#i'm also laughing bc they are the palest dudes i know
olivieraa · 4 months
just back from wedding numero uno, trying my v best to not typo, I' e had way too much red wine
it was a lovely, cute af wedding, so disney tbh
I was nervous going bc here's the thing. ok. black is associated with goths. lke people love wearing black but wear other things, but I almost exclusively wear 98% black. I dont know why but when you open my wardrobe you;d be lucky to find snippets of colour (unless you open my pj drawer which is full of disney pjs, lion king, mulan, the faves, all cutesy and shit)
bbut I'm not a goth. I just happen to love black. but the fact that Im the palest person you;ll meet and have black hair ADDED with exclusuvely black clothes is why you'll think "ah yes goth"
now I dont help my case
I wear bikeer boots, black chokers, dark lipstick, black nailpolish, I dont help the goth rumours but my closs friends just know that I gravitate towards it
SO for the wedding black dress BUT, silver necklace with a cute tree, nude nails, no lipstick just a bit of gloss, kept my eyes more neutral than dark. I know even without that I still look gothic but I TRIED
I got lots of compliments, nobodu said I looked goth
v v cute wedding
met up with people ive been avoiding for months bc I used to be quite social but since last year my introvert side has pushed forward and I want to be in most of the time so it was great reunite with people
I was happy to be at table 2 so just across from the happy couple
I also met a couple of kiwis @ivyblooms they were my first IRL kiwis. they knew my friends bc they lived in auckland for over a year and they were either roomies or neighbours cant really remember im a lil drunk. but yeah they came for the wedding but did the touristy shit like cliffs of moher and guiness storehouse (ive been to neither) but they said which is great, that its a great to have a drink here bc not only is that what we're knnown for but kikisw like a good drink now and then as welll. my drunk ass fist bumped them like eeyyyy
but the BEST part was that the dudes name was Joey I was like "ima name my non-existent son after you". like fr I think I MAYBE met one Joey irl, you'd think it'd be such a common name but defo not over here so that was fab. I said anyone ever call you joseph and he was liek "oooooh just my mother or when I'm in trouble " which made me laugh ALSo not even connected to that but we all ended up doing the stereotypical new york accent, like "eyyy im walkin ere" and "badda bing badda boom" my friend was having a FIELD day with that, my face hurt so much from laugh,I legit even brough t up ygo and joey and they were like YEAH ACTUALLY he has that voice
I xcurrently have NO voice aaaaaaaaand its just gone 12am which isnt a bad time to conk the fuck ouuut
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batfall-moved · 2 years
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                                               *   )     WAYNE   TOWERS   ,   it   looms   like   some   fucking   ALBATROSS   upon   the   MARINER'S   NECK.   he    stays   because    he   KNOWS    that   he  can’t   leave  ,   THERE   was   an  end   to   this   all   -   and   perhaps   he  can’t   QUITE   figure  it  out.   MAYBE   he’s   not   meant   to   ,   the   threats   pour   in   ,   and   he    knows   it’s   a   matter   of   time   before   he’s   shoved  out   from   WAYNE   ENTERPRISES.  
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                                    ‘   good   you’re   here  ’   the   NIGHT   bathes   them   both    as   the   view   from   TOWERS   looks   quite   DIFFERENT.   the   city   is   DROWNING  ,   the   CASUALTIES   still   being   counted   MONTHS  later   as   the   flood   took   out   half   of  the   city.   SHE   ADORES   THE   DRAMATICS   ,   LOVED   TO   GO   OUT   WITH   A  BANG   !!!!     months   that  passed   since   their   last   meeting   ,   and   he   wonders  SELFISHLY   how   arthur   was   getting   along.  ‘ it’s   been  awhile  ,   you   hiding  from   me   . . .   ?  ’   the  question   rolls  off  tongue   EFFORTLESSLY  ,    he   in  truth   had   thought   that   he    had   ABANDONED   him ,   though  ?    he   had   seen  the  pictures    on   nix’s   feed  ,   STRANGE   almost   to  see  him   in   such   a  setting.    if   only   gotham   was   kinder   . . .   if   ONLY. 
                                ‘   hard   to   imagine   you   on   the   beach  ’  
                                *   )     @jokethur​  |   STARTER
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