#i'm a doctor irl w some chr pain issues so ig i care about stuff like these
yllirya · 6 months
Superhero landing, wriolette edition
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Superhero landing, wriolette edition
landing on the opposite legs - cool coincidence or… possible physical hurt? Facts & HCs below for both ft. Neuvi's cane and Wrio's boxing stances (aka angsty ideas for physical pain)
Neuvi - landing on his left knee
There's the riddle from Enkanomiya with the vishap who broke his leg -let's say Neuvi has. But which one? He almost always has his cane in his right hand - the cane should go on the opposite side than the painful limb for a normal walking pattern.
But if the cane is in his right hand and his left leg should be hurt, why land on the left? He may be a bit masochistic - he would rather have this one taking the hit again. Or, think of how it is to stand up from that position. His right leg will push him up (aka the uninjured one).
Wrio - landing on his right knee
During his AA-seq., his right hand and leg are more dominant to hit with. Maybe he's used to having his right knee getting the hard stuff. As w Neuvi, maybe he rather takes dmg on st that is already fucked up, using the other to stand up. Or…
Look how his left leg is his stable point (ult very good example) - what if his right can't be that bc he has hurt it too much before? (Think of stability problem.) He has very fast footwork in 2nd-4th AAs. But in 1st, 2nd, and 5th AA, skill, and ult, he uses his left side as the pillar.
Conclusion: some things are controversial but imo they both land on the leg they hurt. (And for better angst, put self-depreciative mental reasons behind too bc why not.)
Feel free to use these facts&HCs in yours - I certainly will(🙂😈). I could write an essay about this with exactly named medical conditions but who would even care haha:))
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