#i'll take another tomorrow morning and if its still negative then i guess i'll go to the doctor and see if its actually the flu
oflgtfol · 8 months
girl i think i fgot the fucking flu
0 notes
mother-snake · 4 years
Me: *looks at completed homework* *looks at Jessie* *looks at homework* Now that I have my freedom your heart is in danger once again. Be warned brave friend.
faintly in the distance: noooooooo
All the sides were wearing black.
They just got home from a very sad event that day, no one wanted to say the title out loud because they couldn't accept that he was gone. Rain hit the mindscape windows, similarly, tears were streaming down all of their faces.
After the event, all the sides went to their rooms. All except a certain dark blue side.
Logan was on the couch. Black suit being crumpled by the lax sitting position. In his shaking hands was held a letter. Everyone had at least one letter. Logan had the most with five letters. Each one had a number.
Logan grabbed the letter labeled #1
It was of medium size. White envelope contrasting with the red wax used to seal it. The only thing that marked that it was for him was the blue ink used to mark his name.
Trying not to tear the paper. Logan opened the letter and started to read.
Dear Logan,
I guess if you're reading this I'm gone. To that fact, I'm truly sorry. I wish I could be there. But this is for the best.
I suppose you know what happened to the dark side by now. If you don't well.... Its gone. Wrath, Apathy and Depression were just getting too powerful, it didn't matter how much I hid them away they still got to Thomas... and I can't have them destroying Thomas's life. I need to do my job, even if it kills me. I really did enjoy your company! I hope you know that.
Often times the only thing that could get me out of the bed in the morning was being able to see your face. Or being able to debate with you. Or seeing you talk about space for hours! God Logan, I could go on for hours about how you made my horrid life better. You were my best friend.
These letters are going to be written over a period of time. I don't think I have it in me to say goodbye to the 5 people who made my life tolerable all at once. I'm going to be writing one letter a day. Till tomorrow Logan?
~Deceit Sanders
Logan let out a steady breath. He refused to cry over the first letter. He debated over reading all of the letters at once but.... Janus said tomorrow... He'll read letter #2 the following day.
The next morning was just as somber. Logan sat on his bed and gripped the second letter.
This one was the same size, but the envelope was a light baby blue. The seal black. Logan opened it with just as much care as before.
Hello Logan
Another day, another migraine? I get it... Not the time for jokes. I just finished writing Roman's second letter. I always felt so bad for everything involving Roman.
I manipulated him, I told him lies, I compared him to his brother. Kinda makes me deserve this I have a feeling he might try something. Snake instincts. Watch him for me, please? You five need to be a family, I've witnessed what happens to sides to end up hating eachother. Its not pretty. You don't want that Logan.
I guess that is what makes me have to do this. If we only acted like a family I wouldn't have to do this. I wouldn't have to do a lot of things if the darks weren't pricks.
The stupid thing is that I know you would try to talk me out of this plan. And you're right. God you're always right. Why do you have to be right all the time? I wish I was right all the time. But its ok. I'll be the side who hides the truth.
Blessings and a curses, right?
I'll write to you again tomorrow Logan
~ Janus Deceit Sanders
Logan gulped in another breath. He could read that crossed out section... Janus was right. They have to be there for eachother.
Why don't they go watch Janus' favourite movies? That sounds like a fun way to remember someone. Logan got the others.
-time skip-
It was just passed midnight. Everyone else was asleep on the couch as Coraline played on the TV. Logan stared at the third letter. It was technically the next day.... Logan grabbed the letter.
This letters envelope was a burnt tan colour. Yellow wax acted as the seal.
My dear, Logan
I never wanted to be hugged so much then I do right now. I have to barricade my door to prevent Wrath from getting inside, he's always been a loud side.
