#i'm losing my train of thought so this feels a little disjointed but
byanyan · 1 year
one thing about byan is that they'll always downplay the hell out of their accomplishments and any good they've done, while in the same breath playing up anything dangerous or stupid they've done if they consider it cool or badass enough
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I've seen your "Uncle Phillip" AU and, after seeing the events of "King's Tide", I'm wondering about how things will play in this AU (Time-line), taking into account the events of Hollow Mind and forward.
Like, will the fight against Belos be different? And, if I'm correct, Belos was in THE OWL HOUSE during this AU's "Hollow Mind", so what's he gonna do when he wakes up? Storm out of the house?
What would he think, if he knew, of AMPHIBIA???
Also, beware the Crimson sigil.
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This is going be an interesting one!
I’m going to focus only on King’s Tide events here, so unfortunately there won’t be much context for the other episodes yet. This is just because my thoughts have a tendency to become disjointed and I need a clear train of thought for something like this. I’ve also already spoke about the Hollow Mind stuff and uh… most of what I know about Amphibia is through osmosis from mutuals. Alas.
One thing I will say for context is Luz did still pull the Hunter trick! Philip ordered that both of them be taken to him, but Luz knew Kikimora would always prioritise Hunter first. Her brother has been through a lot lately, and she can’t even trust that her uncle won’t hurt him anymore, it’s just something she can’t risk. She’d rather put herself in danger than lose anyone else.
Part of her still wants to try and get through to her uncle as well, even if it becomes clear it’s too late for that.
I realise it will be best if I tackle this event by event so it’s more organised and readable? I guess? I’ll only be covering events that change, for example the stuff with the coven heads and Eda still happens very similarly to canon, so I won’t be talking about that. Alright, with that in mind, let’s get into it!
Collector’s Betrayal
Something I’ve briefly glossed over before is that Philip and The Collector have a sort of father-son relationship going on here. Philip got a little too used to actually being a decent parent and started acting similarly to The Collector as he did to a younger Hunter. The Collector isn’t sure what to make of it at first, they’ve never had anyone treat them like Camila and Philip do, but eventually he gets used to it and views it as a different genre of friendship.
They don’t even consider for a moment Philip might not go through with the deal, even Philip isn’t so sure about betraying them anymore. He always intended to, right from the beginning, but unfortunately the human realm has softened him and whether he likes it or not, he’s grown to be attached to The Collector.
Sadly, he still decides to betray him.
Here, it isn’t out of malice, rather a worried thought chain Philip found himself on. The Collector is powerful, dangerously so, and he was imprisoned for a reason. They don’t understand consequences, the severity of their actions or the limits to their power, all he knows is how to play, and they aren’t the simple childhood games Philip played when he was a boy. They’re chaotic. They’re destructive.
For a moment, he has to force himself back into his old line of thinking, push aside any feelings of care and protection he may have toward The Collector. All so he can throw them into the same abyss he threw countless members of his family in before.
This does still backfire on him later.
Luz vs Philip
Also know as: angst, angst and more angst.
Their reunion is a bitter one. The second she’s free from the ball, Philip doesn’t even get chance to finish a single word. She wastes no time, attacking him immediately. Similar to in canon, Philip doesn’t even try to fight back, and the only upperhands Luz gets are when he’s trying to plead for her to listen, when he’s distracted like that.
Philip, by this point, has doubts and regrets, and he isn’t even sure if he’s fighting for the right thing anymore. He’s so scared to admit that though, that he’s killed innocent people, and that he’s about to kill a whole islands worth… over nothing. There’s no going back for him now. He can’t stop the spell without The Collector. Luz finds this out at the worst time. See, here she’s running off pure emotions. She’s been betrayed, lied to, and she doesn’t know how to comprehend any of that so suddenly. She thinks Philip can still stop the spell, but she knows he’s completely lost in his own delusions, so impulsively and desperately as the fight drags on, with Philip not wanting to hurt Luz, she grabs the glove, an invisibility glyph so he lets his guard down, and she brands him.
It’s then that she finds out he can’t stop the spell. “I can’t stop it Luz!” Is the last thing he yells before he, for lack of better words, goes apeshit. Based on what we see in the show, with the palismen gone, Philip’s beast form is a mix of controlled and uncontrollable depending on what I assume is Philip’s emotions. Well, whatever it is, I’m going with emotions here, and he is going through a lot of them right now.
