#i'm joking because it must be stressful with the timer and all
vonlipvig · 3 months
HOW ARE YOU GONNA PUT GUATEMALA BEFORE PEARL ISLANDS <-- most annoying person you'll ever hear
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quintinh43 · 4 months
Stressed Spelled Backward Is Desserts | Quinn Hughes
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Summary: Quinn comes home to his girlfriend stress baking.
Pairings: Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
Warnings: Food, Flirting, Fluff, use of terms like baby, honey, love.
Notes: Hi guys!! Holy moly, I did not expect my last post to have so many interactions!! I'm glad yall liked it. Anyways, here's another one! If there's anything else yall think should go in warnings, please let me know! Also, I'm thinking of making a part 2 to this one, so if yall are interested, please let me know! I hope yall enjoyyy. Love Soph.
Usually, the sound of the apartment door opening would be enough to draw your attention away from what you were doing and greet Quinn with a kiss at the door. Although with the music in the background, the consistent buzz of the stand mixer and the kitchen fan going, you didn't register it.
The first thing Quinn noticed was the smell. It smelt like sweet heaven. Cookies, maybe..? The second thing he noticed was all the different noises. The kitchen fan, the music, a weird buzzing, and what sounded like you mixing something in a metal bowl.
Quinn toed off his shoes, hung up his keys, and peaked into the kitchen cautiously. You were indeed mixing something in a metal bowl. That's when Quinn noticed the absolute massive amount of cookies spread out on the kitchen island. There must've been at least five different kinds.
He turned off the music, and as soon as he did, you whipped around and crashed into his chest, not expecting him to be so close. He grabbed your arms to stop you from stumbling backward.
"Hi," he smiles fondly, pecking you on the forehead.
"Hello," you grin, bumping your head against his chest in greeting.
"Whats all this?" He asks as you wriggle out of his arms to go back to mixing what Quinn assumes is icing or filling of some kind.
"I was stressed," you shrug, as if that explained it.
Quinn looks at you with a raised brow. He sits on the bar stool, shrugging off his suit jacket, loosening his tie and undoing the top few buttons of his shirt "That doesn't explain why it looks like a bakery threw up in our kitchen." He says, plucking a cookie off the plate.
He bites into it and resists the urge to moan out loud. It was still warm from the oven, and the chocolate was warm and melty. On the second bite, he actually moaned out loud because holy shit, there was caramel in the middle.
"You like it?" You giggle
"Mhmm," Quinn mumbles around a mouthful of cookie. You watch him lick chocolate off his thumb, and he gives you a wink that has you blushing.
"You still never answered my question, Love," Quinn says, eyes roaming to the next cookie he wanted to try.
"You've never heard of stress baking?" You ask, holding out a spoon of what looks like raspberry mush for him to try. He leans over the counter and lets you feed him. He smacks his lips together, making a sour face, and you laugh.
"Never in my life, but I think I like the concept." He says, snatching what looks like a white macadamia nut cookie off a cooling rack. "But still, what are we gonna do with all of these? There's no way we can eat this much cookies between the two of us. There must be at least five dozen!"
"Probably closer to eight dozen," you say sheepishly. As if on cue, the oven timer beeps. You don the oven mitts and pull another tray of cookies out of the oven.
Quinns eyes widen, "That's like...ninety-six cookies"
"One hundred and four actually"
"What? No? Eight by twelve -"
"Thirteen," you interrupt
"Love, a dozen is twelve." Quinn says, watching as you mix the raspberry lemon jam thing into cookie, another batch of cookie dough.
"A bakers dozen is thirteen." Quinn's eyes go wide.
"Damn. I don't know if I should be concerned about what's causing you so much stress or if I should start stressing you out once in a while for the sake of some dessert." He jokes.
"Oh honey, you don't have to stress me out, to bake for you. I will bake you whatever you want whenever you want. All you gotta do is ask." You pause in thought for a moment "and maybe fuck me" you add with a mischievous grin.
