#i'm loosely setting this time time after the series finale? bc the rest of the warriors were just lowkey in prison until then lmao
fanforged · 3 months
beneath a sheen of black and crimson, qian's gaze simmers. she doesn't know how long she'd gone without her gear, but its weight draws a single bead of sweat down the nape of her neck. now, a willowy, prison - starved shadow of herself, she feels as green as she'd once been when first donning the armor. but, still, it makes her feel strong. it makes her feel connected to avatar kyoshi and the warriors and her village and the person she used to be.
she wonders, as she looks zuko in the eyes, why she feels so alone.
" i'd heard the fire lord's son was arrogant — that he was banished for disrespecting authority. but i suppose it only makes sense for that to extend towards those he wields authority against. " she sneers, a splitting image of kyoshi herself. " you destroyed my life. "
@banishmark asked : ' you seem somewhat familiar. have i threatened you before? '
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jennilah · 26 days
What's your favourite saw movie? And how would you rank all of the saw movies?
I love saw 4 [I know alot of people hate it, but I adore Daniel rigg, therefore it's my comfort movie]
omg what a difficult question LOL but i have attempted to rank them for myself before..
funny, my ranking now is completely different from my first impressions
anyway get ready for another signature long, way overthought answer filled w series spoilers
disclaimer, being low on the list here doesn't mean i dislike the film, actually. there are none I truly dislike, its just I love the top ones so much that it simply pushes every other down
i was just gonna describe my top 3 and then vaguely rank the rest but i think ill describe all of them. so, in LOOSE order of fave to least fave (def not set in stone)
Saw VI: has my favorite scenes with my favorite character, the FBI plot is thrilling, William Easton's game is one of the best, every trap is memorable to iconic, technical things like the cinematography and lighting and set design is mwah chefs kiss. And, its one of the most satisfying films in terms of finally getting answers to mysteries that have been teased for 3 movies straight, and finally seeing Hoffman get his comeuppance. The last moments of that film are some of the hypest shit. I put this one on when I need to see my man and im craving peak soap opera vibes but in all the best ways
Saw X: As much as I love the investigation plotline, I love how this one takes a step back and you truly get to be with John and Amanda all movie, they got to really spend time on the emotion and heart of the film, and again, it has some of the most memorable and exciting sets and traps, as well as some of my favorite player characters. Cecelia, my queen. it also has i think one of my favorite finale scenes of all of them, where we get to see John in a trap himself!!! and the hello Zepp moment being just. perfection. 👌 I put this one on when I want my Saw-watching experience to feel like a sporting event from thrill and great subtle humor, but i also need to be in the mood for the emotional beats bc they hit pretty hard
Saw II: I will sing this film's praises whenever I can. Its a fantastic sequel and I will tell u why. Aside from Saw X this is practically the one other film where John actually gets a spotlight and he eats up every scene. This fuckin guy. One of the funniest films to rewatch after knowing the signature Saw twists- this dude drops so many foreshadowing comments its honestly impressive and comedic. The nerve gas house is also one of my favorite games, and I love seeing Amanda get a spotlight too. You also get a taste for what the franchise has in store when it comes to the camp and soap opera plotline, so as long as you're into that, its one of the most fun Saw films. I watch this one when I want a more lighthearted Saw experience where it really feels like John and Amanda are up to mischief
Saw V: A little on the slower side, I actually appreciate that this one is mostly about providing much-needed answers and backstory. If you hate Hoffman, I get why this one could be a slog, but I adore him so I'm fine. As for Strahm, this one really shocked me. I thought he was gonna be a one-movie type deal just be killed off at the very start, but he SHOCKED me. U get to watch someone survive a trap, a RIGGED one no less, and go from kind of a cocky asshole to the baddest bitch on the scene. He singlehandedly figured out Hoffman's deal and took it upon himself to stop him, procedure be damned. I was rooting for him so hard, man. I also really like the Fatal Five. And the Glass Coffin. Listen, it's pretty obvious why I'll put this one on.
