#i'm also not saying that barb didn't deserve any or all of the criticism she received
memes-saved-me · 2 years
Just want to talk about Nancy a little. I liked Nancy quite a lot in s1, but her character has barely developed since. S4 even backtracked a lot of her development. It makes no sense to me that she would start to reconsider her feelings about Steve since even back in s1, she actually wanted to be with Jonathan. That's where my issue lies their relationship, since I do see it as cheating in s2 since one big fight doesn't equal a breakup and they never properly established if they were or not. Add on that she went into the relationship because she couldn't wait any longer for Jonathan, though it's obvious that it was because she didn't want to be alone. Also don't get me wrong, Steve had his issues in the relationship as well, he stuck his head in the sand instead of dealing with everything, which meant he also ignored Nancy's feelings and trauma as well. However, everyone seems to ignore Jonathan's role in it all. In s1, he tells Nancy how she's making a mistake being with Steve, that he'sthe safe choice and how she'll just end up like her mother. He continued to flirt even after Steve and Nancy got back together, he also made the first move in s2. It takes two people to have sex, so why is it only Nancy that gets the criticism, because as far as he was aware Nancy and Steve were together, and she had been talking about going back to him, Jonathan was the one pushing for her not to.
I'm not a fan of Nancy. Her attitude and classism just isn't for me but S4 just made me dislike her more. One communication issue and she's back flirting with her ex, like you said pretty much cheated on with her current boyfriend.
While I waaaaaay more prefer Jonathan and Nancy, their relationship isn't good either. The writers fucked it up by having them have issues in S4 for no reason other than to push a loce triangle that ended in S2 but only came back because they didn't plan anything for Steve to do after getting with Robin in S3 which clearly didn't happen.
I like Jonathan but he gets away with so much shit. The creepy ass photos, pining after Nancy for a year while she's with Steve and then acting on it. I'd say he probably thought they had officially broken up and he saw Steve rush out of the party crying so I'll give him that.
I'd also like to add that Steve didn't kill Barb. Nancy was the one who told her to just go home after trying to pressure her into drinking when she clearly didn't want to. So for her to try and throw her own guilt at Steve just wasn't it. I get it, she's dealing with her trauma but Steve doesn't deserve that.
I get where Jonathan was coming from telling Nancy Steve isn't right for her. She would end up like her mother which is only confirmed in S4 when Steve drops the "I want 6 kids" bomb on her which was super weird and creepy to say to your ex.
They just don't know how to write female characters at times. She was a bitch to Robin for no reason as well which I'll never forget so yeah I don't like Nancy and if her and Steve end up together I'll be furious
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technoskittles · 4 years
Something’s up....
So regarding the new information regarding Mica’s departure from RoosterTeeth that’s cropped up due to the current events, there are a lot of RT employees publicly saying that they regret not standing up for her against the backlash she received against the community.
And of course, it’s a nice sentiment and all (even if it is a tad late) and there should definitely be some action to back their words. I think we can all agree on that.
But I feel like the praise for making these statements and the criticism for “not doing enough” or “being performative” is largely disproportionate.
When Andy Blanchard (who’s not even with RT anymore) made a statement? A lot of praise that he’s speaking up now.
When Miles Luna made a statement? A lot of praise that he’s speaking up now.
When Jeremy Dooley made a statement? A lot of praise that he’s speaking up now. (I even saw one particular person say he’s still a good person and I remember him saying that he wasn’t, he was a scared person because he was afraid of the community turning on him again after he received so much hate when everyone thought he was replacing Ray.)
When Gavin Free, Geoff Ramsey, & Jon Risinger (the only other people I’ve seen so far) made statements? ....Well you get the picture.
But when Barbara Dunkelman made a statement? I’ve been seeing a LOT more criticism geared towards her. There’s been a few people praising her for speaking up now, but most of the replies I’ve seen on her QRT of Mica’s tweet have been really critical and not as forgiving. I’ve even seen one person demand she give up her host spot for Always Open.
On the other side, Mariel has also received a bit more criticism, though it seems that she’s received more of an even mix of both that and praise.
Notice something?
First off, it’s really odd that two of the top three people receiving the MOST criticism are not only women, but also not even on Achievement Hunter (and some member of AH haven’t even acknowledged Mica’s tweet it seems). But I’m not here saying that criticism isn’t allowed or shouldn’t be brought up. 
