#i'm just ranting but god graham deserved better
mccallhero · 8 months
okay so i just finished ouat for the first time ever (watched it years ago but stopped in s5b) and i just wanted to ask one question about the finale lmao
(discussions of r*pe, the r*pists on the show, the erasure of graham, and regina's crimes)
first. some context. i absolutely hate what happened to graham's character (being r*ped and then murdered by his r*pist and then the crime never ever ever ever being acknowledged) and it's really really hard for me to like regina's character after that. for the longest time i always told myself it was the writers that didn't actually understand what they were writing, and then once they did, they tried to ignore it and sweep it under the rug because that wasn't their intention for regina's character
for example, with the other two r*pists on the show (there's arguments for a lot more, but these ones are confirmed in the canon), zelena and mother gothel are both treated as villains (regina actually calls zelena out for the r*pe, telling her she 'deceived robin in the most vile way possible,' which is another reason i thought the writers were trying to kinda retcon what regina did to graham once they realized what they had actually written). zelena eventually does get her 'redemption' (kinda. the only person who ever treats her well is regina. we just stop seeing zelena with other characters. the only exceptions really in s7 are wish!killian, robyn, and chad and they all don't know about her true crimes), which is something i hate, but again, zelena and mother gothel (for the majority of their characters) are treated as villains, which is genuinely why i thought for over a decade now that the writers realized they made an oopsie with regina and graham and just ignored it
however. then i watch the season 7 finale
and regina's getting crowned the good queen which. okay. interesting take i guess (love or hate regina's character, she burned down entire villages, who the hell is voting for her???). and then regina, the good queen, supposedly forgiven and redeemed for all her past evil deeds, gets to give a speech. in fact, the last speech that's ever given on ouat, the last words ever spoken on the show is this speech
she starts off by saying: 'i thought my story came to an end a long time ago, and then new people came into my life... people who gave me a second chance. i can't wait to see what's in store for me next. well, for everyone'
and then with this speech, as it continues, there's a lovely little montage to give us a reminder of the journey that was ouat and all of the characters along the way
regina says: 'i refuse to believe there won't be more adventures' and we see the jolly roger, charming on horseback, rumple in the heroes and villains au on horseback (interesting choice), grumpy being hatched, jiminy cricket, pinnochio and gepetto being swallowed by a whale, regina casting the dark curse over snow and charming's dying body (.......), emma freeing merlin from the tree, elsa using magic, ursula and maleficent tussling, monkey!walsh, rumple being bitch slapped by a bear, belle being attacked by fire-doggie!phillip, snow hitting charming with a rock, and cruella's stank breath
these are all, so far, decent choices. some are a little iffy but, for the most part, just moments reminding us of everything that's happened
and then regina says 'more love' and we see outlaw queen, snowing, swan believer, phillip and aurora, rumbelle, henry and violet, cinderella and her guy (shawn?), jasmine and aladdin, snowing again
this one's a little more questionable (just like. where is captain swan? and why is swan believer here when everything else is romantic love? did someone mix it up? idk. not the point but still)
'more family' and we see snowing and baby emma, emma and baby henry, the heroes in s2 walking together, snowing and neal, gepetto and pinnochio, henry smiling, and the last supper ouat version
this one's fine. i think including gepetto and pinnochio there is kinda funny when it could be replaced by any other scene of the actual main family (regina and henry maybe???????????????)
and then. finally. why i am making this textpost
regina says 'and yes, there will be more loss'
and. okay. we see robin dying, robin's funeral, regina at her father's grave, and then ???????????????????????????? for SOME REASON they show GRAHAM DYING????????????????????????????????
