#in the hopes of finding people with my similar sense of humour and interpretations.
cursedvibes · 4 months
Takaba, Higuruma, or Kashimo for the character ask!
Sorry this took a while, but here we go!
favourite thing about them
I like that he's generally a good person, but also a bit morbid you could say. He doesn't want to kill or draw blood, but he's entirely fine with someone he likes doing it and doesn't shy away from getting violent if he needs to. Like kicking Hazenoki around or running Kenjaku over with a car or jet-ski is fine as long as there's not too much damage or blood. He was for example also in favour of killing the American soldiers because they could become a danger to them. He's also quick to forgive people for attacking him like in Hazenoki's case and with Kenjaku, where he tried to become friends with them. I love his overactive imagination, which makes his cursed technique so incredibly effective and gave us one of the best fights in the series (amplified by him having someone who played into his fantasies and sense of humour and expanded on it). I also really like his backstory. It's very realistic and something many people can emphasize with, I think. Also I like how he actually had serious problems with getting along with people and could get quite rough with them, it's very different from how we first get to know him. Gives him a more multi-layered personality. I hope he'll manage to improve his comedy carrier once all of this is over. Although I wonder how he will find a new partner and how losing the last good one he had will affect him, since he has already lost so many before.
least favourite thing about them
Don't really have any. I didn't pay much attention to him initially, although his introduction and the haunting look he had there always fascinated me, but I never really disliked him.
favourite line
"Marry me and be my Wi-fi!" (such a unique translation that even Japanese fans picked up on it and love it)
"Until when? Until I've done everything I think is interesting/funny."
"I had more and more friends, but could I ever find a partner?"
"I was trying to protect myself, so I just went with the interpretation that gave me the easy way out. I stopped confronting the idea of being a real comedian. I don't know when it happened, but I stopped taking comedy seriously. Because I didn't want to hurt myself any more."
"I will make you laugh so hard, you puke up your guts! That's my brand of comedy!"
Hazenoki. I love how he saw Hazenoki through around his body parts and his attempted murder and was like "friend-shaped!" "we should team up!". He was even upset at seeing his corpse (although he got over that quite fast and certainly didn't blame Kenjaku for it). I wish they would've hung out together a bit more and that we saw more of them in the Culling Game and building some reluctant friendship. Hazenoki just lost a friend as well, Takaba could've given him some much needed company.
Pinchan! Actually quite similar to how Hazenoki and Takaba started out, except that Kenjaku and Takaba actually hit it off. Just like with Hazenoki, Takaba gets attacked, defends himself and then nags that person into going along with what he wants and building a reluctant bond. That other person just lost a friend and is feeling a bit aimless at the moment and is looking for company. Both of them end up losing their head in the end, leaving Takaba to find it. Except it went much better with Kenjaku, they actually formed a real bond and Kenjaku let themselves get swept along by Takaba, he actually managed to get through to them and found the partner he'd been looking for. Merely, the end is the same. But at least Takaba managed to leave a lasting impression on Kenjaku.
random headcanon
He's quite involved in the queer community and has experience with drag. Contrary to his idol Centerman he doesn't tug, but I'm sure he could if he wanted to and he's no stranger to dresses and makeup.
unpopular opinion
I don't think he's stupid or an airhead who's entirely removed from reality. His backstory and life right up until the Culling Game show that, he just likes to overplay it because he wants people to like him and in experience that worked best when he played the fool. However, he's much more relaxed when he's allowed to take on the role of a straightman and let his true personality shine. Also, I hope he doesn't stick around much with the main group. Most of them don't really see him for who he is, take him seriously and see him more as a distraction who can sometimes be helpful/useful to them. Yuuji and maybe Hana are the exception, but the rest don't really care about him and for the most part just think he's weird and want nothing to do with him. He can find better people than that. Go back to Ken-san for example and start over.
Also he's hot.
song i associate with them
Glass Animals - Toes Particularly for the lyrics: "I’m a man, I’m a twisted fool" "I'm crooked but upright" "And all I ever want is just a little love, I said in purrs under the palms, And all I ever want is breaking me apart, I said to the thing that I once was"
Alphaville - Forever Young Vibe of the whole Baka Survivor arc, but particularly ch 243...
favourite picture of them
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favourite thing about them
His bond with Yuuji and all the self-hatred and self-realization that comes with it. Yuuji makes him confront the parts of him he hates and also embrace his best qualities. Might be macabre, but I like them bonding over their guilt and suicidality. Besides that, I like that he isn't a born sorcerer and you can tell by his body and the way he fights. He's still quite athletic for your average lawyer, but he's not that physically strong, makes up a lot of it with cursed energy, he doesn't have as much stamina and relies more on his weapons and domain to avoid long fights. I'm so glad Gege didn't draw him shirtless and inevitably gave him a six pack that way.
least favourite thing about them
Don't really have anything I dislike about him. I wish his death had more of an impact though and stayed a bit longer in everyone's consciousness. I know this is the middle of a high-stakes fight, but if you compare it with Choso's death for example, it was brushed past very quickly.
favourite line
"I'm a man who has abandoned and been abandoned by the law. 'd like to be the one to punish myself in the end. It's just like you say. I think I should play my role to its completion and die in this fight."
