#i'd be eating pizza everyday
whoisspence · 2 months
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the pizza delivery guy is kinda cute ngl
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fitgirlfemdom · 6 months
✧∘* ✧・゚bigger guys✧∘* ✧・゚
you meet me at the gym. maybe i caught your eye from the squat rack or maybe you watched as a downed a bottle of water during a break. it doesn't matter--we get to talking. eventually, you realize, i come to that gym everyday, and soon we get to exchanging numbers. i come across as this demure, young cardiobunny with a bit of an obsession for you, and maybe you're just looking to score.
it doesn't matter. i tell you that i like bigger guys. you ask me about my opinion of you, and i suggest that you could eat a few more calories. after all, it's bulking season. you don't really think that your 10% body fat is gonna maintain all the way to summer, do you? i suggest a mass gainer shake brand, and although you forget most of our conversation, on your way home, you couldn't help but stop by a grocery store and pick some up.
that's when i start asking you about it. i recommend, after our respective work-outs when we're downing out protein shakes, you take your mass gainer at the same time. it's efficiency, after all. you say you want to ease into it, but after meeting my eyes as the bottle touches your lips, something changes in you.
i go to the gym everyday, and when i see you enter, i ask about the shakes. you did bring some with you, right? you won't get any gains if you don't eat right after! didn't you know that? and that brand isn't even that good anyway. who told you to get that? let's head to your place after--i'll show you how to make a real shake.
that's when it becomes a daily routine--well, it started to, before your lethargy got to you. post-workout, i'd head over and whip up something special for you--gobs of peanut butter, mass gainer, heavy cream, protein powder, the works--all in the comfort of your own blender. you start to question if all of this is really necessary, but i did tell you big guys were better, and are you gonna tell me i'm wrong? look at you. don't get self-deprecating now. i like how much you've gained!
the daily work-out dates turn to me seeing you after, crashed out on the couch. you head to the gym a few times a week, but not as commonly as before. you've just been so tired lately, i get it. rest days are even more important for recovery, though. it's doctors' orders-you need more sleep, and you need more shakes. when you're not ordering DoorDash, i'm the one cooking for you. a shake goes with every meal--it's mandatory. and you love it. they taste good! why think so hard about it when i'm smiling when you do it?
in fact, going to the gym at all is just cutting down the muscle you already have, don't you know that? you need some time to regain mass. you might as well quit your job--it's so demanding, isn't it? i could support both of us easily, and why would i want you to risk burning more calories out and about? it'd be much easier for you to sit on the couch and regroup, watch some TV, watch some porn, and eat.
you quit your job, because it's sucked the soul out of you, honestly. you've moved in with me, because there's no reason to live separately when we spend all our time together. you can't go five minutes without one of my shakes or my meals, after all. you're honestly a real glutton now, if i'm being honest. whenever i return from my daily gym visit, i make sure to bring you plenty of take-out, or three pizzas, or a few Subway footlongs, just to make sure you're well-fed. you've added probably 100lbs of mass at this point. it'd be a shame for all that hard work to go to waste.
you barely move from the couch, and i think it's starting to get to you. your gym buddies are all wondering what happened, and you can barely get the strength to sit-up by yourself, but that mental turmoil seems to dissipate when you're eating. it just tastes too good, doesn't it, baby? you're so full, but you love when i bring a fork to your lips, or a slice of pizza to your mouth. you love when i nod affirmatively, smiling as i watch you down another one of my shakes.
you especially love when i ride you. all those past memories, memories of athletic prowess, of high school cheerleaders, of locker room chats, all seem to fade away. the rush of a new PR, the delight in pumping iron, it's all gone. you spread your thick, plumped-out thighs outward and i straddle you as the TV plays. it's hard to get a good hold on your cock with that gut in the way, but you're so hard, so needy, so hot--i plunge myself on it right away. you feel my tight, toned body squeeze the life out of you, hearing the wet slaps of your balls on my defined, perky ass. you might not be able to move as well now, but i certainly can. i'm the tightest you've ever had, and my tits are pressed up against your face.
you're sweating, and you're not even moving. well, not intentionally, anyway. your tits are bouncing more than mine, let's be honest. everything about me is perky and defined, firm--even my ribs are apparent. but you? you're a pig. your moans almost sound like oinks, that's how much pressure you've put on your body. you stare up at me riding your cock, and because of your porn-rotten brain and how pathetic you are, you cum almost immediately, like always. doesn't matter. i give you a hearty dose of Viagra with your mass gainer shake after, and i use your cock for the next few hours. i get horny after the gym, what can i say?
you've blown at least four loads into my wet cunt at this point, and although my stamina hasn't faltered, you're completely spent. your cock is so overstimulated, you wince at the slightest touch. i know this, baby, and i care about you so much, so i make sure i've licked every inch of it clean. i stare up at you from this angle, but i can barely see your face behind your gut. you've really let yourself go, haven't you? you're shaking, overfed, overstimulated, bound to this couch under your own poor decisions. why even leave the house? they're all just gonna make fun of you. you think your gym buddies won't have a few choice words to say about you when you make your return?
you don't care about this, about any of this. your brain is so melted from the constant dopamine, the constant pleasure, that you've lost all self-awareness. your daily schedules consists of cable TV, countless hours of porn and touching your pathetic cock, and, of course, eating everything in sight. you're a complete degenerate, but you're my complete degenerate.
i did tell you i liked bigger guys.
