#i'm honestly kind of disappointed that neither movie was appealing enough for me to watch lol
a-dream-deferred · 1 year
thanks for the tag @ibyul !! <3
barbie or oppenheimer // ketchup or mustard // crinkled fries or curly fries // robots or dinosaurs // silly hats or silly socks // spring or autumn // harry potter or lord of the rings // vacation or staycation // day or night // board games or video games // books or movies // money or love // milkshake or iced coffee // waffles or pancakes // chocolate or candy // beach or pool // laundry or dishes // take-out or dine-out // fantasy or sci-fi // lays or pringles
tagging @winryrockbellwannabe @iwillsurvivecollege @alleani @nuuralshams @homelyhoney @cassiopedias @gatheryepens no pressure of course
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dragon-temeraire · 6 years
Could you please do "I come to the library everyday to 'study' but I'm actually watching Netflix over your shoulder and I'm really invested in the series but the day we were going to watch the season final you weren't there and I feel personally betrayed" with Sterek please
Finally got a chance to write this! (On AO3)
Derek isn’t actually here to study.
Sure, it looks like he is—he has a couple of random booksoff the shelf open in front of him—but in reality he’s just screwing around onhis phone, and wishing he’d thought to grab his laptop before being sexiled byhis roommate.
He flips a page in one of the books, stares critically at apicture of a statue. Boring.
He stares at the ceiling, then at a row of bookshelvesacross the way, trying to figure out if there’s somewhere else he should go.He’s not particularly social, or rather, he’s not great at social interaction, so none of the popular spots on campus appealto him. He’s not looking to spend money on the terrible coffee at the campuscafé, either.
Maybe he should just head downstairs to the computer lab,see if he can—
A guy is suddenly pulling out a chair at the table closestto Derek’s, sitting down with his back to him.
Derek didn’t really get a good look, but he has theimpression that the guy is pretty attractive. His shoulders are nice and broad,anyway.
When he pulls out a laptop and fires it up, Derek feels anirrational surge of jealously, then rolls his eyes at himself. He tries to readthe guy’s name as he logs in, but all he catches is an S over the guy’s shoulder.
He can’t see much of the screen as S plugs in his headphonesand starts typing. But then he shifts his chair to the side, leaning back in acomfortable sprawl, and Derek suddenly has a perfect view.
S is on Netflix, starting some show Derek’s heard about, butcan’t remember the name of. It had sounded really interesting, though. Andsince he’s too cheap to actually have a subscription, he’s tempted to get upand ask if he can join S to watch it. But before he even starts to get up fromhis chair, S clicks the subtitles on, which Derek can read if he just leansforward a little.
So he stays right where he is.
If he’d tried to talk to S, he’d probably have just made afool of himself anyway.
 Since Derek’s roommate has an absurdly high libido, Derekfinds himself in the library again the next evening. At least he got his essaydone before he and his girlfriend starting moaning and grinding on each other.
He only has one book in front of him this time, because he’snot even trying to pretend to study. In reality, he’s just waiting to see if Swill show up again.
He ducks his head, starts casually flipping through thepages when he catches a glimpse of S coming through the door.
This floor of the library isn’t busy, so there’s a lot offree tables and study carrels for S to choose from. But he passes them over,and comes to sit in the same spot as last time. That makes Derek smile alittle, even though it probably has nothing to do with him.
It doesn’t really matter, though, because S has the nextepisode pulled up, and Derek is quickly absorbed.
 The next night, Derek’s roommate is out on a date with hisgirlfriend, which leaves the room delightfully free of moaning and wet kissingnoises. He takes a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet, then glances at thebooks on his shelf and considers just staying in. After all, he probably onlyhas a few uninterrupted hours before they’re back.
But he ends up stuffing his phone and keys into his pocketand heading over to the library, anyway.
He just really wants to know what happens next in the show.That’s all.
 It becomes a regular thing. Derek hangs out in the library,sometimes actually working on hisassignments, and waits for S to show up. Then they sort-of watch an episode ortwo together before S packs his stuff away and heads back out.
And every time, Derek considers going over and talking to S, but at this point, hefigures it’d just be weird. Especially because his first impression was right:S is really cute, and that just makes him more intimidating. The fear ofmessing up outweighs the possibility of having a nice conversation and gettingto know S.
Derek’s always been best at playing it safe.
 “Hey, did you make a friend?” Derek’s roommate asks idly ashe taps at his phone. Probably texting his girlfriend.
“What?” Derek says, because the two of them don’t reallyhave conversations outside of ‘are these your socks or mine?’ and ‘don’t lockthe door, I’ll be right back.’
“You haven’t been in the room as much lately. I figured youmade a friend, or maybe started dating someone. Either way, good for you, man.”
Even though his roommate is a horny, inconsiderate asshole,Derek is a little bit touched that he noticed anything different. “Thanks,”Derek says, even though he unfortunately has neither a friend or a date.
Though it’s probably time for him to go hang out at thelibrary like a weirdo again.
 Derek is fairly humming with excitement. They’ve made itthrough nearly all the episodes, and now everything is culminating in theseason finale. He can’t wait to see how all the loose threads are finally goingto come together.