"I've become someone who can't even look you in the eye anymore."
"I'd likely end up hating myself even more than I do now, if I were to stay by your side."
"All people are flawed and hideous. But at that time, at least until then, I believed this impurity that's not present in other organisms is something that should be cherished."
Yuuji, for the reasons listed in "favourite thing".
I don't really have one for him. I generally don't really ship him.
Again, haven't really seen a ship with him I don't like.
random headcanon
He doesn't eat very healthy, mostly instant food like ramen that's easy to eat while he's working. Or maybe he buys a bento at a street corner, but nothing that would be all that sufficient on it's own. And he tends to eat the same food or buy the same type of bento out of habit and doesn't think much about variety or nutrition.
unpopular opinion
I don't think his relationship with Kusakabe was all that deep. Like they're not a NOTP or anything, but I think people overemphasize Kusakabe's one sentence about risking his life.
song i associate with them
Couldn't really find one that fits.
favourite picture of them
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favourite thing about them
They're a very fun, chaotic antagonist and I really like the two fights we got with them. The one with Hakari was super entertaining and had that type of eccentricity we otherwise only got in Baka Survivor and some of Mahito's fights. Love how gorey Kashimo is when fighting. Just ripping chunks out of Hakari, skinning his face, dismembering Panda, the battlefield we see in the past...that was some good fucking gore. Currently, we also get a lot of blood with people losing some body parts, bleeding all over the floor or Yuuji clawing into Sukuna's chest, but it doesn't quite measure up to what Kashimo brought to the table. It's not as viscous, you don't really see bones and intestines. They were also really innovative and surprisingly adaptive to such a modern technique as Hakari's. That battle had some good tactics. In my opinion their fight with Sukuna was also one of the best he had since switching vessels. It wasn't as technically impressive as Hakari's, but it gave us some very interesting lore about the Heian era and I think Kashimo's approach to the whole love topic was the most interesting because it felt more like an actual conversation where both parties listened to each other. They didn't end up agreeing, but the afterlife scene was really nice.
least favourite thing about them
Hm, they're not a very deep character, but I don't really mind that. Works well for them and I think their final fight also wasn't too short. Maybe half a chapter more would've been nice, but I think the pacing was good and I didn't feel like I was missing anything major. Better than unnecessarily dragging out fights...like the one that came right before... So yeah, nothing really to complain.
favourite line
"So if I can get out of this in 4 minutes and 11 seconds, I win. But that's what a small fry would think. Turn up the music and prepare your living funeral!"
Hakari and to a degree also Kirara. They should've adopted Kashimo like a feral cat. It only makes sense. Hakari really knows how to bond with genderqueer people. There must be something about him that's like catnip to them. But I can understand it. Him and Kashimo had a lot of fun and fighting someone who is basically indestructible is basically Kashimo's dream scenario right after dying to Sukuna. Wish they would've learned something Hakari and Kirara's mindset, saw that there are actually people they could bond with right under their nose and that their loneliness is entirely self-imposed. They could've really spiced up the fight club. But alas.
Kenjaku. I like Kenjaku constantly showing up throughout their life and trying to wind them down to sell their soul to them. Like Mephistopheles and Faust. And the choice of their body when we see them together was no coincidence either I assume. Someone who's weak, so Kashimo would have no interest in fighting them, but young and seemingly healthy, showing Kashimo what they've lost and what they could gain back by making a deal with them. Also, they just look hot together.
I like Kashimo/Sukuna too, although more as fuckbuddies, I don't see them becoming anything more than that or either of them having interest in a long-term relationship. Kashimo's more emotionally invested, but I think with all that baggage about loneliness and love they'd have more interest in keeping it purely physical. Probably wouldn't know how to approach anything else.
Haven't really seen a ship I don't like.
random headcanon
Kashimo seems to like animals, so I like to imagine them feeding stray cats back in the day and having a bunch of them who'd follow them around or show up at certain times to get treats. Maybe even did the same during the Culling Game. Kashimo asked Panda what he was doing there, when believing he was just a regular animal, so they definitely talk to any random animal they pass on the road.
unpopular opinion
Kashimo isn't a man. In Japanese Kashimo never once gets gendered and the official English translation for once is actually very faithful in that regard, so all the assumptions about Kashimo's gender are really only based on what they looked like in the past.
song i associate with them
Clarence Clarity - One Hand Washes The Other Kashimo and Sukuna. I feel the music also fits with Kashimo's electric powers and unstable mind.
favourite picture of them
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psalmsofpsychosis · 6 months
(still the same anon from all those Batman/Joker asks)
Be ready with those empty walls, pal, I'm on my way!! I've already thrown my suitcase in the car and filled up the gas-
You blew every expectation I had with that answer of yours and I don't know if I'll ever recover. I will absolutely respond to your answer but first I need to put my brain back together from being rearranged like a jigzaw puzzle. I'm definitely looking forward to reading that Jesus/side wound meta whenever you post it.
