#i'll be flying awayyyyy
hershelwidget · 1 year
third time this week i’ve sobbed over the the dog island opening theme song
how is everyone else doing
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bunnyandcomet · 1 year
Murr SSR: To the Sea of Light Where Wishes Shine (Tanabata 2022)
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ft. Murr, Rustica, and Akira
Card Story: Asking You About Love
Chapter 1
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Murr: ......
Rustica: ......
Akira: (Murr and Rustica? They're standing at either end of the hall and staring at each other, I wonder what's up?)
Murr: No matter how wide the river, my love for you can't be washed awayyyyy!
Rustica: How I wish I could fly over to the other side of this sparkling river that divides us!
Akira: !?
All of a sudden, the two started to exchange passionate words that exhoed clearly throughout the hall.
Akira: Um, what on earth are you two......
Murr: Ahhh! Stop right there, Madam Sage. You're gonna drown in the Milky Way!
Akira: Huh?
Rustica: Perhaps this will make it a little clearer. << Amorest Viesse >>
In the next moment, the area around my feet where I stood between Murr and Rustica began to sparkle.
It shone beautifully like the surface of water in sunlight. I should have been soaked to the ankle, but strangely enough, I couldn't feel a thing.
Akira: So pretty...... This is...... an illusion?
Ah, could this be the Milky Way you were talking about before?
Murr: Ding ding, correct! It's the bright shiny river of stars from Madam Sage's world! The one that separates the two people in love.
Murr then flew in a circle over the beautiful river as Rustica walked elegantly towards me.
Murr: Ta-da! It's Hikoboshi, coming to visit!
Rustica: Oh my, I had also planned to be Hikoboshi.
Murr: Ahaha, there's two Hikoboshis! We went to the trouble of doing an experiment, but Orihime's disappeared!
Akira: Experiment?
Rustica: Indeed. We had various debates regarding the Tanabata legend, and it seems to have stirred the blood of the wisest man of the era.
At the moment, we're verifying how wide the Milky Way that separated Orihime and Hikoboshi was by becoming the two legendary lovers themselves.
Murr: Madam Sage, aren't you interested in just how big that Milky Way was? There's a ton of other things I wanna know as well! If only I could ask Orihime and Hikoboshi directly.
Akira: Wow, this legend from my world has really piqued your curiosity, huh......!
After being asked something like that, I've become interested too. Have you learned anything from your current experiment?
Murr: Not a thing!
Akira: Eh.
Murr: I mean, the real Milky Way is made of stars, and it's up far away in the sky. It must be WAY bigger than the Milky Way we've made.
Rustica: Even if we cross this river, we can still see each other and our voices still reach. It appears to be a bit undersized to separate our divided lovers.
Murr: So this is just a bit of pretend play to soothe my heart that oh-so aches with intellectual curiosity.
Next, I wonder if I should turn into a woman to more accurately reproduce Orihime? Maybe then I'll understand something.
Akira: (......I kind of want to see that......) By the way, what other debates did you have?
Murr: About whether being separated from Orihime by time would cause their love to change!
What do you think, Madam Sage?
Chapter 2
Akira: It's difficult since it's a philosophical question......
Rustica: In that case, how about you think of it this way. ......Let's say that there's someone that you consider precious. Whether that be in a romantic or platonic sense.
One day that person is suddenly separated from you, having gone to a faraway place across a large river, and you can meet them only once a year.
In the midst of being far-removed from them in terms of both time and distance, would your love for that person stay unchanged? Or would it change? And if so, what shape would it take? Such was our discussion.
Akira: That's easy to understand. Let me imagine it a bit.
(A person who is precious to me, who seems to be by my side every day, huh......)
Raising my head, I saw the tree that Figaro had prepared in place of bamboo grass.
There, the star-shaped ornaments that contained all the wizards' wishes sparkled silently.
Akira: (If I were to suddenly become separated from everyone who's always with me now......)
Murr: Hikoboshi Sage, Orihime Sage. Have you come up with an answer?
Akira: My answer...... It's difficult, isn't it.
Because it's someone precious to me, only the memories of them will be left unchanged, and they'll surely remain in my heart. But I also think I'd be lonely.
Murr: That's true. It is lonely. All the more if memories are the only thing you have left to cling to.
Maybe that loneliness would change your feelings towards them. On the other hand, maybe it wouldn't change them.
Akira: Yes. However, if possible, I wouldn't want them to change. And I'd want the strength to not have them change, I think.
Having to be apart will definitely be painful, and the sudden change in circumstances will be confusing, but......
Even so, we can meet once a year. With that as my crutch, I'd want my heart to be strong enough to bear the loneliness.
