#i'll start putting the keep reading thingie once it goes over 1500 words
astarlow · 4 years
Imagine - Reader being the Ladies’ mentor and they have to kill you
Request by Matthew_Sionis on Wattpad
Request:  Scenario: The reader is betrayed by the ladies with the reader being a mentor to their skills (I.e. Sombra's hacking skills, etc.) and has to be killed.
This imagine contains: Ashe, Pharah, Sombra, Symmetra and Tracer
Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
You tapped your fingers against the table, looking at the clock. You were in no hurry, but somehow, your eyes were glued on the clock. Heels clicked against the ground. You didn't turn around, knowing the person that entered your base.
"20 years and still counting. You still haven't beat my gang, as you promised you would do." You placed down your hat on the table, turning around, you were met with the end of Ashe's viper.
"And I'll soon finish what I've started." You showed two glasses and one bottle of alcohol with your hands.
"Have one last drink then 'Liz. Or are you too busy? No dirty tricks, promise." You never liked to use them and you knew Ashe hated them as well. She approached you, lowering her gun.
"One drink then." You poured the alcohol in her glass then in your own. You watched the liquid a moment. The present mixed up with the past.
The tavern was noisy. The successful heist bringing joy to everyone present in the building. You were already planning the next attack on a rival gang of yours. It had been years you were at each other's throat but you didn't try to finish them. Now should be the time. You rubbed your eyes when you heard all the noise. Next thing you knew, your door had been destroyed. You raised your eyebrows when you noticed the daughter of the wealthy Caledonia with an Omnic by her side. Her gun pointed at you.
"Now, what is this all for?" You settled your papers on the side, keeping a calm demeanour. It wasn't the first time someone barged into your territory with a weapon in their hands.
"It's time for you to give up your throne, old-timer."
"Hmmm, if I'm giving my throne, it would be to someone suitable. Not to a young adult who thinks she can have everything with violence." Your teammates arrived behind them as quietly as possible and knocked them out. Well, they attempted to do it on the Omnic but it didn't quite work. But it didn't respond. It only watched.
"Why don't you bring her back where she is supposed to be? And tell her, if she wants my throne, she will have to bring down my whole kingdom before that." It nodded then left with Elizabeth on its shoulder.
Elizabeth kept going after you but she managed to do her heists as well. She was a queen for multitasking. And upon every wins and defeat she had, she also learnt from her mistakes. You were offering her lessons with every fight. The only thing she wasn't sure of is if you were doing it on purpose.
20 years had passed since that first meeting. And Elizabeth stayed true to her promise, she destroyed your gang little by little. And now, you were the only one that represented the gang."What are you going to do after my death?" You finished your drink in one sip, hating the feeling it brought along.
"Pullin' more heists, what do you want me to do? I'm a rebel." Your weary smile shone despite the darkness of the room.
"Right. Here, take those little gifts from me." It was a black hat with your old gang symbol on it. You changed it throughout the time but you would always remember the original one. The other gift was a red tie.
"Happy birthday 'Liz." She blinked a few times.
"You... knew it?"
"Of course, why do you think there was always a single rose on your gang's entry? Anyway, it's getting late don't you think? Why don't you end it now? Not that I don't want to keep talking to you, but you were here for something else, didn't you?" She grabbed her new hat, placing it in a particular way so you wouldn't see her teary eyes.
"See you around 'Liz. Take care of yourself," you muttered. She watched you one last time, her eyes empty of tears now. When the shot rang, she looked at your lifeless body. She gritted her teeth then closed your eyes. B.O.B arrived a moment after, wrapping your corpse in a cloth. They walked away.
It was weird for Ashe to fight against other gangs now. She was so used to see your gang and your face in every gang war. Your absence marked a void in her heart. The way you taught her some of her skills, how you always looked out for her even when she didn't notice it. You were more of a parental figure than her parents were. She didn't regret her choice, but she always wondered if she could have just ask you to give your throne to her after she destroyed your empire.
You would never forget the day Fareeha came to your door, asking to teach her. You were a long time friend with her mother. You were just as hurt as her when her death was announced. You gladly accepted and you took her under your wings.
Each day was a challenge, dealing with loss, anger, sadness as well as learning to be a better soldier. But just like Ana, Fareeha was an excellent soldier. You knew she would be great if one day she decided to enter the army. She would accomplish her duty, no matter what.
"You'll have to get rid of (Y/n), Pharah, this is an order from your commander. Definitely." She blinked at the mention of your name. Why would you pose a threat to the population? Or Helix?
