#i'll give him lots of... erm... tape
sui-imi · 5 months
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aaa i've been super busy lately and i missed his birthday by a few hours ;-;
happy (late) birthday cellphone!!
his birthday's april 25 - national telephone day!
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hjazysol · 3 years
Chapter 8: Pain of Creation
As more of the Kamijiru's secrets uncover. The Clown starts the show up above. The rejected students make their first big move.
7 Years Ago
Hero Fabrication 1st Update
"So then. My first test. Candy. Shall begin. Now I'd first like to explain my Quirk called. God's Hand. I personally never chose the name but it stuck with the masses so I can create any living thing from a non living thing and vice versa. Though for me to make a living being from a dead object. I'd need a blood sample. This blood sample can come from any person whether it be from me or a volunteer... Though for this experiment I ended up exploiting a friend Im more than positive it will be worth it."
Brimming with confidence the professor dragged over a board. Opening a marker pen with his teeth gripping onto the now open pen. He drew a cube with a smiley face on it and legs. "So.. This is Quenton Birch. Quite bizarrely this boy has the ability to use Cartoon Physics. And so now I want to use him as a base. So not too long ago I asked a friend to retrieve a blood sample. From him."
"Now I suppose you're wondering why I don't use my own blood. But this is part of the test. Ok." The black haired man reached out for the blood sample. Taking about a syringe full out from it. Then gathered up a piece of cotton candy from a bag. "Now if you've been paying attention then I'm certain you'll know what I'll do with this right?"
Akira hovered his hand over the sweet, dropping the syringe's contents on it as he did. Shortly after the pink fluff of sugar grew larger. Filling up the already restricted space on his desk. Slowly the colour became more similar to human skin in looks and in texture. And then a few minutes later. A human body lay presented to him on the table.
"PERFECT! IT WENT WELL! As far as I can see there are no imperfections here." Akira began going all over the body taking measurements. "Kaaaah. Though I'm a lot filthier than I thought. They're around 12 Years Old right now... ...Have I really had some candy lying around for that long? That's a good bit of my life that is. But either way... ...The test worked! Test 1 Candy is a success...After all the research. It took a long time but my idea of artificial human beings is starting off great. I'll record again. Erm... Once they've begun moving."
Hero Fabrication Update 2
"Hurk. H-Hello. I'm back again. Urk!?" The doctor was getting his face pulled at by a pair of stretching arms. "Hey now relax don't go pulling at peoples faces. It's rude. Ahem anyway. I'd like to tell you all that from now on I'll officially be doing work on this project from now on. Though...I won't really be giving anyone these tapes til after its all over... ...In case it gets shut do-"
Crunching glass and spilling water were going everywhere. Test tubes and flasks flung from above. Another voice came in from afar. "Professor! She's messing up the equipment again!"
"They don't like it if you refer to them that way. Did you forget again? Apologise and they'll stop. Sigh.... W-Well that's one way to let you know that I've got new staff working with me. This once again will be kept on the low until I try my best to ease the idea onto the government. So we all hide our identities using codes. Well. Besides me. I am responsible for the worst outcome at the end of the day."
Gasping ferociously hard Akira's assistants were all chasing after the first little creation made by Akira. They clung to Akira's leg, sheepishly hiding behind him. "Hey now... You need to go back already." Reaching his hands upon the head of the little creation the professor patted at their head gently.
"I know you don't like that water but without it I can't keep all of you together. You'll fall apart since you technically aren't complete. Come now."
"Professor Kamijiru? These barcodes on their necks? Are these their names?"
"Oh yes. You're one of the newer members. I marked them with a stamp in the creation process."
"Well. Who're they. When they to your side?"
"This is the first of my creations. As with the now other 20 I have made. They only got the one power from the dna of Quenton. The ability to stretch out their body and proportions to match any need at the time."
"Ohh? Well what's this ones name Akira?"
"Well they came from a piece of sweet, cotton candy. And as a result they smell really sweet. Especially, their hair. So I decided to name them. Okashi." Present day and a hammer came crashing down onto the tape playing the recorded message from Akira's past.
"Finally that voice can be put to silence for once. I'll never have to hear that false voice ever again." Okashi was removing her glasses, her hair shrinking slowly closer to her head. "At last." Digging her fingers deep into her face the black haired girl started pulling away at her face stretching it out and mangling it around before landing on a different look.
