#i'm due some serious marie kondo
mzannthropy · 8 months
Major photography decluttering now done; will still probably delete more pics on second round. I've deleted some old posts on my wordpress blog and I've tidied up my Pinterest. 2024 going well and I didn't even plan this!
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Hi, I'm looking for some typing help. Generally, I don't live life to the fullest, although I feel envious of those who do. I often stay at home and laze around instead of watching movies or going places, but at the same time, these things often drain me and I don't seem to have as much fun doing them as I should have. I'm responsible with my money and my work, but I'm not very efficient about the latter, with bad time-management and an inconsistent level of productivity from moment to moment(1)
However, I do know what has to be done and I often take a more domineering role during group projects, though I can be scatter-brained. I’m quite impulsive with friends and don’t really think through whatever I say. Friends have called me embarrassing or rude in the past, which I often amp up for comedic effect. My morals center around doing one’s duty and doing things for the greater good and I can’t imagine not doing so. I rarely pursue opportunities due to my own indecisiveness, but at the(2)
same time I do feel a need to pursue almost all of them, especially leadership positions I don’t particularly care about, though I try to focus on what I really care about to justify why these things won’t make me happy. I have many half-baked plans for self-improvement that I’ve never realised, though I have worked on some (this does describe almost everyone though). I enjoy basking in my own nostalgia despite only being a teenager, but I manage to clean up Marie Kondo style without much(3) 
hesitation. I’m not confident about my logical or intellectual abilities, but I think I underestimate myself in this aspect. I’ve known that I want to be a writer since primary school but I also knew that this was unrealistic, leading me to consider jobs related to teaching and psychology, and now that I’m in my late teens, this still hasn’t changed. I can often be harsher than I expect and I enjoy the refreshing feeling that comes with being direct, but I often request bluntness from others (4) more than I give it to them (when it comes to serious matters) and I am willing to make compromises quite easily even without discussion, even if I think that the other person is wrong (though this seems unwise). I’m not very empathetic and can often steamroll over the feelings of those I don’t care about, though I try not to do it explicitly. I don’t feel a need to be friendly towards others, though I can and often do sustain this during one-time occasions. Thank you for your help! (5 of 5)
Hi anon,
This sounds very much like dominant Ne, but I’m not sure on whether you have aux Ti or aux Fi:
dom Ne items include sometimes having difficulty making firm plans but being kind of drained by doing nothing as well, variable productivity, indecisiveness, nostalgia (low Si), and impulsive.
The reason I can’t tell high Fi or high Ti is that a lot of the traits here are consistent with either ENTP or ENFP. My guess is ENTP given that you don’t feel the need to be friendly but I wouldn’t rule out ENFP who’s just not super warm and fuzzy; ENTPs have the ‘blunt’ reputation but tert Te can result in this in some cases as well.
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