The community absolutely needs to call RT out - AH and the company as a whole. But directing all of that criticism towards one person - especially in a disproportionate amount towards a Jewish woman rather than all the men who were actually there and involved - is also just sketchy in my opinion. If you’re going to criticize RT, make sure that sentiment is expressed to ALL of the employees. Don’t praise one side and then constantly berate another when, AGAIN, the person you happen to be berating is a JEWISH. WOMAN. who has to deal with her own shit (even if it’s minimal compared to what Mica experienced).
The only exception to this that I’ve seen where someone has received far more criticism than praise for speaking out is Matt Hullum, which honestly is well deserved as the CEO of the company. 
I am 100% of the opinion that RT needs to get their shit together and start speaking out more on behalf of their employees, especially since Fiona is receiving the same type of hate and bigotry that Mica had gone through. With that and current events going on, they need to make a statement AND a plan of action to better handle these situations and protect their employees while also diversifying their workspace. 
But we also need to pay attention to WHO is receiving the most criticism and ask ourselves why that is.
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shinydixon · 2 years
I need to post a disclaimer saying that Grace should not be receiving death or rape threats or whatever that fake tumblr posts debacle was. People who are doing that are nasty and wrong. And also that any criticism of Chrissy as a character, the ship or Graces behavior is not “jealous antis”, “misogyny” or “hate”.
But this behavior is very questionable. I find that even majority of her content and content from shippers have been just “trolling” and “clapping back at antis”. People not liking her or the ship is bound to happen. But what is there to gain by trying to “rile” them up?
Why is someone pointing out that chrissy has very little screen time being called hate or jealous anti behavior? It’s a fact that she had a very small role in the show in regards to her appearance in it. That shouldn’t be interpreted as an attack to Grace or chrissy. Idk why she and others are so happy that the ST Twitter responded to that person with a girl and interpreted it as “defending or fighting back against antis”.
It’s all very offputting to me and it’s definitely being overshadowed by people who took shit too far
Exactly, I don't stress enough that all the harassment towards her was so wrong and she doesn't deserve all of that because she didn't do anything wrong!
However, I agree that this behaviour is really weird and, as i already said, trolling only fuel the harassment and hate towards her.
I also agree about the fact that saying that she had a small role and little screentime IS NOT AN ANTI BEHAVIOUR BUT A FACT.
I mean, nobody got riled up when people said the same things about Barb.
And finally, what I'm starting to find annoying is her and her fans calling antis all the people that don't like Eddissy, because both Joseph and her said that Chrissy and Eddie might have a crush on eachother...(even though, as anon previously said, Joseph also improved all those flirty scenes with Steve so yeah, Eddie bisexual king you can't change my mind) they only had 2 scenes together my dudes, calm your tits
Honestly all of this is weird and annoying
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militantinremission · 3 years
All 'Skinfolk' aren't 'Kinfolk'
I begin this 'rant' by stating that I identify as Pan Afrikan, & as a 3rd Generation Garveyite. I love my People throughout The Diaspora, even though I KNOW that many of them don't like me. I wasn't really aware of just how many held this 'dislike', until Black America started talking about Reparations specifically for American Descendants Of (Chattal) Slavery. The last 2 1/2Yrs have been eye opening, to say the least, as a Hidden Agenda is literally appearing before Our eyes .
Since Antonio Moore & Yvette Carnell sparked the (current) discussion, the loudest & most dismissive critics of Reparations, have been Descendants of Black Immigrants. Our Immigrant Family in Politics & Mainstream Media have made their thoughts known early & often. Joy Reid for instance, literally led The Anti- Reparations Charge, by regularly referring to Us as 'Russian Bots' on MSNBC. Not to be outdone, Roland Martin called Us 'Xenophobic Race Purists', & tried to rationalize why people like him deserve a seat @ Our Reparations Table.
Around the same time, Hollywood began to carpet bomb Us w/ Black American Narratives featuring Black Immigrants w/ limited knowledge of Black American/ ADOS History. Despite a history of showing contempt for Black American Culture, & a possible family link to Slave Trading, Cynthia Erivo is 'cherry picked' to play Harriet Tubman AND Aretha Franklin. Meanwhile, a 31Yr Old Daniel Kaluuya is also cherry picked to play 21Yr Old Fred Hampton.