"I'll finally get to hear the real thing in person once again." The same face as the clown person stuck underground. "Yeah. I'll finally get to hear that voice gargling for air as I wring out your damn neck. Yeah. That'll be nice." On their way out the hole above them. They were attatching stuff they came across to their tool belt. Finally stretching her arm over to the table containing her own fully functional Quirk contracting & Quirk cancelling solutions. 3 of the latter lodged in the necks of unconscious heroes. Bandana Dee, Taranza & Dedede.
"Well then...Let's get this invasion started."
"Hrmm. Oi Honoka?" The stone cocooned girl turned her head over to Hokori startled by how invasivly close he was to her face. "Wh- What do you want!?"
"Do you want to join us?"
"Join you?"
"... No way."
"Aww. Why not?"
"I refuse to be acknowledged by the world as some delinquent. I'm different from you I'm important for the future of this hero's society. To save those two weak to save themselves. That's my purpose. Those are the intentions I was made with. Until I've achieved that and more I won't bother trying anything else. I've never played a single game never stopped studying only. And never stopped practicing. I will become a hero that outshines even the world's greatest. That's how I am. So it will happen."
"Well just be a hero with us."
"Kotawaru. Doing anything that's against the basic laws of quirk usage in public. Why that would just bring about shame to my father's name of course my existence brought him enough hate as it is way in the past."
Her malleable face was stretched out suddenly by Hokori who had an impatient expression on his face. "Well make up your mind already do you want to be a hero or not? The past is the past why let it decide what you do now?"
"Hm?" Takaishi raised his head cautiously his face was twitching about. "I think something big's coming this way?"
"Really? How far?" Prodding his soft index finger at the blind boys head Kageyama decided to taunt him. "Or are you lying just so that you can get us all scared and rattled. Heheh!"
"How far though dreads?"
"I don't know!? Like about 6 Kilometres back the way we came?"
"Oh wow? I bet you can hear the angels singing from heaven from here to huh." He remarked sarcastically circling a halo round his head using his Quirk.
"I'M TELLING YOU! SOMETHING BIG IS COMING! If it wasn't this massive I wouldn't be able to hear it at all! We should use that as an opportunity to escape and- ...H-Hokori?"
The alleged leader had wandered off somewhere, Shebi carrying Honoka was gone to. "AAH! He vanished!"
"Honestly he could at least spare the detail on where he goes. Anyway it should be fine. He's got Medusa with him...Hm? What's this?" A distinct red speck of dust fell infront of Kageyama, catching it on his finger. "Hmm. Powder?"
"Hey look more of its coming down!" Shuri pointed up to the the sky several small particles akin to mist came soaring down and about the placement. "I don't trust this. You. Shrinker."
"Whatever! Just... Are those clothes made to stretch out with you aswell as return to normal?"
"Yep yep! But why do you want to know now?"
The ground chipped barely, Kageyama had stuck a wall of popes into the ground on both sides working as a wall. "Alright now I want you to grow out that jacket and throw it over the cage."
"Hey but..Won't it just come through the now bigger seams?" Takaishi asked. "Yeah that's what an idiot would assume." Kageyama replied smirking at Takaishi in particular. "During the short fight I had with her in training I noticed her clothes aren't like usual giant quirk users where they're just really stretchy. Aside from those guards on her body. All her clothes have a whole different layer of unused threads."
"So when she stretches out her limbs to grow bigger and when the seams are forced to expand that secondary layer comes up and gets tied up together with the previous threads. So in other words. Her clothes can never be too loose or too tight. They'll always be just right. Now hurry up. Grow big and strip. We can throw it over a cage I make. Then it'll be a shield."
Yatsua piped up in embarrassment at the comment. "Hey! You don't just ask someone to strip it's rude! Especially a gi- OI OI OI!" Shuri was already mid way taking off a her top in bigger form. "It's fine I've got something underneath Yatsu." This was a normal giant quirk top but was still ripping at the back.
As that Quartet of teens kept doing their thing above. Hokori & Shebi had wandered off elsewhere in a different building. The building had an underground. "Woah. This a long tunnel huh Shebi?"