Murr: So Madam Sage would think of the fact that "we can meet only once a year" as "we can still meet once a year".
Rustica: What a fresh perspective! It's like seeing a wilted flower as the beginning of a new budding season.
Murr: So, if your yearly meeting wasn't guaranteed but instead a matter of probability, you wouldn't be able to endure it?
Your love towards them, your memories of them, perhaps you'd think it would be easier to forget them.
Seems like there's still room for debate about how the existence of a guarantee would affect the decision!
Akira: W-We're really getting into this...... Actually, since we've discussed it this much, I'd like to hear both of your opinions on the changing of love as well.
Rustica: As for me, I believe that not being able to meet just means that the time you spend thinking of one another increases.
As their thoughts grew stronger and stronger, wouldn't Hikoboshi and Orihime's love have grown deeper?
Chapter 3
Akira: The time you spend thinking of one another will increase, huh...... What a romantic, Rustica-like thought.
How about you, Murr?
Murr: No matter how often we can meet, no matter how far the distance, there'll definitely be feelings that don't change.
When it comes to the intense feeling of loving something, that's just a given.
But I guess it's not in my nature to just sit around waiting for the day we can meet again. << Eanul Rambul >>!
As if it were raining stars, a bridge of light was built across the Milky Way that Rustica had created.
A shining bridge and, underneath it, as if it was pulling the sun's rays, a beautiful flowing Milky Way. I was unconsciously mesmerised by the contrast between them.
Murr: I'll always love the faraway moon that only comes near once a year.
Not only that, I've continued to search for ways to get closer to it. So if it were me, I'd create a device that'd let me cross the Milky Way whenever I wanted!
Murr snapped his fingers, and a series of small boats and stepping stones made of light appeared one by one. And then...
Akira: On Murr's back...... Wings!?
Rustica: You've also grown some lovely wings on your back, Madam Sage. It's as if you're a light fairy.
Akira: Huh? ......Whoa, it's true!
Murr: Well? If you do something like this, you can meet anytime you want, right?
Murr, who had the same wings of light as me, smiled happily when our eyes met.
Murr: Ahaha! Mm-hmm, if it's like this, you might be able to cross the Milky Way.
Rustica: If it were me in Hikoboshi and Orihime's place, I think I also would've set out on a journey to find my partner when I became lonely.
It appears that we are both the type to cross time and space to meet the person we love.
Murr: That's right! Wouldn't it be interesting if we could freely come and go from the Sage's world like this too?
Akira: ......!
Rustica: That would be wonderful.
Even if the Sage were to return to her world, were she to miss our surprised-by-a-prank faces, she could come to see us right away.
Murr: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Great idea, right?
Akira: ......Yes, very much so! I'd love to be able to come and see everyone whenever I want even when I go back to my world.
Murr: Well then, if I find a way to connect this world to your world, let's build a bridge between them like that.
Then maybe both you and us can stay like this all the time.
At Murr's words, I unconsciously gazed at the sparkling bridge of light that spanned the Milky Way. 
Akira: (If it's Murr......)
He really might be able to do it someday, I thought to myself.
Card Episode: In Case of an Emergency
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Akira: Good evening, Murr. Are you looking at the moon?
Murr: That's right! I'm seducing it. Whispering passionate words of love and all that!
Akira: Ahaha, you really love the moon, don't you, Murr.
This is just a sudden thought, but if you were able to meet the < Great Calamity > only once a year like Hikoboshi and Orihime, what would you do?
Murr: Whaat! I'd hate that!
Akira: I-It's a hypothetical question! I'm just curious, that's all......
Murr: Hmmm. But actually, the chances of that happening are definitely not zero. Maybe I should think of some countermeasures.
Tell me what separates me and the moon. Give me all the details of the situation.
Akira: Eh, I haven't thought that far...... Something like, you're locked up in a room with no windows?
Murr: I'd break down the wall!
Akira: How about if you were blindfolded?
Murr: If I can bathe in the moonlight, that's the same as meeting!
Akira: Um...... Then, if the moon were hidden by thick clouds?
Murr: If we asked Oz, I guess he could probably clear up the clouds for me, but.....
If the moon is bashful and has clothed itself in clouds, it wouldn't be well-mannered of me to tear them away by force.
Akira: Ooh, what a gentleman......
Murr: That's the answer from the current me!
If the moon really does become shy, try asking me again then!
Homescreen Line
I'm jealous of the stars; they get to be so close to the < Great Calamity >! If one of the stars in the night sky was wooing the moon, what do you think I would do? Interfere? Or would we talk of the many charms of the moon together? Tell me about your inner Murr, Madam Sage!
