insipidenvy · 9 months
hey!! i dont mean to be a-bother but you seem so well versed in hananene fics that I was wondering if you recalled this one where the premise basically was that yashiro broke her leg and hanako was her TA acquaintance that ended up letting her crash at his place since her apartment had stairs she couldnt traverse bc of the leg situation… i read it a bit ago and I havent been able to find it since!
Ohh! Yes, I believe I know the fic you're talking about! I think you're trying to find Be Still My Foolish Heart by @uglierdaikon 😊 I hope you have a great time reading it, please be sure to send all your thoughts to them!
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insipidenvy · 2 years
1 and 16 ao3 wrapped!!!!!!!! (My askbox now)
(Don't tell Courtney, it'll be our little secret ;) )
How many words have you written this year?
I've written 57,978 words this year! And we've still got a little more than half a month to go so who knows, maybe I'll post something before the new year that'll bump up the count! (Hopefully, if things go according to plan lol.)
16. What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
For this year? It'd be the "HanaNene Tanabata Week 2022" tag! But if not... then "Friendship" and "Banter"? I am unoriginal and write the same thing over and over again but nobody's complained! :D (...yet... D: )
Thanks for the ask!
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insipidenvy · 1 year
hiii buka!! 📝 and❔from that wip question post, if you dont mind hehe :33
Hiii Kris!! I completely forgot I queued some ask posts lol but I don't mind at all :33
📄What’s a WIP you never finished that you would like to go back and revisit?
Around the same time as "They're Stupid(ly in Love), Your Honor!" was written, I'd been writing a Mother's Day fic based on the song "Slipping Through My Fingers" by ABBA! It's about a Modern AU focusing on the Yugi Family with Yugi Mama as the POV character! But finals were upon me and I also had to deal with some move-out/graduation stuff so I never managed to finish it by Mother's Day :( I hope I can finish it one day, though, since that piece is written with my mother in mind and even though she doesn't read my stories anymore I hope that, if she ever sees it, she knows how much her support means to me!
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
I've been trying to write for other fandoms for a while but I'm still taking summer classes despite having graduated so I haven't had the time to really write anything 😅This one is for Ensemble Stars, which I've written for before but not around the characters or genres I've posted about previously. It started as a silly Megamind vibes kind of fic but somehow the plot made it into an MLB "suspension of disbelief" fic and I honestly don't know what to do/where to go from there considering the recent finale of said show lol Should I run with it or should I dial it back a bit and try to make things more serious... 🤔
Thanks for the ask, Kris!
ask away!
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insipidenvy · 2 years
Ruka!! 1, 3, 27, and 30 for ao3 wrapped :>
How many words have you written this year?
I've written 57,978 words this year! Most of these were from my event fics lol.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
There are a few this year, but if I have to narrow it down to one, it'd probably be "Roots Run Deep, Leaves Grow Bare"! The narrative style isn't one I usually go to, and I usually try to avoid angst because my own poor soul can't handle it, so doing something new and seeing such positive feedback made me really happy!
27. What do you listen to while writing?
It really depends! Sometimes I don't listen to anything, and other times I just listen to whatever I've been into lately. For now, it'd be songs from Ensembles Stars!!
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I think the biggest surprise for me was being able to write and complete all eight days of Tanabata Week lol. I've been doing event fics for a while and I kept saying I would rest and that I'm burnt out, so having been able to write so much is a surprise in itself. Definitely taking things slow for now, though!
Thanks for the ask!!
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insipidenvy · 2 years
Okay so like maybe rando but Gruvia :,0
Gruvia! Oh wow, it’s been a while since I’ve thought of Fairy Tail, even though it’s the fandom that got me started on writing!
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I do like how they sort of compliment each other! In terms of their magic lol. Mashima leaned really heavily on making Juvia’s entire being all about Gray for the longest time that it got hard to think of her as anything but a Gray stan, but things did get a little better towards the end of the manga! :0 That and the 100 Years Quest spin-off/sequel does show that Gray cares for Juvia too, so it’s not that one-sided/gag-based, even if it can be a little annoying at times.
Thanks for the ask, Zaira!
bingo meme!
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insipidenvy · 3 years
16, 25, 50!! 🐛💞
16. A fic you're very proud of?
I'm already stuck and it's the first question lol. I think I'm proud of each of my fics equally for the most part! There are times where I'll go "Huh, maybe that fic wasn't so bad after all" and feel proud in that moment, but there's not a specific fic that I'm especially proud of that comes to mind.