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extra-stout-stories · 5 months
(In response to this ask for "a short story about a feedee becoming increasingly out of shape as they gain.")
I can't believe I've done this to myself.
I always wanted to lose weight. At least I thought I did. For as long as I can remember, I've been fat. And the world has never been kind to fat people.
Okay, there was a part of me that secretly liked it. A part of me that didn't mind the stares and the insults and the teasing. A part of me that even got a little excited by the thought that I was the biggest person in gym class, so soft and heavy that just a single lap on the track would leave me breathless and bright red. After all, my favorite hobbies were all sedentary ones. And I loved food. It's no wonder I was fat. It's no wonder I was fat and soft and out of shape, when my favorite thing to do on a Friday evening was beach myself in front of my computer with a six-pack of soda, a large pizza and a bag of candy.
But I did what I was supposed to do. I ran and stretched and lifted and sweated. I counted calories and tried to resist the things I knew I wasn't supposed to eat.
I did these things, but they never took. Exercise was so boring and uncomfortable. Sticking to a routine was so difficult. And there were so many foods to try… I could "waste" an entire week's work in the gym in a meal or two, if I let myself eat the things I really wanted. Maybe I'd lose five or ten pounds here and there. Maybe once every few years I'd manage to drop twenty or thirty. But they always came back, and more pounds came with them.
And I secretly liked that, too.
When everyday tasks started getting difficult, I took that as a sign that I needed to turn my life around. I shouldn't be getting winded tying my shoes, I thought. I just have to lose a little of this belly. As usual, I managed to do it, to keep up with a diet and a gym routine… for a few weeks.
But that secret voice kept calling to me. Heaving myself up from my armchair, stuffed and breathless from a routine of meals and snacks that started around lunchtime and didn't stop until my last snack before bedtime, I couldn't help wondering: how would it feel if I gained more? What if my belly were just a little bigger?
With no other responsibilities, I started to arrange my life around my nightly binges. Exercise and diets became a thing of the past, for good this time. Sometimes I'd struggle to do something that used to come easily, a bend or a reach or an attempt to fit somewhere, a walk that used to feel effortless, and get scared that I had gone too far. But then I'd lean back and heft my belly and feel how gigantically soft and heavy it was growing. I can't believe I've done this to myself. I can't believe I've done this to myself… and I love it.
And that's where you come in.
With remote work, I can spend all day at home. With you moving in with me, I can spend all day at home and never have to get up at all. You tell me I don't need to. In fact, you insist on it. And on the rare occasions I do, for a short waddle to the bathroom or the bedroom or a trip to the fridge, you love to watch how difficult it is for me.
I love it too. Feeling my face get flushed and red, feeling the sweat trickling down my forehead, feeling the sheer effort it takes to heft one gigantic thigh past another, pushing my enormous belly with every step… feeling your eyes on me, my face flushes even further, and it's not just from the exertion. When I look over at you and see your eyes shining with lust and excitement for how big I've grown, I reach down my belly as far as I can, grab a billowing fold of flesh, jiggle and squeeze. And I smile.
I'm never going back to the gym. How could I, when I can barely leave the house?
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thelovelybitten · 6 months
more loonatics headcanons / shenanigans...
i've been on such a binge watch of lu that I just need to post abt it okay leave me alone
BUT I'VE NOTICED THINGS !!! (this is s2 ep4) !! you kind of get an insight of what they all like to do and things they enjoy with these bedroom stills.
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obviously: likes carrots, cute lil bunny.
i couldn't zoom in enough to see what's on his monitor but you know he likes to watch shows before bed. relatable content.
the fact he's got two side tables as well gives me eating in his bed vibes but also he'd be clean abt it. i also think he'd be a big comic book reader. not sure what, but he would be. I'll let y'all decide.
speaking on that, there's a shelf with books on the far right so yeah. i think he'd also read manga bc of his anime complex. he may also keep some sort of CDs ? maybe vinyls ???
i know this man keeps katanas and a dartboard in his room.
he's a snowboarder !!!! THAT'S SO COOL. he must be a god bc this man is AGILE.
he's got a skyline view PHEWWWWW rich ass mf
also. an aquarium on his right (our left) which is so fun I wonder what kinds of marine life they'd keep!!!
