#i'd like to order one night of rengoku holding pls and thanks who do i contact?
Hi! Would it be possible to request a “there was only one bed” trope w/ Rengoku 🥰 Ty
i really truly believe that rengoku, romantically dense or not, would jUMP at the chance to share a bed. he wouldn't be bashful or embarrassed about it. and it wouldn't have even been in a 'my way or the highway' arrogant way- he's a gentleman after all.
just imagine it, y'all are traveling and stop at an Inn (quite the difference between the outside camping youre used to while working) and since you aren't specific about the room type you need, the worker you're speaking to just assumes you and rengoku were an item bc he has no sense of personal space, and you both end up in a room with a single semi-spacious bed.
"wonderful! this is a lovely room to stay for the night!"
"there's only one bed."
"yes and how warm will it be!"
"you don't see the problem here?"
"I do not!"
without much persuasion, you both end up laying next to get each other. you do try and maintain a decent amount of distance between the two of you because the last thing you want to do is overstep your boundaries. though, rengoku doesn't care, he really truly doesn't, and he will end up pushing against your back unconsciously.
you try really hard not to pay attention to the fact that his hand moved to rest on your waist. the way his legs shifted to press against and then between yours. the way his chest moves so smoothly against your back as he breathes deeply. you try not to pay attention to it all, but all of the mentioned keeps you awake until his soft breathing behind your ear finally lulls you to sleep well into the night.
then he's finally lifting his eyes open. heaving out a heavy, but quiet, sigh he's been holding in for longer than he'd care to admit. it was hard work to keep his breathing even and simulate the position of blissful slumber when he kept shifting closer to you for his own selfish wants. but when you finally fell asleep and your body easily relaxed into his, he was eager to fully wrap you in his arms before finally going to sleep- for real this time
you both ended up sleeping in quite a bit longer than you anticipated since it had been a long time since you got such a good night's sleep
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