Quinn grins leaning over the counter "baby i'll fuck you whenever you want, wherever you want, however you want, all you gotta do is ask."
You roll your eyes at him, unable to keep the smile off your face. "You wanna lick the spoon?" You ask, holding the jam spoon out to him.
"I wanna lick you," he grins, closing his lips over the spoon. A blush instantly rises to your cheeks, and you flick the end of the spoon that hangs out of his mouth. He groans as it clangs against his teeth, dropping it onto the counter as you laugh at him.
"Go change and come help me," you say, leaning over the counter to kiss him. He kisses you back happily "yes chef" he murmers against your lips.
He kisses you one more time before disappearing into the bedroom to change. He comes back out dressed in a black henly and grey sweats, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows.
If you hadn't just made over one hundred cookies, you'd be having Quinn as your snack because holy shit did he look fine. Damn you were lucky to have him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Quinn asks a little self conscious, as he dons the apron you hand him.
"I'm just thinking about how I'm so lucky to have you." You smile, standing on your tip toes to press a kiss to his lips. He wraps an arm around you, not letting you pull away. He tastes like raspberry. 
"I love you Y/n" he murmers against your lips with a grin.
"I love you too," you say, bumping your hip against his, "come on, these cookies aren't gonna shape themselves"
"So bossy." he chuckles, getting to work beside you. He stands close enough so that your hips and arms are brushing against each other as you work.
After a few hours, a flour fight, a couple dozen more cookies, a thorough scrubbing of the kitchen and a shower, you and Quinn lay on the couch with a half eaten plate of cookies infront of you.
"Y/n love, what are we gonna do with a hundred cookies?"
You sigh. That was a problem you'd been trying to solve for the past while. You couldn't very well throw them out. "Could we give them to the team?"
Quinn taps his chin in thought, "I don't want them to know how good of a baker my girl is, or they might try to steal you from me"
"Don't worry, they couldn't take me from you if they tried." You smile, pressing a kiss to chin,"but seriously, can we give them to the team?"
Quinn sighs dramatically. "Yes, I suppose we can. They are gonna have to do extra laps for them, though"
"Yay!" You jump up from the couch, dragging Quinn with you, to help box up all the cookies for him to take to practice later. After boxing up all the cookies and helping Quinn take them to his car, you kiss him goodbye and reluctantly go back to your studying.
As soon as you open your laptop, you sigh, remembering why you decided to bake a hundred cookies instead of work on this stupid shit. You text Quinn to have a good practice, and with that, you get back to work.
Wc: 1.2k
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
"so in that kumbaya post u just openly admit ur a fat ugly single abused people pleasing jkker? not suprised. u all r. id kms if i were u."
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Quite a bit to unpack, there.
To answer your question: Yes, I'm a bit overweight right now--it's part the hormone blockers for the cancer and part my own emotional eating the last few months because, ya know, it's a bit stressful battling cancer. I plan to get back into working out after Yoongi's concert, though! And I'm not hideous, but I'm definitely not gorgeous. You're right, I'm single, have been for years, by choice. I do tend to people please a LOT (working on boundaries with a really sassy wonderful cognitive behavioral therapist--10/10, highly recommend CBT!). And I absolutely love and adore Jikook, for sure, as well as all of BTS.
So... guilty as charged.
But no, my "flaws" aren't a reason to DIE. I still have value, dear throw-away-account-in-my-inbox.
Despite my many shortcomings, I still have purpose. I still get pleasure. I can still do amazing things in the world and create some meaning in this life. All people are works in progress. Me, too. Who told you you had to always be exceptional to ever be worthy?
I'm not perfect. But I can try to be good.
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In case you need a reminder, here's what "good" looks like:
I hope you heal from whatever wounds others gave you to make you calloused and aggressive toward total strangers.
I hope when you read this that you unclench your jaw and relax your shoulders, because you are safe and sheltered and you know there's no immediate threat.
