#i'm pretty sure they were born in 1981
pepi-nillo · 2 years
i'm. i'm the same age the twins were when yuyeon went missing
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saezurutwittering · 4 months
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I heard it was Yashiro's birthday today, so I wanted to share this image of a bonus item that was given out during Yoneda-sensei's 10th anniversary celebration (Note: I do not own the items, I just found the image). On the top right corner, you can see Yashiro's and Doumeki's birthdays with the years they were born.
Yashiro: Showa 56, first month, 30th day-> January 30, 1981
Doumeki: Heisei 4, tenth month, 28th day-> October 28, 1992
I'm pretty sure these are accurate as they are official products that were distributed to fans. Based on this data, Yashiro would be turning 43 years old today. Happy birthday Yashiro, and may you and Doumeki find happiness together.
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I’ve only just found your page after years…. Or just a really long time. I’ve got a lot of headcanons about Snape, so not to bombard you, I’d start with a couple basics.
I wonder about Snape and Bill Weasley, and probably Tonks too, If I did math, wasn’t Snape teaching by the time Bill and Tonks left hogwarts? I’m pretty sure Snape, Tonks and Bill were students together at one point. (First year vs sixth, or whatever). I’d imagine they’d have some kind of interactions. Bill is very … well, cool, for lack of a better word - and seems to have some kind of regard for Snape beyond the usual childish response but not one that the older people in the order do. Maybe I’m wrong?? If I’m not, it would be interesting to look into.
Hi ! This page is truly old and had multiple owners. I'm the last one, I am afraid it will die with me.
Let's go and analyse your headcanon for Bill, Tonks and Snape
So, Severus was born in 1960, integrated Hogwarts as a student in 1971.
I am not sure, but I think Bill's birth is not specified but it might have been somewhere around 1970? I'm going to hold on to that year to continue.
So when he entered Hogwarts it would have been around 1981 which is coincidental with Snape's 1st teaching year - assuming of course that he started teaching as soon as he concluded his studies at Hogwarts - coincidental as well with the year when prophecy was overheard and he began his work as a spy.
I don't know if they were actually colleagues while attending Hogwarts as students... what I am babbling here is pure speculation.
According to the internet, Tonks was born in 1973 which places her in Hogwarts in 1984 and Snape would have already been teaching for 3-4 years. He must have been their teacher at least while Potions were mandatory.
I don't remember any interactions between Bill/Snape and Tonks/Snape to be honest. I can assume they were scarce in the books.
Keep those headcanons coming.
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ineffably-human · 2 years
Okay, in honor of the Critic's Choice Awards tonight and in hope that we will FINALLY get a season 4 release date once they know if they won for teaser/trailer bragging purposes, here's a post I've been meaning to do for ages. There's a copy of an older version of the Shadows pilot script that I stumbled on a while back. And this is definitely older older, like Guillermo is still 20 years older here and there are also a lot of differences as far as Nandor goes, things that are really intriguing to me.
Even in the pilot we got, all three of the traditional vampires have different shades of the characters they'd become and their relationships to each other. But specifically with Nandor and Guillermo, I wonder how the series would have evolved if they'd cast whatever actor they had in mind for Guillermo originally. (Apparently it was a specific person, which is why he was a Latinx/Latine character to begin with, but the guy wasn't available when it came time for casting.)
Observations as I reread this are below the cut!
- This version of Guillermo has been working for Nandor for 20 years, but I think was meant to also be 20 years older than the character we know, according to Harvey? So in his 50s and he started working for Nandor in his late 20s/early 30s, rather than age 19 or so.
- Guillermo tries to pry the stuck coffin open with a knife but Nandor tells him not to because it'll screw up the mechanism, then Guillermo pretends he wasn't just trying to do so. I wonder if proto-Guillermo was supposed to be kind of mediocre at his job.
- The opening credits are supposed to be pretty similar to what we got but "every few images, there’s a quick pop of something frighteningly grotesque -- less artistic or cultural vampire depiction, and with more of a crime-scene photo feel." I wonder just how dark this show was supposed to be at first or if they just realized there were only so many times that was going to be funny.
