer, Ishabana's young Queen Himeno Ran no doubt seeks an audience with the two men. Though her aim is uncertain, she may prove to be an invaluable ally in dethroning Racules and freeing the people of Shugoddam...
...ahem, that is to say... "Let's get this story of ours back on track!"
Spoilers, I guess...
-Sheesh, they should pay me to do these recaps!
-So the story goes!
-Ah, it's...
-Well, it's certainly a pretty place!
-Getting kidnapped by a beautiful girl's gigantic robot mantis god...
-That's how I'd like to be introduced to someone.
-Ah, Yanma seems to know what's up.
-Uhhh, not at all, Your Majesty! We're right as rain, eh Gira?
-Ooooof, shut down.
-Well, to be fair, Gira's a pretty eye catching dude.
-...I won't lie, it'd have been all over for me right then and there.
-Rich, glamorous doctor, patron of the arts, and direct with what she wants?
-AND flower handcuffs!? Oh, Toei, you guys gotta stop reading my search history.
-Soooooo, how we feeling about Zenryoku King? I think it's pretty good, but I'm not quite sure it fits the theming quite yet.
-I absolutely love this opening sequence though, it's so sick looking.
-I love how the team colors just pop out of the grayscale.
-Sentai gets visual flair even if fidelity can be called into question sometimes.
-Holy shit, every Kingdom's in better shape than Shugoddam!
-That motherfucker!
-Kuwagon :)
-I see Gira views his god as his bestie
-"Here I thought you a junkyard dog! Gast, you spineless, simpering purse pup! Have you been so truly whipped that you'd hand over MY God to please a single whim!?"
-"No! ...Nyes :3d"
-Oh, and she's got maids for days!
-"...okay, can he say that in English? Or uh, Japanese I guess... come to think of it, what do the people of Tikyu speak? Galactic Basic?"
...actually, I hear Erica Murakami's got a bit of Canadian in her, would she know English?
-Rainbow Jururira!
-...come to think of it, Gira must be starving. Not only did he just get out of a battle, but he was taken to another country and hung from the ceiling. ...has he eaten today?
-"Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."
-Oooooh, three greater guardians.
-That's a scarab, I'm pretty sure.
-Himeno seems like the kind of person who'd get extremely mad about a typo in chat.
-Hmm... this place reminds me a lot of the Netherlands. ...or I suppose more accurately, the Dutch tulip craze.
-If you don't know what I'm taking about, I insist you do a bit of research on the 17th century's Tulip Mania. It's a hell of a lot like the investment schemes we see nowadays, in terms of how much money was lost and how little we learn from it.
-"Oh God, it's another one... *Sigh* Do I have to depose this one too?"
-"Smash that house!"
-Gira's certainly sticking to his principles. Very based of him.
-Those poor people.
-...Ohhhh, she likes blowing shit up.
-God, she's perfect.
-"...and just as suddenly as it came, it's gone. Let's get outta here."
-Raaaainbow jururira.
-The bugs are fighting!
-Ohhh, it's a soup.
-"Yeah, thanks, whatever."
-"Good work. ...but this ain't the real thing."
-I'm gonna be honest, I haven't the foggiest idea what jururira even is.
-For all I know, it could be like
-Deep fried spaghetti ice cream.
-Okay, that seems like gelatin.
-Man, Yanma's just *deflated*.
-"Hand over the beetle, or you're fired."
-"You be safe now, yeah?"
-Ohhh, poor kid
-Seems like her Dad's really mad.
-And off she goes.
-"Please follow these instructions."
-Man, I'm sad now.
-Queen Himeno's aesthetic sense
-Okay, he just
-I've done a lot of things for cute girls in my short existence, but I don't think roleplaying as a geriatric is one of 'em.
-Oh shit, Bugnarak.
-Who is Queen Himeno Ran, really?
-The people flee!
-Ohgai Busou!
-Help her!
-...oh god, she's covered in shit.
-Take that selfishness to the top, girlie.
-Himeno Ran! Does as she pleases, and pleases as she does!
-Come and Kick It!
-Ohgai Busou!
-Kamakiri Ohger!
-Kamakiri, Kamakiri! Yas Queen!
-Ohh, she's even more beautiful than I could've ever imagined
-She be walkin!
-"You're not nearly enough of a self-centered bitch yet~!"