I'm also not sure what the compartment behind his head is for but I think its a closed-off bookshelf or space for his knick-knacks. i also see a fireplace too but idk how logical that is lol
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NOW WHY SHE SLEEPING IN A HAMMOCK WHEN THE GIRLIE COULD HAVE A QUEEN SIZED BED ??? she's quirky like that ig. whatever makes her comfy. (I know she'd upgrade, I just know. just bc she can sleep anywhere doesn't mean she's always comfortable.)
a phone/pager by her bed is so real
she's a SKIIER AND A SURFER. WHAT CAN'T SHE DO. (seasickness who)
cabinet obvi for storage, idk why she'd have anything important in there besides old childhood items it's so high up???
lower shelves are for books and things maybe. or video games.
opposing skyline views so iconic... i know she takes mad insta pictures (or duck takes them) to get good sunset shots
i believe the items on the table are her laptop, a makeup bag andddd maybe a clutch purse? just a guess bc they're so tiny.
laptop makes sense. it'd be hard but she could still try to get an education on the side??? lots of work for a girl but she's a boss like that.
makeup for obvious reasons
clutch purse for nights out
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I remember sumth abt that cylinder thingy on the left but I can't remember what it's for yet. will update when the ep comes.
MANS IS AN INTELLECTUAL !! those are all comic books (like ace, they bond) and language workbooks.
the poster of pizza is SO REAL OF HIM
there's a teeny tiny chute beside his door and I wonder what it's for. maybe it's a scanner? idk
light above his head is also...a choice.
i'd like to think that the things at the end of his bed are air purifiers and that slam has some sort of breathing issue when he goes to sleep. maybe he grinds his jaw or is a mouth breather;;;
computer for gaming tings and other endeavours
i know this man doesn't have a WHOLE ASS DRUMSTICK IN HIS BED. but makes sense. he totally eats in bed BUT IS MESSY ABT IT. duck and lexi HATE IT IT'S NASTY HAHAH they ask him to switch his sheets and vacuum almost everyday
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but like ace, he also has a tv by his bed I know he and lexi would watch romcoms together
K-DRAMAS???? SPECIFICALLY SINGLES INFERNO (only bc s3 just came out, it's on the brain) duck just boasts abt how he's better looking than all of the other males while lexi is very much about the relationships/drama
his little peek-a-boo window behind his head is so cute :"))))
I have no god damn clue what that thing is beside him on the left but I'm sure it's important
but he wears headphones to sleep !!! must need white noise or rain to sleep
control panel for his lights and other digitally controlled shit in his room
THIS MAN HAS SO MANY MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ABOUT HIMSELF AND THE LOONATICS (but only bc he is in them, thank yew) I also think he'd carry a lot of fashion magazines too. things that are in. the second a fad ends he's done w it
I'm assuming this is an arcade game setup, but i think he'd love Mario kart :) him and tech love to battle on this but move it to the main room bc duck thinks tech is cheating bc "the screen is two small".
i know this man would sleep with mf silk sheets and a fleece comforter he's a bougie bitch
computer for obvious reasons
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i had to include all four shots bc he is a sleepwalker/runner LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE IS ;U;
it looks like he sleeps in a casket-like bed (hence, the lid is open top centre) I believe he only has this open when he's awake so idk who forgot to close it. it needs to be closed so that when rev does actually get up and sleepwalks, he's contained. the last thing the loonatics want to wake up to is the house completely trashed bc rev had a dream he was running from something. so casket bed it was.
that's also why. he doesn't sleep with sheets. if he trips and falls oh lord. therefore he wears super warm pjs in the winter to not freeze to death
he's got a ton of books, rightfully so, I think he and tech would share this bookcase because it would have different manuals, blueprints and miscellaneous mechanical guides. robot guides. that too. i also think rev would be that person who re-reads his childhood books over and over again and not get sick of them ever
there is also a treadmill in this room I just know it
a tv as well. idk where, but I hc it's there.
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thanks for giving me nothing to work with here
I kind looked forward into the ep and there's a smidge of the bedroom in a frame but idk what the other shit could be
but I know his room is very clean. it's SPOTLESS. everything is organized and well put together.
I'm going to ignore the fact he suckles his thumb bc this man is 24 years old BYE
there's a whole bunch of ai robots in there to do anything he wants.
he is also the other loonatic who has their own bathroom. he only got it bc he won the straw draw. well, ace won technically, but gave it to tech bc he was the oldest and would keep it in the best shape. duck still hasn't forgiven him for it.
he shares it with lexi since she's the only lady in the house :) ain't no way she shares with the boys.
the others share the other bathroom. one more gets installed later but the other four are SOL
tech also has a nice walk-in closet
he needs to take melatonin b4 bed bc this man is noctournal
has drones scattered on shelves, ones he's built and ones he's collected from professors and other inventors
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sockiesxx · 2 months
✩ Ranking the dokis based on how good living with them would be ✩
✩Starting off strong, Natsuki!! Girl knows how to bake/cook PLUS she's so fun to be around. I feel like we would spend our days playing all kinds of games and stuff, and the best part is that I'd always have something sweet to eat. Plus, she knows how to care for her stuff, so the house would not get messy. Absolutely perfect!!!