- The house meetings aren't a regular thing here, Laszlo thinks they "just had one" in 1981 and Nandor corrects that it was in 1891. The whole thing about the fancy room isn't part of it, they're more opposed to the concept of a meeting at all. Laszlo says he thinks it's another New World invention Nandor is trying to foist on them and he doesn't like it.
- One of the victims in the cells had five birthdays since he'd been there. Nandor made him some birthday cards, then killed him. Who is feeding these people? Guillermo, I guess? Where is the Steven Universe Future-esque episode about Guillermo's complex PTSD?
- Laszlo considers himself a Renaissance man because he was born in 1531, I'm pretty sure they've changed that since.
- Script!Laszlo worships the Baron and says legend has it their powers come from him (so I guess the Baron potentially is the Sire here). Nandor is not as sold on him and is a little jealous. He's irritated that the Baron is only showing up a day after the letter was received and makes a joke about the Baron not discovering Federal Express, which only Guillermo understands. He knows the slogan for Federal Express (or one of them, no idea if it's an out of date one) but not exactly what FedEx is, Laszlo asks if he's been secretly viewing a TV again and Nandor says no, of course not, it's a contemporary folktale Guillermo told him.
- So Nandor's The Little Mermaid complex was alive and well from the show's inception, looks like, except here there's an active taboo about vampires modernizing in any way.
- Nandor implies in a talking head that he doesn't think the Baron is as great as his own legend (I wonder if this was meant to be parallel to himself or they hadn't gotten there yet) and Laszlo does a talking head saying he thinks the Baron's heard how Nandor is running things and is coming to put a stop to it.
- Guillermo calls Nandor 'sir' a lot more here. He can also basically finish his sentences, there's a scene of him hanging one of Nandor's garments on a tailor's dummy and repeating in tandem with Nandor a thing about how the gold in the brocade came from the treasury of Vlad the Impaler.
- Instead of Guillermo thinking the Baron is coming to see him be transformed, he's put out because he thinks it's interrupted his anniversary but it'll at least be cool to see an ancient vampire.
- Nandor hasn't ventured out of the house in the entire time Guillermo has known him. He's never seen crepe paper before, 'creepy paper' isn't part of the script and I'm willing to bet it's a Kayvan thing. He specifically wants glitter in "every color", says sotto that it's meant to be like Twilight (maybe he's not supposed to know about Twilight since it's a very modern thing). Script!Guillermo is equally unimpressed with Twilight.
- "In the Old Country, we’d weave a canopy out of the flayed human skin. But I think that’s because we didn’t have crepe paper." "You want I should ask up front if they have anything that looks more like the flayed skin?" "No, Guillermo. Thank you." Guillermo's a bit rougher around the edges in general, I've read an article saying that most people auditioning tried to make him too sinister and that's why Harvey stood out, but that's honestly what comes across in the script too. When he goes to the LARPers he's pretty derogatory: "Look at them pretending to be elves and shit."
- There's still the 'little too familiar' scene, with an additional "can you see how he’s just always around me? Look at him." When they argue about the coin Nandor says he disobeyed him and then asks "it's because I didn't like the skeleton, isn't it?"
- "Can you tell me about when you became a vampire, Master? How long did you wait?" "Not that long. Hey, any progress on those virgins yet?" Implying this version of Nandor was a familiar or apprentice once as well?
- "[Some bats fly out a doorway.] LASZLO: Those are just some vampire buddies of mine. NADJA: They are just normal bats. LASZLO: That’s Jeremy and Carol! NADJA: No vampire would be called Jeremy." Jeremy is also the name on the Vampiric Council website - I think they really just like that name. And Carol, apparently. And Jeff, if Our Flag Means Death is any indication.
- Nandor is the reason they have a Stairmaster because it's supposed to improve health and stamina, Laszlo says it just made their victims very skinny very slowly. - The Baron can apparently change form and is slightly more half-man half-bat. He also doesn't eat June but his very presence apparently has Guillermo and June paralyzed with tears trickling down their cheeks.