and at this point i don't care what else they show because regina's then saying 'because that's just a part of life' and i am just wondering. HOW. after SEVEN SEASON. did ouat think that was a good idea
and it genuinely makes me feel nauseous because yes, he is a forgotten victim, he was controlled and r*ped and murdered and nobody ever found out about it and, in fact, he is rarely ever even remembered (emma wearing his shoelace was such a fucking blessing to know at least ONE PERSON cared about him after he had died. that he at least wasn't forgotten by her) but for YEARS i thought it was just ouat being ouat and trying to ignore their mistakes because addressing them would make regina truly unforgiveable
but then. regina. in her final act of being truly redeemed, switched completely from the evil queen to the good queen, her crimes being forgiven by her victims and everyone electing her to be queen (WERE THERE NO OTHER CANDIDATES?), regina reminds us of the crime that she never ever told anyone about, the crime that she will be taking to her grave, and we see graham dying (because she r*ped and then murdered him)
and it just feels so so so wrong. ESPECIALLY. especially. ESPECIALLY after season seven, where we're forced to watch rogers be taunted by his r*pist, the knowledge of her crime being unknown to him (she taunts wish!killian too when he does know), and that entire plot is sickening and heartbreaking but that's what it's supposed to be. like one of the biggest plots of the season was about a r*pist taunting her victim and destroying his life and making him miserable and being the cause of his death (gothel poisoned wish!killian's heart, regina crushed graham's, wow ouat sure does love their parallels). never once are we expected to be on gothel's side and literally everyone on the show hates her besides characters she is also manipulating (ivy and anastasia). so how are they going to have that be one of the main plots of the season (if not the main plot, considering it's why rumple dies and killian/alice/gothel have the most backstory eps out of any other plotline) and then do this?
how are they going to give regina her redemption and then remind us of graham's death, arguably one of her worst crimes that is kept secret from everyone on the show? she took his heart and then commanded him to her bed chamber and then created a curse where they had a sexual relationship despite graham being miserable every single day and never wanting or feeling anything because oh yeah she stole his heart and controls him. and then she killed him when she couldn't control him any longer
and now she's the good queen, getting her second chance? ('second' chance. okay ouat. sure)
how are they going to forgive regina for her crimes while reminding us, the audience, that nobody even knows about graham?
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sejanuspiinth · 2 years
mina! your recent tags for ep 7 of djats have me cackling! i’m giffing nabiyah so i skipped 7 to watch 8 first so that i can watch 7 for comfort while giffing. when i realized THE ENTIRE episode is shining on simone(+her daisy/her and bernie) i just about near damn died 😭(bc that means more gifs for her) like thank damn GOD. it’s always a miracle when they have nabiyah in an episode. i’m lucky if she even gets like 2-3 scenes in one 😒 but antway, karen and graham never did shit for me, daisy and billy yes and no, camila deserves better than billy, and i’m stuck between eddie being a simp and feeling bad cause he gon tell camila he can be there for her again… reallLy 😂. at this point, warren has yet to fail me! and sebastian is just too yummy but that’s just me 🥰. i truly came in here to tell you about your tags and not give a rant but i hope you have a good day 💖.
first of all im SO happy you're giffing nabiyah. im shaking fists at how no one has been giffing her even tho her screentime is short JKSLJAKLS im waiting on the finale so i see if i can do it myself but PLEASE TAG ME ON YOUR NABI GIFS!!!
second: PLEASE this show has me so bitter i was feeling guilty about me shitting on everything but its just JKSLJAKLSJAKL so im glad you enjoy my insanity. AND I LOVED YOUR RANTING!! i relate to you so much. simone was so precious on the book but she was often just the nice black friend who shows up when the white girl needs her so i'm glad they gave her more to do AND the chance to finally say shit to daisy which she very much deserves (im such a daisy anti i cant 😭😭😭).
but yeah, in the books, karen and graham did it for me, but i'm not into whatever they did to karen in the show so the picks are slim... either eddie forever pining for camila (which i dig. fictional men gotta be suffering!) who can't leave billy for plot purposes or SIMONE AND BERNIE THAT HAS EVERYTHING!!! IM SO HAPPY THEY WONT BURY YOUR GAYS OR MAKE THEM BREAK UP!!! BERNIE PACKING UP HER SHIT TO GO WITH SIMONE!!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also warren is hilarious (his latine bond with camila??? LOVE). sebastian was a great choice, even with his minimal screen time. pls feel free to rant whenever u like and/or tag me in ur edits and I will be the one rambling lmao <3
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ghcst-girl · 7 years
I'm still so bitter about the potential OUAT had compared to the total shitshow it is now
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