#i'm just an artist who gets paid to stab people aahahahah
genericpuff · 6 months
the funniest thing happened while i was at the convention
i was doing my walkarounds to other tables to say hi, treat myself to some prints and stickers, and either just get to know anyone who i didn't know or reconnect with those who i did and hadn't seen since last year
one such table included a duo of very nice ladies who specialize in making D&D dice, who i remembered from last year
we shot the shit over how the convention had gone for both of us, and it ended with one of them saying to me "okay, I said the most embarrassing thing to you last year that's kept me up at night" and i'm like oh god what, i've definitely already forgotten about it so let's have a laugh
"well last year when you were here you told me it was your first time working as a vendor at a convention and i told you that you were on your way to becoming a professional artist. and then after the convention i checked your instagram and saw you're a tattoo artist so you're already a professional artist so that was a whoops"
and as these things go, i don't remember them saying that to me at ALL and def had no ill will towards it LMAOO so i said it then and i'll say it again here if those pals happen to read this at any point - I hope you can finally get some sleep at night knowing that there are no hard feelings LMAO it was very nice to see you again and if you're ever in my area, I'd be down to tattoo you sometime ;3
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