25. A neglected work you wished you would finish?
The Steampunk HanaNeneTsuka AU... I keep thinking I should finish/rewrite it... but the moment I start rereading it to get a better idea of where I left off/where to continue... I get so embarrassed that I leave it alone orz. One day...!
50. Is there something you often repeat in your fics?
I know for certain that I often repeat certain phrases because I'm unoriginal and uncreative and can't describe actions/scenes without recycling from other fics because I just don't know how else to describe it lol. As for tropes, I try to avoid reusing them but sometimes I can't help it orz. Sometimes I just want to reuse it too! But I don't want to be unoriginal!! But if there's one thing I wouldn't mind always repeating, it's to repeat usage/writing for Fantasy or Royalty AUs. There's so many ways you can build a world or dynamic within those AUs, it's a pretty broad one, after all!
Thanks for the ask!
ask game
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insipidenvy · 2 years
Buka!! Buka boo!
Tanabata Amane and Nene 😌 specifically. 🐌
Dana!! Dana.... the Dana...? (We need a nickname for you STAT 🐌)
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Honestly I was going wild over the card before I remembered you specified Tanabata Amane LMAO. The romance comes from Nene projecting Hanako on Amane which is where so much angst can come in. They'd make a cute sibling dynamic otherwise, with Nene treating Amane as the little kid that he is and Amane being all >< I'm not a kid! (But he totally is LMAO)
bingo meme!
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insipidenvy · 2 years
Hello Anon!
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Sakuhiko is both a funny and honestly neat ship IMO! Natsuhiko is just so fun to see and Sakura is always mature and calm so it's fun to see their dynamic explored in mutual romance!
bingo meme!
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insipidenvy · 2 years
Ruka, do Tsunene with the bingo card 👁👁
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We've got a bingo 😌👏💜
Also shot myself in the foot when I realized there is no easy way to upload these images bc I don't have tumblr mobile LMAO. Thank you Google Drive
bingo meme!
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insipidenvy · 3 years
🍰🌝😈!! 💕💕
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I like to make things cheesy? 😂 I try not to but I can't help it; silly, over the top moments are as fun to write as they are embarrassing to imagine but apart from that, I don't think I enjoy anything in particular that readers hate lol.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I think I've written/included, or at least mentioned, most prominent characters in my fics, but I definitely want to try writing Aoi more! I haven't gotten to write much for her outside of being supportive of Nene and I'd like to try a little harder, given how much insight we were given of her that I never tried incorporating in my fics.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I have a hard time picking favorites lol, especially specific fics. But when things get tough I tend to reread @corologs' College AU series, @baronesscmd's A Spoonful of Sugar and Stardust series, and @wingsonghalo's fics!
I didn't exactly follow instructions for the 🍰 question but I hope you don't mind! Thank you for the ask!!
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insipidenvy · 4 years
Yo I really like your fics! They’re so good ❤️❤️ I was wondering if you have any recommendations for other HanaNene fics?
Awawawa-- Thank you?! I haven’t been feeling really confident in my writing recently, so seeing this ask really lifts my mood!
Oh boy, HanaNene fic recs? These are probably going to overlap with a lot of other wonderful writers and you’ve most likely read these, but:
Supernatural Stakeout at the Kamome Science Museum! by thatsrightdollface (@thatsrightdollface)
If you love introspection, a slice of life AU, and mystery, this fic is for you! It’s a wonderful story set in a museum, the relationship between Amane and Nene is wonderfully developed!
for real, this time by sourlemoncandy (@sour-lemon-candy)
Fake Dating AU! With Peach’s writing, it’s such a cute fic. The pining and misunderstanding? A great cliffhanger! As of answering this ask, it is in progress, but it’s definitely worth reading!
Like Glass, You Shatter by SapphiraLua
When the angst has gone too far, we need some fluff. And when we want some fluff, we want Hanako and Nene to finally get together. This story is just so sweet, it’s the confession we wish would just happen in canon already.
