#i'd also take freddie in a pinch
jcams88 · 8 months
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I mean this was just MASTERFULLY done. 10/10. No notes.
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misshoneyimhome · 3 months
Hi there! I’m jumping in as pinch hitter for the luck of the puck fic exchange, so I hope you don’t mind a few questions!!
1) do you definitely still want a fic for Freddie? Or are you open to nico or quinn from your list? I’m happy either way, just wanted to open up options!
2) I’m happy to write an OC, so is there anything you’d like to see in them? Pronouns? Any defining features? Etc?
3) are there any songs you’re really loving right now?
4) is there anything else at all you’d love to see? Can be as random/niche as you’d like!!
Looking forward to writing for you!!
Well hello there! So lovely to hear from you 🤗
Hope everything's going alright with you, and so amazing you had the time to jump in 🤍
Alrighty so,
Well, I always enjoy anything with Freddie, but I also know that not everyone enjoys writing for him, so if you're more comfortable with Nico, then def go for him 😊 I'd love both - Quinn I wouldn't mind either, but truth be told, I don't really follow much about him
Pronouns as in she/her? I'm open to anything, but personally, I'm she/her and usually always use that myself 🤍 For defining features, I don't have any specifics - I usually use a blonde character myself, but that's usually because well I am blonde (I know not very creative 🙈) and/or short, slightly fit character, who enjoys taking care of themselves - does that make sense?
Oh, that's a tough one - because yes, but there are so many 🙈 What I currently find inspiring/enjoyable could be; "Red" by Taylor S. ; "Pointless" by Lewis Capaldi ; "Like a Prayer" by Madonna - I apologise if it's lame 🤍
Another tough one; Well, I always enjoy when the OC is a little socially awkward, but in a funny way - like they are very liked by others because they're just being themselves and saying things without thinking - like if they're flirting, they don't know they're flirting, they're just trying to be nice - does that make sense? And a good friends to lovers is always a great one - however, considering that I usually don't write many enemies to lovers, that could be an option? 😉
I truly hope it helps! I'm very excited to see what you'll create, and no matter what I'm sure it's going to be great 🤍
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Pokes you for Freddy and Bonnie animalisms
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Here’s a cat, as a bribe
Okay so. Freddy's animalisms are based on what I know about grizzly bears (which is a little limited there's literally no bears in my country so take his side of this with a pinch of salt) and Bonnie is based on a mixture of wild and domestice rabbits. Most of this will be under a cut as it goes on a bit and because I'm not an asshole. Anyway
Freddy is pretty naturally solitary. He likes his own company and honestly, the constant hustle and bustle of the Plex during the day grinds his gears some days. He's very protective of kids, mostly the younger ones with his protective nature dwindling the older they are. This means that by the time they're in their mid-teens, Freddy has very little protective instincts towards them. The same can be said about new additions to the Pizzaplex animatronic team. When someone's new, he like to make sure they stay out of trouble and once they're a bit more familiar with things, he takes a step back. When he's satisfied they're comfortable in the Plex, he drops them like a stone and it's like starting over again with him, but instead of Tutorial Freddy, they get Regular Freddy. As far as I can tell, grizzlies aren't the most territorial (again, bear knowledge isn't exactly common place here and DuckDuckGo is only so helpful) so I would say he's not too bothered if any of the others enters Fazerblast uninvited. That being said, Roxy entering uninvited gets to him greatly and you can attribute a little bit of that to the animalisms given how bears and grey wolves interact in the wild.
More generally, Freddy likes to climb things on occasion and likes to scratch things that aren't important or that are given to him to scratch. He enjoys chillin' in the waters of Gator Golf with Monty and Chica quite a lot and he charges much more frequently through the day during the winter months. He can roar if he so chooses - an extremely rare occasion - and unlike a real bear, his ears can be quite expressive.
Honestly, as far as animalisms causing problems for them goes, he's not too horribly affected at all. Maybe some minor inconveniences here and there but he's otherwise good, I'd say.
Now, Bonnie is pretty social, though he prefers smaller groups to bigger ones. He's naturally more of a drifter, able to move very comfortably between different friendship groups a lot easier than the others might be. His ears are super expressive if its mechanically possible, he has the unique quirk of his nose being super twitchy too. He's pretty fast and can be naturally very unpredictable which is most noticeable in games like Fazerblast. One minute he's speeding one way and the next he's covered as much ground in the opposite direction. When he's exceptionally irritated, he stamps his feet a lot, though he does it when he's particularly excited about things as well. At this point, it's manifesting as a stim for him. Unfortunately, being bunny coded, he can be quite jumpy and less chill than he'd otherwise be and he really feels he drew the short straw with this.