I remember when I was nothing but a child -Virgil is ten years older then me. Did you know that? I forget that sometimes- I always had blond hair. I know that you and the other lights also have lighter coloured hair. Well anyway. Wrath hates my hair, says that I don't belong. I can also only do that little silencing trick when I'm on your side of the mind. And I can only automatically heal when on the light side too. Huh. I never released how long that list was. Maybe I'm just defective... That has to be it... Right?
I always looked up to you. You could tell people how it was and not cower when things go wrong. You truly are amazing Logan. You need to show the others that. I know that the others love and care for you. You need to accept that love logan! Please. Don't fall into a similar pit of despair I fell into so long ago. I never escaped that pit. Don't fall in it too.
I know how you like to cope Logan. You seek familiar things that remind you of that person. Thats why I did something for you. Under your bed is my all time favourite book, Good Omens, My favourite snacks and an USB with my playlist on it. I hope you love them as much as I did Logan. I'll write to you tomorrow.
~Janus Sanders
Janus wasn't lying when he found the little care package. Logan wasn't crying. Absolutely not! Patton was cooking with onions. Logan never released how much he loved chocolate covered pretzels and jazz until that moment.
The next day Logan didn't even bother to get dressed. He just grabbed the next letter. A soft pastel yellow with a blue seal. Logan tore it open, eger to read what the yellow side wrote next.
Dear Bluebell,
Kinda weird calling you that. But I guess I won't be alive long enough to see your negative reaction. Bluebells were always my favourite flower. Would it be rude to keep calling you bluebell? Well, I guess it's a little too late for that.
It just came to my attention that by this time tomorrow I'm going to be...Gone. I made the poison that would get rid of them. My venom is one of the only things that can kill a side. Would be a bit ironic dying from my own venom huh? Well, I might as well tell you my plan.
Do you remember that party you and the others snuck into? The masquerade? We're having another party tomorrow. And it was always my job to serve the wine. We can't have the others being suspicious to why I didn't drink my wine. They will be dead in less then ten minutes. My venom is painful. But it'll kill them. I'll kill them 10x over, I'm not looking forward to five minutes in where the venom shuts down your lungs.
Anyway, I'm a side known for plans right? Not always the best plans but it counts. I still remember debating with you as Patton. Maybe... Maybe I could sneak over today? Pathetic last wish, but I would love to have a hug and a movie. I'm going to head over to your side soon.
Bluebell Logan when I'm gone. I need you to do something for me. Don't let them forget me...Please. That is all I want. I don't want my body to be left inside of that empty house. I don't want to die next to the people I hate the most. All I ever wanted was to see you smile. I'll see you later today.
Logan was crying. That day... Janus asked for a hug and a movie.
He only gave Janus a hug after the look of heart break was too much for him to bear. Logan didn't wait to grab the next letter.
My Beloved Bluebell
Today is the day, I never thought I would admit this but... I'm scared. Do you think that there is Heaven and Hell for sides? If there is I guess I'm going to hell. Suicide is a sin. Not like anything else I've done deserves heaven.
I don't have very long for this letter. 30 minutes. I have 30 minutes till my heart stops. God I'm terrified. This is the last letter I'm writing Logan. I finished writing Virgil's letters yesterday. All thats left is your letter. And holy fuck I'm scared.
I have to do this, I overheard Wrath making a plan to overthrow the mind. I can't let that happen. I would fail at my only job. It doesn't matter if I'm scared or not, I need to do my job. Thomas would suffer if I didn't.
20 minuites, I have ten minutes till the party. My hand is shaking. Can you tell from my writing? I hope you can still read this. If you can't the letter is pointless.
Logan, I know that this is never something you would reciprocate but...
I love you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted to take you to the moon for a honeymoon and take you dancing among the stars. I wanted to be the tired husband that has to deal with your legionds of roommates. Logan I love you so god damn much I can't put it into words. I know you could never love me though. Its ok.
Take care of yourself for me please. Don't let your beautiful family fall apart. Don't let the despair of my death cause one of yours. Don't let one of the others blame themselves. This is no ones fault but mine.