Until then I have a different question. I don't remember who said it but it was along these lines: "There are only three people in the world who find the Joker funny. Joker himself, sometimes Harley and lastly Bruce. And he feels so fucking guilty for it."
They pointed out how Batman does a lot of bad puns, same as the Joker, except he does it with a straight face and serious tone. For example: Bat-terry, Bat-bucket, Bat-arang, saying "hang in there Alfred" while Alfred is dangling off a metal beam. (Those are my rushed examples, not something the original poster brought up, so if they're unaccurate, that's my fault). Bruce will also just say the craziest shit and nobody is sure if he's serious or not. (Happens all the time)
I have a vague suspicion who it was but I'm not sure enough to @ them.
Joker and Batman's sense of humour and how they are somewhat opposed but still similar will drive me into an early grave I swear. Like that post that's still circulating somwhere that mentions how Bruce "lives and dies by the fact that nobody can ever tell when he's pulling their chain" and how Joker "craves to have his comedic genius acknowledged [but he's just not funny]".
I don't know about Joker wanting to be acknowledged as funny because I don't think he considers himself to be in the clown business. He definitely ranted about this to a captured Damian in a comic once. But he does make a lot of bad jokes. Maybe he doesn't think himself funny, either?
Any thoughts?
(Btw I'm not done pestering you yet, be ready to receive an ask about the Batman: I Am Suicide comic and about Martha and Thomas Wayne in the next few days. I still have to gather my thoughts though.)
(Can I just say that every single one of your answers has made my brain release a huge amount of serotonin? Or is that too much? Eh, whatever, it's the truth anyway. You've brightened my week considerably, thank you so much!!)
❤️❤️ hi friend, i adore receiving your asks and getting to exchange interpretations with you, and i can only hope that my superturbonexus unhinged answers have brought half as much joy to you as your questions have brought me 🥰
I kinda took my time with this ask (sorry!) because it's a rather big bite out of an intricate can of bat worms for me, can included. I also found and reread this particular post by @distort-opia , which put more a dozen more interesting worms in my metaphorical can— i'm not sure though if it was the post you were initially referring to.
So! The concept of jokes and generally being a funnyman is a subjective talk, and my personal preferences regarding where Joker and Batman place on the funnyman scale deviate considerably from what the general consensus in batman fandom seems to be (or the lot i have seen of it), so i guess i'll just take this opportunity to do personal talk, probably more than usual 😂 take it all with a grain of salt! (an ingradient that you'll find this answer contains a fair bit of actually—)
I dont think Joker is funny one bit, and i dont think he's particularly trying to be in the general sense of the word; to imply that he's "funny" both in-world and on a meta level would mean that being funny is his core motivation and the heart of his actions, that it's the foundational component, and to me it's not. A bit more a matter of personal taste on my part, but i actually feel lowkey irritated with Joker portrayals that lean too heavily on the "HE MAKES JOKES HE'S SO FUNNY!!!!!" act at the expect of every other significant characteristic he has, because like, funny is not who he is, it's just one of the 500 things he does. Sure he started as a fun character meant to bring in a dash of psychopathic delight to the early Batman works, but he has evolved to become so much more than that, which i like better than the more simplistic "he's a funny fun guy!!!!" characterizations. To me Joker is not funny, he is not supposed to be the way you pour salt on your dish but it's not supposed to taste salty, it's supposed to taste /right/. His jokes aren't the main dish, they're an added flavour meant to bring home a certain act: the performance. He's a showman, he's here to put on a good show, and that show doesn't have the end goal of being "fun", it has the goal of being iconoclastic and real and raw. But he can't exactly do raw, raw and sincere scares him, in a way he's a slave to his fear and tries to cage it and tame it and understand it the way Batman is scared of bats and everything they represent and he made them his very persona. Joker tries to be true and geniune and sincere but he can't, so he infuses his actions with jokes to soften the blow, shift the taste a bit. He also has the genius' disease; he wants to be seen through, interpreted, understood and reimagined, mirrored, and it's an itch only a certain fellow fucked up intellectual can scratch for him.
Batman deeply understands the value of a good performance and a viciously planned persona, he is a performer both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman after all. And he has the expertise to dissect and bring out all the nuance in Joker's performance, it's probably why he finds him funny. He understands the theatre piece, both when it's executed in a stellar fashion and when it falls flat on its face. noone else can bring this level of discernment to interpreting Joker like Batman does because what other villains do is actually less performance and more.... outright insanity. I think this is also the reason why Batman enjoys saying the most insane shit and making weird jokes at weird times and have everyone be confused by him, it's part of the performance. There are these little almost invisible acts that Batman and Joker catch of each other, that they want to catch of each other, "i'm shaking the persona a bit", like when an actor improvises a moment to keep the role fresh, but only the people in on the script catch it, to others it feels in accordance, not off enough to catch attention. It's one of their core points of connection and similarity actually, they both have their performances and they both wiggle in its frame, sometimes threatening to break through the confines.