Despite the complication it presented in choosing a [realistic] Cast & telling a credible Story, Producers thought Kaluuya's 'Star Power' would overcome any inconsistency. In the end, Erivo & Kaluuya's performances were less than memorable, but they allowed Hollywood to present a watered down portrayal of Black American Icons to global audiences. It's really no different from the 'King Tut' (Tut Ankh Amen) Mini Series featuring Arabs (& Ben Kingsley) as Ancient Egyptians/ Kamau.
I understand, & can appreciate on some levels that Our Immigrant Family are living Their American Dream. That said, i'm starting to get annoyed by the NEED to point out that Their 'Dream' came @ the expense of My Ancestors HERE. My ADOS Progeny continues to fight & die for Rights that are shared w/ Immigrant Family w/ NO SKIN IN THE GAME... Where is the Respect? All I hear, are insults & White Supremacist stereotypes. Some have the audacity to say that Black America/ ADOS is 'lost' & has No Culture, while emulating the Fashion, Style, Language, & Music of Our Culture. The subject of Nicki Minaj caught my attention, because She plays a role in the blatant disrespect of Black American/ ADOS Culture.
Watching Joy Reid's 'plea' to Nicki Minaj got me thinking- Why is Joy acting like Nicki Minaj has enough influence to persuade Blackfolk not to take the COVID Vaccines? It's not like she's relevant in Pop Culture, or some kind of Health & Wellness spokeswoman. It looks like she's trying to stay relevant. Nicki Minaj JUST called out Michael B. Jordan for Culture Appropriation. He & his Partners were naming a Brand of Rum. The Tens of Thousands of people that sided w/ her was sobering.
Meanwhile, many of the same people criticized Black Americans for speaking out on Adele wearing 'Bantu Knots'. Black Americans/ ADOS aren't anglophiles, so We didn't understand the pushback on Adele. We understood the pushback on Michael B. Jordan even less. What exactly did he & his Partners appropriate? What made Nicki Minaj of all people, think that She should speak on it? If We 'went there', We can SHOW how Nicki Minaj could be a Poster Child of Black American/ ADOS Culture Appropriation.
She took advantage of Affirmative Action Programs that wasn't meant for her, when she went to Private School. She appropriated the Style & Demeanor of Lil' Kim- who referred to herself as the 'Black Barbie Doll'. Nicki even calls her fans 'Barbs'. Very original. She first repped The Bronx, then Jamaica, Qns (The SouthSide), but has no community activism in either 'Hood'. In the name of 'Girl Power' she sends a message that extreme plastic surgery, wretchedness (ratchedness), & 'Babydoll Talk' are The Keys to Success.
It's more than curious that out of All of the Lady Emcees & Female Rappers that gained success, how Nicki Minaj & Cardi B are the only ones to get major endorsement deals. They both present an image that contradicts Black Excellence & Elegance, but they're not Black American/ ADOS. Watching Joy Reid do her 'Sistah, what are U doing?' thing over Nicki's anti vaccination sentiment is comical. What I saw, were two Black Immigrant Women that made their careers off of The Black American Experience, now trying to herd Black Opinion under their Collective umbrella. It reminded me of all the Dept. Of Health commercials featuring Black Immigrants telling 'Black People' to go get vaccinated... Nice try, but No Dice!
It's a sad affair to watch Black Immigrants as they follow Hispanics, European Jews, & Poor Whites in choosing a 'Come Up' over Solidarity w/ Us. It must be a genetic memory thing, because Blackfolk KNOW that concessions made will be taken away, if those groups conflict w/ White Society's Agenda. Miami's Little Haiti, is a good example of what They will face. As I said before, this is a Collective Dynamic. There are allies among Our Black Immigrant Family that stand w/ Us, but it's pretty clear that there is a large segment that believes they are in competition w/ Us. It's time to shine some light on Their Agenda.
White Supremacists have tried to eliminate their 'Black America Question' for over 100Yrs. If a group of anglophiles & francophones that fled their Home Country think They can succeed in supplanting Us as 'Black America', in a land that We Built, they need to take another look @ American History. Any support that they get from White Supremacy, is part of a larger plot to marginalize Us, before eventually marginalizing them. Our Immigrant Family (collectively) act like they will be the New Boule, but can't see that it's yet another case of 'diamond cutting diamond'.
-I think that the general lack of Love for Us as a People, & the lack of Respect for Our Role in their ability to immigrate here, is the saddest part.
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