I love you
~Janus Sanders
Logan dropped the letter and let out the most agonizing scream that could ever come out of his mouth. He cried. He cried and cried and cried. He cried until no more sound came out and his eyes burned.
He didn't notice when the other four came into the room and held him close.
All Logan did was trace the words on the page.
"I love you too, my bumblebee."
The sides could only feel the hole in their heart grow bigger.
I made myself sad again. I CAN'T EVEN CRY! MY PARENTS ARE IN THE ROOM! Curse my own brain ;-;
Here it is!
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turbulentt · 4 years
Pink Pajamas
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genre: fluff | seungcheol x reader
word count: +3.9k
event: valentine’s day prompt ask by @captain-brie
summary: you work at a daycare and the uncle of one of the kids suddenly falls for you. after many rejections you realize he just won't give up so you decide to give him a chance. for you, choi seungcheol, is way harder to deal than some five-year-olds.
Most breakups are not easy, at least for you they never seem to turn out that well.
It wasn't like you just ended a bad relationship, different from what other people had thought you two loved each other really deeply. Yet everything ends, even a strong feeling such as love.
You coped with it rather well, since you were the one to take the break up step. And the best way to cope with it was to work like you so much love to do.
“You want to take the morning shift?” one of your superiors asked, “You know how the kids can be in the morning.”
“I'm aware.” you laugh “But on Saturday mornings I don't have much to do, and I'm always happy to be with the kids.”
She looks at you half-lidded and you tilt your head in confusion murmuring a quiet ‘what’.
“I recall you saying you always had dates with your boyfriend on Saturday mornings.”
Your expression suddenly changes and you find yourself worried about how you should explain to her the situation. In fact, you didn't own her an explanation but she was more of a friend then she was a coworker so it wouldn't be so bad to tell her.
“Well, let's put it this way. I guess I am not busy on Saturday mornings anymore,” you say not much worried about what she would think, rather you were feeling quite light as if you just took something out of your chest.
“Oh, I’m sorry for bringing it up.”
“It’s fine, really. You didn’t know.” you laugh it off “So, can I take the shift?”
“Of course.”
And on the next Saturday morning there you were, welcoming the children at the daycare’s door and having quick cheerful conversations with their parents. Everything seemed very peaceful, it was your first time taking a morning shift like this, so the dynamic was clearly different. Most parents rushed to leave the kids to get to work, or some kids were especially grumpy for having just woken up. You wouldn’t lie, it was all very funny.
When almost all the kids were already inside you saw a young man crouching on the floor, eye to eye with a little girl who seemed to be crying. You had never seen him there, probably because he must be the one to drop her off and another person would be the one to pick her up.
“Please, butterfly.” you hear his voice say sweetly “You get to play with all your friends, isn’t it cool?”
The little girl just shook her head negatively and held tightly onto the boy’s neck. It’s not a surprise when kids do this as parents drop them off, some of them are really used to spending the weekends with their relatives, it certainly isn’t easy for them.
The boy sighs and approaches you carrying the little girl in his arms. As soon as his eyes stopped on you for the first time he froze. You got startled at the sudden reaction but he just stood there looking at you as if he was seeing a ghost, or an angel.
“Cheol?” the little girl pokes his cheek “Stop looking like that.”
The guy gets himself off the trance he was in and laughs awkwardly, continuing to approach you. You then recognized the little girl to be Jihyun, one of the sweetest kids you ever had the pleasure to meet at the daycare, also a very smart one.
“Can you give me a little help?” he says pointing at Jihyun “This butterfly doesn’t seem to want to leave its cocoon.”
You laugh softly at the guy and stretch your arms out for Jihyun. She looks at you for instants, an indecisive look upon her eyes, gazes back at the guy holding her and he winks at her. She smiles and turns back to you almost jumping off to your arms.
