#i'd give better examples for 50 but i'm blanking so hard rn orz
insipidenvy Β· 3 years
16, 25, 50!! πŸ›πŸ’ž
16. A fic you're very proud of?
I'm already stuck and it's the first question lol. I think I'm proud of each of my fics equally for the most part! There are times where I'll go "Huh, maybe that fic wasn't so bad after all" and feel proud in that moment, but there's not a specific fic that I'm especially proud of that comes to mind.
25. A neglected work you wished you would finish?
The Steampunk HanaNeneTsuka AU... I keep thinking I should finish/rewrite it... but the moment I start rereading it to get a better idea of where I left off/where to continue... I get so embarrassed that I leave it alone orz. One day...!
50. Is there something you often repeat in your fics?
I know for certain that I often repeat certain phrases because I'm unoriginal and uncreative and can't describe actions/scenes without recycling from other fics because I just don't know how else to describe it lol. As for tropes, I try to avoid reusing them but sometimes I can't help it orz. Sometimes I just want to reuse it too! But I don't want to be unoriginal!! But if there's one thing I wouldn't mind always repeating, it's to repeat usage/writing for Fantasy or Royalty AUs. There's so many ways you can build a world or dynamic within those AUs, it's a pretty broad one, after all!
Thanks for the ask!
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