He’s also wondering what show S is going to start watchingnext, and whether or not he’ll be interested in it.
He taps his fingers against his random book, trying not tolook like he’s eager to be here. That would be extra weird.
He’s distracted enough by his musings on the show, that atfirst he doesn’t notice the time.
S is late.
Derek tries to shrug it off. S doesn’t always show up atexactly the same time. And he might be sick, or he might have gotten held up,or maybe had a test to study for.
Derek sighs, flips to a new page, and decides to wait alittle longer.
It’s not like S knowsDerek is here, waiting for him. Derek’s never really on anyone’s radar.
Despite that, when S doesn’t show up at all, Derek feelsdeeply disappointed, almost betrayed. When he drags himself back to his dorm,and his roommate asks him if he got dumped, Derek honestly doesn’t know how toanswer.
 Despite his irritation with S, Derek goes back to thelibrary the next day.
But it seems like S might have bailed on him today, too.
Derek didn’t even grab a book this time, wasn’t in the moodto fake-study, so he pulls out his phone and decides to burn a little more timebefore completely giving up on S.
He’s just checking the weather forecast when he hears achair being pulled back, and looks up to see S sitting down across from him at Derek’s table.
“Hi,” he says, smiling. “My name is Stiles.”
Derek blinks a little at that, but he’s glad he at least gotthe first letter right. “Derek,” he replies, when he realizes Stiles is waitingfor a response.
“It’s nice to meet you, Derek,” Stiles says cheerfully. “Ithought I’d come by, and see if you wanted to watch the finale with me whileactually, you know, sitting next to eachother. Possibly while also eating snacks and making side commentary. It’syour call.”
“Um,” Derek says, because he can’t believe this is actuallyhappening. Stiles noticed him, and apparently doesn’t think he’s a weirdo. “Sure, that’d be nice,” he answers,because it seems like social interaction is a lot easier when someone else doesmost of the talking.
“And then, after that, we could go on a date?” Stiles askshopefully, and Derek freezes.
He really wants togo on a date with Stiles, but he doesn’t know if he should. It won’t take long for Stiles to figure out how awkward andquiet Derek is, or how little experience he actually has with dating, and willlikely lead only to embarrassment and—
“You totally have this ‘I’d live alone in a lighthouse if Icould’ vibe going on, so I’ll promise you now that the date will be totallylow-key,” Stiles says, still smiling, though it’s more tentative now. “It canjust be eating hot pockets in my dorm, if you want. I’d just like a chance—”
“Yes,” Derek cuts in, because he wants a chance, too. “I’llgo on a date with you.”
“Let’s go then,” Stiles says, beaming, and takes Derek’shand in his own before heading toward the library doors.
 “Of course I noticed you,” Stiles says a week later, tuckedin close next to Derek on his dorm bed, clicking through Netflix to find them amovie to watch. “It was cute, they way you would sit there and frown at thebooks. I kept trying to figure out a way to get you to talk to me that wouldn’tbe weird. Especially since you seemed kind of shy.”
Derek laughs. “Kind of,” he agrees.
“But after twelve episodes, I realized my plan wasn’tprogressing, and that I would have to take matters into my own hands,” Stilessays, nudging Derek with his shoulder.
“I’m glad you did,” Derek says, smiling back. “I feel likethings worked out pretty well.”
Stiles leans over and kisses Derek softly on the lips. “Hellyeah, they did,” he says, and forgets about picking out a movie for a while.��
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text || Brobastian (Week 2)
Bas: Okay fine - strategically placed mirrors, then, that get all of my best angles. But I mean, worst case scenario, we get a shitload of reflections of me. I don't see the downside. No, Brodes, /you're/ missing the point. It'd be far more humane to actually give me the relief I need rather than leave me in a permanent state of frustration. I mean, I don't know about you, but that sounds like more exertion than having someone tease me by opening me up, only to leave me wanting more. And, I mean, it's really only teasing the other guy, too. I'm sure he'd rather just pound me until I'm screaming his name while watching myself come apart in several different angles - god. It'd be so hot. So in what way does teasing me make more sense for either party, really?
Bas: The only person you're making laugh is yourself, so you have an audience of one. Which is you. How does that not sound sad to you? Nobody even showed up for your stand-up show, Brodes. Shame. I don't know - I find mocking other people hilarious. Take Hummel for example. Guy's so easily stirred up - it's great.
Bas: What, you think that just because I'm not interested in romance that I can't appreciate The Sound of Music? I know, I know - more nazis Surprise, surprise. Point is, if I went through life trying to avoid every single show that has romance, I'd be left with very little to watch. I'm not /that/ tired. Sleeping is boring. Seriously, it loses its appeal after the first few days. Trust me, I know the people I've slept with. Like I said, I go for quality. I mean, I might have had a few 9s, but I've never dipped lower than that. Yeah, well, one of the reasons I learned to sneak out a little quieter - to avoid shit like that again. Experienced or not, it sounds like you could've used someone to break you back into the world of hooking up - and what better way to start than me? Although there is that saying about saving the best till last. I said I tried whips /once/, moron, and I wasn't into it.