✩Second place would be Monika!! She is caring, fun, and even though it's not really mentioned, I believe someone like her could cook/bake. Likeee we would talk about our day to eachother everyday after school, and would make dinner together probably. Monika seems like the type of person to be doing something and then randomly start singing a taylor swift song. Anyways, yeah it would be pretty nice :)
✩Putting Sayori here because I believe living with her would be good until some time passes. She's really caring, amazing, fun, and all, but she also doesn't really have the skills or motivation. Basically, since she doesn't really know how to make food, we'll have to order it. Eventually, we'll run out of money like that! Also, it would get messy after some time, since we wouldn't really be able to clean it (Sayori due to depression, and I because of my sensory issues). I am imagining her as someone who would love to read bedtime stories to someone though, lol🥹 Such a sillyyyyy :> Anyways, even though I don't think she'd be able to handle it for too long, I know that she would feel really guilty about it and try her best.
✩aaaand putting Yuri in last because GOOD GOD imagine that😭 Buddy has ZERO motherly insticts and she doesn't really know how to cook. I just know that she would be convinced that she's able to do it, and be like "That's damn right. I can do it. I will protect you." and then end up panicking a few days later after she finally accepted the fact that she doesn't know anything about raising a kid. She would probably ignore me most of the time since she doesn't really like spending too much time socializing. Again, we'd have to order food, and we would run out of money soon. I feel like Yuri is the type of person to look at you with an incredibly sad expression after giving you permission to take the last slice of pizza (she hoped you'd decline). Also, for some reason, I can clearly picture her blasting Ayesha Erotica while it's bedtime for me. Yeaahhh we'd be homeless in no time
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134340am · 2 years
for the madeup fic game, idk why my brain immediately thought of the words "banana bread" but here i am with the title "banana bread" if you can think of anything 😂
hello my pretty rae! happy tuesday <3
for banana bread, i'm thinking of a light-hearted crack fic where bokuto is cursed at birth to drop any and all foods that he compliments after the first bite.
it started when he was a kid, just a little guy at the park chomping down on some ice cream on a hot summer's day. he's saved up enough to try a new flavour—today's treat is strawberry ice cream encased in a thin layer of mochi. "yum," he mutters to himself after the first bite: a small, tentative one, where he rolls the flavour about on his tongue afterwards. when he goes in for a second, bigger bite, he drops his ice cream.
bokuto swears by his dad's toast. it somehow tastes better, though it's just toast? the outside is a stunning golden brown, the balance between the crunchy crust and the pillowy insides is perfect, and the little pad of butter his dad slides on top the hot toast is just the right amount—enough to coat the entire surface of his breakfast without getting it soggy and greasy.
"it's just toast, but it's awesome every single time, pa," he once said through a generous mouthful of said toast, before his fingers twitch and his breakfast goes barrelling towards the floor.
gravity 1, bokuto 0.
(screw this shit, he hates it here.)
he's mindful of his compliments to the chef now. pizza, beef rice bowls, cold soba in the summer and hot oden in the winter: whatever he's eating, bokuto's careful to express his appreciation for the food only after he's had at least half of it.
until he met you.
the humble bakery down the street serving the freshest pastries has been the fruit of your labour for the past five years. lemon pound cake, pain au chocolat, darling little vanilla cupcakes and giant chocolate chip cookies—your menu is sure to satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth. your best seller, however, is your banana bread: the caramelised exterior and fluffy interior, in addition to the overpowering smell that wafts through the street every morning, had people queueing up long before your bakery opens.
bokuto is no exception.
he's almost in tears when he tries your banana bread for the first time, teeth sinking into the crispy crust to find the soft sponge underneath and a satisfied hum already brewing in the back of his throat.
before he can help himself, he speaks, "this is the best banana bread i've ever had."
shitshitshit, he shouldn't have said that.
bokuto cringes, awaiting the familiar numbness to take over his fingers, awaiting the dreaded fall of the delicious banana bread from his hand...
...but it never comes.
when he opens his eyes, he's puzzled to find the golden-brown square still intact between his thumb and index finger. huh, that's weird.
"this banana bread is— it's, um. amazing. delicious. wonderfully tasty," he tries, eyes fixated on the dessert. he even takes another bite for good measure, nibbling at the corner where a bit of caramelised crust has formed. he starts rambling when nothing happens. "this banana bread is lovely. i'd eat it everyday, for breakfast and lunch and dinner. maybe even supper, but my trainer says i shouldn't eat too late or i'll mess up my circular rhythm. my circulator rhythm? what's the damn word— anyways, this is good. like, great good."
nothing happens. his little slice of banana bread, now down to a piece the size of his thumb, sits unharmed in his hands.
a grin breaks across his face, lighting up the room almost immediately. "holy shit!"
"holy shit is right, sir." you slide into the seat opposite his, armed with another slice of banana bread on a plate. your smile mirrors his, amusement decorating your pretty features, and bokuto feels his heart rate pick up even more—something he didn't know was possible.
"i'm glad you like my banana bread. it's our bestseller, and you probably know that, but nobody's really complimented it the way you have." you laugh good-naturedly, sliding the plate across the table. bokuto's eyes flick from your face to the bread and back, heart soaring.
"well, i hope you know i was telling the truth," he starts, almost shyly. "would you, um, like to share this piece?"
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it!
