#i’ve said some RANCID things loud as hell in dining halls
bright-and-burning · 6 months
keep forgetting my experiences aren’t universal… at my core i am just a grimy zoomer who spent college in essentially a co-ed frat. and that is Not the norm 😔
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just-jordie-things · 5 years
We Make a Pretty Pair - Nicholas Scratch
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word count: 3529 warnings: none I think summary: the only thing that scares (y/n) is her unknown feelings for Nick, and his well known feelings for her
(y/n) finished drawing the circle on the floorboards in her room with chalk, sealing the symbol and smiling proudly at the perfect shape she’d made.  Normally, she wouldn’t be summoning demons and trapping them there in her room, but there was a bit of a situation that she needed to take care of tonight.
Sabrina Spellman, with her newly white hair and a nervous look on her face, was sitting on her bed, wringing her hands together as she watched her friend finish the emblem.
“You think it’ll work?” She hummed, feeling too awkward to raise her voice to anything above a whisper.
“You can talk normally,” She responded, a slight smirk on her face as she held her hand out to the witch.  “I’m gonna need your help reciting this”
She nodded, taking your hand as (y/n) pulled out the book of conjuring and banishing.  It was a notebook she’d written in herself, everything she’d learned and wanted to learn, written neatly on the pages.
“Wow,” Sabrina said under her breath, and (y/n) smiled a bit sheepishly.  “Did you learn all these yourself?”
“Some of them,” (y/n) answered a small smile on her lips.  “Some that I haven’t tried yet, some that Nick gave me” Sabrina gave (y/n) a look, a slight smile on her lips.
It was quiet between them as she found the right page, and pointed to Sabrina the words they needed to recite in order to conjure who Sabrina was looking for.
“Ready?” (y/n) asked, her own voice now as quiet as Sabrina’s, and her eyes looked into hers with absolute seriousness, relieved to find that Sabrina seemed absolutely certain.
Sabrina gave a curt nod, squeezing her hand, before they both began to recite the conjuring spell.
In a flash, three disgusting figures made an appearance in the figure on the floor, snarling and glaring at the witches in front of them.
Sabrina and (y/n’s) hands remained bonded.
“Asmodeus, Purson, and Beezlebub, demons of flies, vermin, and shadow,” (y/n) called, her voice loud and clear as she looked them each in the eye.  Sabrina couldn’t help but think that she was fearless in this moment.  “We’ve called on you to ask who summoned you, and gave you the orders to hunt Sabrina Spellman”
“We will not answer to the likes of witches” Purson snarled.
“Half witch” Beezlebub growled.
“Quia clauditis,” (y/n) snapped out a latin phrase, one Sabrina hadn’t heard before, but assumed it was shut up, seeing as the Lord of Vermin shut his trap.  “Now, we want our answer”
“I am under no obligation to tell you,” Asmodeus spoke now.  “And even if we wanted to… we’re under strict orders not to”
“Strict orders?” Sabrina spoke.  “You were spelled not to say anything?”
The demon with flies buzzing around him nodded, and Sabrina swore to herself.  (y/n) squeezed her and assuring her that they would still get to the bottom of this.
“We shall not let the half-witch ascend” Beezlebub grunted.
“Her blood is dirty” Spoke Purson.
“Her existence is wrong” Asmodeus finished.
“That’s enough” (y/n) asserted, finally releasing her hand from Sabrina’s.  With a look to her, she silently asked if she was ready to send them back to the Pit.  Sabrina nodded, her eyes sad, and a scowl on her lips.
She put her fist to the palm of her other hand, staring down the first demon.  “Asmodeus, I banish you”
WIth a flash, he disappeared, leaving his two brothers.
“Purson,” (y/n) moved her hands again, “I banish you”
Beezlebub, the last remaining demon, stared at her threateningly, a growl coming from his rancid self before she banished him as well.
The witches stood there for a moment in silence, staring at the place the Kings of Hell had just been, before looking to each other.
“I’m sorry Brina, I really thought it would-”
The white haired girl cut her off, stepping forward and hugging her tightly.
“Thank you, (y/n)” She told her before stepping back again.  “It means so much to me that you would do this”
(y/n) nodded, looking at her sincerely.  “Of course,” She said.  “Nothing like a little law breaking to kick off the morning”
Sabrina giggled softly, collecting her bag and slipping on her shoes.
“Really though, let me know if you need help with anything else, I’d be glad too.  More than glad, even” She wandered to her closet to grab her own shoes, muttering a spell that brushed her hair clean of tangles.  “I have to get going, I’m supposed to meet Nick for breakfast”
Sabrina nodded with a grin spreading across her red painted lips.  “Like a date?”