I hope you can afford a nourishing meal and a long hot shower with amazing-smelling soap to restore some of your energy, which must be flagging, since you're spending it on Asks like this.
I hope you get a great night's sleep in a comfy bed, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face whatever challenges are a part of your days. Because I'm certain you have challenges just like everyone else.
I hope you have someone you trust, who you can talk to, who will listen to every word intently, and try to empathize and understand you and give you good counsel.
I hope at the end of your day, when all the work and chores are done, you get to read a really engrossing story, or listen to a thought-provoking podcast, or check out some amazing music that makes you feel alive and excited to be so.
I hope you remember yourself--your true self--the kind of person who can be kind.
Because the universe returns your energy back to you. I promise you, eventually, it does.
So here's some kindness from a random overweight absolutely flawed single Jikook fan on Tumblr, who genuinely wants you to be healthy and whole as soon as possible. We all will be better off when you start to heal.
Now, to get us both back into a place of calm and gratitude, you inspired me to make a donation to NAMI. If you ever need mental health help (and who doesn't?) they have some great free resources that you can check out HERE. Please never seriously consider killing yourself, or even joking about it, for any reason. Every day, every moment, is a new chance to start from scratch and make your life into something you prefer.
And if you're not open to talking to a therapist right now, there's a free app called Insight Timer with tons of great meditations, calming exercises, insightful podcasts, and mood-resetting music.
So, this is as much of my time and energy as I can give to you. I wouldn't have even answered you, except the K-pop community just suffered a loss from suicide this week and I felt it important to address what you said. But now I've got some streaming and voting to do in between my real-life responsibilities. So this is the last we will interact under your sock puppet account. But I hope you see this post, and I hope you know I really mean it. I really mean that you deserve to heal from this toxic anger you're taking out on others. I know you can be better.
"Who says a dream must be something grand?
Just become anybody.
We deserve a life.
Whatever, big or small, you are you after all."
--Paradise, Love Yourself: Tear, BTS
For everyone else, if I keep getting Asks from sock puppets like this, I'll turn off the option to message me unless we follow each other. I already turned off anons ages ago because of these types of messages. I will limit access to me, not as a punishment, but just because it's important to protect my (and my friends') energy against negativity. I am here for BTS, not drama.
This fandom needs to work harder to reflect BTS' values, or else what are we all doing here?? You don't have to agree with anyone about anything, but you do have to at least be civil.
If you're looking for a fight, you won't get it from me. My tongue is ruled by the law of kindness.
With sincerest respect,
P.S. Jimin and Yoongi are close to record-breaking milestones. Please don't waste any time or energy on this sort of thing--keep streaming!
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ratralsis · 5 years
I did play a bit more Pumpkin Days over the weekend, because I remain a man of my word when it's convenient. I did not get far. I got to where I'd introduced myself to the first two citizens in town, realized that I had a literal ticking clock watching me do so, got stressed out about trying to meet everyone in a single in-game day, and quit for the day. So... about fifteen minutes, I guess. Maybe this is not the game for me!!
But it does remain cute, and I'd like to get back to it, but it is not a game I think that I can play to relax. It's a farming game, and, like all farming games, there is a day/night system and I must manage my character's health, farm, finances, and social life simultaneously. It is why, despite owning Stardew Valley, I have never played it. Frankly, the game just looks way too complex and difficult for me.
I've watched Let's Plays of Stardew Valley. I've read the wiki. I'm not just guessin' about it. A game where I must keep track of my inventory as it spreads across boxes and trunks that I built and keep in buildings that I also built is so amazingly stressful to me that there is no goddamn way I'm going to ever play it just, like, to wind down. That is a game I must CONQUER. And so it is with Pumpkin Days.