“Your friends are all waiting for you,” you say signing to your back where all the kids were playing “Are you going to leave them waiting?”
Jihyun shakes her head and hugs you tightly, you chuckle at the sudden mood change.
“Thank you.” the guy is still in front of you, waiting, and you look back at him confused “I’m Seungcheol, Jihyun’s uncle.”
“Oh, I thought you were her father. I’ve never seen you here,” you say. “I just drop her off in the mornings since my sister starts work early, but then she comes to pick her up,” Seungcheol explains and you shake your head in understanding.
“Well, it was very nice to meet you, but now we have to go.” you smile and Jihyun waves at him. “Wait!” he calls and you look back “Can I at least know your name?”
Jihyun looks at you and shuts your mouth with her hand.
“Let’s go. Uncle Cheol is being a weirdo.” Jihyun demands and you shrug looking at Seungcheol, who just sighs softly and curses his niece inside his head.
Walking back inside the daycare you just laugh at the situation and glance back at Seungcheol just one more time. He smiles sweetly at you and waves lightly. What an odd guy, but you couldn’t deny how cute he is.
The morning ends rather okay, but you can’t deny how tired you are after playing with the children for hours. You wonder where do they get so much energy from.
“Okay, I’m going out to lunch I’ll be back in an hour,” you warn your coworker and she agrees. When the kids saw you leaving all they could do was pout and sulk, you wave at them cheerfully and throw kisses.
As soon as you turn to get out of the daycare through the main door you see the guy from before, Seungcheol, leaning against the front gate on his phone. Curiously, you approach him.
“What are you doing here?” as you speak, Seungcheol gets startled and almost drops his phone. “Oh, hi.” he smiles shyly and you laugh at his clumsiness, “I asked the other workers at what time was your lunch break so I could buy you lunch.”
Now you were the one who got startled by his straightforward request and, even though he seems like a good guy, you decide to kindly decline. Seungcheol seems to be interested in you, but you just aren’t ready for another relationship or even dating someone right now.
Seungcheol seems clearly sad and a bit of regret hovers over you, but you won’t take your words back.
“Can you please tell me your name though?” he pouts cutely, following you as you walk. “Why?” you try to drift away from his question. “Because I think you’re cute.” his words make you blush and he chuckles “See, you’re even cutter when you’re blushing. Name, please?”
Defeated, you tell him your name and you certainly haven’t seen a brighter smile than the one he had on his face at that moment. Sighing, you stop in front of the restaurant you were going to lunch at and turn to face Seungcheol.
“Listen, you seem like a nice guy and all, but I’m not interested in seeing anyone right now.” you try to be gentle with your words, but you can feel the smell of disappointment flowing around the air. “Oh, I see.” Seungcheol sounds a bit bitter yet you knew you were doing the right thing “I’ll come by tomorrow anyway.”
His deceiving voice tone made you believe he was sad, when, in reality, he will eventually keep appearing in front of you every day just to make you fall for him.
“Choi Seungcheol, don’t you dare.” you pierce him with your gaze but he’s already walking away by then, waving happily “Weirdo.”
Yet, somehow, somewhere inside, you felt happy for having him following you around. Maybe you had already fallen for his charms. Who knows, you are curious as to how this will play-off and if Seungcheol will eventually give up at some point.
“He can’t be that persistent, can he?” you mumbled to yourself.
Yes, he can. You found out the hardest way.
For the following weeks, Seungcheol came to drop off and pick up Jihyun at the daycare. Even when you weren’t there, your coworkers would tell you that he came by and asked for you. And when he was lucky enough to see you, he would always be asking for your phone number, the thing you never gave him.
One day he appeared at the daycare with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
"Pretty flowers for a pretty flower." he chanted.
You looked at him incredulously. This guy really is a piece of work.
"You're crazy." you laughed. "Crazy about you maybe." he said shamelessly "If I was your boyfriend I'd pepper you with kisses and gifts and spoil you so bad."