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skinnyysweets · 5 months
i feel like such a wannar3xic sometimes because while i'm on 3dblr, count calories, restrict, weigh myself everyday, want to be (borderline) underweight, etc, i still eat around 1800 c4lories a day, still eat chocolate, sweets, ice cream, sugary snacks, burgers, pizza, and all the other 'fattening' foods because i've taught myself that the only thing you need to lose weight is to be in a c4lorie deficit regularly and consistently. the only 4n0r3x1c thing about me are my thoughts, goals and tumblr blog, and yea, just having 4n4 thoughts is enough to qualify for an 3d, it feels like i'm not acting sick enough, and i don't even know if i want to act sick enough. anytime i think back to 4 years ago, eating 500 cals a day and being the lowest weight i'd ever been, i was so fucking miserable all the time. i wanted to km$ on the daily, i $h'd because i hated my body so much, i hid in clothes. i don't want to go back to that mindset, it didn't even work in the end because i kept gaining and losing the same 5kgs and i hated myself even more for it. i don't want to be miserable.
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splungecoyote · 9 months
TMI Tuesday - Food:
Wraps with filling? Pizza? Soup of any kind? Pasta? Burgers? Pancakes or waffles?
Also, would you try [vegetarian/vegan] substitutes?
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
Tacos are a fav, so I have this higher- but it depends on what’s inside, and how messy the wrap can get.
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
So many ways to make it so it’s not boring! I am picky about ingredients though.
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
I like it the most when it’s creamy enough to dip a nice crusty bread into. But not typically not outside cool days.
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
My fav pasta is Angel Hair, and my fav burger cooked temperature is medium rare
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
I used to be more of a waffles girl, but now I like them both. Pancakes are slightly easier to make.
Meat substitutes:
I'd eat this everyday if I could!!! | Yum! Gimme! | A go-to comfort food | I'll eat it if it's put in front of me | Take it or leave it | I haven't tried it yet | If it's prepared a certain way... | Only if it's unrecognizable in the dish | I'd eat it to save my life | Why is this food???
For health/environment reasons, I try to have vegetarian dinner every other day- so I’ve tried a lot of them. I gotta say, it’s easier to enjoy them if you think of them as another source of protein rather than a replacement for one.
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famina · 1 year
For everyone! What was the best meal you've ever had in your life? The one you think of when you're stuck starving with nothing to eat
Timothy : I'd say the last christmas dinner I had with my family. I was before all the drama and I do really miss home cooked meal.
Vulphy : A few months ago, a found a deer injured. I got to eat everyday for a long while...it was the best...
Wither : One time, for my birthday, Vexed got me a slice of strawberry cake. I don't know where he got it, but it was so nice and soft.
Vexed : Once, I found a whole steak in the bins of a classy restaurant ! It had barely any bites taken from it and it was still a bit warm. I ate like a king that night !...Wait, Wither said what ?!
Vigilante : ........T-That pizza given to me by Y/N was....very good....
Ernest : When I was a kid, I snucked in a candy shop and ate all the sweets I never had all night long. I got very sick and in a lot of trouble but it was worth it !
Yomi : ....The first time I could afford those pizzas with the golden ring on top...I think I'll remeber that for ever...
Irakus : Oh ! That is an easy one ! It would be my last meal ! It was.....so....so very good....
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lunarsilkscreen · 9 months
TW: Drug Addiction
There's naive propaganda that encircles drug addiction right now. They depict it as an alternative to going to the movies, except it can kill you.
And yes, most poisons can kill you. But we also use poisons for medicinal reasons (in hospitals even).
So I'd like to take a look at the mechanics of addiction itself. There's a lot more than you would think.
Now, your average person can take a drug recreationally, think "well that was something" and then never touch the drug again. So why would somebody *want* to touch a drug a second time, or a third, or get s* faced on purpose?
Why does your average house wife get half-off mimosa's every Wednesday? It's something to do and mimosa's are half off? And even though we have establishments who's core business model is selling alcohol, we look down on anybody that actually goes.
Or your mechanic who can't function without a monster everyday?
So drug use can be broken down into two main categories: benefit/drawback
For most recreational drugs, the first benefit we think of is the buzz. The second thing we think about is the social benefits, social drinking, rubbing elbows, parties.
The third thing that we don't think about typically: self-medication, pain relief both physical and emotional, this is where we start to think that a person might be addicted. *To escape pain,* but if that's addiction, then Tylenol and Motrin are the leading offenders of escaping your pain.
If that's how we describe addiction, then all over-the-counter medication qualifies for that definition.
Then we have other categories of self-medication, anxiety relief, as the reason people enjoy nicotine and caffeine. Or ability to stay focused and remain on task. Where nicotine and energy drinks function as an over-the-counter Ritalin.
The ability to work out longer, with *performance* based concoctions like C4, which also covers the aforementioned reasons. C4 contains all sorts of junk, pain reliever, focus enhancers, circulation enhancers. Whatever they can throw in there, that isn't illegal.