He likes digging and scratching around at times and does this little bunny purring thing when he's particularly content or when he's being given ear scritches. He'll growl if really pushed and he's not the most welcoming to newcomers at all. Did you know rabbits honk when excited? Well now you know what Bonnie sounds like when he's excited about something. He also likes chillin' in enclosed spaces and he's got a bit of a chewing stim going on. He can be a bit territorial at times and doesn't appreciate any of the other animatronics showing up in Bonnie Bowl unannounced. Touch his nose and he'll get really fuckin' mad. Outside of that, he's down to play basically any game you throw at him, and when he's being physically affectionate, he usually defaults to nuzzling and laying his chin on top of others. He's also very quick to offer comfort when someone is in distress, and finds it very easy to put any differences aside to do that.
He doesn't struggle too bad with his animal side but he does get frustrated with it at times, especially when it's making him skittish, or when he's struggling to accept a new animatronic into the group that he feels he's starting to like. It can be a bit of a pain honestly
That's what I have for those two right now. It's all subject to change should I learn more about either animal but until then, this is what I've got for them. Enjoy buuud!
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gastcrrific · 5 years
fifth member - chapter 2: doing alright
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a/n: okay we're gonna step up the game here.... a bit more detail to the reader will also be revealed! this chapter could just be a filler and will be mostly(?) consisting of y/n and deaky.
disclaimer: history itself is connected but they're not really precise! what would be true will be the more known events (i.e. rainbow '74, live aid, some various anecdotes, etc. etc.)
contains: something soft? freddie being the biggest wingman ever
૮ɦαρƭε૨ 2: ∂σเɳɠ αℓ૨เɠɦƭ
Waking up earlier before the sun is always a surreal experience. Consistently, you're awake before Deaky. You would occasionally pull out your sketchbook and draw out the view by outside of your flat when the sun starts peeking.
You were a major in arts and design, as you also loved working with colors. It was painful to not encounter your best friend much often in class since he studied in electrical engineering, knowing that you won't do well with it.
Pouring yourself a cup of tea, you set it by your table in front of your bed, which was right by a window capturing the usual view.
You flip through the pages of your sketchbook, contently observing each work that you have done. You get to the recent page, and it made you tug a small smile.
It was a drawing of you and Deaky sitting on a bench, looking at the stars. You bit your bottom lip gently, doubting that the scenario will ever happen.
Out of every sketch you've done, you never showed him that.
Softly sighing, you shook your head and flipped to a new blank page and roughly sketched the street.
Some time passed, the sun has finally come to say hi, and you hear John yawning which made you look back at the sight of him stretching his whole body. "Morning, Deaks." You smiled at him, finished with your sketch, as you closed the book. You stood up to help him get rid of his sleepy phase.
He nodded as he has a soft grin on his face, standing up carefully to hug you. Taken aback, you gave in and buried your face in his chest, the smile never leaving your faces. Even though he was shirtless, your cheeks warmed up red but John never suspected it. His hearty sigh made you a soft mess, as he rested his chin on your head.
Later it felt like a good 2 minutes or so, both of you parted away and smiled stupidly at each other.
"That felt nice... thanks for the booster, Y/N." He ruffled your H/C hair which made you pout. Your eyes follow him to the small kitchen as he pulled out 2 pairs of bread to toast. "I suppose you haven't took breakfast yet?" You shook your head no, arms crossed. "I wouldn't risk burning the flat down even if we're already moving to Freddie's." You sat back down on the seat you've previously taken. You didn't do well on cooking, but there's always a place for practice. Deaky chuckled, finally finished preparing the meal.
He placed two glasses of water and the plate of cheese on toast by your table and grabbed a piece. You followed and did the same. The two of you were discussing about when will you pack and move to Freddie's flat, along with some various topics as well.
After completing your breakfast, you stood up and took the plate and glasses to the sink to wash it. This time, John followed, resting his hand on the counter as he watched you. Without hesitation he began, "Have you ever fancied someone yet?" his tone was timid, and his eyes were focused on the floor now.
The question caught you off guard, which made you space out for a second. You finish washing the dishes, you turned off the faucet and turned to face him.