"Yeah... Honoka fell asleep... ...She's drooling. Somehow."
"Hm... ...Shebi. You lied to her back then didn't you?" Rightfully confused Shebi squinted harshly at Hokori. "What about?"
"Your Quirk... She never looked you in your eyes. She was busy watching your coat..."
"Oh so you did notice that then... Well. Sometimes a lie like that is necessary for surviving. Revealing a Quirk right away is like automatically signing your way to die. And even if you've called me out I still won't say what it really is."
"You had a move like that and never said a thing? Haha! Badass."
"You don't even know what it is yet. Maybe I'll share another time."
The bandana tied redhead pouted his lips huffing loudly. "Tch. Okay." Hokori continued making small talk. "You know when we got to my house their was no one surrounding like usual...Did you scare them off or something?"
"Errr. I kicked one big guy. With the Tajma-Hell. The rest ran scared. Your sisters the only one who fought me without much restraint."
"What's a Tajma-Hell?"
"That's one of my attacks. It's an axe kick but well... ...Worse..."
"... Ah I get it. It's a bad move."
"Your damn right it is....Hey. I can see some light finally" They kept going forwards. The lines of light revealing the insides of a run down building, leaving Hokori & Shebi in awe. "Damn. This is incredible...They just have stuff like this idly standing by underground like this? Then again it doesn't look like it's that valuable to anybody now."
"Hey Shebi! I found something cool come check it out. Look look." Giant glass containers were checkered about messily all over. Broken glass stabbed in and all over the place. Both the two of them were fascinated by everything they came by. Machinery that was fairly new and polished. And robot like things stood tal in the corner. A mixture of mess and neatness.
And then something frigid, wet and slippery slid off along from Shebi's neck and arms. This caused her to shiver and look over her shoulder a confused but sickened expression scrunched up her face. "What...The. Honoka..." Honoka began waking up. Crying and quivering. "Erm Hey. Honoka? Are you alri-?"
Before Shebi could even finish her sentence Honoka started wailing louder than multiple fire alarms, thrashing about her cocoon violently. "NO NO NO. LEAVE ME ALONE! NO NOT HERE AGAIN! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!"
"Erm. Hok- HE'S GONE!?!?"
The bandana wearer had found himself zoned out looking at the screen for a TV further down within the cofines of the room. "Cameras? It looks like there's alot of them around. Hey this ones in a first person view. Is it some sort of video game?... Ah? AH WAIT!? I KNOW WHERE THAT IS! THAT'S WHERE WE WERE JUST! Hrng. I'm not gonna pretend I know anything about computers. So I guess it's some surveillance system."
In search of someone who might've perhaps installed such a high tech system within the underground chamber they found themselves in. To the right of him was just a tunnel that was blocked off completely by debris. "Well no matter what's going on now. While there's some cool stuff down here. This place is just a huge wreck." Hokori said knocking the desk at his side.
The table broke and collapsed and small device fell from its bits and pieces garnering Hokori's attention. "Oh? A Voice recorder?... ...Well its not rude if no one remembered it." He pressed play. The familiar voice of Professor Kamijiru came from inside it, noticeably agitated by something.
"What do you mean you made. More?" The professor was met with silence.
"And without my authorisation? Have you even been raising them properly." Once again he was met with silence.
"D-Do you even care!? I asked for your help for this part of the project because I knew you could cover all my expenses! I didn't share my work with you just so you could throw it all away!" Again. Silence.
"IS EVEN ONE OF YOU BASTARDS LISTENING TO ME!?" Finally, after moments of elongated silence a smooth yet gruff voice replied to him. "... ...We're a gang. Dr. 'Godhand'. You didn't actually think our family was just going to, I don't know, ignore a prime catch like this? You hired us with that knowledge. That we were a gang that is. That was the moment you should've known what a mistake you'd made. Even our little brither wouldn't fuck up this bad."
"I-...You won't do any more of this. Understand."
"Hmph. Since we've just been following demands on making heroes I see no reason for why we should cease our own experimentation. But of course. I promise you no more creations outside of your own.... ....Though. Something worth pointing out though. Dear Kamijiru. You speak of raising these things by your side?"