We have vitamins, that you could easily overdose on if you take them manically. And Vitamin D is the go-to for seasonal depression. But we take these because our diets are shit. Because it's cheaper to grab a multivitamin and a pizza, than it is to have a healthy diet.
We have fat burners, which is one of the ingredients in pre-workout. They're the thing that gives you hot flashes after you take them and force your body to piss out all the water in hopes it'll melt the day off.
So what are the drawbacks?
I've already covered "escaping pain", overdose, and diuretic. (Diuretic is why you have to use the bathroom after taking a coffee, and why you usually need to drink water after coffee)
The main cited drawback is "over reliance". over reliance is our primary indicator for what qualifies for "addiction". That's right, everybody who drinks coffee in the morning, takes pre workout every workout, has a multivitamin a day, drinks water, or eats food, is addicted.
Some of those are not like the others, aren't they?
So we need to define what overreliance *means*.
The next qualifier for "addiction" is quantity. How much do you take at one time? If you've ever been to a safety brief, you know that the limit per night of alcohol is 3 drinks. Max. Shot, can, glass. Three.
Both so you don't make a fool of yourself, and so if you find yourself in a dangerous situation, you are cognizant enough to attempt to leave that situation.
I follow this rule whenever I drink. But I don't usually drink, because it makes me wanna throw up unless I have a package of tums on me. And peppermint tums doesn't usually pair well with a pineapple cider.
I certainly do have an overreliance on tums, it's probably a gluten allergy, but gluten allergies are for pansies, so I can't have a gluten allergy.
So if you routinely drink a 12 pack of pabst, you probably have a quantity issue, even if it is watered down piss in a can. A lot of people have a quantity issue. And they routinely say it's because I can't get drunk on too few drinks.
I believe half of them because the other half have the actual problem we think about when we think about addiction. Genetic disposition. There's a group of people who have been pegged as being genetically disposed to addiction. That right, the Catholics, wine taster extraordinare's discriminate against people they think that God has given a need to drink more than them.
Don't ask why I'm calling out Catholics specifically here, they started it.
I'm hesitant to validate genetic disposition for two reasons. The first is: you need to separate the first idea: pain relief. If they're in so much pain they cannot help themselves, then in my opinion, it's a mental or physical health problem, and not an addiction problem.
The second, is that white people have used this accusation against native Americans, black people, and Mexicans for the better part of... well if you include the Irish and Germans... at least a thousand years.
Unless of course, you're a rural redneck, then the system just kinda acknowledges your existence as unavoidable.
We have this known correlation of addiction with poverty, but it's always addiction that causes poverty and never can poverty cause addiction.
I think it's because somebody thinks being rich is something that needs escaping, and being poor doesn't.
All of that aside, but including generational trauma, that says that it's possible to be genetically disposed to addiction. But since it's integrated with generational trauma, you can't really tell the difference if it's a genetic disposition, or a societal disposition.
Did Jimbo become an alcoholic because he was predisposed? Or did he become an alcoholic because he was the only one capable of doing a keg stand, and it became a show?
Did [Codetalker] become an alcoholic because of the trail of tears, or because he came home from war, and still faced discrimination?
Did Jerry become alcoholic because he's autistic, or because everybody thinks he's weird or intellectually inferior and can't socialize?
And why is it that poor people can't afford to be involved with drugs, so it's the rich who buy them, but blame the poor because they sold it to them.
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timeforkisses · 10 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
1.) who do I want to be in 10 years:
+ a famous writer, director, musician, activist/etc
2.) what are my life goals:
+ to heal myself and others in the process
+ to be happy
+ to one day get married and possibly have kids
+ to be a recognized artist and activist
+ to travel the world
+ to have a dual citizenship(I'd like remain an American Citizen but to also be a British Citizen)
3.) 10 Fun Facts About Me:
1.) I'm a Vegan-Tarian(Vegatarian, half Vegan)
2.) I believe in life on other planets
3.) I think tobacco should be illegal
4.) I hate cold weather
5.) I love ice cream
6.) I hate mustard
7.) I love scented candles
8.) I find European Men to be the sexiest
9.) a man's voice is one of the sexiest things for me
10.) I wish everyday's weather would be 60 degrees
4.) Favorite Music:
New Wave, Classic Rock, 90s Alternative, 90s Britpop, all of it really
5.) Favorite types of tv shows:
Crime Dramas, Super Hero Adaptations, Cartoons, Parodies
6.) 10 Things I Love Eating:
1.) Tofu/Plant-Based Food
2.) Pizza
3.) Fries
4.) Pastas
5.) Bread
6.) Crackers
7.) Ice Cream
8.) Chocolate
9.) Cheeses
10.) Vegan Gummies
7.) how I view the world:
we're not the only world in this galaxy, we're not the center of the universe, yet we are important, everything we do matters/effects others because everything is connected, life is worth living, healing takes time but it's worth it, love and other good things and people still exist
8.) 10 Things I Believe:
1.) I believe that we are all here for a reason
2.) I believe that God is Love Energy, I don't believe in some old bastard that sends people to hell, it doesn't make sense to me
3.) I believe that Love is really the only thing that matters in life
4.) I believe in life on other planets, and even on our own planet
5.) I believe in Karma
6.) I believe in Reincarnation
7.) I believe in Angels
8.) I believe in Ghosts/Spirits/etc
9.) I believe that Animals have Souls
10.) I believe we are all playing a role here and when it's over, we go back to where we came from, like life is a show or movie or play and we forget that we're in it
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hattiestgal · 11 months
You can get any snack or small meal type thing right now, teleported to your location- what are you getting and why?
