#i'm quite surprised this many people like the random shit i splurge out to do with the funky horror sesame street knock-off
Just wanted to say you're my favorite dhmis blog
Thank you!
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barkspawn · 1 year
Are you still doing requests? Would you be up for Shane SDV with #16 of the random prompts you recently reblogged? I love your writing and thank you whether you take the request or not!
Bruh I love doing these, and no one's ever loved my writing before. 🥺 send as many as you want. I appreciate your patience. :)
Shane had finally stopped glaring at Amelia every time she said hello or gave him a small wave across the plaza. For some reason, this made her feel extra happy today; because this morning he gave the faintest wave back. Granted, he sneered a little while doing it, but progress is progress. 
She celebrated by planning to get dinner at the saloon. She had a great harvest and genuinely wanted to let herself splurge on that, but she couldn't deny that she wanted to see Shane again. She just knew he was a sweet guy under all of that shell. She knew that a little kindness makes a huge difference. 
Emily grinned as she brought the plate of spaghetti to the table and touched Amelia's shoulder, "Let me know if you need anything else! I'm trying out some cool cocktails," she started back toward the counter as Pam made her way into her spot far to the side of the counter.
Amelia sat herself at a small table by the back wall, wanting to have a quiet moment. She liked the people in town, but she also liked the solace every once in a while. Thankfully it was Tuesday and there are only a few people who come out during the week. 
Scrolling through social media absent-mindedly, she made it halfway through her food before his voice startled her. 
"I gotta ask you a question," Shane started, his voice only mildly slurred, "gonna step outside. Come out when you finish."
She blinked up at him, her eyes wide and mouth full of half-chewed noodles. She gave a small nod and he turned, walking to and out of the front door. 
Hurriedly, she finished the last few bites and dropped her plate off at the counter for Emily to bus who gave her a confused wave. She took a breath and pushed the door open. No sooner than the door closed did she hear him start. 
"Why the hell are you so nice to me?" He asked, his tone almost angry, but there was something else there. 
"Well.. I-"
"I've been a dick to you since you moved here. Yet you buy me beers and bring me fresh peppers. Or your homemade food? What's the deal, kid?"
She stood there for a moment, grimacing at the name, "Shane, you're like 3 years older than I am," she started as he looked surprised for a millisecond, "and because everyone deserves to be cared about," her voice softened, a little embarrassed by the confession. But why stop? Despite his sneer, she continued, "look, you're a dick sometimes, sure. But it's just you pushing people away. I'm not asking you to spill your guts to me, I'm just trying to show you that you can let people in. At least I know I'm not out to get you."
He stood there for a long moment, leaning against the wall. His brows were knit together as he stared down at the ground. After a minute. He finally spoke, his voice much softer, "and if I don't want anyone close to me?"
Something about the way he said it made her stomach sink. She kept her tone soft as she hesitantly touched his shoulder, which looked like it confused him more than anything, "well, if you don't want anyone to be your friend, I'll just be that cool, friendly neighbor who brings you shit because she can."
She grinned as he chuckled, pleased that she could earn such a reaction. Though he looked uncomfortable, like he felt vulnerable and hated it. With a deep sigh, he exhaled, "uh, thanks. I guess," he pushed forward off the wall glancing her for a second. Amelia couldn't tell, but she thought for a second he might be blushing. 
She gave him a warm smile, stepping back toward the door, half in effort to give him space, "hey, I was going to get a plate of pepper poppers. I'm not quite full yet. Why don't you join me? My treat," as she asked, she panicked a bit, wondering if it was too much. 
To her surprise, he smiled. It was small, but it was there. He shook his head a little, a slightly sarcastic tone taking over, "it's like you know they're my favorite," he stepped forward and opened the door, letting her go inside. 
Yoba damn. Maybe a friend won't be so bad. Can't complain about free food… or that smile. 
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