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
Since I'm missing being on my college min worship team right now, here's another funny story. Let me tell you about my friend, let's call her Portia.
So my college min is/was pretty small. Like, 25 people on a good night. So our whole worship band was was this guy I'll call John on the acoustic guitar, by dear friend Portia on the drums, and me singing. Worship rehearsal mostly consisted of John (who was in charge) trying to make sure we all knew what we were doing while Portia did her absolute best to try and make me laugh. I did my best to ignore her, since goofing off during a music rehearsal isn't really in my nature, but I'll admit that I failed more often than not. I've always giggled really easily.
Portia's antics involved everything from imitating a cello or organ line for some of the classic hymns and throwing in various "sing it church" and "this is what we believe" ad libs during the more contemporary ones to singing along in the deepest croaky bass she could manage to straight up poking me with her drumstick from time to time. She also really liked to mess around with the lyrics to the songs.
One week, we were singing "I Surrender All." If you don't know, there's a verse that goes like this:
All to Jesus I surrender,
Humbly at his feet I bow,
Worldly pleasures all forsaken,
Take me, Jesus, take me now.
It's sung very solemnly and sedately. Portia found this hilarious. By and large this isn't a song about death or the second coming, so why is this line here? "Why is it phrased like that?" Portia wanted to know. "Why, midway through this good little Reformed hymn, does this one line suddenly sound like what a fire and brimstone Southern Baptist says when he's about to do something reckless?"
She started messing around and put that verse together with "I'll Fly Away" in sort of a medley singing those lines in this really dark, sort of RP, almost chant-like sort of voice, then switching abruptly to "I'll Fly Away" in her best Southern Baptist voice.
Perfect posture, hands together in a prayer gesture: "Worldly pleasures... ahhhhl for-sah-ken... 🙏 Tehhhk me Jee-sahhs... Tehk me nowww" 🙏
Abruptly starts jumping up and clapping her hands: "Iiiiiiii'll fly away! Oh glory! 👏 Iiiii'll fly away! 👏 (IN THE MORNING) When! I! Die! 👏 Hallelujah!! By and by! 👏 Iiiii'll fly awayyyyy!!! 👏 👏
I'm really not doing the bit justice, it was hilarious. I was laughing uproariously. Even John, who was usually Above Such Things, seemed to be entertained.
So we pull ourselves together, finish rehearsal, and then later on the actual Large Group gathering arrives. "I Surrender All" is like third on the setlist. We sing two perfectly normal hymns ahead of it.
We sing the first verse and chorus of "I Surrender All," and then we get to The Verse. And you guys. I completely lost it.
At first, at the beginning of the verse, it was just a little giggle that could have maybe been ignored, but by the time I got to "Take me Jesus, take me now," I was doubled over laughing, completely unable to sing, red in the face and gasping for air. Next to me, both Portia and John were completely stoic.
And then Portia pokes me with her drumstick.
Now, none of us had ever been disruptive like this during Actual Large Group before, but I guess Portia figured that the situation was already out of control and she might as well make it worse. So yeah, she poked me, and I whipped around still laughing and fell on the floor.
I got up, still laughing, and through my laughter and, by this point, tears, tried to apologize into the microphone.
"I'm... 🤣😂🤣 so sorry.... 🤣🤣 at... 😂😂🤣🤣 rehearsal..." I managed to get out.
"Do you need a minute?" asked our campus minister.
Portia leaned forward over her drum. "Sorry Luke. It was my fault."
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tanosan96 · 7 years
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🌻 You made flowers grow in my lungs. And although they are beautiful. I can’t breathe. 🌻
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mercury-viennazu · 3 years
Listening to Songs With My Brain!!
Ep. 1: Micheal In The Bathroom
I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall
Wait what was I doing? Oh yeah, sad gays
I could stay right here or disappear
No one derves to be forgotten~ No one derves to fade awayyyyy
And nobody'd even notice at all
Wow this music is cool
I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone
Oof same, I feel you, Michael.
But I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly
Or pretend to check a text on my phone
Everything felt fine
When I was half of a pair
Oop here come the breakup memories. FUCK U K YOU IGNORED ME *angry growling*
And through no fault of mine
There's no other half there
Yo what if I could fly?