Bas: Didn't say that I couldn't be, but I'm not gonna die from having sex. Like you'll have any say what goes on my grave, unless it involves a poem about how hot I look naked. I'll draft something up for you, too. It'll probably involve chaps. You haven't seen me in weeks. For all you know, I look perfectly fuckable. I've seen the shows - I read /some/ of the books, but honestly, I'm not really into glorified food porn, so I gave up. No, you chose the old woman. "Girl" isn't the right way to describe her.
Bas: I wouldn't go that far. His ass /does/ rival mine, but I still think I've got the edge. Please - Blaine's everyone's type. You sure about that? I mean, I've known the guy since high school, Brodes. Plenty of time to corrupt him on some level. I have my ways.
Bas: Well, you could, but the question is - would it be as fun as talking to/about me? I doubt it. Who says you can't have it both ways? Now, Brodes, don't tell me you're going back in the closet. Sleeping with just girls is no fun. I /could/ stop answering, but where's the fun in that? As you keep insisting on reminding me, /I'm/ stuck inside with nowhere to go. Question is - what's your excuse?
Bas: What I had in mind didn't really involve mayonnaise, but I know that sometimes you get easily confused. She won't have /time/ to eat. They're /kids/ - they don't need to learn that shit until college, and it's really not all that hard to bend over in front of someone. I don't need Reese Witherspoon teaching me how to do it.
Brody: Fine, fine-- we can get you a bunch of mirrors so you can always see yourself fucking straining and hot and sweaty with this sensual sex monkey keening all over you. Better? But Bas-- the whole point of this was the fact that you're on your back for the next week-- and not in a good way. So you're not getting relief. We were trying to create a scenario that made it more manageable, remember? Not to get you fucked. So we found you someone that could manage that level or restraint that would drool and lave all over you without actually getting you off-- because you're sick and can't get off right now. So rather than put you at risk by giving in to his base instincts and spreading you open and just fucking slamming into you so hard that you can taste him cumming, he's choosing to wait for you. It's kind of romantic, really.
Brody: You only think that because you're only hearing one person in this conversation-- lots of people at work think this whole thing is hilarious. But even if they didn't, isn't it more important for me to find me funny? I'm awesome. Of course you do-- seriously, Kurt's just a kid, Bas-- you really don't need to be so hard on him. I mean, I know that's the only type of //hard// you can manage right now, but still XD
Brody: You're a Julie fan? Damn, that's sort of cute, peacock-- now I'm going to have to put together a compilation to have someone follow you around with at school. Hide a running playlist in your classroom... You do seem to enjoy your thwarted Nazis. That's true-- you'd be stuck with Annie and The Wizard of Oz and Chicago-- neither of which featured Nazis. Very disappointing. Okay-- so now Sleeping Beauty plotline in your South Park movie. Got it. Well, technically you //don't//, since you've just met them XD But yeah, I get your point, and if you think that there are enough 10s to keep up with your lifestyle, I'll believe you. Trust me-- sneaking out of the state was the only way to avoid it. Considering you were still a barely-drinking Bas, I would have felt bad for taking advantage of your innocence, but I appreciate the thought. God, I hope you're not my last, Bas-- that would just be depressing as hell. No offense. Uh huh-- just the once; not into it. Got it ;)
Brody: You could die from over-exerting yourself, punk. That's how people die in marathons-- their hearts give out. And you're sick, so sex would be your marathon, and then I'd catch all sorts of flack that, let's be honest, wouldn't be //that// great to begin with. Well then how can I say I told you so if you're dead and I can't write it on your tombstone? And thank you-- I will not be responsible for your boasting from the grave. Your body won't fit in the casket with your head still inflating. The chaps again Bas? Seriously, maybe I'll just buy you a pair and //they// can relieve that frustration for you. I know what sick looks like-- I don't need to see you daily to know how crappy you still look. So you've seen the shows, but you didn't follow "You murdered and raped my sister" between the bouts of, you know, murdering and raping? And then DYING? Were you having sex while you were watching? No-- my choice were the Tyrell siblings, and I chose the girl. I said if I were //you//, I would choose the old lady, since she wouldn't split me in half, first with her dick and then with her sword. And plus SHE'S NOT DEAD.
Brody: Yes-- your ass is straight as an edge. Definitely shapeless, especially compared to Blaine. I don't know-- I feel like I'd be corrupting him or something. He's just young, you know? The guy doesn't have a favorite sex position, for pete's sake. Takes off from the physical appeal. Yeah, I'm sure //some// ways-- just not all of them.
Brody: I guess that's up for debate. I mean, no one's projecting their freaky kinks at me if I'm talking to normal people at least. I was never in the closet, asshat. I was just kind of standing unawares in the doorway. And quitting this tete de tete with you is hardly shuffling back inside. I'm on lunch.
Brody: Well, I figured you had that weird thing about food play, so maybe you could make use of her excessive condiments. So you're going to reduce her to fainting from hypoglycemia? Rude. So you're saying you never batted your eyelashes to get what you wanted until college? Why do I doubt that?
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