- Guillermo makes a point of saying that he recovered Jenna and Jonathan and is keeping them in the basement even after Colin drained them (but separately, Nandor insists, so they don't devirginize each other). They're still named in the script even though they aren't in the dialogue, I wonder if there were different plans for them. - Nandor makes a point of saying that the real reason he wanted the glitter was for the portrait!! Doesn't point out that he's next to Guillermo, but the portrait is very much of the two of them. The direction says Guillermo doesn't know whether to be touched or insulted. Instead of the curtain, Guillermo says 'freaking brocade' and rips the brocade that Nandor was so intent on being unharmed off of Nandor's cape, which is the last line we get of the script.
- So intrigued by this version of Nandermo, because they have immense 'old married couple' energy. They would have absolutely been shipped by the audience in this version too, maybe even a little more easily at first but with less chance of being a canon relationship, and I think are still meant to be each other's most important person - but with the main conflict being Nandor's instead of Guillermo's.
My theory (based on very little, I admit) is that when they cast someone younger for Guillermo, they played with him having a plot with Jenna or Shanice, but ultimately came back around to the original setup: Guillermo wants to be a vampire, Nandor is intrigued by modern society and the human world in a way the other vampires don't understand, they're attached to each other but at odds.
Anyway, I know this breakdown is long, hope this was as entertaining for everyone else as it was for me! I miss this show so much, and I hope they get some well-deserved awards tonight.
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thedeviljudges · 2 years
Do you know what the birth years of yohan and gaon are?? Is it there in the scriptbook?? I'm pretty sure there was a meta post about this somewhere but i can't find it
hi, babe. you might be referring to my masterpost, which i've listed below talking about significant dates.
but to go over it here:
we know that yohan is 40 according to the scriptbook, but technically 39 due to SK's aging system. this means, his birth year is most likely 1986 or 1987.
isaac is 5 years older than yohan, placing his birth year between 1981-1983.
gaon's is shown in the show. when yohan is looking at his profile, it's nov. 27, 1997. he's 28, but 29 according to the scriptbook and SK.
we also have jinjoo's birthday, although the day is blurred and a bit of a mystery. it's may 16-19, 1991. she's 35 years old, but most likely 36 in SK. she's 6 or 7 years older than gaon, and 4 or 5 years younger than yohan.
soohyun is the same age as gaon. sunah is the same age as yohan.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Redemption of a Spirit in a Cold War' chapter 7 is out !
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Summary : Bell is having her last day in Moscow as Belikov help her prepare her escape to the West
To read it on AO3, click here !
I never thought that Belikov will be very trustful and helpful towards me, I was thinking that he was going to be like a typical CIA agent and try to kill me when he will have the chance but he didn't do it and instead, he decided to help me by starting to create a file about me and for sure, I know that I will be leaving the USSR soon.....and it will be with the CIA, I hope that Belikov will find a persuasive way to get me out of the country without having to reveal my identity.
If the CIA declared that I died three years ago in Solovetsky by an 'heroic sacrifice', they will maybe not found out about me but I think that Belikov was aware that some part of the CIA know the perfect identity of the woman we all called 'Bell'.....an Perseus agent that were brainwashed by Russell Adler in order to gain an advantage against the East and that were disposed off by the same guy. Now, I will need to show them that I'm not someone to be dealed off that easily.
I wanted to check the box that Belikov gave me but I fell asleep on his couch without having the chances to give a look to my old belongings. My whole body were hurting me while I was sleeping and I could feel that I was crying during the night. I was thinking of Park and everything else about my old memories : after all these times, they were all coming back and each time, I rediscovered them like it was the first time for me.
I lived a life that I can't even remember right. I'm only able to have those memories coming back in my head each time I closed my eyes while I'm alone or before I go to sleep. Each of them is like a door opening, making me discovering my own life. Am I really a stranger inside my own body ? I still can remember things like my combats skills and maybe cryptography but what happened in my life is like a whole mystery to me and I hope that one day, I will be fully aware of what I lived.
Waking up was very hard for me : my arms were feeling so heavy and my legs were like burning. I had to redress myself multiple times as I was laying down once I was sit. I then succeeded to stay sit on the couch. I had to clean my eyes too that were too dried after crying during all night and winking a lot of times to get my vision cleared enough to see everything right. I looked at outside and it was a sunny weather. I then looked at the watch at my wrist : it was noon.