"Can I ask why?"
"Just look at you, you're one of our best soldiers if not the best and (Y/n) formed you. Just imagine what would happen if one day, they decide to train the wrong person? They could become the next Doomfist. And we can't let this happen. You have a month to accomplish this task." And that's how she was at your door, a day before the period ended.
She debated with herself for weeks, but in the end, she would carry her mission. People always told her she had a strong sense of justice, right now, she wasn't so sure of herself.
You opened the door with a wide smile. Age was starting to get you, but you were still full of life.
"Fareeha, what's bringing- oh, let me rephrase this. Wanna have some tea together? Discuss about what's going on with Helix." She didn't need to be a genius to know you understood what brought her here. Nonetheless, she accepted your offer.
You prepared the tea while she took her usual place. The decoration never changed over fifteen years. There was still this picture from years ago. Ana was holding hand with Sam, you were behind them, your arms wrapped around their shoulders and Fareeha was in front of everyone. She brushed her fingers over the frame, memories flooding her mind. The sound of cups being placed on the table broke her from her reverie.
"Feels like yesterday when we took that picture, right? But, enough talking about me. Did Helix ask you to come and finish me?" She didn't answer verbally, she hadn't the strength to do so, instead  she nodded.
"It's a shame they asked you to do it."
"You're not against it?" You shrugged as you sipped in your cup.
"They may be right. What if the next time I'm training someone, they're not as good as you and decide to join Talon? It's true, killing may not be the best option but we're talking about Helix. They don't accept one misstep." She lowered her glance, glaring at her gun in her holster. You placed your hands on top of hers.
"I would never blame you Fareeha. I'll always be proud of you. Just promise me to take a break after this, okay? Return to your house, I know you'll be in good hands there. Miracles do happen." She didn't understand what you meant but she didn't try as well.
"Thank you for everything."
She would always hear the gun shooting whenever she thought of you. You were always here, even though you died. And strangely, in her dreams, you were always smiling. Of course, she wished she never had to do that but you didn't blame her either so her heart was a little bit at peace. And you were right, miracles do happen.
Sombra. That name made you think of a lot of things. Mostly the thought of a child coming up to you and asking for help. Your services were quite known in the underground. You had your share of... original clients but a child was a first. But we all gotta start somewhere right? The second thing that came into your mind was a talented child. Sombra was good in hacking, and you knew in a few decades she would be better than you, that's for sure. The last thing that came to you was a childish human being. She had to learn to be an adult fast, but she always carried with her a part of her childhood. That made her who she was today.
When you noticed the person in front of you, you didn't question yourself if you were right, you knew you were. The outfit, the stance, and mainly, the face were something you could recognize easily. You placed your cane in front of you, looking at her with eyebrows raised.
"Sombra, it's good to see you in shape. And alive." She smirked as she walked closer, nodding.
"Same goes for you, but I'm not sure if you'll stay alive for long." You hummed slightly. You were getting old, you could potentially use technology to help you but you were good like this. You didn't like the idea of living longer artificially.
"I guess you found a stable job then? What was it called already? Talon, right?" You eyed her from the corner of your eyes. You knew the answer, you always have. You were constantly keeping an eye on her. Whether she knew it or not, it didn't matter. In a way, she was the daughter you never had.
Her face didn't betray what she was feeling inside.
"Come on kiddo, I know you're not here just to discuss." The gun wasn't really well hidden but she wanted it to be quick but when she saw you, she hesitated. She learnt it with Amélie, hesitating could be deadly. But she wasn't a sniper and you weren't her enemy, at least that's what she attempted to think.
"Don't blame me too much (Y/n), it's how it goes." You smiled at her, facing her one last time."I know. I'm glad you found somewhere you feel great, where you can be yourself. You became really skilled by the way. Hack the planet my friend."
"Por supuesto mentor. (Of course)" She shot you, her head almost looking away but when she met your peaceful eyes, she didn't feel so guilty.
It was how her life was and would continue to be. It always had been this way. But she had to admit this kill was harder than usual. You weren't just anyone for her. You had been her teacher. And you taught her to not get too attached or else the job would be too hard. But she couldn't help it, you were like a parental figure for her. But there was no use to dwell on the past. She had killed you and she would accept the consequences.
She didn't give you a proper burial. She saw no use in it. But whenever she went to that bar you appreciated, she always doubled her order. As if you were with her, talking about the good old times. She swore she was seeing your ghost on the lonely nights she was having.
