#i'm nearing the end of azalea summer so it's time to start planning research and revisions i suppose…
libraryleopard · 4 years
hmmm thinking about what tam lin retellings i’m going to read when i’m done with azalea summer
tithe by holly black. probably should get around to this considering holly black is basically the go-to author for faeries in ya books but i’ve never actually read her ironside series other than a few short stories set in the universe and i feel like i should just so i can kind of know my history.
the dark tide by alicia jasinska. another f/f tam lin retelling, hell yeah! i feel like i might be getting this one for christmas because i kept dropping unsubtle hints, so we’ll see.
fire and hemlock by diana wynne jones. i wasn’t actually planning on rereading this one, but i realized a couple references to it slipped into my own work (primarily a character name), so i think i will revisit it after all just to be more certain of what i am and am not echoing from it. while i read it multiple times when i was younger, i feel like i’m going to find the age gape creepy this time around through so i’m kind of bracing myself for it.
the perilous gard by elizabeth marie pope. has been sitting under my bed for literal years after i bought it at a used book sale and i really have no excuse not to read it at this point, plus it’s one of the few historical-set retellings and i’m curious about that.
tam lin by pamela dean. i feel like i almost have to read this if i want to understand the landscape of tam lin retellings (though it’s a chunky book). plus, it’s about a bunch of classics and english people at a midwestern liberal arts college which, like…is me.
thorn jack by katherine harbour. maybe if i have time and aren’t feeling too tam lin-ed out. i feel like i only encounter this on comprehensive lists of tam lin retellings which doesn’t really testify to its sticking power/quality but i can get it through interlibrary loan so i might read it anyway.
with roses in their hair by ennis rook. a sci-fi f/f tam lin retelling that i believe i can read online for free? and it’s a novella, so pretty short. 
cotillion by delia sherman i reread earlier, so that’s one retelling i can cross off my research list. (and it definitely held up!)
also, i might read war for the oaks by emma bull, which isn’t a tam lin retelling but it generally regarded as a cornerstone of urban fantasy books with faeries, so knowing your history and all. plus a copy of that has also been sitting under my bed for years. 
a court of thorns and roses i read several years ago and didn’t like, the mirk and midnight hour is supposed to be racist so i’m not including those two on this list. 
roses and rot by kat howard i read a few years ago and liked, though i’m not sure i’ll reread it simply because there are other books by her i want to get to reading. 
magic at midnight: a ya fairy tale anthology edited by lyssa chiavari has a sci-fi tam lin retelling and i might pick that up at some point.
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