#i'd paused the video to have a look at the comments and literally gasped when i saw the time. damn. that's a lot of fallout.
themojaveexpress · 10 months
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Oh my god. An over 9 hour revised look at fallout from Noah Caldwell-Gervais.
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pleasantpaw7-13 · 3 months
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"Hello all of Primatube, this is Rainy here. Humble resident in Pleasantpaw Division and an enjoyer of human history," Rainy said as she held her phone out to record her in her humble abode that her and the rest of her friends live in. Currently the light blue Felinain was in the living room.
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"It means she's a huge history nerd." Mimi could comment as she passed by Rainy and into view of the video for a brief moment, having a cheeky little smile on her face.
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"I think you mean history buff, Mimi," Rainy said, playing it off cool as she looked at her friend off camera who rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face.
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"Anyway, not what I wanted to talk about. Today, for the very first time ever, I'd like to introduce the very first ever." There was a pause as Rainy pressed a button to flip the the camera around. "Trail half felinain citizen!"
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"...What am I looking at? Some kind of tiny rectangle? And why are you talking to it?" Blaze was simply confused and cautious at Rainy pointed the strange object at him as he sat on the couch. Not to mention her being super excited, learning well that something weird or different was happening when she got like this.
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"It's just my phone. I'm staring a channel on Primatube, to share the experience of living with a the first ever half felinain citizen. Show people that it's possible, and hopefully get some more supporters." Rainy figured it couldn't hurt and would help show people that just because you weren't born in the city didn't mean you couldn't adapt and move in. "Now hold up the id," the light blue felinain said as Blaze held it up towards the phone, though upside down.
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"Trial citizen," Mimi said, earning her attention from Rainy as the phone was pointed at her showing her frowning face. "Look, I'm glad you're excited Blaze didn't get booted out, though don't get your hopes up. You never know what could happen." Some might call the short teal felinain a pessimist, though to her she was just being a realist.
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"Well I wholeheartedly disagree, though you opinion is valid and accepted." Rainy knew Mimi's stance on things right now, and, as much as she hated to admit they did have a few fair points. Suddenly Len would walk into the room prompting her to point the phone at him.
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"And this is Len. The over sensitive and paranoid roommate who had half of the entire police force breaking down our door." Rainy would zoom the phone's camera in on Len's frowning face.
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"For the fifty time, I'm sorry. It was late, the lights weren't on, and I woke up to HIM digging through everything at four in the MORNING. How'd you expect me to react when you don't tell anyone when he visits?" Len asked, crossing his arms as he angrily glares at Rainy.
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"For you information I DID tell everyone, YOU just refuse to join the group chat Alex made," Rainy said oh so matter of factly, sticking her tongue at him.
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"I REFUSE to join that chat with the nickname 'Sir Grumps A-Lot' and you know that," Len said, hearing a chuckle at Mimi who found herself on the receiving end his ever so famous glare, which she brushed off.
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"Yeah, well, he clearly needs to change it to Negative Paranoid Hater!" Rainy would say loudly, earning an overly dramatic gasp from Len having never been called such a name before.
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"Alright ladies, let's not argue about this AGAIN." Mimi would speak up, fully aware of the insult thrown at Len, though he was acting out and it usually got him to shut up. She had to deal with this all night at the police station and didn't wanna deal with it again. "Everything is settled and we should be thankful no one was hurt, besides Blaze being literately slammed into the ground."
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"Is that why I had a bump on my head for a few days?" Blaze remembering blacking out for a bit during the entire thing, waking up a few seconds later in cuffs and being pulled up.
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"Yes, but don't worry. The EMT said there wasn't any damage to your skull or anything just swelling." Rainy had lost it when Blaze was slammed into the floor so hard, worried he was seriously injured.
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"Whatever, I'm going to my room," Len said, storming off to his room and out of sight of the phone's camera. A moment later his door could be heard slamming shut.
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Well, that went better than she expected. "Look, can you wrap this up Rainy? I've gotta head to work soon and its your turn to mow the lawn." Mimi didn't have time waste and keep the peace in this household right now. She was already in some hot water for being late the day the incident happened so needed to be on time.
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"Oh, sorry Mimi. I can wrap it up," Rainy said facing Mimi thus putting her on the video once more. "Uh, say goodbye." She would play it off, clearly to the annoyance of Mimi, though she half heartedly waved bye before heading to the door and leaving.
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"You to Blaze. Say goodbye to everyone," Rainy said, her smile returning as she pointed the phone at Blaze once more.
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"Uh, bye mysterious phone people?" Blaze was still extremely confused by everything that was happening right now, though it seemed resolved somehow.
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Rainy would then flip the phones camera back to face here. "Well, here's the first video. Hope you all stayed tuned for updates and how things go. See ya." She would then end the video, then retreat to her room to upload it to her computer for editing before uploading it to Primatube rather than mowing the lawn like she was supposed to be doing right now.
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alaxamber · 4 years
Double Trouble-
After thoroughly embarrassing his Minion on their way to Videos Game Con, Professor Venomous finds himself quite "inspired" by a certain song by Tenacious D. He has a couple hours before the Con starts, so why not park in a shaded area and enjoy some phone nooky with his husband? After all, two are better than one.
CW for cursing.
Link is for A03 heed tags!