“Oh, no, Nick and I are just friends,” (y/n) explained like it was obvious.  She gathered her spellbooks in her bag.  “We have been since I started coming here” She added, a lively smile on her lips as Sabrina stalled by the door to listen some more.
“He’s the one that taught you how to deal with demons like that, isn’t he?” She asked, and (y/n) nodded her head from side to side.
“More or less,” She answered.  “He definitely has rubbed off on me though”
“Can I ask you something? Kinda… personal?” Sabrina asked, and (y/n) nodded, brows knitting together.
“Yeah, sure, what is it?”
“Do you… trust him? You know after all that stuff with the Weird Sisters he just seems… I can’t find the right words I’m sorry-”
“No, I know what you mean,” (y/n) said carefully.  “I do, trust him,” She told her.  “It took a while, if I’m being honest,”
The girls walked out of the room together, (y/n) locking up as they wandered through the halls of the Academy of the Unseen Arts.
“But he proved himself, time and time again, and we’ve been so close for so long now I… I couldn’t imagine not having him in my life.  He’s my best friend, and most trusted confidant”
“That’s sweet.  I’m surprised you two haven’t ended up together”
“I hear that a lot,” (y/n) chuckled.  “One time an underclassman witch came up to me to tell me how lucky I am that I have Nicholas Scratch on my arm” Sabrina giggled.
“They must all be incredibly jealous of you, (y/n)” Sabrina mused.  (y/n) looked over at her with a slight smirk on her lips as she casually shrugged a shoulder.
“It is amusing, but it gets tiring after a while.  You’d be surprised how many witches have weakly threatened me”
They came up on the grand dining room, where Nick was sat at his and (y/n’s) usual table, reading something.  But he still caught sight of her walking in, and she waved towards him before turning to bid farewell to Sabrina.
“Remember to come to me if you need to,” She said, taking her hands.  “My door is always open for you”
“And mine to you,” Sabrina agreed with a bright smile.  “Or just if you want to cause some heavenly chaos, or for coffee”
“You’re wicked, Sabrina Spellman” (y/n) winked, before saying goodbye and heading over to Nick while Sabrina went back to her own room.
The warlock looked at her questioningly, closing his book and setting it aside to give her all of his attention.
“What was that all about?” He asked her.
“Sabrina and I had some demons to summon and banish” She answered more nonchalantly than the average person would have.  Not that see was average, not even for a witch.
“Conjuring? At nine in the morning?” He asked with hilarity in his tone.  “Well aren’t you a busy witch?”
“I keep myself occupied,” She replied.  “Did you order-?”
“Already have, your favorite, by the way” He said smugly.
“Oh? And that would be…?”
He gave his answer, that proud smirk still stuck on his face.  (y/n) quirked an eyebrow, almost testing him, but smiled as she shook her head and decided against it.
“Lucky guess” She thought aloud.
“Perhaps, or perhaps I just know you that well,” He said, and his smirk only seemed to widen.  “Anyways, how did the banishing go, were you direct like I said?”
“Absolutely.  I’m not sure I’ve ever been so assertive in my life” She answered with a slight laugh.
“I’m certain it was a sight to see,” Nick said.  “Had I been invited, I’m certain I would have been proud.  But, I wasn’t invited”
“Are you jealous of me conjuring without you?” (y/n) teased, a large grin on her face.  Nick rolled his eyes, and was lucky that there food appeared in front of them from the magic waitstaff.
“Ah, perfect timing,” He said with a sly grin, making (y/n) shake her head before beginning to eat.  “I heard a rumor that the Weird Sisters are seeing someone new”
(y/n) hummed, pretending to be too focused on cutting a piece of her breakfast to show any more interest.
“Well I thought you’d find that more interesting, striking, seeing as the last time they were all involved with someone-”
“-it was you?” (y/n) finished for him, holding up her fork as she spoke, a piece of chocolate.  “Yes, fascinating, truly” She added dryly.
Nick rose his brows, abandoning his food as he folded his hands on top of the table, leaning forward as he watched her, rather aggressively, eat.
“Is everything alright, (y/n)?”
“Oh, absolutely, this is delicious” She answered, avoiding what he’d truly meant.
“Right,” He said unsurely, watching her carefully as she avoided his eyes.  “Are you sure, though? You seem… off” He asked again, much slower this time.  (y/n’s) eyes snapped up to his, stalling in her movements in cutting up more of her food.
“Absolutely” She repeated, a grand, fake smile on her lips.  “Would I lie to you, Nicholas?”
