#i'm gonna deactivate that account holy shit
riddlingwife · 4 months
gonna need alexandre de moraes (supreme court guy) to actually shut down twitter in brazil like he promised he would like BRO yall argue over the stupidest shit!!! CAN YAL L GO OUTSIDE...??? CAN ANY OF YALL SHUT UP WHAT HAPPENED TO "GOOD MORNING HOW IS IT GOING GUYS" AND BEING NORMAL DO YOU HEAR YOURSELVES
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
Just a heads up for your followers since sam posted about threads. If you deactivate or delete your threads account, it also does it to your Instagram. It's an extension of your ig. This is gonna get interesting. I recommend not using it on your main.
holy shit i didn't know that.
if i'm "getting rid" of an account, i usually just delete the app and call it a day. but this is good to know regardless, so thank you.
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lolchat · 3 years
please tell us ab roblox myths
gonna answer this before i head to bed but i'm tired so this might not make too much sense
summary of what roblox myths are: roblox myths are accounts (or legends of accounts) that have a dark horrific backstory to them and/or the person behind the account. most of the time- if not all the time- they will create a horror game dedicated to the story of their lore for people to explore and investigate to find out what it is. it's actually kind of fun if you like horror stuff and play roblox
most roblox myths are shit behind their characters. like, a majority of them are pretty shitty and are only made to get the attention of roblox youtubers (mainly flamingo, nothing against him) willing to investigate their lore. that's not all of the cases, but since myths got popular a lot more have popped up and it's pretty clear they're just trying to get the attention of their favorite creator, which isn't bad, but if they're a bad person then... they're kind of, y'know, freaks once you get to know them.
basically, i became a roblox myth artist on twitter around 2018-2019 and holy fuck do i regret it man. i mean, not really, cause i met some of my closest friends from that community, but i feel like the shit i went through shouldn't have happened in the first place. but! this is a roblox community we're talking about, so shit is bound to happen
i'd try to summarize this whole thing but it's a disaster so i'll keep it as short as i can; i became close friends with a bunch of the people behind myths because they wanted more fanart from me, mainly. i'm not going to name drop one of them out of fear of him finding this, but one of the biggest myths at that time was pretty fucking lesbiphobic (towards me), ableist, retweeted a bunch of other horrible things and so on. yknow the deal
i would have definitely said something if i wasn't just an artist with quite a... small following compared to someone who has had 4.7 million+ people investigate his game, had thousands upon thousands of supporters and was friends with currently the biggest roblox youtuber on the platform.
he also told me how he kept his ex's personal photos and could leak all of her personal info if she tried something shitty, so i obviously didn't make him mad, as much as i wanted to. (pretty big power balance i'd say)
eventually he got called out for the stuff he said and did by multiple people who were done with his shit, deactivated his account, and left the myth for good i guess? don't know the whole story because he blocked me for ghosting him after he hurt me and i didn't want anything to do with him after that. also the more popular roblox myth artists at the time were kinda shitty too but that's a whole other rabbit hole
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