I've joked before on @megatownac that "if you're not grinding as efficiently as possible, then you're grinding inefficiently." That is my philosophy in absolutely all games. Games without timers, clocks, and calendars allow me to take them at my own pace and inefficiently grinding ain't a big deal. Tell me "you must level up as much as possible in a limited time and then you will be graded" is, for me, a recipe for spreadsheets and calculations as I determine the most optimal path to the highest grade. That is simply how I am. Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, Stardew Valley, and Pumpkin Days all do that, to greater and lesser degrees.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses does it, too, and I will never, ever play that game for that reason. "Level up and pick your favorite characters, then murder the rest!" No thanks, bud!! I'm good!!
This even extends to games like Metroid, where your in-game time determines your ending: just let me play the fucking game as slow as I wanna play it and don't fucking yank away any prizes or endings because you want me to play it over and over.
Anyway, PD seems a lot MORE relaxed than those other types of games, and so I'm MORE willing to give it a shot. If there's an "ending," I'm not aware of it. Stardew Valley and other farming games generally have a global time limit: two years or whatever to accomplish as much as you can before the game "ends" and then you just go back to fucking around in the game world in a bit of post-game content.
But when the mayor in PD tells me to spend my first day (thus implying ONLY my first day) exploring the town before I have to start farming to reach "quotas," well, haha, pressure's on, innit? I'd best start sprinting!
I didn't fully understand the post office system, but that's because I rarely understand written instructions by themselves. I'm confident I'll figure it out once I try it a few times. I fell in love with the cranky post office worker, a woman in dark clothes who acted rude but kept a huge assortment of absolutely adorable posters and pictures on the walls. Maybe those aren't hers and she hates them, but, so far, I choose to believe that she secretly likes cute things.
I do not remember her name. Or the mayor's name. Or the name of the town. Or the name of the second guy I spoke with, who was in a field and was kind of rude. I honestly don't even remember what we talked about.
I am TERRIBLE at remembering names. This is not a gag or a joke or a fault of PD. It is 100% my own fault. I think, and I'm being serious again, that I need to keep a pad of paper to write them down to keep them straight.
I remember Nessa, the secretary who is modeled after Isabelle from Animal Crossing, but only because I spoke with her three or four times as I played the opening minutes of the game repeatedly. Presumably, most characters in the game either have or will have romance options, and I'm sure she will be very popular because she is cute and bright and friendly and does her best. I personally am not romantically interested in anyone so completely married to their job, but I find it unlikely that I will find someone in the game who is my exact type and I'll probably just play a celibate character anyway.
(I'm not even sure what my exact type is, and don't want to try throwing out ideas here or anything, due to the extremely high risk of sounding super weird and/or problematic no matter what I say. All women are queens? I think that's safe to say. Also, men are... um, also queens, I guess?)
Anyway, once I can figure my way around the town out and settle into a decent routine, then the real stress will begin as I struggle to figure out things like optimal upgrade paths.
For example, and I am completely making stuff up here: let's say I have a game where literally all I do is sit and watch my dollars increase. I have $100 to start with and a thing that creates $100 per day. For $100, I can buy a second thing, or I can buy an upgrade that makes all the things generate $150 a day. Which do I buy?
The answer is obvious: the second thing. Then the upgrade. This means I go from $100 a day to $200 a day and then to $300. If I go in the other order, I go from $100 to $150 to $300, which is NOT AS EFFICIENT AS POSSIBLE, THEREFORE IT IS INEFFICIENT. Yes, I get to the same end point. That isn't the point. I didn't get there as efficiently as possible.
So, if, like most farming games, there are things like upgradeable tools, I'm going to be factoring those into my spreadsheets, too.
And just so we're clear: I'm not joking about the spreadsheets. I really make them, and I make them for a lot of games.
Well, all of this is on me, and not on Pumpkin Days, which remains a cute and lighthearted game that I am not meant to take this seriously. I am sure I will, eventually, enjoy it. But those first fifteen minutes made it clearer to me just what it was, and I must brace myself before heading back in.
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yujachachacha · 7 years
Glad you're feeling better! Though I have to say now I'm super nervous about Rikako. Is it something bad? or just sad?