Saw: The OG. What more is there to say. It's original, it's exciting, it redefined a genre whether you wish it did or not, it's got the craziest early 2000's flare, it's got mystery, it's got drama, it's got it all. I put this one on when I want to go back to our ✨roots✨
Saw IV: Initially this was probably my least favorite but now that I can tell Hoffman and Strahm apart, now that I adore both of those characters, now that I know the plot like the back of my hand so I'm not confused by the copious flashbacks and general lack of answers given and new questions asked, I love it just like the others. Rigg is also one of my favorite game-players, he's just so good and wants to save his friends, watching him mentally toil over everything is really exciting. The traps are also fun. And every Strahm scene. (also this movie is filled with really hot men and lots of fanservice for Jennas like me to enjoy, and enjoy even more with shipping goggles on)
Saw III: This one I love for the progression of Amanda and John's complicated dynamic and lore but I also can't rewatch it often because it's so damn sad, and gross. This one is probably the grossest one between the multiple vomit moments and pig vat. Ugh. But, every Amanda scene, my god. My precious girl. I want to scoop her into my arms. I love her so much. This one I've only watched twice, Im due for another stoned midnight rewatch soon.
Saw 3D: They can't make me hate you. I haven't rewatched this one yet, but I'll rewatch moments for a laugh. I like the potential- all the ideas they had, like the original film callbacks and bringing back Lawrence as an apprentice and finally showing someone dying in the damn RBT, and even the furthering of Hoffman's mental downfall which I'd argue started in 5, were intriguing on paper, but the execution was a bit awkward. I like Hoffman's rampage though. Hoffmanator, my problematic fave, really playing into my love for slashers there
Spiral: this was a Scream movie. but, I like Scream. ill rewatch it one day when im in a specific mood i think. maybe
Jigsaw: meh. dont hate it but i have no desire to rewatch. i do think Logan coming back would be the funniest shit ever
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safyresky · 2 years
I'm going BONKERS and can't focus on SHIT this week so plz enjoy this list of wip ideas that I have that Will Not Let Me Rest and Focus on CS
AU in which Winter and Blaise disappear and Jack becomes the legal guardian of an INCREDIBLY angry 1400 year old Jacqueline and 300 year old Fino and Fiera who seem to be stuck in their terrible two hundreds STILL and are on FIRE and have a penchant for blowing shit up all. the. time.
Smile Shot in which Jack and Jacqueline have to chase a piece of fractured time that is hell bent on killing them for some reason through multiple timelines to defeat it, and get stuck with their younger, pre-day of darkness selves 👀👀👀
A series in which the youngest Diteline kid, Robyn, makes a funky cool friend and they go on all sorts of magical adventures that get them both into heaps of trouble. The friend is 100% human. Robyn can set things on fire. Shenanigans ensue. Diteline are acting Cupid and Jack Frost at this point, for maximum shenanigans
AU in which Jack isn't the BAD guy but is INCREDIBLY chaotic. Why? Because in this AU, in fact, the WHOLE REASON I want it to exist, is because I want to see a version of tsc3 in which Jack sees Santa's loosing sight of what's important and decideds "hey, let me help him by forcing him to use the escape clause, taking his place, so he can learn a Valuable Life Lesson about family in a very Dickens-esque way. This results in a scene where Jack explains this plan to Jacqueline after enacting it (so he's Santa) and Jacqueline just stands there, hands on her hips, absolutely furious like, "YOU THOUGHT W H A T?" (tho it does end with Jacqueline being like do u think it'll work. And Jack being like I know it will. And Jacqueline being like FINE. UGH. WHY are you LIKE THIS but agreeing to help nontheless)
Story based on when I thought the series was going to be called "Clause for Celebration" in which, to find a replacement Santa, Scott has a Santa-Lympics where the Legends pick a champion to claim the title of Santa Claus. Unfortunately, he learns too late that he can't pick Charlie. Jack also can't pick Charlie bc he gets BANNED from picking a champion COMPLETELY by the dude who is making sure it's all "fair" (most likely a mischievous evil fairy). Jack finds a loophole--Legates are technically Legendary and by those rules, can pick a Champion if they'd like to. Charlie is a school teacher and is upset about the Santa-Lympics bc he cannot participate. Danielle also teaches and knows about the Santa thing and is encouraging him to do it anyway. She's made friends with the quirky new librarian, Ms. Winters, who has these AMAZING fantasy stories during story time, and tells Charlie to ask her and pretend it's a story. She'd dig it. Ms. Winters does, in fact, dig it, and tells him he should volunteer anyway and maybe someone will sponsor him in a very hunger games-esque way because surely, there are more Legendary figures than just the ones he knows, right? So he does. Guess. guess who sponsors him. GUESS. Shenanigans ensue. Krampus is the BBEG. Diteline get eaten by Krampus. Jacquie commits atrocities. Charlie defeats Krampus. It's great. This one's too developed for my own good, holy hell.
