#i'm an information whore!! and hoarder
bandofchimeras · 6 months
tab eclecticism
started tackling the 7 nation army - aka the 7 window 500 TabPocalypse that is my laptop atm. like yeah, i could close them all and start fresh. But its been fun going through them. And productive? So far i've updated next weeks schedule, found out a hardcore show i was gonna go to is sold out, completed two microdonations & bookmarked 3 other fundraisers for Palestinian families & trans refugee family for when I have $, made a discord event to start that free Oklahoma School for the Deaf class, watched a genuinely moving short film by the Madrid band Boikot about the International Brigades and Francoist war, on the theme "people may die, but you cannot kill an idea" and read a few articles on Tyre Nichols case and the importance of mutual aid. i even drafted an email to a school principal asking what their plan was to address students' w Long Covid's accommodation needs. also added 4 new books to my Thriftbooks wishlist that functions as a "to-read" list including this fascinating chronicle of the Hirschfield Institute and modern queer culture. in conclusion, the ADHD scatterbrain does not have to be a shameful thing. I don't have a themed blog or substack to promote but that's a fairly productive evening. and now, if you want to experience any of these links with me you can lol.
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