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Ahaha, this is what happens when I have a sudden meltdown over seiyuu feels…
To Anon #1: Thanks! About the Rikyako thing, I guess I kinda overreacted because it took me by surprise (though again, in hindsight I shouldn’t have been all that shocked). As to the nature of it…uh, both? Well, it’s bad to me because it’s something sad, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing itself.
To Anon #2: Hello there! You’re right, I was planning to mention it in a future post. Since your ask was worded so politely though, I’ll actually just go over this part of the video now! And holy crap, you’re like the second person or something who’s told me that about my posts. Thank you! I’ll keep trying my best. :’)
Context for those who missed my spaghetti last night - I was watching a video about Rikyako’s past in the entertainment industry that was kindly submitted to me by @rikakomod. The video was made by a Korean fan who wanted to inform others about how Rikyako debuted long before her role in “Love Live! Sunshine!!”. I then stumbled across a fact that led to me figuring out a possibly sad detail about Rikyako, and I promptly went “NOPE goodbye not gonna deal with these feels, why am I like this???”
Back on track. The video goes over how Rikyako used to do modeling as a child, and was even in an idol group when she was in middle school. I already knew about that. What I didn’t know was that for a brief period in 2007, Rikyako and her mother performed as a comedic duo. Here’s a picture from the video, which appears to show a 14~15-year-old Rikyako with her mother(!!!):
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As cute as this image this, that’s not why I freaked out.
It’s the name of their comedic act that held the surprise - a rather sad implication about Rikyako’s personal life. From what I deduced from that fact plus other details I knew about Rikyako, I would hazard to say that the above picture is the entire Aida household.
In other words: I suspect that Rikyako was raised by a single mother.
Explanation under the cut.
So in the video, the OP said that their act was called “모자가정” - which to my eyes, means “Hat Household”. Huh? What the heck kind of name is that?
Then I smacked my forehead and said, “Duh, I should be looking at what 모자 means in hanja (Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters), not Korean, since the OP must’ve translated it straight from Japanese.”
A bit of Googling led me to the conclusion that it stood for 母子, which means “mother-child”. I thought, “Oh okay, they’re a mother-and-daughter duo, so I guess that makes sense. ‘Mother-child household’ is kind of a weird name, but whatever worked for them.”
But then I got curious and decided to look up what the full unit name would be in Japanese. I ended up with 母子家庭 (boshi katei), plugged it into a Japanese dictionary, and came up with this:
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…excuse me, what?!
Cue Yujacha going through the 5 Stages of Grief:
Denial: “Haha, I must have just translated this wrong…there’s no way that’s right…even though I’ve checked about three different sources…”
Anger: “Actually, why the heck would you name your comedy duo something like this?! It’s not funny! Being a single mom is not a joke!”
Bargaining: “Maybe it’s just them casually claiming that they’re the real breadwinners of the family? Though, Rikyako did also say in her KaneTomo interview that her mom got married at 19 and gave birth to Rikyako at 20. Oh, but she never said anything about not having a dad! …though she didn’t say anything about having a dad either. And being a young single mom is stressful, which would also explain those vicious fights Rikyako mentioned in the interview as well. Oh my god.”
Depression: “Just recently on UraRaji, Anchan was talking about how her dad was so proud of her that he bought her a new game console. And to think, Anchan was planning on quitting seiyuu work if she didn’t pass the LL audition. I wonder if Rikyako’s dad would’ve been proud of her too, after all those failed idol groups she went through…”
Acceptance: “Well, it wouldn’t be the first time people used tragedy for comedic purposes. Plus, everything I knew about Rikyako before this doesn’t seem to contradict this theory.“
I don’t have anything that explicitly confirms that Rikyako doesn’t have a father. But at the very least, the evidence does seem to indicate that she grew up in a single parent household.
I guess…it just made me feel for her. The entertainment industry is pretty rough in general, but Love Live has a particular knack for picking up cast members who’ve gone through a lot of hardship.