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Just wanted to say you're my favorite dhmis blog
Thank you!
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13eyond13 · 3 years
Well, that's the thing, he established a contrast between L and all the other characters, even though he said he could never have created the other characters either, and only said of L that he didn't feel real for him. That's why it never sat well for me, despite it being a good opinion at first glance.
And I agree. I read some similar things about both Near and Mello in the How to read while checking for that information. I'm not too surprised either about what you say about Platinum End, though I have not read it myself. I don't rely much on them either to form my opinion besides what's in the text, I agree it seems like the best choice all things considering. Like the Ryuzaki thing having to do with L and R sounding similar, I see that, but prefer to roll with Another Note here. It works wonderfully with it being Beyond Birthday's real name (I was this 👌 close to start rambling about identity again but goodness what a wonderful messy thing L has going on there). And still the washing machine bugged me, I couldn't help it. I thought for the longest time it was some kind of absurd joke headcanon popular in the DN fandom and I liked it a lot more as such xD
I don't like to dismiss completely File no. 15 though! I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion (pseudo ☕), but I love that L visits museums and likes art, and that he enjoys going to the park at times, and maybe I'm biased due to my background, but I adore and find so thought inspiring that he finished the demonstration in his first case with "Q.E.D."! The message is long again (with the new limitless asks it's easy to get carried away), but I wanted to add some positive things. I didn't mean to sound so bitter and negative in the other messages, sorry about that.
May I ask what are some of your own unpopular opinions? You don't have to reply, of course.
Oh, I didn't know the asks became limitless recently 😆 No worries, you didn't sound bitter! I tend to like being a bit critical or negative as a way of analyzing or attempting to discuss stuff honestly as well, and that's bound to happen in unpopular opinion sharing. I think it's valid to still be bothered by those things in the HTR13. I was just explaining how much I prioritize it or let it affect my feelings personally when it comes to my own interpretations of things.
Oh man, I haven't thought about my own unpopular opinions in a long time! But I think I made a list of them once in an ask I received way back in the day... I'll copy some here and then add some others, too.
I hope I don't offend anyone with these opinions, I'm not saying these are objectively true or anything but my own subjective takes, but
Some Unpopular Opinions:
-I think Misa is a worse person than Light and would rather hang out with him and be friends with him than with her. This is mostly because of how differently he acted upon losing his memories whereas she stayed almost exactly the same.
-I strongly prefer the manga to the anime because I think it's better written, more consistent, funnier, prettier, and more in-depth with all the characters and themes. I love stuff about the anime like the music, but I don't think the changes the anime made to L such as seemingly giving him regretful emotions before his death and little flashbacks to his past were automatically improvements on his manga self. I think he was far more original and complex as a character without that other stuff added in
-I LOVE LIGHT YAGAMI and can’t comprehend not loving him because he’s such a good character. Roasting him is always fun, but just straight up hating on him with no sense of humour about it is boring to me
-L is probably my all-time fave character but at the same time I think he can get a bit boring after a while if he isn’t fleshed out more in shippy fanfics and things. I love it when people give him a backstory and an interesting life in fics that go in-depth, because otherwise he can be left too much of a question mark
-Lawlight is both my favourite ship and also something I find a little overrated in the fandom at times. I think it's a really entertaining ship as an uncertain one full of tension and mind-games, but when it comes to actually putting them into a secure and loving relationship I end up getting easily bored by it
-sometimes I think Wammy's is overrated in the fandom compared to the other interesting characters and stuff in the series as well. I would love to see a little more exploration of the task force and SPK and mafia and such instead
-I think Higuchi was actually pretty nice to Misa on their date and the only thing that was awkward was that he lunged at her a little in the car when he got excited, lol
-I love Kiyomi and think it’s so silly to hate on her just because she killed Mello, he kidnapped her and made her strip at gunpoint first. I also think she gets blamed more harshly for things the guys also do sometimes, both by the characters in the story and by fans
-I don't believe Matsuda is as much of a pure cinnamon roll as some people seem to think, but he's more interesting with that darker side included in his characterization too
-I LOVE NEAR and think he’s so funny, and one of the most three-dimensional characters in the manga
-I think it was a good story choice that L died when he did and that he wasn't the final one in the warehouse showdown (though if I had only watched the anime that probably wouldn't be the case)
-I like that the story says that all the characters go to MU no matter what they do. I don't see it as just an edgy nihilistic thing which we should pretend isn't part of the story due to being too depressing to think about. In my opinion it's important to include it because it forces the audience to draw their own conclusions about the actions we see onscreen, and who we choose to sympathize with or condemn. If there was some sort of afterlife consequences based on the characters' morality it would easily become way too weirdly preachy or annoyingly nonsensical for me. And I respect how permanent the character deaths are because it would weaken the dramatic stakes and lessen the tension a lot if characters could arbitrarily come back from the dead
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
you’ve talked a little bit about this wrt dan, but i’m curious: what are your favorite seasons/arcs for the main gg characters? (serena, blair, dan, nate, jenny, vanessa) cause everyone’s personalities tended to uh, shift a bit from season to season and storyline to storyline, and i’m wondering which eras of those characters were your favorite?