"I'm sorry, B, I shouldn't have asked–"
"No, no, Deaks, it's okay..."
Gently, you brought your hand up to trace his jawline to his chin, using your index and middle finger before tilting his head to have him focus on you. Your cheeks once again got heated up, from both his flustered expression and his bare look. The silence went on for a few moments.
You whispered sincerely, "...I'm not seeing anyone else at the moment.."
Deaky nods while he's lost in your E/C orbs, suddenly caressing your cheek. By every second, the two of you inch closer, lips nearly connecting.
But before you knew it, the telephone from the bedside table rang which made the both of you turned your heads towards the alarming object.
"Maybe another time we can... discuss this, John. I'll go get the phone." You anxiously bit your lip, rushing to answer it.
He sighed and closed his eyes in relief, nodding with a small hum as he pursed his lips.
Your fingers met playing with the cord, as you answer, "Hello, this is Y/N."
"Hey there darling! It's Freddie, I was just wondering when will you and Deaky are coming here."
"Oh! Um," You stalled and looked at your best friend to ask when. Making eye contact, he quickly inspected the wall clock, reading 6:58 AM.
"Tell him that we'll go at 7:30, we still have to pack, right?" You replied with a nod, passing the message to the lead singer. On the other side of the line he agreed and bid farewell, you did the same.
Deaky threw a shirt with a brown leather jacket on, he had already brought out your and his bags, also packing his own clothes together with other necessities. You followed and eventually complete the task.
Taking a glance at the clock again, it reads 7:25 AM.
With your friend wearing his bag and his instrument case, you made sure the two of you are ready to go.
The walk to the flat was only 5 minutes away.
"Have you written your first song yet?" You try to break the tension. John shook his head no with a small 'mm-mm', "Still haven't thought about it... How about you?"
You shook your head no too. "I don't have a single idea for it. Maybe someday, we both will..." He agreed.
Finally arriving at the destination, you gently knock the wooden door and it had opened by itself to reveal the magnificent Freddie Mercury.
Flashing a grin, he greeted, "There you are two! Come on in, dears, I'll show you 'round." You and Deaky smiled back as you set your feet inside his neat, welcoming flat. It was only the three of you present, no Roger or Brian just yet. After it had been a moment, you have gotten to the spare room.
"This is the only vacant room I have, so darlings I hope you can agree to share the bed." Freddie teased as you all went inside, which resulting John to blush, unable to protest. Luckily you immediately confirmed, "We'll manage, Freddie! Don't pinch on our noses like that!" The singer finally went off to mind his own business, leaving the two of you with a cocky smirk.
Completing several minutes of unpacking, you flop down on the nice, fluffy bed, which made your body bounce a bit. Your friend finished a minute late, though he asked, "Do you want me to ask him when are the other two coming over?" Thankful for his politeness, you nod your head yes with a small smile plastered on your face.
A few seconds passed and he came back in, he announced "They'll be here at dinner onwards." You replied with a hum, adjusting yourself in bed. The time on the clock caught your eye, which read 7:42. "Don't you wanna lie down and rest? We did woke up real early..." You suggested, now lying on your side.
"Actually yeah, I'd love to." He removed his jacket and switched to a more comfortable attire before joining in with you. The size of the bed was perfect and had enough room to possibly cuddle.
With the weird tension flaming up again, Deaky shyly asked,
"Are you okay with cuddles, Y/N...?"
Your eyes widened yet answered with a gentle, quiet tone, "Of course the hell I am! How on earth I wouldn't love 'em?" He happily laughs, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. You did the same as you buried your face in his chest and giggled.
This was the first time you two slept together in one bed since 17 years.
Your eyes got heavier, though you let yourself fall to sleep. John was still awake, playing with your hair carefully. Later on, he whispered his thoughts out loud, but not loud enough to wake you up.
"I really wish you're mine and I'm yours, B. But I'm just a coward to tell you..."
"You're precious, you mean so much to me..."
"...That's why I love you so much. I mean it."
He continued fiddling with your H/C locks, as his mood was blue.
Suddenly the room's door creaked open, revealing a curious, yet concerned Freddie. "Is she asleep?"
Deaky nods, pursing his lips, keeping his eye fixated on you.
Freddie sneaks quietly over to him, "Do you love her?" He nods again with a hum. "You should tell her someday." John sighs, "If only I can..."
"She loves you, dear. Believe me, John."
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