"Seungcheol…" you blushed at his words and he chuckled. "You're just as cute as in my dreams," he muttered. "What?" you looked up at him and you could see how embarrassed he also was.
"I dreamt about you last night." his voice as almost a whisper "Just like every night for the past week."
You just stood there bluntly looking at him. Your heart speed racing inside your chest and heat rising through your veins.
"I'll get going." and he simply ran away.
Yet, Seungcheol is the most stubborn person you have ever met. Not even one day he missed the opportunity to ask you for lunch or to take you home or even to pay you an uber since you never agreed to let him take you.
“I’m sorry to tell you, but he won’t stop.” your coworker laughs at your annoyed expression. “It’s been almost a month since we first met and he seems to still have the stamina to come here every day.” you sigh “Doesn’t he have anything to do?”
“Oh dear, a man in love knows no limits.” she says jokingly “But he seems so adorable, why don’t you try and give him a chance? Just one date won’t hurt anyone.”
“I don’t know. I don’t think I’m ready yet.” you shrug and look out of the window “Wait, it’s already my lunchtime and he hasn’t appeared yet. Where is he?”
“I thought you were annoyed by him, but you’re missing him already.” your coworker whispers playfully and you realize what you were saying. “Me? Worried about him? No, of course not. I’m reliev-” before you could finish the sentence you feel a little hand tug on your shirt “Oh, hey Jihyun, what’s going on?”
“I’m not feeling well.” the little girl complains, with one hand grabbing her stomach “My belly hurts.”
As soon as you see tears coming out of Jihyun’s eyes you pick her up and hug her tightly. “Call her parents, please,” you ask as you try comforting Jihyun as well as possible “Did you eat something bad?”
You try to distract her with questions but Jihyun keeps crying, seemingly in a lot of pain.
"I called her parents but they didn't pick up. Neither did her uncle. We have no one else to call." your coworker warned and you looked at Jihyun worried. "Then I should get her to a hospital."
"No!" Jihyun almost screams out, startling you "I'm scared. No hospitals."
"We need to have someone take care of you, sweetie," you say gently, dressing her up. "Uncle Cheol is a doctor!"
"I don't know…" you are still reluctant but Jihyun starts crying again, with more pain. "Please, I want Uncle Cheol." if she wasn't sick you'd say she is throwing a tantrum.
"Do we have his address?" you sigh turning back as you dress your jacket. "Yeah, here. It's just a few blocks from here."
"Thanks, I'll get going. I'll let you know what happens after."
And as you're turning back again you seem to have seen your coworker wink at Jihyun. Well, maybe it was your imagination. You follow the way through the streets carrying Jihyun, she seemed to be calmer and was maybe close to falling asleep. You sigh relieved, maybe it was a simple stomach ache.
At each step you took to Seungcheol’s house your insides seemed to be swamped by butterflies. He didn’t go to see you today, yet you were the one going to see him, you were already starting to believe it was destiny. Perhaps, Seungcheol was the one meant to be, how crazy.
Arriving on the block where is apartment was you couldn’t help but smile, it was silly but you had to admit you wanted to see him. Rejecting his lunch invites and attempts on getting your number was getting tiring, you wanted to give in to his sweetness and maybe that was the reason you were right there in front of his apartment front door.
“Is this the house, sweetie?” you ask Jihyun quietly and she looks at the building, slowly nodding “What floor?”
Jihyun stood up three fingers and you couldn’t help but smile, she was surely feeling better. You ring the doorbell and, some moments, after a low voice answers.
“Who’s it?” that voice was low and raspy, was it Seungcheol? “Hm, it’s y/n. I came to bring Jihyun.”
“Oh.” his tone immediately changed and you could hear some stumbling from the other line “Is everything okay? Please, enter.”
