#i'm not rewording it all sorry sjfkhljfslhfsh
modelcitizentomorrow · 8 months
rate your friends from least to most annoying
Vidia's always raining on my parade, so she has to be number one. Sorry, Vid. Talia... I love you, Talia, but you're so stubborn. Rosetta's only annoying because she refuses to get her hands a little dirty, so she gets third place. Dessa's a sweetheart, but she worries so much I'd have to put her before Sylvie. And Sylvie... is perfect, actually, she's never done anything wrong in her life. But, come on, we all know I'm the most annoying of them all, bringing owls home and going on and on about how important worms are to the eco-system all the time.
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@faiirytalcs, @rosettafleur, @dewdr0psx
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