“Yes, on numerous occasions, (y/l/n).  You told me you didn’t spike my drink-”
“Well, you needed to lighten up, I did you a favor”
“Just a month ago you told me you wouldn’t get involved with the Greendale Thirteen and then you show up at that mortal boy’s home-”
“-to protect you, and Greendale,” (y/n) corrected.  “I’ve only ever lied to you for your own good, truly” She told him with a shrug of her shoulder.
“And so are you lying now?”
Her eyes narrowed a bit at him, before she set her fork down calmly and grabbed her purse.
“I almost forgot, I have a study session” She told him, and Nick’s head shook, confused.  She’d told him just last night she was free all morning to have breakfast with him.
“(y/n), what the Heaven is going-”
“Lanuae magicae” She muttered, her hands crossing over themselves, ring fingers curled and in an instant, she’d teleported away.
Nick cursed, slamming his own fork down, before taking his book and storming away from the commissary.
“Satan below!” (y/n) cursed when she couldn’t scrub away some of the white chalk that covered her floorboards.  If any higher witch or warlock were to see this, she’d likely be suspended for conjuring without warrant.
It took three different incantation attempts to get it to go away.  And when it finally did, she wanted to collapse of absolute fatigue.  It was the middle of the afternoon, and yet, she was convinced she could go to bed right at this moment.
She settled for resting and reading in a new book, that she’d found, coincidentally, in a mortal bookshop, in the town of Greendale.  It was a history, of sorts.  Witch history.
She was just starting to get into the Salem Witch Trials, eager and awake again with excitement for the story, but there was a knock on the door.
She rolled her eyes, leaving her book open on her bed to go open the door.
He looked nice, wearing a black button down and slacks, his hair all curly and pretty looking, and-
“Hey,” He greeted as mellow as he could, but of course she saw right through it.  She knew him better than anybody.  “Are you busy?”
(y/n) looked back at her book, then back to him.  “Yeah” She answered bluntly.
“Too busy to… go into Greendale with me?” He asked.  He looked nervous, but there was still a smile on his face.  “Maybe to that weird diner?”
“Nick I’m kind of in the middle of-”
“(y/n),” He stepped forward, taking her hands in his, making her look down at them, then back to him in surprise.  “I want to take you… on a date…” He trailed off, hoping she would say something.  But she blinked, staring at him owlishly, and silently.  “(y/n)?”
“Nicholas… I-I… I don’t know what to say,” She stammered, still staring at him.  Her hands, which were still in his, absolutely stiff.  “I don’t, um, I don’t… feel that way… for you” She mumbled.
Nick’s brows drew together as his lips pulled into a foolish smile.  He didn’t believe her.
“(y/n), we both know-”
“Don’t, Nick” She said seriously, she blinked a few times, willing away the tears that were pricking her eyes.  He let go of her hands, just to cup them around her face, smiling down at her.
“We both know,” He repeated.  “You and I? We’re something… and I want to know what”
“No, Nick, I can’t” Her voice was failing her.
“I’m in love with you”
She sniffled slightly, shutting her eyes so that she didn’t have to look at him.
“Don’t pretend that you don’t feel the same way”
Her inhale of breath was shaky, desperate not to begin to cry.
“I-I can’t Nick, okay? I can’t, and that’s it”
His features fell, once hopeful, now at a loss for words.  For a moment there, he’d thought he’d had her, thought he’d convinced her.  She finally opened her eyes, tearful and disappointed.
“You should go,” (y/n) mumbled, taking his wrists, and pulling his hands off her face.  “I… I have reading to do…” She stepped back into her room, while Nick still stood in the hall, looking hopeless, and confused.
“You’re lying to yourself, and I know that” He told her, and she could hear the heartbreak in his voice.
“Bye, Nick” She whispered, before shutting the door.
Once she knew he was gone, and couldn’t hear her, she began to weep quietly.  Curling back up in bed and forgetting about the Salem Witch Trials.
“Would you mind if I sit with you?”
Sabrina looked up from her notebook, the quick writing she was doing stalling when she saw (y/n) standing there, lunch in hand.  Something was wrong.
“Of course,” The white haired witch answered.  “You’d be the first to ask in a long time”
(y/n) chuckled faintly, but it was forced, and painful.  She sat down, barely making eye contact, and barely picking at her food.
“Is something going on with Nicholas?” Sabrina asked.
“You can tell?”
The white haired witch winced and nodded.  “You look pretty shaken up, and you always sit with him… and… there’s a mascara stain under your eye there”
(y/n) quickly took the sleeve of her black dress and wiped it away, before laughing bitterly.
“Yeah… I guess it’s obvious” She muttered, staring down at the lunch she knew that she wouldn’t even touch.
