#i'll figure out voices for ilya and grey eventually
in-maidjan · 5 years
7, 17, 29, 38 for the witcher kids!
7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they havean accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
AMELIA – Amelia has a quiet and gentle voice, sheworked very hard to recover her voice after not speaking for a long time due toher curse. That being said, she can speak without issue now, and happily singsagain.
As for a voice claim, I imagine Ashley Barret who did thesinging voice of Red from Transistor! [1 / 2] 
GREYSON – I can’t find a voice claim I likefor him exactly, but he definitely has a middle-to-low toned voice, a littlebit of gravel but not scratchy or hoarse. He has a slight accent from his timein Zerrikania but not much.
ILYA – Again, can’t find a suitable voice Ilike for Ilya but he definitely has an accent, one that clips his words alittle, but he’s very soft spoken and quiet, he very rarely raises hisvoice.
17. How prepared is your oc? Ready for the worst nomatter what, or completely lost in every situation? Would they have a medkitwhen it was needed? Would they have an umbrella if it rains?
AMELIA – Amelia on average is pretty preparedfor most scenarios. Her training at the School of the Manticore taught her thatpreparedness is everything, though she is still learning what she can dowithout to avoid carrying too much at any given time.
GREYSON – Grey would rather have it and notneed it than need it and not have it. He knows what he doesn’t need to takewith him for certain jobs and takes time to prepare for the worst casescenario, so he’s never without the tools he needs unless something seriouslygoes wrong.
ILYA – Ilya is a very meticulous person, so he’salmost always ready for anything. He’s only ever lacking if a situation turnsout to be different than anticipated, but he knows how to adapt and make dowith what he has.
29. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idleanimation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation thatplays.)
AMELIA – Amelia’s idle animation would betoying with her scarf, tugging at the ends. She may also begin to hum softly andwould stop shortly after her model is moved. If she’s idle when riding a horse,she’ll begin to pat its neck or play with the reins.
GREYSON – Grey’s idle animation would be to tuckhis thumbs into his belt and tap his hip slightly. If he’s idle for too long,he’ll sit and cross his arms, lowering his head to rest.
ILYA – Ilya’s idle animation would be to takea small journal or book from his satchel and begin to either read, write, or sketch.He may also fiddle with his medallion.
38. What signs tell that your oc is nervous? Do theyfidget, is it in their expression or the way they say things? Or are they veryskilled at hiding it?
AMELIA – Amelia’s nervousness can shinethrough in her body language. She becomes much more animated, unable to sitstill, pacing, speaking at little to quickly. She’s not very good at hiding it.
GREYSON – Grey’s body language also shifts buthe’s much better at disguising it. He’ll tilt his head at times however, as iflooking for an exit from his current situation.
ILYA – Ilya isn’t good at expressing himself,and this carries through for his nerves too. He becomes closed off and tensewhen nervous, but its not much of a difference from his usual demeanour so it’snot that noticeable to people that don’t know him, so in a way he’s good athiding it.
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