Now I'm just
Michael in the bathroom
Michael in the bathroom at a party
Forget how long its been
Must be the weed at the party
I'm just Michael in the bathroom
Michael in the bathroom at a party
No, you can't come in
Watch someone come in and be like AAAAAAAAAAAAA
I'm waiting it out 'til it's time to leave
If you've done that and you know it clap your hands *clap clap*
And picking at grout as I softly grieve
What the fuck is grout
*looks it up*
Grout- Wikipedia
*clicks on Glue*
L o o k i t ' s t h e h i s t o r y o f g l u e
I'm just
Michael who you don't know
Yo this is a good meme opportunity
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Michael Mell or smth Idk never seen him
Michael flying solo
Michael in the bathroom by himself
All by himself
Nuuuu Michael don't worry I got you bestie
I am hiding,
But he's out there
Just ignoring all our history
Memories get erased
Okay but what if the SQUIP made Jeremy forget some of his memories with Michael and that's why he didn't feel bad about leaving him and he never knew about the memory erasure and that's why he doesn't realize Michael is hurt. Additionally, if the SQUIP can see, hear, and control everything that Jeremy does then why did he not just made Jeremy forget Rich mentioned Mountain Dew Red in The Play? What if the SQUIP wanted to be killed? What if he realized how much harm he was doing and he just wanted to erase everything?
And I'll get replaced
With a newer cooler version of me
Okay but like, Jeremy's an asshole. Honestly Michael is one of the coolest guys in the entire thing. I'd say the least cool person is Chloe. Michael has all of these things he likes and is very passionate about and Chloe's entire personality is quite literally "Hot Girl." Honestly get your shit together, Jeremy. Michael deserved much much better.
And I hear a drunk girl
Singing along to Whitney through the door
"I wanna dance with somebody!"
And my feelings sink
Cause it makes me think
Now there's no one to make fun of drunk girls with anymore
Why tf were you making fun of drunk girls in the first place, FOR GOD'S SAKE MICHAEL
Now it's just
Michael in the bathroom
Michael in the bathroom at a party
*arm motion thingy*
I half regret the beers
Michael in the bathroom
Michael in the bathroom at a party
As I choke back the tears
Not the only thing you'll be choking on
I'll wait as long as I need
'Til my face is dry
Or I'll just blame it on weed
IM CALLING THE POLICE *microwave sounds*
Or something in my eye
Like your eyeballs???????
I'm just Michael
And I'm just Azu
Who you don't know
Michael flyin' solo
Michael in the bathroom by himself
Knock, knock, knock, knock
They're gonna start to shout soon
Knock, knock, knock, knock
Ah hell yeah I'll be out soon
I'm not crying you are
Knock, knock, knock, knock
It sucks he left me here alone
Knock, knock, knock, knock
Here in this teenage battlezone
Clang, clang, clang, clang
I feel the pressure blowing up
Bang, bang, bang, bang
My big mistake was showing up
Splash, splash, splash, splash
I throw some water in my face
And I am in a better place
Throwing water in your face is actually one of the best ways to relax. I do it a lot during volleyball cause I often get random body dysmorphia or insecurities so yeah! Instead of drinking water consider....THROWING water
I go to open up the door
But I can't hear knocking
Let's think about that one fic we read where ALEXANDER FUCKING HAMILTON knocked on the door
And I can't help but yearn
For a different time
What's better the future or the past? Or maybe the present but I just can't appreciate it because I'm too caught up in thinking about what will go wrong and I can't concentrate on what's going right....
And then I look in the mirror
Uhhh...don't do that
And the present is clear
*imagines legit fucking gift*
And there's no denying
I'm just
... at a party
Is there a sadder sight
Yes, many
Michael in the bathroom at a party
This is a heinous night
*looks up definition of heinous*
I wish I stayed at home instead
Watching cable porn
Or wish I offed myself instead
Wish I was never born
I'm just Michael
Who's a loner
So he must be a stoner
Rides a PT Cruiser
Google Search: PT Cruiser
Google Search: PT Cruiser colors
Google Search: cool vanilla
Google Search: cool vanilla hair
Google Search: cool vanilla hair dye
God, he's such a loser
No ur not bby
Michael flying solo
Who you think that you know
Michael in the bathroom by himself
All by himself
All by himself
Awww the music is going down
When all you know about me
Is my name
Yes, Michael Mell
Awesome party
I'm so glad I came
Ik Michael, ik
Oh boy that was long oof
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eclipsedshadowk · 6 years
Supposed to be in a language only angels and demons understand
M. Beth: Katrina, I'll be outside for a while. Be a good girl, okay Sweetie?
Kat: Okay.
Χιόνι: Psst! Psst!
Kat: Huh?
Χιόνι: Little kid, up here
Kat: *looks up* Χιόνι? Whyyy? Mommy's awayyyy!
Χιόνι: Could you get me outta this cage?
Kat: Can't weach! I'm wittle! Cage too high!
Χιόνι: You can fly.
Kat: But you might fwy awayyyyy!
Χιόνι: No! I'll stay! We'll play and have fun! You like that, kid?
Kat: ...
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