-"Hahahaha! How obstinate! Verily, your selfishness is a fitting ally for the King of Evil~!"
-Man, that Mantis would bite my head right off...
-King Ohger!
-Oh shit
-...that's two episodes in a row with poop jokes, what the heck.
-"Oh, okay. Zooom."
-Oh okay, that's uh
-An interesting angle.
-Yay, we did it!
-...I've decided that I am now officially a Himeno Ran simp.
-...you could've picked up on context clues, but I figured saying it outright would help.
-"You just let me handle it, yeah?"
-King Dybowski!
-Of Toufu Land!
-Good on ya, lass.
-That's our Queen for you.
-"Shut it boy. I've got a job to do."
-God Kabuto!
-Oh, no time for surgery, it seems!
-Kaguragi Dybowski! What is this Bee Lord after?
-Suppose we'll just have to wait and see now, won't we?
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ay-chuu · 2 years
Hello there! Can I get a twisted wonderland matchup? Starting off with my appearance I'm chubby and 5'1 with long ginger hair. I am a short king :). Regarding mbti I'm an ENTP. Also, with my personality my friends would describe me as "bubbly, weird, smart, honest, and kind". I asked em for traits for random internet quizzes so that's what they told me lol. Despite being a bit of an extrovert I also highly value my alone time to the degree I can become quite introverted. Moving onto hobbies I like playing video games, watching YouTube videos on random topics I'm interested in, listening to music, and reading. My favorite games tend to be RPGs. My fav games are probs Dragon Age, Skyrim, and Tomodachi life. I love to create characters in games and explore, and I especially enjoy building houses in games. Idk why but building houses gives me such joy. My favorite part of Skyrim is unironically the dlc that lets you build a house. I love to build that house and then get a husband and some kids. I consider that my end game goal verses the main quest which I've never actually finished despite putting 200 hours into Skyrim. For movies well I don't rlly watch movies much but my favorite series is probably star wars. Especially the prequels because I enjoy the characters more in those films and all the lore it adds. For music I kinda listen to everything, but my favorite artist is probably Hozier. The only genre I dislike is screamo probs. For things I hate uhhh I guess I dislike bugs, being put under pressure, and small spaces as I'm claustrophobic. Finally, going onto favorite idol I am going to go with a hisotrical example as I also love to learn about hisotry. I have many examples I could pick for figures I admire, but I'll go with a more famous example, Oscar Wilde. Just in case you don't know, Oscar wilde was a famous Irish author and playwright during the late 1800s. He was quite controversial for his opinions on art and morality, and he was a gay man at time where that was illegal. All of this lead up to him eventually getting arrested and jailed. I admire him because he didn't care that society thought he was wrong and immoral, he lived his life and gave his opinions despite it. Anyway that's it thanks!
You're very welcome! (´꒳`)♡
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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ACE TRAPPOLA (pls ignore the gif i only could find that T^T)
I always thought ESFP and ENTP were one of the most compatible couples! Because the feature that some cannot provide against life, the other provides both for theirself and for their partner <3 I think Ace is very supportive in general, but because he is a tsundere, he only clearly shows it to someone he is very close to. he loves your life idol and way of thinking!
You used to make fun of each other a lot at first, but then you suddenly fell in love with each other and Deuce was like "🧍🏻" between you LOL SDFKGLSDFJGLJDF While you liked his secret softness, supportiveness, sincerity and liveliness in general, he loved your intelligence, funnyness, kindness and self-confidence. Opening up to each other was thanks to Deuce, but the moment you did it, you both realized that you both completed each other.
If there is going to be a problem in your relationship, I think it's because Ace is too sarcastic when he's angry sometimes and you can't stand it and annoy him even more with clever answers. Usually this ends in fights and the fights are quite childish. After about a week, even though you miss each other, you can't break your pride. As a result grim and deuce will be together and reconcile you somehow because GOD you are irresistible you love birds LMAO.
Finally, some moments I dream of for you two: Entertaining each other while studying the lessons you have difficulty with, a sweet Ace who tries to comment on what you read to him even if he is not smart enough, you mess up and end up in Crowley's room while trying the action in the youtube video you watched, one of the rare and weird but cute moments you experience expressing your love for each other in words and kissing - grim saw that kiss he says its remains traumatic JKLASDF - and finally, when you realize that you will support each other no matter what in your life, you hold your hands tighter and look at each other and smile <3
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