#i'm in the middle of a real bad burn out patch but i'm real proud of this one gamers
beneathshadedbower · 7 months
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Hello! I love your writing, and I'm super grateful you've decided to share that with us. Reading your stories gives me the impression you probably have awesome taste in other people's fan-fiction too. If it's not too much trouble could you maybe rec some of your favorite fics when you have the time? Or point me to it if you've already done so?
The pressure is on!
I figured I’d just go through my favorites and see what my absolute faves are. There are still soooo many. And I’ll uh, organize them and give a little about why I like each one? I’ve never done a fic rec list before, so this should be interesting.
Smut Smut
A Helping Hand by Bexorz 
An A/B/O fic just to let you know, but it subverted my expectations excellently, and it’s a really sweet, smutty fic
One for the Books by mokuyoubi
They fuck in a Library. It’s everything I love, reading, books, reading about books, reading about Spideypool fucking near books, and the underestimation of Peter Parker based on his whole Nerd Shtick
Peter Parker’s Tiny Bathroom Window by blackredallover
Jesus Christ in a bag, what a trope. It’s p much what it says on the tin, with an extra helping of dat ass
Because of Unlocked Windows by Marble Aide
I mean, just, really hot stuff here. Also it’s mildly dub con, if that’s a no-go for you, but spoiler alert, it all ends good
Monday Morning Massages by TheMadKatter13
Speaking of dub con, and also, they’re really into it? Like, good for you guys, knowing what your kinks are. And excellent use of lube
Coming Home by reservoirgays
Somebody’s got a crush on that Spidey booty and I’ll give you one guess on who it is. Also, DP straight up doesn’t recognize non-lingerie, silly boy
Does This Count As A Foursome? (Hint: It Doesn’t) by alphasaceraptor
Absolutely one of my favorites. I mean, so much sex, but also, good people. Look at these good people, doing their superhero jobs, and taking a short break to hide from some bad guys in a conveniently placed closet ;)
baby, i’d victoria your secret anytime by ghostsoldier
Everyone has read this, right? Because it’s the greatest. DP feeling pretty in panties and a bra ;)
Swapping Places by illooninnate
It’s very real, them. Like, they feel very themselves in this. It’s nice. Also mild anxiety and mild dubcon, but very sexy?
WIPs but Worth it…
Happenstance by HelloAfternoon
More Identity Porn, because that is my lifeblood. It runs through my veins and keeps my heart beating. Peter the civilian, just tries to be helpful, and instead he catches a certain Deadpool’s eyes.
You Big Disgrace (series) by spiekiel
There are 2 fics in the series, both finished and able to work as a standalone, but the series is technically unfinished. And I think I might have an obsession with “Wade shows up at Peter’s house in the middle of the night” fics.
Spider Boxes (Series) by alicat54c
Part 1 is done. Part 2 is unfinished, but I have high hopes because I need to know what happens. Alternate DP movie plot, wherein DP meets Peter, not Vanessa
I Like Birds by chinashopbull
This is long, but it is beautifully written and still being updated, and Peter has Asperger’s/ASD and is a wonderful Spiderman. I seriously recommend this.
Say Anything…Except That by cortexikid
Gotta love this slow burn Friends to Lovers combo because Hot Dang! And hey, this one updated in 2017, so my hopes are going strong.
what light through yonder window by hellornothing
I’m serious, the amount of “DP crawls through Peter’s window in the middle of the night” fics I have is outrageous so here, have another, it’s sweet
act your age (not your shoe size) by cherryvanilla
If I just chant the words “Identity Porn! Identity Porn!” over and over will you read it? It’s cute~ I promise. Peter is jealous of himself. It’s adorable
on staying around by WylderWolf
Slow burn for a 4k fic, and is violent and vulgar in a casual that almost refreshing. And ugh, the 4th wall breaks are so good, so organic, so real
The Dead Pool Motel by CrimesOfADeadpool
Cute little oneshot wherein Wade Wilson runs a motel and Peter Parker comes to stay for a little bit
What You See Is What You Get by merycula
After getting hit with an unknown beam during a fight with Mysterio, Peter can’t see Wade’s scars. Deadpool is so adorable confused and so is everyone else and Peter is a dear.
Hot Cocoa and Heroes by ChuckleVoodoos
Deadpool breaks into Peter’s apartment. Need I say more? (I’m going to anyway) DP is hurt and Pete-the-Civilian patches him up and it’s hella cute
Not so Fluff but still do it
I’ll Always Protect You by WillowSong
Someone didn’t get the memo. Don’t mess with Peter Parker. His BF is totally shredded and will beat you up.
Stay This Way by Orcusnox
This hurts so good. The kind of pain that pierces like a copper dagger diagonally through your heart. I mean, really. Great. Very great.
Peter Parker’s Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby
Regular Guy Peter Parker starts a Farm and accidentally adopts all of the bad guys in the Universe and it’s adorable. Please sedate me.
We Give and We Give by Only_1_Truth
Peter tears himself apart to be able to keep giving, to the world, to the people who need saving.
Little less blood, little more blue by Francium
Deadpool. Breaks. Into. Peter’s. Apartment. With a goat. Playing the guitar. It’s everything anyone could ever want.
Loyal to he Maze by DecimalDrones
Protective Wade is great. Protective Wade protecting Peter is better. Protective Wade protecting Peter professionally is a tongue-twister, but is also the best, and also this.
Said the Fly to the Spider by BC_Brynn
DP really wants to get with Peter and Peter is not helping him out at all. It’s adorable how just done Peter is with everything.
Stray away by mydickisthealpha
Peter is crushing on DP so fucking hard. Like, it’s detrimental. And adorable. He’s in completely over his head
Deadpool’s Dating? What the… by Ninjababe
My favorite excuse for everyone to go “What? DP is dating nerdy, bland Peter Parker? Who is definitely a civilian and not anything else?” And then Peter and DP shove their relationship in people’s faces and it’s great
Half Your Age (Plus Seven) by fancastical
This was pure joy. I mean, reading it was pure joy. I could not keep the smile off my face. You really get to watch these loons grow, as people, and experience new things every day and I’m just so goddamn proud. If you read nothing else, read this.
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