It was a very long drive but neither Venomous nor Fink minded, plus the added fact that they were close to the end of it helped soothe the long ride jitters. With her doing more high-level school and Minion work, the only time they got one on one time was when she had a Videos Game Competition. He loved to drive and she got easily distracted, having caused far too many wrecks in the past few months and she didn't want to 'fuck up her chance to fuck up Rabiiiz09339,' because she got pissed at an old ladies driving. 
So that's how they had found themselves nearing three hours into the drive in comfortable silence; his soft instrumental music playing quietly with his right hand on the steering wheel, his left on his thigh while Fink sat next to him staring out the window.
Suddenly there was a flailing next to him as he pulled off the highway. Fink was trying to catch her drink, her headphones and phone with flailing motions and squeaks. It appeared she tried to take a drink and must have split lipped it, causing it to spill down her front. In the chaos the headphone cord was pulled from her phone and the loudspeaker kicked on;
Damn , 
"Shit, just a second Boss!" she scrambled as he leaned trying to catch more of the song. His Minion had a tendency to listen to music that interested him, but he would be too "old to get it". 
A hard day's rockin'. 
"No wait, Fink," his voice quick, Wasn't that that actor from…. What was it called? 
Better slip off ma shoes .
"Boss it gets totally inappropriate" she was still scrambling as she slammed her drink down between them and tried to get her headphone jack back in. Her thumbs seeming to be unable to pause the song that continued to play. 
Maybe give a little stretch and a bend.
Dip m'toe to jacuzzi, baby.
"No, connect it, it sounds like that actor." He reached for his loose aux cord and spared a glance at his companion. Her green cheeks were flushed a darker shade, and Venomous could scent a distinct embarrassment from the girl. 
  Slip out this book:
The Buttress of Windsor. 
Ho ho ho, who's this? How's it goin'?
That's the first thin' I say to you.
How's it goin'? 
Are you flowin'?
"Flowing? Does he mean?" There was fake gasp and outrage in his voice. And yes, he could literally feel her shrink in her seat, her face even redder. 
"Boss, come on, it is him though, Jack Black's band," she had listened to him and let it keep playing, "A friend sent me the link… can I turn it off now?" She asked and made to mute it. 
He had been both listening to her and the lyrics, his interest peaked immediately when she confirmed it was the short, round, funny, actor. The actor that reminded him greatly of his husband. 
Listen, honey,
Thinkin' 'bout a couple things to say to you,
Showin', growin',
"Look, just plug it in and I will quit making comments," he offered, and looked over with his brow cocked high and a smirk on his lips as he dangled the aux cord. Really, the teacher from School of Rock could not have written something that bad.
Man I'd like to place my hand
upon your fuckin' sexy ass and squeeze.
And squeeze!
"Oh that's right, you haven't seen Tenacious D, that's R rated." she snorted. She had always found it funny that Boxboss had never kept over PG13 movies in the house. A sinister smile came to her lips and she shoved the cord in and turned the music up. He didn't know she had upgraded his trunk awhile back and the music now had a low boom. Boxboss had made sure no bits rattled due to the low vibes.
Still, he had been half-listening to,  the lyrics now much more interested in the singer and the song. 
Take off your blouse, 
And your underpants,
Then take a look,
He jumped with the bass came and blinked rapidly when the next few lines came out, his lilac cheeks blushed darker  
'Cause here me and KG come naked,
"KG?" He asked again, in hopes she would pull up a picture.
Out of the side-hatch,
With the oils and perfume and incense.
She laughed and leaned over showing him the photo of the album cover; by god… they were both like his round shapely little bird of a husband. He found himself sad neither had bio enhancements or adjacencies, but both men were right up his alley. 
They stayed quiet as the music pulsed through the car, Fink's smirk never left her face. And Venomous now knew exactly why. The song had caused him to imagine quite a few scenarios, he was thankful the last bit of the drive to the convention center had been easy and he could see the large building coming into view. The song sounded like it was nearing the end, and his groin had a slight ache against the hem of his jeans. He noticed her moving to pull the cord-free again.
Let's roll!
"Let him finish," Venomous said, holding out his hand, he had not made any further comments about the lyrics caught up in his thoughts. 
Fink laughed oddly at this and held her stomach, trying to contain more of her laughs, seeming to now taking full enjoyment in his own embarrassment as the song continued. 
[2-part:] Ahh, oh!
What! Yeah! Huh! Nah! Oh!
Ah, that's it, that's right, ohmygah, oh-I-think-I'm-gonna, Ohh!
Deht! Deht! Eeee!
"We're here Fink," he slid into the nearest handicap stall. She scrambled for her phone pulling it free and nearly bolting from the window instead of opening the door. Venomous just sat there for a moment blinking slowly, a smirk curling his lips as he pulled back from the spot and rolled to the back of the lot. The tournament wouldn’t start for nearly two hours, and Fink hated it when he tried to "talk shop" with the other bits of the crowd. Looking out, he checked that his windows were shaded by the trees and no other groups were loitering near.
With a groan reached down adjusting himself in his jeans, thankful that the pain had kept the physical reaction to a minimum. A sigh of relief rushed from his nose as he grabbed his phone and pulled open a few apps, finding the band and song quickly on VillTube, and sent a link to Boxy. The next text had a picture attachment. 
The photo attached was Ven looking up at the cam, his soft sweater pulled up to show just a bit of his lower stomach over the button of his jeans and two semi-hard lengths pressing against one side, and a text bubble saying "Can I have two Boxy's for my Cobmas gift?"
To read more it gets M
Art is by @firecooking
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