He quickly allowed you both to enter the building and you almost ran upstairs to his apartment’s floor. It was a surprise to see Seungcheol standing on the top of the stairs looking both worried and sleepish. His fluffy black hair was completely messy and his eyes were half-way closed.
“What happened?” Seungcheol picked Jihyun in his arms and took her inside, you just followed him. “Jihyun said she wasn’t feeling well, I wanted to take her to the hospital because it looked serious, but she wanted to come here instead. We were lucky to have your address since no one from your family picked up our calls.”
“My sister and my brother-in-law run a company, they are extremely busy most of the time so they don’t usually pick up from their personal phones,” Seungcheol explained as he laid Jihyun down on his bed.
You watched very closely every movement he did. At that moment he wasn’t even sparing you a glance while talking, almost as if Jihyun was the only one there with him. That made you smile, Seungcheol is a great uncle and a very kind person, there is no question to that. He sat beside her and stroked her hair gently, trying to not wake her up.
“She looks better now.” you said quietly “But it’s better if she rests for the rest of the day.”
“Yes, I will leave her here to sleep. Would you like a cup of coffee?” Seungcheol stands up exiting the room and you do the same. If you were to act like you did the days before, you would probably refuse his offer but, since you’re already at his place, it would be rude to say no. Besides, you really want to sit for a bit and talk to him.
“Sure, thanks.” you smile and he seems genuinely surprised by your answer.
You both walk towards the kitchen and you lean by the white counter as he prepares the coffee.
"You didn't go see me today." you mumble a bit awkward "Have you given up on me yet?"
A smug expression took over his face and you looked at him in confusion. Your eyes drifted to his hands as he was pouring the coffee into the small mugs. Handing you your mug, Seungcheol lets out a chuckle.
"Me? Give up on you? Heck no." you widened your eyes in surprise and he seemed to find that very amusing "I just thought that if I didn't show up for a day or two you'd come out of your way to find me."
"What makes you think I'd do that?" you scoffed trying to hide your face from him, your expression would give it all away. Deep down you knew he was right. "Because I know you're already interested in me."
"Don't get too cocky." up until now all you can do is avoid his gaze. "You didn't deny it." he laughs again. "You're annoying."
He shrugged, still smiling. You sat by the table and Seungcheol did the same, sitting right across from you, making sure to gaze at you non-stop.
You tried to avoid his eyes as much as you could, but it was just so hard. You felt like your eyes were being dragged by his', to just simply spare him a look. And when you finally did, he smiled widely. "What a nice view." you thought.
"Have dinner with me tomorrow." he spat the words out of the blue, making you choke on the coffee you were sipping on. "No." you answered after getting yourself together. "Why was I already expecting that answer?"
Even though he laughed, you knew Seungcheol was a bit hurt and it annoyed you. Those puppy eyes of his were literally begging you to go out with him, and the worse is that you can't resist him.
"What do I have to do to make you change your mind? I'll do anything." he seemed committed to his words. "Anything?" you double-checked. "Anything."
You thought carefully for a few minutes. You could actually find out if Seungcheol was really dedicated to getting you to like him. And, of course, you were going to have some fun.
"Very well." you smile innocently "We are having dinner out tomorrow. Under one condition."
"Tell me." he didn't even hesitate. "You have to wear your pajamas for our date."
Seungcheol looked at you in disbelief and you had to hold on to dear life not to burst out laughing. Of course, he would refuse an offer like that, which idiot would say yes to someth-
"Okay!" he almost yelled out "It's a deal! I'll pick you up tomorrow at seven-thirty!"
Your jaw almost fell from your head as he spoke. You have met numerous idiots throughout your life, but none of them compared to Choi Seungcheol. Was he that into you? Was he willing to humiliate himself just to have a simple dinner with you?
What a mad man you are, Choi Seungcheol.
"Seungch-" your speech got cut off by a sleepy Jihyun entering the kitchen "Oh, Jihyun. Go back to bed, dear."
You stood up, kneeling in front of her.