"Well yes. Is that something that bothers you people?" The Professor asked, suspiciously. A massive amount of unsureness in his eyes as he spoke with his 'ally.'
"Hmm. Well Dr. Professor man thing. Usually with weapons we use them. They wear down. And in a more humane term. Are disposed of. Nobody wants a broken tool left lying around right. The only thing special about these creatures is their power outside of that. All they are to me are weapons and if it dies then its not my problem. It was just to weak to live on."
"Anyone should be given a chance to live freely. People who would abuse that freedom to behave awfully, like yourselves, shouldn't be allowed to have it."
"Well personally we could care less of your ideals. We're Yakuza. This is just buisness. In fact. I would like to play a little game. The 20 of your creations. Fighting the 20 copies. They can fight for their freedom. Not so much of a new concept for mankind. Freedom has never once been obtainable without causing issue for somebody else."
" Hmm. See I'd agree but the quiet kids love playing with guns all the time. So come on don't be a buzzkill Professor. Let's play!" The voice through the tape raised loud and confident elated by his very own proposal.
"... Show me them. I'm taking them away from you. You don't deserve to take care of a another life. I'm done taking money from you fools."
"... ...Tahahahah! Fine we scratch the fight. One! We'll show you one! One is all you need to see. We've done the same to all ours. We got sick of those human sized tubes, so we thrashed them. If they couldn't stay together well. Maybe you should've prioritised how stable they would be rather than making sure they are treated well. A gun doesn't need to talk. Only kill."
"Well then I'd very much like to know how you managed this without my suspicions growing further."
"The process really was simple. See you hired all these people you thought you could trust. Outside of ourselves of course. But there were a few or so who gave into our 'persuasions'. While on their own the process of Cloning would never be complete. I made my own investment."
"Hm. So what could those bastards have possibly offered you."
"Well... I was faced with a truly beautiful specimen. A true weapon. No personality. No out of line behavior. No voice. No soul. No mind. Exactly what my family was looking for."
Stuttering aggressively over and over. Kamijiru couldn't even muster a reaction. Leaving Hokori confused for a bit. "Y-You! WH-WH-WHAT IS THIS!? Those. Those symbols!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THAT CHILD!?"
"...We...Fixed her. Meet our blooming flower. Honoka." The gang leader softly giggled to himself the the recorder began to muffled and buzz. Then silence.
"Honoka?" Hokori had accidentally crushed the recorder at the sound of that girls name. "Someone's hurt her? Huh?" His attention shortly after drifted over to another desk on it were familiar pairs of syringe. One group red. Another green. But too stunned to stay fixed on them.
Hurtling as fast as a bullet a table fired back from where Shebi was, right to Hokori. In response he punched it in two the second it reached him.
"I'd hoped I could just come down here mind my buisness have some fun on a short trip." Shebi was cornered by a berserk Honoka, she was bleeding and bruised in several places. "But now look." She plucked a strand of hair from her bangs watching it droop as she held it up.
"You've gone and messed up my hair. Your a girl Honoka you should know I can't let this go. It's always a contest on who looks best. And I agree beauty is perfection with it you can attention...However-" Honoka interupted her, blitzing forwards to attack. Shebi was falling to the floor face first seemingly.
Instead though. Her palm had struck the floor first, hoisting her up from the ground. Kicking out one leg over into Honoka's face, leaving a dent on her gelatinous face. Switching to her other hand Shebi swung herself round the ground sweeping her off from her feet. Finally she stood herself up after a jump from her hand, landing a devastating axe kick down on her chest.
"It's just as important that you're able to stand up for yourself in the heat of the moment." Filling out her body's dents Honoka shakily stood back up, no words were uttered from her mouth. "...Jeez. You can still stand up after that? I guess being a jelly girl has its perks-"
Soon after saying that, the blooming bio weapon stretched out her right arm and finger noticeably they looked sharp and hardened. "Oh? So you can get hard so what. Though. For a girl that's not usually something we can experience."
Honoka's hand morphed again. The after result, several sharp blades in a circular shape that began spinning and picking up speed every passing second. "W-Woah... ...No way. Seriously? A buzzsaw. This could be bad... ...I shouldn't need my Quirk right now though. You're nothing special. So I'll just have fun with you. I thought your only Quirk was shape-shifting. What a joke."