“What happened? Just yesterday you guys were… having breakfast”
“He… he loves me,” She whispered, and Sabrina looked shocked, but there was a smile on her face.  “He said he was in love with me”
“(y/n/n), that’s wonderful,” She spoke dreamily.  “What the Heaven happened?”
“I-” (y/n) couldn’t get herself to form the right words, and she began to feel her throat burn and tighten.  “I was scared”
The word came out in a whimper, and (y/n) held a hand over her mouth.  Sabrina reached over the table and took her other hand.
“Scared? Of what?” Sabrina asked.  “Of Nick?”
“Of not being enough,” (y/n) explained.  “After his involvement with the Sisters I just… I don’t know how I could ever… I just don’t think I could…” As she trailed off, she stared downwards at the table.  “I don’t think I could be enough for him”
“Oh, (y/n),” Sabrina sighed, taking both her hands and holding them tightly.  “I’m absolutely, positively sure that that is simply not true,” She argued.  “If he loves you, truly, completely, then you will be more than enough, and no one else would even come close, even make him question how much you mean to him”
It was a lot to take in, but (y/n) nodded, albeit unsurely.
“Look, (y/n), even if you don’t believe that, I’ve seen you two together.  There’s no denying that there’s something between you, it’s almost palpable, the bond you share”
(y/n) was quiet, but nodded again.
“I think you should talk to him” She suggested softly.
“I don’t think I could.  I made a fool of myself, Sabrina, and forced him away,” She admitted weakly.  “I would surely just upset him, if not myself-”
“Try,” Sabrina pressed on.  “Just try, what’ve you to lose?”
“Well, nothing, now” She muttered back.
“Then you must try, he’s hurting too”
(y/n) quickly composed herself, wiping at her eyes and steadying her breathing until her throat no longer burned.  Sabrina was right, she did need to try.  Nick was important to her, and enough so that she needed to fight for.
“Nicholas!” She was pounding on his door, even though he was probably asleep, and she was probably waking up each dorm in the hall, but she didn’t really care.  “Nicholas Scratch if you don’t open the door I’ll just teleport inside!”
The door finally opened, and boy, did he look more of a mess than she’d ever seen.  His hair was a mess, his eyes were red like he’d been crying, and there were wrinkles in his usually nice and pressed black shirt.
“To be truthful, which I wasn’t before,” (y/n) began to speak before she could get swallowed up by nerves.  “I was scared.  You-you terrified me, and I’ve never felt that way before, about anything, much less anyone”
Nick just looked dazed as he spoke, “You’re scared of me?”
“No,” (y/n) answered in a breath, a smile pulling on her lips.  “I was scared of not being enough, Nick, I was scared of you realizing that at some point, I just won’t suit you anymore, and you’ll want to move on to someone better, prettier, more powerful.  I was scared you would wind up leaving me for the Weird Sisters, or someone else, I don’t know,”
She was rambling now, desperate to tell him everything, all at once, even if it was jumbled and didn’t make sense.
“My point is, I lied, and I was pretending not to feel anything.  The truth is I do have feelings for you, Heaven, I love you too, Nick, and I was afraid I’d lose you if I acted on it-”
“(y/l/n), you’re a fool,” He told her, tugging her inside and shutting the door, practically cornering her against it.  “You’re an absolute fool, you think I could ever leave you? Even if I did go looking for someone better, I’d die a lost and idiotic man, because it doesn’t exist”
A breath of a laugh passed her lips as she smiled up at him, glorious tears in her eyes as he took her face in his hands, just like he had a few days ago when he’d begged her to admit the truth.  She knew now that she really was  fool to let him walk away.
“If I’m a fool you’re a hopeless romantic, Nicholas Scratch” She murmured as she looked up at him.  He grinned down at her, thumbs stroking along her cheekbone as his eyes searched hers, only to find joy and love.
Without further hesitation, he leaned down and collided their lips in a fiery kiss of sheer passion and lust.  (y/n’s) arms wound around his neck to keep her grounded as she kissed him back, before Nick lifted her up by her hips, making her wrap her legs around his hips as he pressed her against the door to keep their faces level.  She smiled at him for only a short moment as they caught their breath, and the next kiss he gave her was soft, and sweet.
“I’m not leaving you, (y/l/n),” He murmured against her lips as he carried her away from the door.  “You’re not losing me”
She felt him lay her down onto the bed gently, before roaming over her, hands on either side of her head, one leg between hers and the other on the other side.  She smiled up at him, nervously, lovingly.
“I would hope not” She whispered, before taking his chin in her hand and pulling his lips down to meet hers once more.
taglist: @reblogserpent @strawberryfields-forever
xoxo ~ jordie
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