#i'm excited :D
youphoriaot7 · 1 year
The crows are a well-known attachment to Quesadilla Island. Nobody's exactly sure quite how they got there, nor why there's so many of them—they're just there. They don't seem to intrude, and so everyone simply goes about their day. It's normal, now; just like the bear that checks in on them, just like the eggs they care for.
They seem to especially gravitate towards Philza. He can always be found with at least ten or twelve scattered around—his shoulders, his hat, his cape... They tend to gather most frequently near the Wall, perching on every visible surface. The top edge of the Wall often looks black, every inch of it covered with feathers.
So when the crows are gone, it's noticeable.
Philza's absence hasn't gone unnoticed, of course. Chayanne and Tallulah have mentioned his departure, heading out to explore the outer edges of the island, looking for...something, he didn't mention what. The fact that they've been hanging out with Tubbo and Niki also proves it.
But the crows were the most noticeable.
Slowly, they start to gather...elsewhere. A small group starts a nest in the tower of Cellbit's castle, and he stares at it in confusion for a few days before he shrugs it off. Let them stay; they're not bothering anyone. Another flock takes shelter under the overhang near Forever's presidential office. He grins every time they fly up to the windows. A couple of stragglers find comfort in the quiet of Chume Labs, flying along after the current lone inhabitant and cawing in concern. Pac shrugs them off, trying not to read too much paranoia into it.
Tubbo finds himself swamped with the birds; Niki, too. They guess they're following the children, which seems to be correct, at first glance. (But it's more than that.) Some flock to Bad, others to Foolish—the two groups cawing and chirping whenever their chosen followees' get into spats. Roier catches sight of a couple hanging around Rivers' base, and smiles brightly when he gets back home to see some of his own nearby.
Mouse waves them off for a few hours before sighing—it's certainly not the worst thing in the world, even if they keep accidentally landing where she's trying to work. Jaiden lets them land on her wings, grinning and talking to them as she moves around her day. Etoiles and Antoine aren't quite sure how to react at first—but it's no weirder than anything else they've been dealing with recently, so it's probably not a worry, and therefore, not a concern.
When the children vanish, the crows get anxious. They spend more time away from their makeshift roosts: cawing at the Wall as they fly by, pecking their way across the roads of the main square, shrieking at every passerby in the Favela. They're looking for something—information, the kids; it's not clear what. But either way, their presence is heard.
One day, when the Wall feels taller than ever before, there's a loud rustling of feathers reaching every corner of the main square. The birds' noises are deafening; it's barely possible to hold a conversation unless you move further away. And when the island's inhabitants look up, they see them there—the crows, returning to their original home. There's a figure, as well, standing amongst the potato fields, staring down at the world below him.
Philza Minecraft has returned, and the crows are at home.
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imnotkosmic · 4 months
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Just looked at 'The Chosen' app and oh my gosh.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
Me: Hm, what writing prompt should I work on now... maybe th-- Time: *grabs me firmly by the wrist* Me: Time: >:| Me:....uhh, yes? Time: We're. Finding. Sky.
Well, guess it's time to work on Elastic Heart, folks!
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literallyjusttoa · 2 years
Personal Entry #2
I met with Artemis today, and it was great. The first thing is she asked me to meet her! Usually I’m the one randomly dropping in on her hunts for some quality twin bonding time, so this was quite the change of pace. Plus, we met up in the Daintree Rainforest, and that place is absolutely gorgeous. So already, we’re off to a great start. 
Then, Artemis actually asked me to recite some poetry! I never thought I'd see the day. I haven’t written anything in a while (sue me, I’m detoxing after the trials) so I just stuck to my haikus from my time as a mortal. I don’t think she really appreciated the poems, but she sat through my retellings, which is more than I ever usually get from her, or anyone else in the family for that matter. 
And then, and then, she asks me how the music industry is doing. At this point, she’s becoming a bit suspicious. I don’t think Artemis has shown this much interest in my arts since we were very small children. But never let it be said that I am not always willing to gossip about the newest songwriter scandal. There’s a reason the Muses and I can spend hours speaking in the Olympian gardens. So I got going about the newest hit single that totally wasn’t about the singer’s last ex, and didn’t even realize I was falling into my sister’s sneaky trap. You’d think after 4,000 years of having a twin I would recognize the scheming, but I guess my time away as a mortal has dulled my perception. 
So about fifteen minutes into my tirade (I know, I know, I talk a lot, but I get carried away with music drama alright! The stories are so interesting!) Artemis interrupts and starts to steer the conversation somewhere else. Did all of this happen while you were mortal? She wonders. You would’ve been in Camp Jupiter around then, right? She mentions. Are you adjusting well back in Olympus? She straight up asks, apparently sick of me dodging and weaving around her attempts at subtlety. 
And listen, I know my sister. I know she doesn’t like to just ask people what’s wrong, and I know she knows I would never answer that question anyways. Artemis and I differ in many ways, but we both have a strong aversion to that kind of vulnerability. So I know when she asks “Are you adjusting well” she means I’m worried about you. And I appreciate that, I really do! But I can’t deal with someone worrying about me right now.