Haunted Carnival by Sharkbytez ( @shxrkbytez)
A short and adorable Spooktober fic! It’s very cute, a fluffy way to celebrate Halloween. Please give this a read, it’ll be well worth it!
now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white by Soqquadro (@non-writingwriter)
One of the first stories I read on ao3, it’s a canon compliant Hanahaki AU. The writing is wonderful, definitely give this a read!
long after you're gone by dearmoonlight
Again, one of the first stories I read when I got into the fandom, but what an impact it made on me! A reincarnation AU, found family, everything ends up alright in the end, this fic made me think, ‘I wouldn’t mind if this is how things end.’ Mind the warning in the beginning, however.
Red String of Fate by Legend_of_cupcake (@legend-of-cupcake)
Every chapter in this fic is amazing! it covers so many emotions and genres, each unique yet relatable in many ways. 
but i knew you — your heartbeat on a highline, once in twenty lifetimes and  'Cause I Remember the Rush, When Forever Was Us  by  sincerelyand (@sunlightinourheadlights)
I will never forgive Karen for making me cry. Just kidding. But her writing is superb, you’re a changed person after reading her stories.
Headache Over Heels In Love and  Shared Wishes by corologs (@corologs)
Courtney’s fics are all wonderful, her College AU always brightens my days! Shared Wishes covers a serious topic, but it’s something I think you should give a shot if you’re comfortable with the topic. Heed the tags.
From Eden and  Take My Breath Away by Hammsters (@uglierdaikon)
All I can say is that you’ll have a wonderful time with these stories. Erin’s writing is something I wish I could achieve, it’s amazing how much emotion you can weave into every action and detail. From Eden had a mystical and mysterious feel, and Take My Breath Away was haunting. It brought me back to my childhood where I’d believe in superstitions. Creepy Hanako Agenda Queen (and Lemon Cult Leader).
Bind Me Tight To You and  The Flavors of Friendship (or How to Become the Mokke Queen in Five Easy Steps) by Baronesscmd (SweeterThanYourDarkestSin) (@baronesscmd)
These are among my favorite from Cat! Bind Me Tight To You is another reincarnation AU, but you can observe how Tuschigomori and even Yako think of the reincarnated kids. And The Flavors of Friendship (or How to Become the Mokke Queen in Five Easy Steps) is just so cute!
whoever made your smile must’ve made it to get in my way by krispytine (@krispyt)
A bit on the angsty side, Hanako is a grim reaper in charge of leading a terminally ill Nene to her death but he’s not so willing to do so. The moments they have together are so sweet and poignant, definitely check this out!
Still Lake, Wrought Iron and  The Tiniest Spark  by Indigo_Floof (@indigosienna)
Both stories, I think, capture the same emotion, even if the plot is very different. There’s something about the awe Hanako holds for Nene in Still Lake, Wrought Iron that’s intriguing. The Tiniest Spark is a story where Nene is able to protect Hanako like she vowed to do in canon; a soft story.
Implicit by DaikonSenpai (@daikonsenpai)
One of the few AU fics she has, I love how in character and natural the story is. Amane being a flustered boy will never not make me smile.
12 Year Romance by lilaflo (@istoleyourboat)
One of my favorites from Roxanne! I think she did an excellent job capturing the troubles of getting someone to recognize your feelings when there’s an age gap between you. It’s so heartwarming to see Nene and Amane’s relationship grow and develop as the years pass. Definitely check it out!
Scale for a Wish by starrylitme (@magioftheseas)
Nene and Hanako’s dynamic are on point and such a joy to read in this fic! Nene in particular, is so in character, it feels like she and Hanako had been gently tossed from canon into this new setting.
Morning Reflections by FalalalaLa (@miss-sternennacht)
The first story I read from Sora, it’s such a soft fic. Domestic AmaNene that’s enough to soothe the ache of canon. If you love domestic fluff, I implore you to check this out!
Caveat Lector and  A Bird in the Hand by WingSongHalo (@wingsonghalo)
I’ve yet to finish reading all of Wing’s fics, but from the ones I read, I’ll just be frank: I love every single one of them, choosing my favorites was very hard! These two in particular are very sweet. Wing does quite a bit of research for each of her fics and it’s very obvious she cares for what she writes. Give these two a read, they’re wonderful stories.
I hope these helped you a bit! I listed a few fics from these writers, but I definitely suggest you read all of their fics. They’re wonderful writers with fantastic stories out there.
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insipidenvy · 3 years
what is your fav fic that you have written, and why is it the bee movie AU?
