#i'm a bit sad i don't like fermentated things because apparently it's VERY good for the guts
machidielontheway · 1 year
hm. accidentally made mead ??
#3615 my life#actually it may be just a step before mead but like. it's still mead#which i thought was more than fermented honey but no it's just that and some stuff from flavor#'put the honey in cold or lukewarm water in order to not kill the bacteries'#ma'am they've been boiled and they're still alive and thriving#so the explanation is that i very often not finished my tea#which actually contains zero tea. just water honey lemon juice and ginger-lemon-honey bits (infusion pour les français)#and i use metals bottle now so that shit is screwed up tight after the 'oxygen period'#so often when i don't finish it and forget about it for coughs hours it will have...#in my mind like milk left over the night. the taste change and is weird and there's a little bit of gaz when opening the bottle#this time i just left it uuuh a few days. unopened.#and tonight i remembered that i do not have a good track with bottles half filled left unopened for too long#and i did well because the top did nearly come out of my hand when opening it because of the gaz pressure#wait with the lemon maybe it's not mead...it appears there's three kind of fermentation#i'm a bit sad i don't like fermentated things because apparently it's VERY good for the guts#which i have zero problem with. i could eat cement. but just in case you know ?#maybe my body makes me dislike fermentated stuff because i've got all the peeps i need down there for everything to work well#anyway. down the drain it went. don't like fermentation don't like alcohol
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bonefall · 2 years
I mean fermented doesnt necessarily mean alcoholic - after all kimchi is made with fermented cabage and bread is fermented too. So is yogurt and a ton of other things we eat. Theres even some meats that are fermented for dishes too.
This is very true! And I did look into a couple of other things that are fermented-- but the problem with cats having anything fermented at all is yeast.
(CW: I talk about yeast, fermentation, alcohol, and the horrors of what yeast can do to a cat's belly. Skip this one if medical discussion of a cat in pain upsets you!)
In fact it's good you mentioned bread, because I was just looking at different types of unleavened bread exactly for this reason. If a cat eats raw dough, yeast can actually ferment in their stomach! This does exactly what you think it would, it turns their body into a chemical nightmare, distending their belly and causing alcohol poisoning
(doing research for these projects is like taking a class on how DURABLE human being are, it's insane! This isn't even unique to cats! Pure carnivores are so fragile!)
The baking process would kill all the yeast inside of the bread, but I decided that I would just not work with it. Unleavened bread and alternate rising agents are cool so I decided to explore those instead. I even found this one really interesting tidbit about how apparently bannock from Britain and bannock from American Indigenous people in America may have evolved independently, down to the linguistic roots being different.
BUT ANYWAY back to yeast
So when I was looking at fermented products, I was looking for things where there isn't yeast present, but also checked off my other rules; namely, that Clan cats are obligate carnivores.
-Kimchi is fermented vegetables, a lot of work for a Warrior to get no nutritional value. Not to mention that without pepper, garlic, and fish sauce it's just... sad cabbage. (also go watch this cool video I found about one of the last traditional onggi pot makers left in Korea because this is actually a very beautiful craft and my life has been enriched by seeing how much care goes into this process)
-This also eliminates sauerkraut, which is a more region-friendly take on fermented cabbage. No nutritional value to the cats.
-Miso can be made from barley but it requires a region-unfriendly type of fungus (Re: The reason I usually start with British tech and work backwards, another example of this principle in action)
-Yogurt and Cheese are dairy products. Warriors are lactose intolerant to begin with, but also don't have an animal they can milk on a regular basis. I don't think a nearby sheep or cow would stay still long enough for a warrior to sit and milk them
What I DID find that we could make, though?
-Vinegar. As long as it's used sparingly and diluted, it can be used as a basis for other recipes including Worcestershire sauce. Though from what I read, cat aversion to the smell of vinegar is legendary.
But I will rule vinegar-based sauces under the 'Stronger Stomachs' exception.
In addition, vinegar is an EXCELLENT cleaning product and something I can keep in mind as an excellent antibiotic next to honey.
-Hard sausage. Pepperoni, chorizo, salami... aside from finagling with the spices I have access to, hard sausage is totally within my reach and sounds like a perfect ShadowClan recipe.
-Something that breaks down poison. I'm willing to be a little bit flippant about the biology of one type of insect or animal to make a Warrior Cat version of hakarl, specifically because I want to show off ShadowClan's crafty food culture and how good they are at creative problem solving.
This one will be in addition to "slug-purging", because I learned some really neat stuff about how to make wild gastropods safe to eat and it'll be a really really cool thing to include in a "How ShadowClan can eat things other Clans can't" type entry
Come to think of it, fermentation would definitely be a very ShadowClan-based activity...
And lastly,
It just feels... wrong to me that there would be a culture of sapient cats who don't use any alcohol at all. Getting tweaked on purpose is practically the mark of a species' intelligence. Dolphins, elephants, monkeys, crows... all recorded finding ways to turn their terrible brains off.
So I do want to make an entry on alcoholic fermentation too, it's just like I said though, it'll take a while to get to because I have dumb math brain and a To-Do list.
But for right now, I've got another ask to answer that will give you a good "basic" alcohol for your cats if you so choose
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