The main differences mostly begin when The Collector shows up. Before that, most stuff played out the same, albeit different dialogue as to be expected. These kids had met Philip multiple times before, and he had always outwardly treated them well, concealing his true feelings of resentment away from them. They never saw any of that. They only knew Luz’s weird but strangely fun uncle who was very good at getting them out of trouble thanks to his silver tongue. So this is even more terrifying for them.
Also I tell a lie, there is a major difference just before The Collector shows up. They manage to calm Philip down. He’s still in his beast form but he isn’t causing complete and total havoc anymore.
Luz, pushing aside the hurt she feels, walks up to him and asks:
“If you can’t stop the draining spell, who can?”
“I can!” A sudden voice chips in.
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Who’s that Pokemon?
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It’s The Collector!
Goo, Trauma and The Human Realm
Philip doesn’t ‘die’ trying to kill the kids. He dies trying to protect them. It’s meant be ironic really, that his last act before getting splattered against a wall by a kid on creative mode is protecting witches.
The on-brand for this show trauma as the section title suggests comes from the fact they all, once again, knew Philip. He’s Luz and Hunter’s uncle. King views him as an uncle too. The other three interacted with him similarly to how they interacted with Eda. Now, suddenly, he’s gone. There’s no time to process it either. And also the general trauma of this entire episode. These kids are way too young to be going through all this.
(Small edit: Because I was reminded, despite how much I hate watching these kids suffer… I’m doing what the owl house crew would have wanted me to - I’m implementing the splash zone. I’m so sorry Hunter.)
Now King, who’s holding back tears, has to jump in before The Collector tries anything. The Collector is super excited to finally meet Luz and Hunter officially, though he still seems a little upset by Philip’s death, saying how they didn’t mean to hurt him that badly. Before flicking a switch and returning to his playful self.
Things happen about the same as the show here.
The human realm I listed because Philip’s goo situation could go so many ways. We don’t know how Philip will reform, but I know I want him to reform as soon as he can for the sake of the kids. When I open my ask box again, which I will be doing after this*, I’m absolutely down to here thoughts and theories and see how they could work with the AU? I dunno it could be really interesting to think about!
*I haven’t answered every ask yet, but it’ll be pretty easy to manage now. There are some asks I just don’t really have answers for or I feel I’ve already covered the topic so if I don’t answer a specific ask I apologise for that!
I also answered this ask from memory so if I forgot anything I, again, apologise.
A Very Minor Detail
Eda, disguised as Raine, has to hold back a snarl when Philip is standing in front of her. That’s it. That’s the detail.
I mean there is a lot of emotion behind that detail considering Philip was her friend, someone she confided in a few times, and yet he lied to and betrayed her, hurting her kids in the process as well.
There are a lot of small detail changes like that which I unfortunately can’t cover as my thought chain is slowly losing energy now. There are a lot with Hunter with though. He is having the opposite of a good time.
I hope this all made sense, if not I’m sorry but there’s no refund. Also I’ve probably made a lot of typos in this. Again, there’s no refund.
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katerinu · 3 years
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I have arrived at the Yashahime is Over Party! I never, ever wanted a sequel, I was much happier with my own opinions and headcanons as to what happened after the show was over. (As I'm sure many fans were.) InuYasha has always been this great, big sandbox, where you can do whatever you want. Yashahime basically came in and stomped on everybody's fun time, so now I'm just trying to rebuild what I had! This rewrite isn't exactly my thoughts to a T on what I think should have happened at the end, rather, I tried to keep in mind the premise of Yashahime and just... fix it!
I know that my likes and opinions tend to be a bit disjointed from the rest-- for example, I LOVED the filler episodes. To this day, some of my favorite episodes that I go back to rewatch have been filler. I like slow and steady, I like lots and lots of dialogue. But Yashahime? Not like this. Never like this. For my rewrite, this is no longer a fantasy romance action adventure whatever. This is slice of life.
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For my rewrite, Moroha becomes the main character. The story follows her as she travels around Japan, basically meeting old friends of her folks, and meeting some new ones along the way. InuKag and MirSan live generally happy, peaceful lives, with the Root Head demon being the last of their major problems for a long while.
I love the idea that with InuYasha and Kagome being a committed couple in an "unusual" relationship with an "unusual" daughter, Kaede's village over time becomes a safe haven for weak demons, half demons, and like-minded humans. It expands into a vast and bustling town, with plenty of colorful characters in addition.