RotG Crossover where the Legates get sucked into the Guardians universe bc of a dumb Pitch plot. Toothiana thinks Myles is the cutest thing! Jack is sus of Jacqueline. North thinks Charlie is v tiny and funny for a Santa. Charlie really wants a Yeti. Xander is super excited to interact with someone who knows SSL (sand sign language). Our Jack pops into the universe to bring back Jacqueline (and the others too, I GUESS) without telling the rest of the Council. When he finally finds his sister a scene ensues where Pitch is like, "YOU'RE Jack Frost. and YOU'RE Jack Frost (points to Jacqueline). ARE THERE ANY OTHER JACK FROSTS I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?" and our Jack goes "Hi." Pitch whips around and gets socked in the face by him. Shenanigans and angst ensue, the latter especially on the rotg side of things >:)
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agl03 · 7 years
I'm sure that FS will get a really epic/painful scene (if not, huge waste as they have been building that for this whole arc!!) but do you think we'll get any happy FS couple scenes before the end of the season? I know you have mentioned how far they went from 3x17-8 but it felt like they had much longer to tell the rest of the story and more eps until the season end. Just worried we'll still have them on the back burner with so much going on (and obviously more anxious bc no renewal yet)!
Hi Anon!
Yes we are down to three episodes, but a lot can happen in 3 episodes on this show.  
Here are a few bits of encouragement I can offer up:
Yes, last season between 15-18 Fitzsimmons went from hand holds to sexy times…and then after that they were put on the back burner.  Their story for the season was done.  I remember it being a point of frustration as they were practically cut out of the narrative and put into supporting roles.  Even worse we still didn’t even get to see them as a couple much.
Going into the final stretch here their story is far from over.  Fitzsimmons have pretty much been on the back burner so far in the Framework as they dealt with other stories and set up.  They have kept Fitzsimmons apart for a reason.  Jemma is going to get him back and we have some serious pay off coming of things that were set up ages ago.  IE wedding talk.   Fitz is also going to be much more integral in taking down the tech (Framework, Looking Glass, and the LMD’s still running around)…though I have a feeling he and Jemma won’t be in the final finale fight as much.
We have a lot of loose ends to tie up with Fitz in and out of the Framework in Papa Fitz, Dadcliffe (whose story is coming to and end), and AIDA.   
Its All Connected.  Something AOS does really well is bringing it all together at the last minute.  Meaning I can see this final bit all making a lot of sense in regards to the Darkhold and what is is really after here.   This will all culminate in a finale battle that will bring the team together and I have no doubt bring Robbie back into the mix.  Him coming back will pull a considerable amount of screen time and attention.  Thus other arcs will need to be wrapped up or in a good place.  Fitzsimmons I can see being one of those.  At the very least we have them back together and working together to help take down the threat from the Darkhold (nope still not letting that theory go) this is going well beyond Madame Hydra being a real girl here.  
Lil said her favorite Fitzsimmons scene hadn’t aired yet!
Lil perked up about when they were filming 20.  Really guys the difference was night and day.  
The fight with Fitz is getting Fitz back and out.  Once they are reunited I think we can look forward to the domestic, couple, sciencing Fitzsimmons we’ve been looking forward too all season.
As for renewal, I’m feeling cautiously good here at this point.  ABC has only renewed a handful of shows and the ones they have are the ‘givens’.  We’re seeing positive signs from the entertainment sites and those that know about these things.  We were also helped that Designated Survivor was the only one of ABC’s new drama’s to survive the season.  The writers wrote a season not series finale, its been filmed, and they knew their bubble status going in so I don’t think they would end it on something too terribly awful. 
Something they can kind of leave us hanging with is the Aftermath of the Framework and the characters going into the recovery of it.  How are they handling it.  Where do they go, what do they do.  I can absolutely see Fitzsimmons stepping away and Fitz being gun shy about wanting to create again.  Or close himself off a bit to others (not Jemma) but he will never trust anyone like he did Radcliffe again.    
Hang tight guys, I know this is a hard right now.  I believe it was last season about 13-16 I was saying the same thing and you were all about to run me out of town.  It will all come together, Fitzsimmons will be good, and in its all connected kind of moment everything will make sense.  
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