oh, so i sat on this question for a very long time, and spent a ton of time thinking over it. here we go! 
i loved the way serena was written in s1 and s2. she was so full of joy despite all the difficult things she’d endured, so bubbly and warm and... lively is ALWAYS the adjective that comes to mind for serena, despite how it’s a terrible pun. but yeah! she had an energy to her that was very childlike & genuine, and i loved that about her - despite the things she’d endured, she was so full of light (?? how do i describe this.) i know that serena’s arc gets notably more tragic s3 onwards, but i feel like the way she was written lost a bit of depth s3 onwards as well. she had a sharp wit, and a good sense of humour, she was playful and... most notably, she had this little giggle? that she literally NEVER does in the later seasons, which makes me sad?? she stopped laughing like a child at the age of, what, 19?? idk. in s1 & s2 serena had so many layers, and i feel like as the seasons went on they tried to, uh. keep only the surface layers? they didn’t really do justice to the character they started out with.
my answer for vanessa is actually the exact same, with slight modifications. vanessa’s energy in s1 and s2 was unparalleled. literally the best. i loved her and the way she was critical of everything and YET so ready to learn. compared to all these rich, privileged, white people... her presence was just SO good and so important to me, because the way she was so critical of the uber rich was something nobody else really was, and i think that perspective WAS valuable and should’ve remained, haha. idk what it was about s3, but i feel like they didn’t keep the crux of who vanessa was? it wasn’t a BAD vanessa season as much as an incomplete one. i felt they could’ve done so much more with a character like vanessa.... she’s so vibrant and full of life! and the way s3 was for her was very surface. and then in s4 they just demolished her character entirely. i’ve said it before, i’ll say it again: what jenny, juliet and vanessa did in 4x09 was TOTALLY out of character for vanessa. she would never, ever do that. and by the time s4 came around... someone else said this, i don’t remember who. but they said that vanessa was basically being used as a plot device more than as a character. notice how she’s always in the right place at the right time to overhear the right thing? it’s a travesty, because vanessa was just..... so significant to me. like her being there added so much value & even changed the tone of the show imo.
my blair feelings are very complicated. i think she’s fascinating, and i love leighton & her performance. i love book blair so much more than show blair, and idk why or how to explain it. i mentioned this in that post where i ranked the characters, but while watching blair in high school specifically i can’t EVER forget that she would probably hatecrime me, and even when she’s out of school she is still supremely racist at times. i actually liked blair best in s5 - and i know she was going thru ~tragic~ stuff (i think they dialled the tragedy too high actually, like, blair had TOO MUCH on her plate and from a storytelling point of view it was... ambitious, to say the least, to hope to bring all out of that out on tv) but like, keeping her tragedy aside. her capacity for kindness and care really shone thru while she was with dan, and i liked how the d/b relationship took her out of her comfort zone and her “but im a Waldorf!” bubble and let her, idk, be a person. i liked her in s4, too. i feel like blair is a really good, nuanced, fleshed out character as blair, and the way she clung to being a waldorf combined with her rich-white-girl privilege got kind of boring after a while because like. she’s not like louis? her character has so much depth. her character doesn’t need to be reduced to a title, because she’s SO much more than that.
i feel like i need to do a lot more rewatching when it comes to dan because i CANNOT be objective about him. he reminds me far too much of myself!!! down to his flaws and his mistakes and his issues –  i was a precocious little shit in high school at times in very similar ways to dan, i like to think i’ve grown out of that (& am perpetually making an effort TO grow out of falling into those patterns) & that’s what i want for dan, too. dan’s arc feels real to me, because a lot of it is my arc, too. feeling lonely, out of place & unaccepted in high school --> being a popular kid in college… that hits really close to home. s1 & s2 are important seasons to me because i’m extremely protective of awkward, trying-his-best high school dan (he can be awful at times, but he can be earnest and sincere, too!) i feel like s4 is actually the best dan season – took me a while to get here, but halfway thru my s2 rewatch that’s how i’m leaning. but dan’s arc was very interesting to me, and i wish they’d kept his heart. trying to retcon him as evil fell absolutely flat to me, like. who are you convincing! one of my friends and i were joking about how georgie blackmailed dan into pretending to be gossip girl (she obviously has dirt on him that nobody else does.) anyway. dan’s arc felt pretty true until the end of s4. i wasn’t a big fan of how he was written in s5, i felt like something had been taken away from his character, but i don’t know how to say it better. you’re right though, i have gone over this a lot! so i’m not going to break my head over it, ‘cause we’re already a thousand words in and i still have nate and jenny to go.