Sango spends a lot of her day training Hisui and Gyokoto. She doesn't go out herself much anymore, and has basically passed the torch to her children and, of course, younger brother. Her time is mostly spent now creating and repairing weapons, though her real passion is in experimenting with fabrics to create stronger, more resistant material. Miroku continues to travel (so long as he stops by to say hello to his wife once and awhile) alongside his daughter Kin'u, who basically apprentices under him. He's so proud of who she's become.
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Moroha is at that age where she longs to see the world outside their humble home. She packs her things, says goodbye to her mom and dad, and sets off. I can totally see her keeping the bounty hunter job as it would be a great way for her to make money on her own. And with her being loved and reasonably fed, whenever she loses a head, it can *actually* be funny. She still uses the rouge to become Beniyasha in tough times, but without the red pearl. (No pearls in this, the pearls are stupid.) She made a promise with her momma to only use the rouge in DIRE situations, since it can be dangerous. Of course, she's looked over by grandpa Myoga... and Shippo!
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Shippo is much older now, but given that he's a demon (and I do subscribe to the demons age slower HC, despite the shit I give it) he appears to be around, or a little younger than Moroha. They're about equal in power which means they have to work together a lot to get out of sticky situations. They act as brother and sister since Shippo was basically adopted by InuKag, so there's no romance between them. It's purely familial.
Over the course of the series, Moroha meets old characters, both filler and canon, from the OG series. (Some Shippo recognizes, some he doesn't.) They help out with whatever problem-of-the-week is going on, as the episodes are primarily laid back and focused more on character interaction and development. They meet old faces like Jineji, Botan and Momiji, Kanta, Bunza, and even Shiori!
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Shiori would have an episode or two, going more in depth on half demons and their human nights.
To keep the "mystery" aspect Sunrise TRIED to do while also putting a long term goal/conflict in the show to prevent it from getting boring, I would include Towa/Setsuna. But here's the kick-- I would combine them into one character.
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Zetsumetsuko would sometimes run into our main cast and cause issues, mostly based on what the audience infers is some kind of misunderstanding or jealousy. This character will butt heads with Moroha, similar to how InuYasha and Sesshomaru were, but with her having a bit more sass.
Moroha says they smell familiar, but she can't place her finger on it. Zetsumetsuko tends to say some cryptic stuff, saying she knows some info that Moroha doesn't. This character is basically a wild card, and is to keep the audience on their toes. It is of course, later revealed that this character is the daughter of Sesshomaru. (Not that it's hard to guess, haha.) It happens when the main cast run into Rin. Zetsumetsuko appears to try and cause more trouble, only for Rin to excitedly shout, "Sister!" And begin doting upon her.
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With tensions eased, the characters manage to sit and chat calmly. Zetsumetsuko feels like she doesn't belong, and struggles to find a place in the world similar to InuYasha. They barely knew their own father, raised primarily by Rin and Jaken. She doesn't even know her own mother. Zetsumetsuko has been following Moroha out of a sense of jealousy, since they're related but their paths have been so different. She basically reveals how lonely she's been, too. Which leads to her joining the group!
I wanted to introduce Zetsumetsuko as the daughter of Sesshomaru at the same time I introduced Rin as her sister, basically cutting Rin out of the running for potential mother right away.
The mother would be Kagura, who... I don't have a design for, ah! I heard a lot of talk and rumors about Kagura having become a goddess and I think I would apply that idea to my rewrite. It would explain why Kagura wasn't around for Zatsumetsuko growing up. Ah, now I have to make a Goddess!Kagura design, hahaha.
In conclusion, my sequel would be made purely for nostalgia's sake. No retcons, barely even touching the original plot of InuYasha. It would be a way to see the old cast through new characters, who would be charming in their own right without relying on their parents, and would allow us to revisit one-off and filler characters again. The sequel wouldn't be a necessary watch to enjoy InuYasha, it would just be a way for fans to go, "Oh, I remember that character! Good times!"
That's about it! I worked really hard on the character designs and thinking about their personalities and how they fit in, so if you haven't yet, it would be nice if you took a look at the links I put in and read a bit more about their characters! Please feel free to ask questions, I'm not the best at explaining myself at length since my mind gets jumbled, haha.
Thank you!
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