#i'm also just not ready to be done spending time with my new fav wife lmao
wtf-amiru · 2 years
i'm emptying the queue today and probably not going much further in 6.2 for a while. My life has been....stressful this summer to say the least and i am not about to go into a video game to push myself to grind for gear that never drops so I can keep incrementally taking in story when my brain just wants a break and an easier work/reward balance. It'll probably get done in spurts, chunks at a time as I come around in my stress cycle. Sometimes the brain just wants to run off and do silly little things like forcing Esmond to level up dark knight while I learn sage in potd with me lmao (I cleared a save slot for you, you're finishing this with me now) and i'll get back to msq when I want to. `
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