Ok I know this is super basic but I think my first pick would easily be spicy cheetos. They are genuinely one of my favorite things like if I could just eat them everyday and have them be a filling meal I'd have figured out the meal for the rest of my life. I'm already a huge fan of spicy foods in general, and it's just one of those things with chips and the like where its just tiny satisfaction after tiny satisfaction. Also, FRIDGE PIZZA!!! It depends on the pizza, but I swear there is just such a powerful energy to pizza coming straight out of the fridge it's like an entirely different experience from when its fresh. A cold slice of costco pizza straight from the fridge is gods most benevolent gift during the early hours of the morning
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maeleelee · 1 year
If we were in the same time zone I'd be eating pizza everyday and pulling up whenever you needed me angelface 💕
Stopppp. Oh my gosh 😩😩
You’re making me tingle.
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murdercouple · 2 years
Tumblr media
Chucky: Yeah yeah, whatever, but hurry!
Tiffany: I'm here, ain't i? (quoting Violet, lol).
Chucky: Chucky!
Tiffany: Tiffany!
Chucky: Pooh! One should keep their house free from such low life forms! (then he gets his kids a dog/cat and ends up loving it).
Tiffany: All, but tarantulas have my heart. They're cute and dangerous, just like me.
Chucky: Red.
Tiffany: Dark blue.
Chucky: Chucky!
Tiffany: Jennifer Tilly. It was such an honor to have her playin' my human self!
Chucky: She's a pinecone in the @r$£, but she's MY pinecone in the @r$£! Love ya, Babe.
Tiffany: I could say the same 'bout ya.
Chucky: The fact that she's sweet, as opposed to me. Yes because i can also appreciate the people who are different than me, as long as they are genuinely so.
Tiffany: The bluntness of his tongue.
Chucky: What happens if i say yes?
Tiffany: Nope! I treat myself well. I do smoke a lot though...
Chucky: Yes!
Tiffany: Yes!
Chucky: Swedish meatballs. Don't people know me at all!?
Tiffany: Cupcakes and cherry flavoured candy in general.
Chucky: Coffee.
Tiffany: Tea.
Chucky: Pinocchio.
Tiffany: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
Chucky: Can't remember when, if ever (he's reluctant to disclose such things in public so who knows).
Tiffany: A couple of days ago..
Chucky: Pizza! Who the hell eats raw fish?
Tiffany: Pizza.
Chucky: Nah...
Tiffany: Not ripping those concerned's @rs£ when i had the chance to.
Chucky: Hmm, i'm pretty sure my cinematic counterpart did. In Nica's body, to be precise! (these two right here are actors).
Tiffany: Almost everyday.
Chucky: My butt. Y'all can kiss the entire seating of it!
Tiffany: My eyes.
Chucky: I'd say my nose. It looks like a potato (lmaooo).
Tiffany: My legs. They once were longer and slenderer...
Chucky: Occasionally.
Tiffany: Hanged if i do!
Chucky: F√¢k you very much.
Tiffany: Follow us, sweethearts!
I tag: @askglenandglenda + @askchuckandtiff + @splinterdsoul + literally ANYONE!
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thatwouldbee-enough · 2 years
Doing stupid things today. Answering the below tumblr asks as Alex from Virtue is Not a Word I'd Apply to this Situation verse It's a writing exercise, okay? (please let me know if you want me to do this for any of my other characters 😂- we can make a lil series out of it lol )
chipotle order? carnitas tacos or barbacoa bowl (bowl is easier for me to eat while I'm working)
thoughts on veganism? it's for rich white people with savior complexes
a specific color that gives you the ick? the fuck kind of question is this?
mythical creature you think/believe is real? mythical creature. mythical. mythical.
favorite form of potato? hash browns, hands down
do you use a watch? yes, but only because it looks more professional at the office
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? never been to an aquarium in my life, but I used to like watching the dolphins that would get close to shore when I was younger
do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home? when I get home from work, yeah. I'm not wearing fucking slacks and a suit jacket in my apartment.
do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)? no
on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice? who asks for juice on a plane? are you five?
anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? yeah I'm not answering that
brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%? again, what the fuck kind of question is this?
first thing you’re doing in the purge? it's a surprise :)
do you think you’re dehydrated? I don't know, probably
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning is this like... ranking them how I'd prefer to die? or how I'd prefer to kill someone? anyway, burning to death sounds fucking awful.
thoughts on mint chocolate chip? that's toothpaste
an anxious compulsion you do everyday? I'm not divulging my weaknesses to you
your boba/tea order? coffee
the veggie you dislike the most? brussel sprouts
favorite disney princess movie? you seriously think I've watched disney princess movies? (okay fine does Aladdin count? because if it does then it's Aladdin)
a number that weirds you out? why do you ask shit like this?
do you have an emotional support water bottle? i have killed half of the ocean's wildlife with my disposable water bottle use
do you wear jewelry? no
which do you find yourself using, american or british english? american
would you say you have good taste in music? yeah
how’s your spice tolerance? better than yours probably
what’s your favorite or go-to outfit? jeans and a tshirt
last meal on earth? just like. a really good slice of pizza.
preferred pasta noodle? the twisty ones
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Hello there!