speaking of jenny, though: i think dan’s storylines REALLY needed more of a big brother arc. the way he was characterised, especially in s1, was very “i would kill a man for my baby sister” and i have NO idea where that went or why they got rid of it. (actually, i do have some idea. fucking chip wiskers apologism & elevation of chair over literally anything else. sigh)
okay, now speaking of jenny in terms of jenny. i liked her s1 arc, like, her trying to make friends with these people & trying to keep her morals and realising she can’t do both was interesting. i think that should’ve been that with her clashes with girls in constance, though. and afterwards, either nothing happens, or she transfers out of constance, etc. jenny’s s2 arc makes me sad – she was exploited and treated like dirt in so many ways :( the jenny/agnes was interesting in s2, though, and there’s no way to interpret it that ISN’T lesbian. i’ve always felt like jenny’s feelings for nate in s2 are very comphet. jenny’s s3 arc made me even sadder than her s2 arc- she was alienating all her friends one by one, making everyone hate her, and just…… spiralling. she really needed a better support system. her s4 arc made no sense. like. why did she come back in the city to fuck with serena like that? it didn’t feel right.
yeah, all that said… i feel like there are many super intriguing elements of jenny’s storylines and arcs, like, even within canon events if things had been executed differently, it could’ve been actually good/empowering. but the writers hated jenny. and this show was never a feminist show.
ah, so… nate. he started out as a flake in s1 & s2. that’s his whole thing. he doesn’t know who he wants to be / how to get what he wants / how to get where he wants. he takes people for granted. he isn’t dependable or reliable, he lets people down (most notably, blair & vanessa.) and he means well, sure! but his life is like amber and he’s trapped in it. he doesn’t follow his heart, he’s too busy trying to please the wrong people, etc etc. in s3 he’s suddenly so ready for commitment, which always breaks my heart because vanessa!!! but anyway. s3 has a shift in his character, possibly him getting dumped at prom and realising that high school is over and one thing that tethered him to his family (being a kid, being a high schooler, being a minor, whatever) –  one big thing that held him there is gone. so it makes sense that he starts trying to be his own person. i like s3 nate, and s4 nate. we see nate sort of gradually try and be a moral compass, and it’s interesting to me. when i write d/n fic something i really focus on is dan finding nate dependable, and i think that’s a value that builds in nate over time. nate of season 1 is not dependable, nope, no way. but nate of s4 seems like a decent friend to have. in s5 and s6 they more or less threw his entire arc to the wind and gave him so many shitty storylines (sage spence, wtf? nate would not do this. he’s been on the opposite end of this before, he would not carry the pattern forward, ffs.)
idk. this almost hit 1.7k, LMAO. i hope it made some amount of sense!
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iustine · 4 years
A sense of familiarity
Hello 😊I decided to try my luck with writing a fic for Speaker. I had a lot of fun with it and I hope you will enjoy reading about my Speaker Nev and Liam lovingly making fun of each other 😄
A sense of familiarity
The day after their victory was a bleak one. Despite it still being a mid – afternoon the gloomy mood extended over the library in the Delaney household. Open curtains and lit wall sconces unable to fully dispel the dim.
In the far end of the room; leaning against the wall, a young woman was sitting comfortably. Just beside her stood a massive cabinet filled with books and old trinkets, which almost impeccably hid her figure.
Completely at odds with the atmosphere around, her expression held a vibrant smile as she sketched vigorously. She was so concentrated on her work that she didn’t notice a figure moving in her direction.
At least she didn’t notice it until a hand landed on her shoulder.
„Eep” Unexpected touch making Guinevere jump in surprise; her hand reaching up to hold on to her throat as she squealed. This frantic movement almost resulted in an ugly bruise at the back of her head, as she just barely avoided hitting the wall.
The newcomer proved to be Liam, after startling her he backed away to lean casually against the cabinet. Thick black - framed glasses doing nothing to hide hints of humour dancing in his dark eyes.
No doubt on account of her not so graceful moment.
„Geez, Li! Shouldn’t you finally grow out of sneaking up on me?” She pouted playfully, before releasing a quick bark of laughter and standing up; corners of his lips turning upwards at her comment.
„Nah, I like to keep you on your toes.” His words tinged with humour as he shrugged. „Seems like it doesn’t work in your case though.” He added sending her a smirk, which oddly only brightened her appearance.
In a retrospect he truly should’ve expected what would happen but a moment later.
With a beaming smile and sparkling eyes firmly focused on her friend Nev stepped closer catching Li in a quick hug. Yet, just before coming out of his zone she didn’t fail to swiftly poke him in the middle. Repeatedly. Her precision being just as deadly as in the past.
Immediately he took another step away from her. She couldn’t help but snigger when noticed how he instinctively hunched bracing himself. Not omitting to send her a truly ugly glare. Unfortunately for him, it was completely wasted on Nev and the woman doubled over as her cheerful giggle swept throughout the room.
Some things never change.
While she tried not to choke on laughter in the corner of her eye she noticed as Liam sighed in exasperation. Despite it, he couldn’t maintain this annoyed appearance for long, and a not-quite-fond-but-similar smile forced itself on his face.