I slept again for a long time like yesterday and I hope to clear that quickly. Sleeping for so long is not something I really want these days after having spend 3 years in a coma. My eyes fell on the box that was still on the table, I was going to spread my arms towards it but they were still hurting me, avoiding me to move for a while. Then, I heard someone arriving in the room : it was Belikov who was coming with a plate in hand.
"Hi, miss Bell." He said with a smile, seeing that I was awake on the couch
"Belikov." I muttered, grinning a little.
"I prepared something to eat for you." He put one of the plate on the table allowing me to discover the content of it.....a home-made hamburger.
"A hamburger ?" I told him, very curious of that choice of food since we are in the Soviet Union "The CIA must have gave you some goods things to have you eat these kinds of food in here."
"Yes, they gave me this apartment thanks to their money." He looked around happy as he sit on the seat I was yesterday "One day, I even asked for a baseball cap and they give it to me."  He looked at me. "Did you check the box ?" He asked
"No, I fell asleep before I could do that." I replied before I could feel my body getting better. I can finally move without getting hurt and I took the plate in hand. "About...the file you created for me ?" I asked before taking a bite in that burger that was tasting nice.
"I started to work on it when I leaved you but I took a nap before working on it again in the early morning." He responded, joining his hands together "I will be able to finish it before I can take you out of the city to meet with a CIA team."
"You called the CIA ?" I said, worried and starting to sound angry.
"I called them but it was just for saying that I had a defector to give them, don't worry." He leaned back on his seat, seeing my deadly eyes. "They just think that you are another defector." He added, making me relieved,
"What did you say about me ?"
"I told them that you were compromised and you had to kill 2 of your colleagues." He moved away to get next to a TV. "What you did yesterday did make noises." He turned the TV on before getting back to his seat. It was the first time in three years that I was watching something in the TV and it was weird. When the TV got on, the news were happening and by the odds, they started talking about the incident.
"Yesterday, two policemens from the city of Moscow were found dead by gunshot in an alley near the Lubyanka Place. The chief of the police has stated that 'they will do everything to stop the person who commited these horribles on our peacekeepers and to bring them to the russian people'. According to some rumors, this act was premeditated as some witnesses could see a masked person leaving the area before the police and some could clarify that this person were a woman."
The TV was then turned off by Belikov who got up from his seat and go back at his place, looking at me with wide eyes. I can say that I pulled something big from that event and by luck, he gave the CIA the big pretext for me to get out of the country.....what the odds ! The silence striked the room as I was finishing the burger and once it was done, I pulled the plate back on the table.
"You know...." He started, looking worried "I've heard you cry a lot this night."
"I know." I replied, biting my bottom lips
"Did you cry because of what happened to you ?" He asked
"Yes, everything that happened to me in my life." I looked down, joining my hands together as I was thinking about the night "And about Park."
"Park....I wonder how...." He started to said before I cut him, guessing his question,
"I loved her, right ?" He nodded, I guessed right,
"I remember to have heard about you and her from Adler when you arrived in Mosow three years ago." He crossed his arms above his chest, looking curious "He said that he never agreed about you two and he wanted to do everything to stop that relation to progress."
"Last night, it happened that I slept in the same hotel that we were before our attack in the Lubyanka and the receptionist told me that they had a argument about the rooms." I smiled nervously. "I.....I received a letter from Park, dating from 3 years that Adler broke inside my room and make her go."
"Shit, I'm sorry about that." He apologized
"I loved her because she was incredible, close to me and she believed in me....even she was aware of my true state." I sniffed "I'm still am."
"Don't worry, you will find her....I hope too." He smiled at me "That's why I'm helping you, miss Bell !" He affirmed before getting up from his seat "I need to continue working on your file that I will give to the CIA and once it's done, I will prepare your extraction to the West."
"Thanks you again." I said, grinning as he started to walk away back to his room without saying a thing.
I was now back alone in his living room, having eating something good and finally feeling better. After that little talk with him, I decided that it was time to check that box of mine that was standing on the table for the night. I took the box and put it next to me on the floor and I opened it. I was so nervous about opening that box but it was too late. I could realized that there weren't much in it as it wasn't so heavy : something looking like my records and then some pictures that I wasn't able to see because they were turned on the wrong face.