You were the one that noticed her talent, so naturally, you took her in. You taught her everything you knew, she assimilated the bases easily and learned by herself how to make it better. You watched her grow and became more skilled as you were becoming older.
You, too, believed in Vishkar's lies, but that was a long time ago. You were done with them. You didn't explain to Satya why you left. You didn't think she needed the explanation. She still believed Vishkar's goals, while you didn't. Nothing tied you to them anymore. You were aware Satya would be fine by herself, but maybe you should visit her from time to time.
Talon had their eyes on you since the beginning. If you had stayed in Vishkar, maybe they wouldn't have needed to deal with you but now that you left, you were a threat to them and you had to be eliminated. It didn't matter how, it had to be done.
Satya was one of the only people you trusted enough to give your location. Every month, she would visit you and discuss with you. But, she wasn't aware of the fact you were a target. She couldn't know. You never talked to her about Talon and Vishkar would never admit they were planning on killing you as well. So when her bosses asked for the address of your house, she didn't think of anything bad and gave them the address.
The next day, it was the day to visit you. Instead of seeing you in front of the door, a smile gracing your face, she saw a building in ruins. It was obvious a blaze happened. But when she looked closely to what remained of the walls, she noticed bullets. Satya quickly put the piece together, a fight happened here. And she was afraid she was the one who caused it. If only she didn't give your address, you would still be standing in front of her.
She doesn't know how to feel, should she feel guilty for giving your address? She imagined you in front of her. It was her way to rationalize the situation.
"Focus on the present Satya, look at what life can offer you and all you did and can do. I'll always be proud of you." You always said that when she felt like she couldn't give anything to the world. "Don't let your ideas cloud what's true." She placed the flowers on your grave. She would never forget all your teaching. You had done a lot of things so she could succeed. You were the parent she never had. You made her feel loved in a world where she felt she didn't belong in.
Lena, even though being hyperactive at times, was a great student. She always thrived to do better even when she was at her best. She had a great sense of justice, she would sometimes disobey the law to do what seemed right to her.
You were glad to call her your friend. But unlike her, you didn't stay in the light. You were a shadow, a creature living in the dark. It was a miracle you even crossed path with Lena and even more that you got to teach her. During your career, you were one of the best pilots and shooters in the world. Now, you were someone who tried to live a peaceful life. But some demons just never leave. Yours was called Talon.
Once you worked with them, you couldn't just leave them like you tried to do. They would chase you across the world. That's how you ended up chained with agents of Overwatch in front of you. With one of your old student in it.
"(Y/n)? It's... You?"
"We'll leave you alone, but you have to end them when you're finished Tracer." You smiled even though you knew your end was near. They left shortly after, closing the door to give you some much-needed privacy.
"So, Overwatch huh? Suits you well Lena. But I don't remember you having this strange machine on your chest. Had a new adventure?" She sat in front of you, her eyes filled with tears.
"I can't believe you joined Talon, love!" Her voice was filled with anger. She was so confused but even if she was mad, she couldn't truly hate you and it showed. She kept calling you love as she did with everyone else.
"I was young and naive once. And, as much I wanted to leave, they're too tough to give up on me. But I prefer you to remember me as your mentor more than anything else." You scratched the back of your head, sighing heavily. "I know, I'm your enemy now, but will you do it? I would like to know this before my death." She stayed silent which was unusual for her. She got up suddenly, ruffling her hair in frustration.
"I don't know if I can love! I trusted you! And I'm just learning you were with Talon all this time!" You shook your head.
"Not all this time. The time I had with you was the time I had spent free from the grip of Talon. You showed me I could be better. But nothing ever lasts. Not for me at least. I'm aware you've never killed. But I believe this is your duty, right?" She gave a shaky nod through the tears. You got up, wiping her tears away. You gently grabbed her hand, placing her gun in her grip.
"I admire you, Lena, for being what I could never be. Learn from everything and everyone. Time is precious, our existence is limited. Love you, Oxton." The blood poured out of your body while Lena cried all the tears remaining in her body. Her teammates arrived when they heard the shots. They attempted to help her but nothing could ease the pain that accompanied grief. Time seemed to slow down. It was quite ironic for someone who could control time.
The pain slowly healed, but Lena could never forget her first and last kill. The bullets that killed an enemy, a friend, her mentor. You never had a burial, Talon soldiers didn't deserve it. But Lena went against the laws, and placed your body under this nice tree you showed her one time. It had a nice view of the city below. It reminded her of the old times. Where she was a careless student, and you, a teacher free from the grip of your demons.
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