„I would prefer it if we broke that habit of yours. There’s only so many heart attacks I can withstand.” She teased wiping away a stray tear. „And so can you it seems.” The words almost bringing back surge of laughter. „Maybe, for both of our sakes, you should rethink my old offer of braiding bells into your hair.
„I can’t believe you still remember it.” He shook his head.
„I remember everything.” She barely managed to quell these words just before they could slip past her mouth. „It’s the most effective safety measure.” She said instead, spreading her hands; an innocent smile gracing her lips. From his barely concealed grin she knew it was a good choice.
„No way.” He elbowed her playfully, carefully keeping just enough distance to stay out of her reach. She couldn’t quite bring it in herself to feel sorry for his hypersensitivity.
He deserved some tickle scare after scarring her for life with his coffee.
„Bold of you to assume I need your agreement.” She leaned backwards with crossed arms as her face lit up with an impish glee.
„I called your name 2 times before coming over here. I doubt bells would have any effect”. Liam pointed out smirking playfully.
„Well… there is a saying that you might’ve heard before” She rolled her eyes, not even trying to hide a smile. „Third time’s a charm.” Shaking her head in amusement Nev looked around locating her scattered drawing utensils.
Closed sketchbook forgotten for a moment in favour of a pencil that rolled away, almost ending beneath the cabinet. She only hoped it didn’t fracture from the fall. There is nothing as irritating as a pencil lead breaking in the middle of making a clean sketch.
„I knocked, you know. On the cabinet here, right before you” He shrugged, spreading his hands; joking smirk placed firmly at his face.
Soft chuckle escaped her lips before she could stop it. „Come on, there is no way I wouldn’t hear that. Stop exaggerating.” She responded lightly pushing his arm, before placing an empty hand on her hip. „Being more perceptive than me is no achievement, remember?”
„You didn’t even stir.” He deadpanned.
Nev couldn’t help but flick her gaze to the treacherous cabinet, shock evident on her face. Liam for his part didn’t even try to hide chuckle at her dumbfounded expression.
When she stared at him in mock indignation it only reinforced, turning into a genuine laugh. The sound, equally as mirthful as unexpected vibrating in the quiet room. At the unusual sight from her soft spoken friend Nev felt a wave of warmth spreading in her chest.
Familiarity of this banter once again making her realise just how much she missed it. Missed him. Without any frantic research, without race against the time, she could fully appreciate their renewed friendship and easy camaraderie it brought.
„Have you thought that maybe, just maybe, it was you who wasn’t interesting enough to catch my attention” Nev looked up staring straight into his eyes. Teasing smile lighting up her face as she saw mischievous gleam in his eyes.
Although her amusement was short lived as a wicked grin appeared on Liam’s face. All at once it occurred to her just how Li would choose to interpret her words.
Clearly delighting in her atypical shyness, that unfortunately tended to resurface more and more nowadays, he took a step closer and leaned forward.
„Then how do you intend to make this encounter more interesting? Or maybe you would prefer to hear my suggestions?” Voice soft, words almost purred in her ear as his eyes glinted, daring her to respond.
„Oh…Um…” This proved to be way harder than it should, as his sudden proximity made forming cohesive sentences impossible. Her breath hitched, face feeling much warmer than a second ago. As deep green hair brushed her cheek a wave of electricity moved throughout, straightening her spine.
Locked in this newfound intensity she found herself unable to look away from these fathomless eyes.
Spell holding both of them abruptly broke as a pencil slipped from Nev’s grasp landing on the hardwood. The sound, unusually loud in a quiet room woke them from a daze. With her face flaming Nev looked away feeling enormously grateful they still haven’t put the carpets back in place.
„Great, if they weren’t fractured before then now they definitely are.” She mumbled, crouching in a quick motion, hoping to hide her flushed state. A few seconds later Liam joined her on the floor. She desperately avoided looking at her companion, while trying to stall her racing heart.
„I give it 2 out of 10.” His words not quite sinking in, she glanced at him as if it wasn’t a pencil that had fallen, but he did. Straight into his head.
„Your hideout.” He responded to her bewildered stare, gracefully ignoring further implications of her questioning look. „And I am being generous, literally anyone walking in would see you.” Which wasn’t technically true; despite it his lack of comment on her shaken appearance almost made Nev sigh in relief.
This feeling quickly evaporated as she noticed what he was about to pick up.
Instantly it made her forget about any pencils or even her own bashfulness. She rapidly reached out towards the sketchbook grabbing it first. With a tight hold over it she turned towards her companion glowering.
„Still with that angry hedgehog look, huh?” Completely unperturbed he sent her a lazy smirk, nonetheless he still yielded the book without any objections; even coming as far as to raise hands up in a peace offering. Whenever the action meant actual remorse or was done only to indulge her would remain known only to Liam himself.
But she would bet all her money on the latter one.
„Remember our rule?” She bristled.
„No peeking.” He answered easily, rolling his eyes.