I decided to start by looking at that big file that I presumed to be my records. I could finally discover my whole identity : I'm named Yirina Grigoriev, born May 8th 1952 in Kiev. At four years old, I....I lost my parents from an accident that wasn't explained at all in the records and after that, it was said that I was take in charge by Perseus himself, raising me.....shit, I was like an daughter to him.
In 1968, I apparently became the youngest recruit in the KGB, having Perseus pulled some strings to make this happen and one year later, I have my first operation outside the country and after that, I rosed through the ranks while staying an field operatives agent until I get stopped, staying as a simple KGB officer under Perseus's orders during the remaining years until 1981. It wasn't marked on the file but I presumed that I could have added 'Disappeared the January 13th 1981 left for dead by an Perseus lieutenant' ! This file wasn't updated meaning that something happened before Trabzon and that box wasn't touched by Perseus during all these times.
By looking at these records, I know that it was better for me to take back everything with me and I put these big file in the backpack that I left just next to the couch. Once I'm done it, I decided to put my hand on the box to take a look at those mysterious pictures. There were actually three pictures for me. The first one.....it was me in my younger days posing in a military outfit, either in training or somewhere fighting for Perseus. I wasn't alone because there were also Freya and Perseus himself standing between her and me. I put it on my backpack, resisting to tear apart Perseus from the picture, leaving only me & Freya.
The second picture was still me but I was looking more older and there were a date on it but only the year : 1980. I was looking at the camera with an embarassed look and dressed in the same uniform I was on in my memories, sit in my office. It was just me and no one else on the picture. I was looking pretty on it, giving me a little smile before I put it on the backpack too. Then, I took the last picture in hands and.....there weren't any of my presence on that picture : it was Zasha on it, their arms around an woman I don't know or remember at all. Strange but it could be useful again if I can one day see Zasha again.
I was now done with the pictures and my attention was now on the letter that was the last thing inside this box. I checked the envelope and it was so curious because it wasn't my handwriting at all on it. It was written : 'For my Yiri.....from Zed'. So, it was a letter written by Zasha for me.....or for that woman on the picture. Is this woman also called Yirina ? The envelope was already opened but I was so stressed out about it that I decided to read it later and that's not for me. Like the third picture, I need to keep it in case I see Zasha or that woman now.
I was done with that box : it was empty now as everything was inside my backpack, giving me some more weight to carry on my back. Right now, I have nothing to do except of waiting.....so I laid myself down on the couch again, looking at the ceilling without closing my eyes and trying to think about something but my mind was very busy at this moment and wasn't so willing to let me have a memory back.
All I can do was to stay on that couch, look at the ceilling and trying to think this time about what will happen in the followings days : I will be able to return back to West-Berlin next to Park, I will have to face Adler about his choices and after that, I will have no choice than to join Park again to track Perseus down. Now that I know that he's still around, I have to help her and the others in their fight....a fight that was mine and became mine again. If I can find Freya and Zasha again, I could feel happy and save them from Perseus's control.
Hours passed and the evening was coming into Moscow. I didn't move at all from the couch until Belikov got out of his room, a file in hand.
"Miss Bell, I have finished to plan everything." He said, proudly
"Everything ?" I repeated, getting up from the couch, curious.
"Yes, your new file and we are awaited." He handed me the file to let me check it and I took it.
"So." I started, giving a look at it "I'm one of your contacts named Tanya Koslova inside the Moscow police that needed to flee after killing two Perseus agents that tried to kill me."
"It was the best way to convince the CIA." He told me, scratching the back of his head before getting his hand behind his back to grab something "You will need this."
"Bandages ?" I saw that in his hands
"To cover your head." He raised an eyebrow "I told the CIA extraction team that you have suffered from a bad burn on your face and that you don't want to show your face to the others."
"It was to convince them ?" I asked, smirking and not sure about this
"No, to make sure they don't recognize you." He replied, still handing me over the bandages. I hesitated and then, I took the bandages in my hands,
"Are you sure it will work ?" I asked, he nodded sure of himself, as I started to put the bandages around my head to cover it. "I will be looking stupid" I thought to myself, joking. Once I was done with that, I checked myself in the mirror, just my ears, my eyes, my mouth and my nose were not covered.