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Bold of you to assume it's my favorite out of my own free will.
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insipidenvy · 3 years
Gold blue can get out 😌
Blue most definitely does not deserve a spot in the Magical Yolk Color Hall of Fame, but don’t tell @sunlightinourheadlights that....
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insipidenvy · 3 years
Hey ruka! 16, 21 and 23 for that author ask^^
Hey Kris! ^^
16. Are there any characters who haunt you?
Tsukasa.... and Sakura.... how does one write them true to character? They haunt me whenever I try and are amused by my attempts orz
21. What do you think when you read over your older work?
I'm in another "What you wrote in the past is leagues better than what you write now" phase but usually I feel pretty proud when I read over my older work! It's there to remind me of how much I've grown as a writer and person and I can sometimes see struggles I've had when I wrote those stories and can congratulate myself on getting through those struggles, or making progress on them.
23. Any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
None that I can think of :O At least, nothing obscure. I can see how some experiences have helped in some parts of my writing, but it's not something I'm hiding or am actively avoiding mentioning!
Thanks for the ask!
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insipidenvy · 3 years
22, 38, 39 for the fanfic author asks^^
Krispyyyyy ^^
22. Favourite part about writing fanfiction?
My favorite part about writing fanfic is that it's gone from my brain and won't cause me to lose sleep because my mind won't rest until I write it down >:D I jest (maybe? :O), my favorite part about writing is that I get to create worlds with familiar characters and exercise my creativity!
38. Something writing related you'd like to get better at?
I have a lot I'd like to get better at lol, but maybe descriptive writing? I notice that my descriptions always seem to fall flat and default to the same words/phrases, so I'd like to get better at that!
39. Do you prefer writing series or standalone fics?
I prefer writing series! Multi-chapter fics included, of course. But as anyone can see, most of my fics are standalone. Most of it is because I can't think of any other way to expand the world and characters, but sometimes it's because I don't want to post an incomplete series/multi-chapter fic without knowing I can finish it. I had a lot of difficulty with "your flowers are my lullaby" even knowing how I wanted the story to go and what each chapter should include, so after finishing that fic, I made myself a rule to never post another multi-chapter fic without it being mostly or completely finished. That's why "bloom, flutter, prosper" had a weekly schedule. I'd finished all three chapters (though I wrote/finished them between long periods of time where my writing style changed slightly between each) and didn't need to worry about making readers wait or giving myself any stress to finish it. But if time and motivation will allow it, I'd like to post more series/multi-chapter fics!
Thanks for the ask!
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insipidenvy · 3 years
46-50 for the fic ask? 💜
Cat!!! 💜💜💜💜
46. Favorite sentence/paragraph you ever wrote?
I answered it here, but I don't really have one! Choosing favorites is always really hard for me lol, if I don't have a favorite or favorites, I like/dislike something in equal measure compared to other things of that category. If I do end up thinking of a favorite, I'll be sure to tell you!
47. Do you ever recognise yourself in what you write?
I answered this here! I recognize a lot of myself throughout my fics nowadays, since I like adding small details about myself into my writing for fun now! I used to try to distance myself from what I write but getting more involved (whether it be adding small habits a character has or including certain emotions someone has towards something) has definitely made me feel more strongly about what I've written, for better or for worse lol.
48. How do you deal with coming up with titles?
When writing, I try to think of an overall theme or symbol to base my titles off of! Sometimes, I try to go for song lyrics/titles. And if I'm really desperate, I just mash a bunch of things together and pick and choose which things seem to fit. It's how I've been titling most of my fics recently...
49. How do you deal with coming up with summaries?
I tend to find a snippet from the fic and add a short summary of the fic with it! I know it's not very original, but I'd rather struggle with one thing instead of two, so taking shortcuts for the summaries while spending more agonizing time and thought into my titles seem to be a fair trade-off.
50. Is there something you often repeat in your fics?
You can find more of my thoughts on this question here! There are definitely things I repeat in my fics, but I can't name any specific ones. I think it's a combination of forgetting things as soon as I post a fic and having too many examples to count. I try not to repeat things but it can be really hard! Sometimes I just want to write the same thing over and over again but I'm scared that obvious repetition would drive people away, even knowing the two cake example. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out how I want to handle that repetition soon!
Thanks for the ask!
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