Kussun worked at a maid café. Suwawa, at one point, was a part-timer at a fast food restaurant.
Furirin debuted as a seiyuu in 2014, long before the Sunshine project was announced, but never found any work. Ainya also moved to Tokyo in 2014, and couldn’t find any major jobs for a year either.
Emitsun used to sit in a Starbucks and worry about not finding work as well.
King was able to advance from being an utaite (amateur singer on Niconico; the JP equivalent of YouTube singers) to a professional signed with Victor Entertainment - but her major single had poor sales and she never made it big.
And who could forget Pile? She’s a beautifully talented artist, but she failed to debut not just once, but twice. Without Maki, she would’ve given up her dream to be a singer. Now, instead of being stuck in a white-collar job, Pile has fans around the world who flock to her concerts.
Which leads us to Rikyako. If it’s true that she really did grow up without a dad, that could explain why she’s dabbled in acting, idol activities, and modeling since 2003. Perhaps Rikyako had to help out with bringing money into the household from a young age. Though, it couldn’t have been easy, as she went through multiple talent agencies before ending up at Ken Production.
That’s part of what makes me admire the Love Live seiyuu so much - despite their failures, they pushed on and eventually found something that brought so much joy to their lives, and to millions of fans as well. It’s all thanks to the hard work these girls put in that they’ve come this far and finally found success. But I do also think back to how the tagline for “Love Live! Sunshine!!” when it debuted was “Save us, Love Live!”. For people like Pile, Emitsun, Rikyako, and many, many, others, that’s exactly what this awe-inspiring franchise has done.
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ae-diaries · 5 years
My First Call Center Experience
I stunned in disbelief when I heard this snarky comment from a schoolmate of mine saying "Grumaduate ng college tapos sa call center 'lang' pala nagtatrabaho!" How insensitive. Wagas maka 'lang' si ati..Do you have PHd to belittle call centers/agents? 
You may know their job title but not their story and the wondrous things they do. Take it from my experience.
My perceptions: Call center is a career dead end. More often than not, people 'might' be negatron, wordsmith, westernized, pa-sossy, you name it...(sorry for the terms)
NOW: I was wrong..
I discovered there's nothing wrong being a call center agent; it's a decent job that can be proud of and hindi basta trabaho 'lang'.
Also, call centers weren't the 'walang choice' bunch because it's a choice you make and you live with them..and in choosing to explore this kind of industry, I met the most brilliant yet humble, appreciative, very accommodating and talkative fellas na mas pasmado pa bunganga kesa sa customer on the other line! haha
I like it best because boss mentality wasn't tolerated, customers were valued, and employees were empowered. Anjan yung TLs na strict sa attendance pero ipaglalaban ka sa QA haha. Pupusuan mo talaga. 🤣
Here, I began to ACKNOWLEDGE and EMPHATIZE  not just the customers' concerns, but also, the typical hardships that my former colleagues went through in every call.
I could understand why frontline agents need to press the mute botton and spit out shit words, smoke during break time, drink with friends after shift, head on to expensive establishments, sing their hearts out in karaoke bars, go unli shopping, overuse their VL credits and get easily sick because the nature of their job is stressful/painstaking and so these are their tradeoffs for the crazy hours. They are emotional/social beings, not just human beings after all. Just so you know my observations/hugot on the floor be like: 
1. Agents are stress-absorbers. They bear insults and offensive words, receive complaints and deal with Irate and racist customers. Paligo kana sa profane words ikaw pa toh magsosorry kahit di mo kasalanan. (pasok labas nalang sa tenga day). Then, I experienced one time ung todo explain ka na kay customer tapos naka on pala yung mute botton mo! Gapang beshie. Back to zero ulit. O kaya naman may sasabhin ka pero dehins ka makasingit kasi sobrang kuda ni damuhong customer haha. Kasama sa trabaho yan. Buti na lng na-immune kana sa lamig ng aircon. Just stay cool and be professional.