"You're looking great." He exclaimed with a big smile
"Yeah, sure." I sighed
"Take your bag and it will be time to go." He ordered me as he walked to take his jacket
I took my backpack and then, we leaved his apartment, getting down the stairs and getting inside his car in the outside to leave the city. I wasn't looking so sure about his plan to get me covered with bandages around my head but I started to feel that he was right about this : the CIA has maybe erased everything talking about me in my records but they aren't blind. They can still recognize my face after all these years and Belikov was so helpful about thinking about that.
I couldn't believe it but I was really going to get out of the country to return back to West-Berlin and without knowing, it was the CIA that was going to make this part of the job. They will have to know one moment that it's me but when they will discover that, I will be back with Park and when I will face Adler but not before. Me & Belikov didn't talked at lot during the driving as he was preparing himself in his role and I was doing the same too. I needed to play the woman in need of fleeing....with an russian accent.
It took 10 minutes after we left the outskirts of the city to arrive in a secret location : it was a CIA clandestine runway and we were both getting nervous about what will happen. When the car stopped, a man come out of a abandoned building next to that runway, walking towards our car. Belikov ordered me to follow him and to not make any weird moves. I took the backpack and I got out of the car, following him to encounter this mysterious man.
"Belikov !" The man started, looking curious at my sight
"Tom, my friend." Belikov replied,handing his hand to shake it. Both mens shook their hands but this 'Tom' was still looking at me, weirdly, maybe wondering who I was,
"This is the girl you talked about ?" He asked, removing his eyes from me
"Yes, here's her file." Belikov handed over the fake file he has made and Tom checked it for sometimes before taking it. "So, she's fleeing after getting those 2 Perseus agents killed." Belikov nodded,
"Exactly and she need to join West-Berlin like she asked to me." He added, looking at me, winking not in the other sight
"Good, it will take the others 3 days to get her in there." Tom said, crossing his arms to look at a small plane awaiting for us "This plane will take you to another location outside the Soviet Union and then the rest will be told to you with the others."
"3 days ?" I asked in a surprised perfect russian accent
"Yes, the Reds is getting suspicious with people like us." He rolled his eyes, thinking about this "This commie bastards never changed." He looked at Belikov "No offense, Dimitri." He laughed, followed by Belikov and me who was more silent
"I know, got that joke each time." Belikov replied with his laugh
"Well, she's now our responsability until she's brought to West-Berlin." He looked at me, nodding. "You can get into that plane and take a seat. Belikov, you can go now." He then gestured to get moving and I complied, followed by him, not before giving a goodbye to Belikov, thanking him for his help.
I got inside the plane and I took a seat as the plane engine started to make some noises. Tom arrived to give me some details about what I need to do each time I will meet a new team charged to bring me to West-Berlin and once he was done, he left the plane, leaving me alone with just an pilot. Then, the plane take off as the night started to fall on the russian countryside, I was feeling happy about getting out of here thanks to  Belikov and now, I was feeling that I could get some free sleep as I was so tired after spending a day without moving.....and I could feel a memory coming back....
By looking at it, I was standing in the medical room of.....the safehouse back in West-Berlin.....a memory from my time inside Adler's team. I was next to a operation table and cleaning some medical tools after I did something with it....but what for ?  I was looking to a used bullet when someone entered the room : it was Lazar !
"Hey, Bell." He started before closing the door
"7,62 x 54 mm, guess the gun." I showed him the bullet I had in hand.
"SVD Dragunov, I think." He put his hand on his chin "The russians are using that kind of bullet for that sniper."
"Good thinking." I said with an sad face "Forget my manners, good to see you, Laz'" I continued, still sad.
"I heard of what happened in Ukraine to Park." He said, worried
"Yes, she was shot near her chest by that bullet, I reacted quickly to save her but she passed out after we got out with Mason & Woods."  I put my hands on the table, closing my eyes "I could only remove that bullet here because I didn't have anything on the plane to did that kind of thing."