My sister’s worry feels like someone peeking over my shoulder while I'm trying to complete a brain surgery (I’ve done this before, BAD IDEA) . She means well, but it’s just extra pressure. It makes part of me want to flee like a startled deer. And that’s what I ended up doing. I blurted out some lame response about being perfectly fine in Olympus and OMG I actually forgot I have a meeting with the Muses I need to get to so sorry about that bye! It was honestly embarrassing, and I know Artemis knows that I was being a big fat liar. I can never fool Artemis, she’s known me for far too long. The people who talk about the mortifying ordeal of being known all definitely have twins. 
It was a mess. I’m a mess, and I hate the idea of my sister seeing that. She deserves better than my melodrama.
You know what, I’ll deal with it later. I need to talk to the Muses so that I’ll have at least a semi-believable alibi for Artemis. And maybe I can set up something to keep her away for a bit longer.
I know what you’re thinking, non-existent readers: Apollo how could you! She’s your twin! And I know, I know okay! But I just need some time to get myself together. Hopefully next time we speak, I can tell Artemis everything’s fine on Olympus and actually mean it.
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emilykaldwen · 1 year
Chapter two of The Maiden and the Drowning Boy is dropping Friday! Want to be on the taglist?
The pumice stone scraped softly as she put the dragon back. “We announced the engagement of Aegon to Abrogail Strong.” Viserys’ looked confused once more before recollection dawned on him and he made a quiet ‘ah’. “The Grand Maester and Lord Tyland thought that, with Aegon’s name day approaching, we might combine the celebration and throw a tournament, and maybe a hunt.” The fire crackled in the quiet and Alicent finally allowed herself to relax and pour herself a cup of wine from the side table before taking a seat on the chair normally reserved for the stonemason. She did not mind a bit of dust. “Aegon will be seven and ten. A man grown, A man who will now marry and start a family of his own. That is worthy of celebration, is it not?” A sad smile crossed her face as she met her husband’s eyes and found a mirror of her own expression there. “Aye, it is. I remember how much he laughed when we took him on that hunt. Do you remember?” Wistful, Viserys tilted his head and picked up a half carved dragon. “Waving his wooden dragon around, his joyful laughter.” A lump formed in Alicent’s throat, and she occupied herself with her wine glass. “He was always laughing, I remember that, before the others came along. Didn’t enjoy sharing the spotlight, did he?” Another chuckle. “But I think we’ve raised a fine boy, haven’t we?” It was Alicent’s turn to be struck dumb. The recollection of Grandmaester Mellos struggling to find anything to say about her son came back to mind and the stab of pain between her ribs had her turning her head with a nod and a hum. Unbidden, she thought of Rhaenyra, crying softly beside her in the sept for the loss of her mother, and the confusion at feeling as if her own father did not understand her. Alicent took a gulp of wine. Quiet for a moment before she allowed herself to speak. “Yes, my love, we have raised a fine boy.”
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minusgangtime · 7 months
-mod Shelby
(That had a lot of chaotic energy I love it so much lol)
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stick-by-me · 10 months
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Another milestone!!!! Thanks yall :DD
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netherzon · 1 year
Oh oh !! Sweet gerame birthday fic for Ludwig from Alfred's perspective idea!!
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crab-milk · 1 year
Hey! I know you played the somnium files games, have you ever played zero escape?
i have to do that!!!! my somnium friends absolutely love the games, and i'm missing out big time D':
i will eventually!!
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cruddycurls · 2 years
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I've ordered a custom acrylic keychain of TV with this design, so hopefully all goes well with the delivery and soon I will be able to have this monster on my person at all times ! wahoo !
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ooooouuuuuggghhhh Orion waiting behind for Megatron to catch up...
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ryuki-draws · 2 months
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Who's ready for TFNation? :D
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theeretblr · 5 months
It's finally time to announce something I've been working on for a while! I've joined Passes (it's like Patreon or a SFW OF). I am so excited to have a place to offer community, BTS, and more personal content.
Check it out here: https://www.passes.com/eret
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Can't wait to see you there! P.S. Use the code "ERET25" for 25% off Ted 🧸 Tier
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amphibianaday · 22 days
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day 1758
there's a few days of art queued but if i ahven't recovered enough to draw when it runs out we'll have a short break until i can draw again!! you'll find out in a few days when the queue runs out or doesn't :D
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minusgangtime · 9 months
(“Sis?..are you?..”)
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(“Me?…never better…”)
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The design for Shelby when she loses her prism energy..)
-mod Shelby
("...Friend...? <:(")
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ruporas · 3 months
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i got an opportunity to make a plush recently so naturally i made wolfwood! this IC is to gauge interest for full production and how many wolfwoods i'll be expecting in the future world [ID in alt].
please fill out this form if you'd be interested in a mini wolfwood!
*this is not a preorder form, this is only an interest check
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