"Uncle Cheol woke me up." she nagged looking behind you, directly at Seuncheol "Are you two finally boyfriend and girlfriend?"
It took you only a few seconds to fit all the pieces together. Jihyun is, indeed, a little genius. Who would think that a little six-year-old would fake a stomach ache to make her daycare teacher meet her uncle?
"Jihyun." you look down at her and she smiles innocently. Seungcheol stood still behind the two of you, completely clueless to what was happening.
You tug her ear lightly as a punishment and she laughs as little 'ah's left her mouth.
"You little liar. Do you want your uncle to date me that badly?" you scoff annoyed. "Uncle Cheol is always talking about you." she crosses her arms pouting "Y/n this, y/n that. Uncle is crazy, he likes you more than he likes me."
"Hey, butterfly! Don't expose me like that!" Seungcheol just sighed at his niece.
You stood there, blushing like crazy, unable to face the boy behind you. Various thoughts came through your head, all of them filled with Seungcheol and his cuteness. Why is he making it harder for you to reject him?
"Tomorrow at seven-thirty, I'll text you my address. Don't be late." you walk away without even looking at him "And don't forget to wear the pajamas."
"I'm excited about our date!" was the last thing you heard before running out of his apartment.
You had to admit that you were excited about the date with Seungcheol. He seems like such an interesting guy and he just captivated you with his goofy ways.
As you stood right there in front of the mirror you could see how nervous you actually were. It almost felt like you were back in your teenage times. There is no need to be nervous, that's what you kept repeating to yourself but somehow it didn't seem enough.
Suddenly your phone rings once and you see Seungcheol's name on the screen. The message warned you that he was already at your door waiting for you.
Quickly you made your way downstairs and exited your apartment. As you walk out the door you see Seungcheol standing by his car and the first thing you do as you lay eyes on him is laugh loudly.
You already thought Seungcheol was the cutest person you had have ever seen but after seeing him wear that pink striped pajamas with a little frog coming out of the front pocket of his shirt exceeded your expectations.
"Don't laugh, just get in." he sighed and you did as told.
The way to the restaurant was actually really pleasant. Since you and Seungcheol have many common interests it was really easy to have a conversation with him. And you can't resist how sweet his voice sounds, you just want to keep listening to it for hours and hours.
Arriving at the location and getting out of the car you realized how nervous Seungcheol actually was. Feeling a bit guilty about it you just stretch your hand to meet his' and grab it. He looks at you sweetly and thanks you in a low voice.
You both get in the restaurant and it's almost impossible not to feel people's eyes on you, but it doesn't seem that meaningful since you're feeling each other's skins and holding each other close.
As you were choosing a table a guy approaches you both and you get clearly startled. It was your ex.
"Y/n?" he analysis Seungcheol and gives him a look of disgust. You almost feel like punching him right there and then, but Seungcheol holds your hand tightly. "Hi." you give him the driest reply. "Who's this guy?"
"I'm her boyfriend." Seungcheol blurts out almost instantaneously "Now if you'll excuse us, we'd like to have dinner together."
"What a joke." your ex scoffs "Are you really with this guy?"
And with no further conversation, Seungcheol just kisses you right there. Even if it was to make your ex go away it felt utterly good. The way your lips tingled as you felt his' made you want him even more.
As you separated from each other, you saw that the annoying guy wasn't there anymore. What a relief.
"Sorry for kissing you like that." Seungcheol awkwardly scratched the back of his head "He just wouldn't go away."
"Seungcheol," you call firmly and he looks at you straight in the eyes. “Yes?”
"Can you picture? You and I together?" you said leaning in "Because I can. And I want it."
Seungcheol seems at a loss of words so his hands just make their way down your sides and pull you in close. In a single move, you feel the taste of his lips and warmth all over again. Seungcheol tastes like the sweetest cake on a bakery.
And as you kiss him, you realize that you had fallen for him a long time ago.
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