"I know, it's not everyday that we're taking that type of thing in the field." He smiled but he saw my look "What's wrong ?" He asked
"I....I thought that Park was going to die, that what is wrong for me, Lazar !" I exclaimed, raising my voice before I leaned myself on the table "I thought that she was dead when she receives that bullet."
"Bell, you saved her !" He got next to me "That's the most important thing, right ?" He added, putting his hand on my shoulder
"I know and....." I started before cutting myself.
"And ?" He asked
"I don't know if I can tell you this." I got up from the table to face him "I know that I met only Park for a couple of days but I like her."
"That's normal, you're became great friends." He smiled, happy to hear that
"I mean, I....I love her, Lazar !" I looked down "I have feelings for her, she's so beautiful and so kind to me." I looked at him, he was stunned to hear that from me.
"Wow, I never thought that."  He crossed his arms with an little grin "I'm must say that....it's okay for you to feel those things around here. It's not because we're spies that we can't love."
"But Adler....."
"Adler maybe said that 'you need to keep it professional' but you need to do what you want and not what he want." He told me, sure of himself "He's not the one making your life, you are !"
"You're right, Laz'" I smiled "I need to do what I want !" I repeated, feeling happy
"Did you say that to her ? That you love her ?" He asked
"No." I simply responded
"Soon as she got up, tell her what you think about her !" He then put his hand back on my shoulder "I'm pretty sure she's thinking the same about you." He laughed "I saw it in her eyes that she got something for you."
"You're sure ?" I said and he nodded.
"Park is a good person and you will be better when you two will be a thing." He smiled before getting away from the table. "I'm sure that you will do everything for her, right ?" I nodded, sure of my feelings and sure of that.
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
The Eyeball Killer-
Dallas, Texas
In August of 1933 Charles Albright was born, and the woman who'd brought him into this world gave her baby up; within weeks he was adopted by a grocer named Fred Albright and his wife, a schoolteacher called Delle. While they say that Delle definitely doted on her son, she was also very strict, domineering even; Charles was often punished in cruel ways for the most petty of sins. If he wouldn't take a nap, Dell would tie her son to the bed; if the boy didn't finish all of his milk, mother would lock him in pitch black room. It is thought that Charles resented his mother and the woman who had given him up; it's possible this is where his deep seeded hatred for women began.
It's thought that Charley's fascination with eyes stems from his childhood. As a young boy Charles and his mama would roam the city in search of dead animals; the pair were very much into taxidermy. Mother and son would find a suitable corpse, bring it home, gut the animal, stuff it up, and sew it back together. Since eyeballs will rot, a taxidermied animal's eyes are supposed to be removed and replaced with fake ones, but these eyes are a bit pricy. Mrs. Albright had been a bit thrifty and, to the dismay of her son, refused to fork over the cash for those fancy taxidermy eyeballs; young Charles was forced to sew buttons on his deceased pets instead. This was very bothersome to the boy, and it's believed that this is how that eyeball fetish came to be.
There is no denying that Charles had been a super bright young man who not only skipped one grade in school, but two! It is impressive, and he was intelligent enough to be successful in anything he attempted, but Charles just couldn't seem to stay out of trouble with the law. By the time he was a 13 Charles already had a criminal record, yet at just fifteen years of age he had managed to graduated from high school and enroll in college. At sixteen Charles was again arrested for theft, and spent a year incarcerated. After his release Charles took pre-med courses at an Arkansas college, but he was found to be in possession of stolen property and expelled. At this point Charles figured, why actually work to get a degree when you can simply lie about having one? He forged all the necessary papers and voila! The crook found himself a job at a school where he taught biology classes and even coached a football team! Charley wed his college girlfriend and that union produced a daughter, but the marriage didn't last; the couple officially divorced in 1974. Charles continued to get in trouble here and there throughout the years but he was cunning and usually managed to receive probation. As an example, in 1981 the pervert even molested a friend's 9 year old daughter; for stealing this little girl's innocence, a crime to which he actually plead guilty, Charley again merely received probation! It's despicable, and insane that no one bothered to stop this train wreck in it's tracks!