The enraged girl ran at Shebi with the whirring blade, literally in her hand, swinging for Shebi's face. Grazing a small bit of hair once again amidst the several rapid swings "Hey! Seriously! Watch the hair!" Shebi did a spinning roundhouse kick downing the girl yet again. The stone princess smiled "I still want to look great once I've beat your ass."
Honoka reached into herself directly on the symbol on her chest, with the precision of a surgeon she pulled out a black spear. "Oh so your Quirk isn't just Malleability. That symbol on your chest is like a pocket. Hm. I guess I could use it now then. This fight going on any longer could end bad. I don't want to risk bot using it now. She could have a grenade in there or something. Parthenon- Huh."
Her adversary didn't hesitate, and let Shebi to so much as think to do something and so she lunged at Shebi with the Spear & swinging her buzzing arm around narrowly missing the arms and legs. "SHIT!" Shebi kicked off of her chest to gain some distance. A loud bang heard in doing so."
"HUH!? Wait! Is that symbol really a Quirk?" Honoka didn't let up her attack pushing forward piercing debris while Shebi dodged swiftly, not once turning her back as she did, soon returning a bone shattering kick of her own. "This'll put you down! No hard feelings!"
Casually taking advantage of her body's capabilities, Honoka stretched her head right out the way of harm, and although no contact was made an echoing pop like noise came nearby. "GYRAH!!!" The near miss had caused Shebi to hyper extend her right leg. "Sh-Shit. I've dislocated it!"
The out of control Honoka took that opportunity to hurl her saw hand to the fallen Shebi. "Well damn. I guess I'll use it. I don't have time to fix this normally...So Parthenon Pillar-" The rubble beneath them shot upwards like a rocket, acting as a foot hold for her while the edge uppercutted Honoka skywards.
"Now this'll hurt but...LONGSTONE SMASH!" She stomped down onto her airborne foe with her injured leg. Crashing her back to the ground. "THERE IT IS!" Though her bone managed to pop back into place. "Phew." As if she were a predator Shebi peered over the edge of the makeshift cliff, down on Honka. She was still conscious, but pinned down to the floor by rocks. Each time she tried breaking free more rock pinned her down.
"...Hmm. Sorry their Honoka. Im sorry I can't see more of your 'Quirks' but I want to leave already. Hokori's probably getting up to trouble. But lucky you!" The stone pillar rose her up even higher to the cieling. "Here's the baddest move I have in my disposal so far." From the sickening height she was at. Shebi jumped off her right leg extended. Then like a top, she began to spin, getting faster and faster each time. Until. "TAJMAH HELL!" Her devastating spinning weighty axe kick landed on Honoka's face. Denting the girl down about 8 inches into the ground.
"... ...Well clearly you weren't listening to me. Earlier, you were to busy focusing on how you looked. Cool. But I told you, being able to kick ass should be put ahead of that. I'm not some damsel. Fool."
~Shebi Ishikawa. Quirk: Stone. Can manipulate any type of Earth or Stone.
About 10 minutes had passed since Shebi knocked Honoka unconscious. Staying put not wanting to get lost, in an attempt to find Hokori.
"Hmmm. Oh. Hokori. You're back finally a- What's with all that stuff your carrying. Oof. Hey." Hokori pressed several blueprints and notes against Shebi's chest. He wasn't smiling.
"....Huh!?" And shortly after skimming through. She became angry. "Where?"
"Right above us."
"...Then we'll take care of it right."
"Yeah. This. This is all torture not greatness." The same straight look was on their faces coming from the mysterious building. As they were walking out Shebi changed the structure of the territory below the surface. It collapsed behind them. And the building crumbled away. "I'll let them decide what they want to be."
"So Hokori. This will be our first big move?"
"...Yeah." Hokori puffed up inhaling deep. "GUYS!" Kageyama and the others were staring upwards having been left out earlier. "Yo Hokori." Kageyama casually called back. "Things got crazy while you were gone."
"It's fine. I have enough stuff to know what needs to happen now." A giant machine with a large platform at the surface was propped in between the buildings of Eusha, small bangs were coming from their to. Someone was fighting. Hokori cracked his fingers and smiled. "Let's go!"
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