#i'm just finding the incessant discourse really annoying.
to be honest i think i just might not engage with this fandom anymore.
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cozyqueerchaos · 6 months
i just found your fics like, maybe a week or two ago (your blog today) and it’s truly a bizarre feeling to know that you’re going to leave the fandom for indefinite time in the future. i’m glad that you’re taking a break for your health, it’s no joke that sonic fandom can be toxic and piled with stupid discourses (i just got here and already wanted to have nothing to do with the fandom rip) but also hope that you wouldn’t find my incessant rambling in the comments annoying, i dont want to make it awkward or anything ;;. i appreciate your stuff lots!! they truly live up to your name, super cozy :D! so thank you for sharing a whopping amount of 81 fics to the fandom, thats an insane amount, we’re lucky to have you for real. i’d love to stick around because i think you’re a super cool person :3c please always have fun no matter what you’re doing!!
anon you're so real for that one,, i'm sorry the general atmosphere of the fanbase has driven u away from partaking, that really fuckin sucks :( i can't tell if it's gotten more or less toxic over the years? i'd hope less, but maybe i just finally started blocking the right people haha
and no you're not annoying at all!! it always makes me so, so happy to hear people's thoughts on my work, it's just a little bittersweet now :> if i didn't want comments i'd lock those comment sections, but i have no plans to do that so go nuts! ^_^
thank you for all the kind words, it's so sweet of you to go out of your way after just a couple weeks reading my stuff ;;_;; i'm glad you're still enjoying the fics and i hope you have a wonderful day!! <3
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