On December 13th of 1990 a sex worker named Mary Lou Pratt was found deceased. She was partially unclothed, arms lifted over her head with her shirt shoved way up so that Mary's breasts were exposed. The woman had been sexually assaulted, shot in the head, and her eyes were gone. They'd been cut out, but not in the way you'd expect; these eyes were removed with such precision that investigators were sure that their killer must be some sort of a doctor or have some medical training at the very least!
When police were called to another crime scene two months later, it must've felt like deja vu! The next victim, a sex worker named Susan Peterson, was discovered in close proximity to the first. This corpse was posed in the exact same manner as the first: her arms were way up above her head, shirt lifted and breasts exposed. Susan, too, had been sexually assaulted, shot in the head, and her eyes had been removed just as carefully as her predecessor's. Tragically, police were certain that Susan had known her killer. Days prior to her death Susan had confessed to police that she knew precisely who had been responsible for Mary's murder, but for whatever reason Susan refused to name the man. Truth be told she was probably afraid, and who could blame her? Women in this profession very often grow disillusioned with police, which is part of the reason why they make such great targets for serials.
Anyhow, a month after Susan's murder, on March 19th of 1991, there was another victim; this one's name was Shirley Williams. Shirley had suffered the same injuries as the others, but her death was much more brutal. She had bruises about her face, and her eyes had been ripped out with such force that a sliver of metal from an xacto blade was left in the otherwise empty socket! Near this corpse lay a bright red condom.
Police soon realised that the only way they were likely to catch their killer would be to enlist the help of the women working in the local Red Light district. While speaking with these ladies, investigators noticed that one man was brought up time and time again; Charles Albright was known to be violent with his dates, at least one of the women claimed she'd narrowly escaped one encounter with her life. Charles seemed fixated on pretty eyes, he had a hatred for "hookers" and once stated that he'd kill them all if he could, plus the man had been friendly with one of the victims. After hearing all of this, police were able to secure a search warrant. Inside Charley's home investigators found several firearms, an abundance of xacto knifes just like the ones used to remove the women's eyes, and bright red colored condoms. But that's not all! Charles had mannequins and masks throughout his home, it's said that he was obsessed with their blank, dead eyes; at least one source states that there were dolls with their eyes removed. In a barn out back were rows of dead animals preserved in jars!
Charles was arrested and originally charged with multiple murders, though he was convicted of murdering only Shirley. Today he is serving life in prison, and while incarcerated he passes the time by drawing eyeballs which he hangs on the walls of his cell.
Before doing in depth research for this case I had been lead to believe through documentaries that police could only pin 3 murders on Charles, which is not true! There is a much lesser known victim from 1988. The modus operandi from Rhonda Bowie's slaying is much different from the rest; she had been stabbed 30 times (overkill) and her eyes remained intact. It seems to me that either this earlier murder isn't connected to the others and a killer got away, or it was the same murderer but he hadn't found his signature yet. Maybe Charles didn't plan to kill Rhonda; it's possible he became enraged by something, stabbed her to death, and discovered he enjoyed killing. If this is the case, are there other murders which could be contributed to Albright? While it's not unheard of for a man in his mid 50's to begin killing, but it's not the most common thing, either. Lastly, there is another possibility which must be addressed: many do believe this man to be completely innocent of all charges. It's impossible to deny the fact that the evidence used to convict Charles was circumstantial, relying mostly on fiber evidence; there was no DNA or anything truly concrete which tied him to these serial killings. Charles's girlfriend even swears that he was with her during the times of the murders so he couldn't possibly be guilty. But you know, that seems a likely story, doesn't it? How many spouses have been in denial and covered for their lovers? The thing is, this one could prove that Charley had had no access to a vehicle during two of the murders. Now I'm not in any way saying that Charles Albright is innocent, especially when you look at those drawings of eyeballs which he keeps in his cell, but I can understand why some people think that might be the case.
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amystiago · 5 years
If they're class of 1999 and they were probably 17/18 when they graduated (I'm not american either, I'm brazilian, but I'm pretty sure that's it usually) so they would have been born in 1981 or 1982 and that would make them about 37 now which makes sense according to canon
fun fact: i hate math so i almost didn't pass on this class when i was on high school
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