Let's keep talking about fruit. You said you like to bake, right? Favourite fruity thing to bake? Opinions on pineapple on pizza?
Are you a summer person, or are you normal? Vampires or werewolfs? Do you wear a wristwatch? Do you have tattoos? DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? IF YES I DEMAND PICS!
You get a message from JKR saying she's done with the hp universe, you own all the rights to it. Lawyers clear the deal, it's legit. What do you do with your new toy?
You get to be any mythical creature, what do you turn into?
The devil offers you a deal. You can learn any new hobby in one day and do it excellently for the rest of your life, but you can never pet a dog again. Do you take the deal?
What was the last book you finished? Grapes or wine? You can lick Snape anywhere you want for five minutes, but you can never read snarry fics again (other ships are OK). Where do you lick him? 😂
Hello again!!
Omg...there are many fruity things I love to EAT but as for the act of baking, it has to be banana bread! I think I can make banana bread in my sleep at this point! It's fun to make, yummy to eat, and attached to fond memories. You see, I was the only one in my family who really liked bananas growing up, and my mom can't stand even the smell or feel of them. But she used to make banana bread just for me, because I loved it so much. So banana bread on the whole feels like love, so I always share it with people I care about. Those who like bananas, anyway, lol!
Also: YES PLEASE pineapple on pizza!!!! Actually my favorite pizza order is getting a pineapple and jalapeño pizza from Dominos. I highly recommend it. Spicy and sweet!! It's perfect!! (Oh wow, I think I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!)
Funnily enough, I AM a summer person! Which is extra funny because I live in Louisiana, which is basically Satan's oven. But I can't STAND to be cold, so I much prefer the heat. I love the sunshine and the flowers and the color! I also love all of the cute dresses I get to wear!
Werewolves 100% (even if I was a Team Edward fan back in the day.) (Funnily enough my partner's name is Edward, so that was probably fated.) (Generally, though, I don't care for vampires.) Also, yes! I wear an Apple watch everyday! I never wore a watch before it, though. Now I can't imagine not having one! I sleep with it so it tracks my sleep, because I have chronic insomnia so it helps to have an idea about how I'm sleeping!
I do have tattoos! I have 3! I have the Taurus glyph on my pelvis, the Deathly Hallows symbol on my back, and the word Invictus on my left arm, just below the elbow. The word is an ambigram, so it can be read upside down and rightside up. Invictus is the name of my favorite poem (but it's also the name of a Snarry fic I really love, and I discovered said poem from said fic.)
Sadly, I have no pets rn! :( My living space is not very pet friendly. My partner and I hope to move within the next few years and when we do, we plan to get a pet! We both love big dogs so I wanna get a puppy that will grow into a giant pupper-oo. But we shall see! I used to have 3 cats, though, and when I lived with my roommates they all had a ton of animals. At our most chaotic there were 10 animals in that house: 5 cats, 4 pitbulls, and a chihuahua! And yes, it was Heaven.
If JKR forked over the HP universe to me there is only one right answer: make Snarry canon. That is like the only thing I care about. Though I guess I'd also be getting money and could visit the theme parks a lot. And I could get a house with a dedicated HP room. And I could endlessly commission Lu Endland for Snarry art. But my # 1 priority would just be to make it Snarry. Is that silly? Maybe, but idc. I know where my heart belongs.
ANY mythical creature??? Oh no, choices! My first thought was unicorn. But then I thought about it more and figured I wanna be a fairy. I just wanna be pretty and magical, that's it. But then I figured realistically I would be a dragon. Just a dragon hoarding my treasure and going about my dragonly business, only for all hell to break loose if you even look at my books/candles/mugs/crystals sideways.
Why are you asking so many hard questions?? You are quite cruel, methinks. Never pet a dog again?? But if I could learn art super easy and quickly then I could create Snarry art!! And the world is in dire need of more Snarry art, right???? Okay I think I'd take the deal. I can cuddle a dog without petting it, right?? Right????
The last book I finished was....I have no idea, I've not read anything besides fanfiction in so long!! I'm pretty sure it was an astrology book. Grapes 100%. I don't care for alcohol! And I would NOT lick Snape, are you out of your mind?? 1.) I'm pretty sure he would kill me and 2.) that's Harry's job. I will instead find a Snarry fic where Harry licks Snape from head to toe, as is appropriate.
Yeah, this is a lot of fun! Expect more soon! :D
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