2. Life isn't a bed of roses contrary to the normal perception. Agents are like zombies na papunta na sa conjuring joke! haha. They sacrifice their sleep and family time - mga bayaning puyat - tulog sa umaga gising sa gabi, which is, quite unhealthy. Yung pumipikit kana pero kelangan mo parin lumaban at lulusong sa baha just to get the attendance bonus.
3. Change is the only constant thing in BPO. It's such a fast-paced environment sobraaa..pali pali culture...yun bang parang tumatumbling lahat ng tao kasi mabilisan ang galawan. People come and go; sa isang iglap nagbago lahat; one day you're important to that person, the next day you're forgotten; nag day off ka lang tas pagpasok mo pinagpalit kana at sa ibang team ka na belong (saklap bes); it's hard to move on esp. when you've  become so attached with your teammates and so you need to Tailor Swift yourself!
4. It's a numbers game, process/performance driven, meeting targets, and hitting metrics. Any time pwede ka ma-escalate or get warnings so green stats lang dapat! Basta ako go with the flow lang and no pressures at all, hindi ko need magandang stats, ganda lang ang puhunan..charot haha
5. Felt like a walking robot. Always let's vault in sa floor. Parang ikaw ang 'itinakda' kasi naka-timer lahat ng gagawin mo at yung feeling na in a relationship kana with cisco/avaya lol. Pati bio break di mo alam san makakarating kasi patakbo pa haha. At times, lunok laway na lang pahinga mo tas yan na naman silaaaaa at pag nag-avail kahit one minute lang jusko happy na! At di pa nagtatapos jan, lagare pati multitasking mo kasi while listening kay nag-aalburutong customer on the phone, you must take down notes comprehensively. Bawal this and that (I'm not complaining though ginusto ko naman toh ma-experience diba haha). 
Commonly used jargons on the floor:  manage your calls, phonetics, manda OT, ASAT, wonder call, team reshuffle, team building (na mdalas mapostpone), post-shift huddle, critical working/wallet days, auto in pls, long hold, overbreak/lunch and yung akala mo avail un pala naka-ACW ka! Sabay flag sa name mo ni workforce (peymus eh haha). Go on outbound when needed and inbound when queueing even if 10 mins. to go end of shift mo na...tapos na-long call pa. Pashnea! Tuloy hanggang sa panaginip ng co-calls ka parin! haha
6. Broken promises often break the heart of customers, so you have to be truthful with your words always (to maintain your company's reputation as well). Give them an assurance because it takes seconds to lose someone's trust and a lifetime to gain it back. If you want to keep the person/customer, don't break her trust...so she won't look for another...uhm...service provider. 
Yes, the struggle is real. TBH, I experienced culture shock and a roller coaster of emotions because this is my first BPO company. It took me awhile to get the hang of it, but the strict compliance and rigorous trainings I acquired enabled me to analyze/explain bills even if I'm not an accountant, troubleshoot even if I'm not an IT, investigate issues though I'm not a detective, pacify customers who don't even care how I feel, increase awareness to fraud, earn masteral degree in empathy, objection handling, and ofcourse salestalk/salesmanship! 
These were the things I've never done before na di ko akalaing magagawa ko pala aside from teaching and singing! Talagang life-changing! Hindi pala biro haha..How did I survive? I just held on tight to my  faith and mantra since grad bay, "If you believe it, you can do it! You just have to know the rules of the game and be a BETTER player!
I owe you big time TT. 
I will never look at Call centers the same way I looked at it before - that's my assurance!
SALUTE to all call center agents out there, my former wavemates/teammates, TLs, OMs, Trainers & Acquiantances! 
Desired position: achieved!
Thank you Lord for allowing me to see life from the other side. 
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First day of training be like, "Ano ba tong pinasok ko?" 🤣😅
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My very first team #TeamMinchin #Wave14
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Our building is located near this place, so this became by #peyboritTambayanbeforeduty😅
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After ma-long call pose 😅🤣🤣
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