#i'm actually really fond of pax the more i think about her
anghraine · 2 years
squirrelwrangler said:
I love reading your struggles w/ GW2's treatment of the Charr and Ascalon. every time I resist the urge to shower you with XIV lore to pick your brain over the Garleans and the multi-expansion examinations of imperialism, anti-colonialism, etc...
Aww, thanks! I'm glad someone enjoys it—sometimes I do have to vent, lol, but I rarely expect others to care. I've got a thing in drafts about my wildly AU headcanon for my Charr PC, since the only way I can tolerate having one is to imagine an "are we the baddies?" epiphany that leads her to turn her back on the Charr war machine. (Except to try and awkwardly make things right insofar as it's possible for one person to do while also throwing herself into the fight against the dragons.) But I wavered about actually posting it because I was like ... eh, that's probably too niche even for the people who do care about the GW2 stuff.
(The Charr are sort of steampunk Roman-themed as a society in GW2, and most have Latin given names + some hardcore Nounverber surname/epithet like "Foereaver" or whatnot. I decided my Charr keeps the format and never tries to pretend she's anything but a Charr or that she doesn't care about Charr honor, she just comes to feel that the "victory at any cost" ethos is actually dishonorable. So she renames herself Pax Vowkeeper and tries to find a better way.)
WRT FFXIV, it's hard to know how I'd respond without experiencing the story myself. But I do like to see other people engaging with their preferred MMOs the way that I've been engaged with Tyria's lore for the last seventeen years!
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i-never-forgot · 4 months
I've been posting more about them lately, but I'm actually REALLY curious, what do you think about my hero, partner, and dusknoir meeting yours?? Do you think they'd get along n such? I'm specifically really curious as to what Eliana would think of Alize (hero oc) or Pax (dusknoir oc)
Oh my goodness gracious! They are so precious!🥹
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I love your OCs (and I thoroughly apologize if I mischaracterize them here, as I'm still learning about them)! I love the angle that you went with your AU overall - Pax being the one to take Alize under his wing rather than Grovyle, Ria bonding with him to the point that she absorbs some of his markings when she evolves, Alize being a mixed Zoroark because she spent so much time with Pax...and they all seem so so sweet! They just have such good vibes and my OCs would sense that immediately!
Eliana loves them immediately. Despite their hardships, they all seem surprisingly well-adjusted and stable (at least based on my read of them haha); maybe that has to do with the fact that their circumstances are so different, but Eliana feels very comfortable with them regardless. Overall Momiana would strike again with those girls.
She's concerned about Pax but is immensely curious about him given his past as a human originally. She would ask him loads of questions about his origins and adjustment period, what it's like being a Dusknoir (just so she might have a frame of reference when dealing with her own, since it's kind of difficult to try to explain certain things when you simply are what you are, if that makes sense), and she might even thank him for being so brave against Primal Dialga. She's very impressed that he stood up to the legendary in his own way, not caving under the pressure even if he was terrified of doing so, and she admires his resolve.
Alize is equally is fascinating to Eliana - that she never lost her memories to start with, that she was transformed into such a unique Pokemon, and how close she is to Pax. Eliana finds their dynamic very cute and loves observing them spar because while they're both very powerful they exercise impressive restraint.
Eliana relates to Ria on her own level since she's an Eevee-relative. She also senses the elder sister energy and tries to alleviate the pressure that brings by gently indicating that Ria could consult her if she ever needed it. (She's a little heavier with the mom-energy with her than with Ria since Ria seems closer to Pax to start with, but she would be very motherly to the both of them.) She thinks Ria's markings are really really cool, too.
Lu finds a lot of interest in interacting with Pax in particular, given his aura is a bit different having been a human once himself (similarly to how Eliana feels), but he's very friendly with the girls, too. He also thinks their dynamics are comforting by proxy; the care they feel for each other is so palpable that it relaxes him by proxy.
And Dusk would be very fond of those girls immediately. He would spoil them a bit if they let him. He also admires Pax immensely - like Eliana, he admires him so much for remaining resolute in the face of Primal Dialga when Dusk was a coward. He sympathizes him greatly when he learns of him originally being a human, and - just like Eliana asks Pax things about being a Dusknoir - Dusk asks him about what it's like being a human turned into a Pokemon. Of course his experience is a bit different, but Dusk hopes he can learn some things that might help him look after Eliana bc sometimes he's at a loss, admittedly.
Overall I feel like they would vibe a whole lot. Despite how different they all are to each other, they seem to have similar temperaments. :)
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