#i'm actually so excited to have an oc made by someone else. saw the wip they sent and started doing cartwheels (in my head)
chalkscrub · 5 months
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sneak peak of somethin..... i've never had an oc designed by someone else so i did a little design trade with a cool person on twitter - this is the thang i designed for them <:^) just waitin on their approval. thumbs up.
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epitomereally · 2 years
self-rec/six sentence sunday :)
I was tagged by the lovely @the-starryknight (read their self-rec sunday here!). I actually have exactly one fic published, so this is a lil different format than everyone else's that have been floating around!
My most popular, and only, fic: A Case of You for H/D Wireless 2022
I have been so blown away by the response to this—that so many people were willing to read a 97k fic from someone who had never published anything else. I learned so much writing this fic, especially that writing a mystery and compelling OCs is HARD. I also tried to toe the line between a Draco who is still learning & changing after the war, who still has his pride and has gained new insecurities, and who isn't 'redeemed' yet by any metric (but is trying really damn hard). A different snippet than my claim, because I love Pansy & Draco together:
Draco would have maybe resented this secret thing he and Potter engaged in more if he thought Potter was playing the town. It became quickly clear, however, that Potter was profoundly lonely. In the rare instances they spoke about anything beyond “yes, right there”, “this alright?”, or “fuck, so good”, Potter only mentioned Granger or Weasley, not anybody else in the regular gaggle of Gryffindors. That, combined with his obvious misery and exhaustion made Draco realize Potter was carrying some tremendous burden, the self-sacrificing sod. It made Draco want to do senseless things like tuck Potter into bed, feed him, carry something, anything, for him. In the end, though, all Draco was good for was a quick fuck.
Sex with Potter was great—no, more than great. Perfect, really. It was all the in-between bits that were causing problems. Potter would go through cycles of excitement and depression; the bags under his eyes would wax and wane. He steadily put on weight though, his ribs slowly hiding under a layer of muscle and fat. Draco made sure to nod at Kreacher when he saw him in the house, but to never acknowledge him more than that.
Potter never, ever told Draco whatever secret he was hiding.
In fact, Draco sometimes felt that Potter were using him for sex, which would have been insulting if it weren’t so flattering. Draco tried not to let it rankle; he knew he should feel lucky to get to have some part of Potter, at all.
“Maybe it’s my penance,” Draco said, apropro of nothing, as Pansy laid her head on his lap, “for me to never shag anyone who actually likes me.”
“Mmm,” Pansy replied sleepily. The fire was crackling and blazing in the hearth, as the days were starting to get cold and long. “I don’t think any of us will ever shag someone who actually likes us, unless you want to start getting a little incestuous in our friend group. Miles is looking quite fit, recently, don’t you think?”
Miles had started a Slytherin Quidditch meet-up and was beginning to build back his Beater muscles from Hogwarts. Pansy had been ogling him in his Quidditch leathers not earlier that day. Draco tried not to think of Potter in his Quidditch leathers.
Draco smoothed Pansy’s bangs back from her eyes. “He is, Pans. You could go for it.”
She shrugged. “I just might. I suppose the other option would be to move to France.”
“Paris is lovely in the spring,” Draco murmured.
It's also the fic first I ever bound :) I wanted something to celebrate finishing it & also so my partner could read it in a physical form. Some pics:
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My current WIP: 'Tis the Damn Season (working title)
One and a half years after the war, Draco Malfoy shows up to the Burrow for Christmas.
I'm ~20k into writing this, but the end isn't really anywhere in sight, so I'm in writing purgatory. Things I'm loving about this fic: writing Harry's POV, Harry Potter & Ginny Weasley's bromance, enemies-to-lovers-to-friends-to-lovers, Arthur Weasley as a trekkie, early '00s raves, the existential angst of not being content with your life despite saving the world, but also make it light-hearted. Snippet is completely unedited:
Harry was banging on Malfoy’s door before he could think better of it.
Malfoy opened the door and looked temporarily taken aback before his features settled into annoyance. He made to shut the door, saying, “Oh, for God’s sake—“
Harry stopped him from closing it with a palm. He distantly knew he must look crazy, sopping wet, raindrops dripping down the bridge of his nose and falling from his eyelashes. His shirt was plastered to his chest and he was panting.
“What, Potter?” Malfoy snapped. “Have you come to profess your love to me in the pouring rain like we’re in some sodding romance novel?”
That snapped Harry out of it. “No, you arsehole,” he growled.
“Oh, so you’ve come to my door just to insult me.” Malfoy rolled his eyes and pushed on the door against Harry’s hand.
“No!” Harry protested. Actually he wasn’t completely sure why he had come to Malfoy’s door. “Just—just how am I supposed to know?”
“Know what?” Malfoy seemed quite exasperated.
“Know if I could … if I could ever love you?” Harry forced out.
Malfoy’s face twisted, his eyes flashed. He snapped, “Well, I think I’ve given you about a lifetime’s worth of material. I’m not sure what more information you would need, Potter. You’ve seen about all the worst, most low moments of my entire life and now you’re here to rub that into my face by pretending you don’t even know me. The fucking nerve.”
Tysm for the tag, starry. I love seeing everyone's self-recs & also wip snips, so please, anybody, post one if you'd like!!!
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