„Good.” She said, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. „If you didn’t I wouldn’t either”. She proclaimed vaguely, trying to sound intimidating. Consequences unspoken, but clear to the both of them.
Maybe only to the both of them.
„You wouldn’t find it” He scoffed.
„Aha. Got ya, so you are still writing.” She thought triumphantly, her expression must have mirrored it, as Liam recoiled. The sight making her giddy, proving she still could render her friend speechless.
„Try me.” She added challengingly crossing her arms, the knowledge boosting her with newfound confidence.
„Yes, and I am to believe you could find it?” He asked doubtfully.
„I can do everything if I focus on it hard enough.” She shrugged, a sly grin firmly placed on her face. If she was able to find people all around states following vague visions, then she had a fair chance of finding a book in a witch’s house.
For a moment she wondered if he would try grabbing her sketchbook away in a pure obnoxiousness. His thoughts must have followed a similar track, as black eyes flickered towards the book. Instinctively her hold strengthened.
Hush descended upon them as they stared at each other. Several moments passed in silence, before they wordlessy called for a truce.
With a wide grin Nev hopped on the couch, patting the place on the other side as she noticed Liam perching on it’s edge.
Ready to voice a convincing argument she wondered whenever he would sit beside her.
He did.
„So, what’s up? Is everything ok? Or did you just get used to coming over everyday?” She teased with a bright smile. „We still haven’t put out that coffee feeder.” Her smile turned a little bit more playful.
He rolled his eyes so quickly she briefly worried they would get stuck that way. „I thought you said I was welcome to borrow the quiet, but if that’s not-” he started, slowly getting up.
„What?, No! I mean; Yes! I mean-…” She stood up frantically, almost knocking the cushion off the sofa. When Liam’s shit eating grin came into her view she dropped heavily, releasing a sigh; face hidden in her hands. „You are incorrigible” She huffed trying to ignore his wide grin. „Just sit your butt down”
„How can I refuse such a charming request” He smirked, eyes gleaming in amusement.
„You know, I was contemplating showing you some of the finished sketches.” She clicked her tongue. „But I am starting to think you have enough fun as it is.”
„With you things could never be boring, that’s certain.”
„Hello the kettle. Meet the pot.” She jested vividly gesticulating with her hands. „You are just as much trouble as me.”
„Maybe, but I’m not quite as proficient at causing problems. It’s not like my notebook used to be confiscated every other day.” His expression was entirely unrepentant; clearly showing he never opposed this sentiment.
„What can I say. They had it out for me. And you never pulled out yours during class” She grinned waving her hand. „Anyway, don’t even try to pretend you didn’t love every second of getting it back.” Nev added nudging him lightly with her shoulder.
 „I never denied that.” Nudging her back, he flashed her a wicked grin. „She almost flipped when we got it before her next lesson.”
Without any need of further clarification she instantly knew who Liam was referring to.
„Poor Mrs. Roberts” She laughed heartily tilting her head back. „Hadn’t she took a week off right after that?”
„To recuperate her health.”
Mrs. Roberts was a substitute teacher that came to their class confident of handling even the worst „hooligans”. The woman could be summed as five feet of pure evil.
Unfortunately for her she hadn’t quite met them before. Although, giving respect where it’s due, she lasted far more than either of them predicted. Resigning only several months prior to the end of school - year.
It should suffice to say that she educated half of their faculty staff before her pension and most of these teachers cheered on their antics.
„You know, I actually drew her not long ago.” She chuckled softly, searching for the correct page in her sketchbook. She might have disliked the woman, but she never had as much fun as the day they got her to resign. The memory widening her smirk.
„What was the occasion?” He looked over the picture of an older woman; Soft facial features doing nothing to quell her severe glare. The sight only widening his impish grin; it was the only confirmation Nev needed to know he was recalling exactly the same memory as her.
„Me and Gwen were cleaning the library and an old photo book flew out.” She pointed towards the furthest bookshelf.
„So that’s why it’s so cluttered in here.” He deadpanned smirking at her.
„Oh, hush you.”
„You got really good.” He said softly. Sarcasm from a moment before replaced with sincerity as he examined the pencil sketch.
„Thanks.” She tucked several strands of hair behind her ear, flushing slightly. „These past years I haven’t had too many opportunities to practice.”
„But hey, look here. This one should feel even more familiar.” She added uncovering the next picture with an affectionate expression.
The drawing in question showed three kids, aged anywhere between 9 or 11 years. A young girl in the middle had her arms wrapped around her friends pulling them towards her for a photo. Her almost identical sister smiled joyously as she leaned into her. The only boy at the scene half-hugged the girl between them, his expression soft, but holding a playful edge.
The sketch emanated warmth; it was clear to see for anyone that the author cared a great deal for the pictured people.
„I think it’s my favourite.” Nev exclaimed, brushing her hand against the paper; the sight made her nostalgic. „I drew it with the help of the original photo.” She added evading looking at her companion.
As seconds passed with no answer she dared a look at Liam, who still gazed on the picture. Softly, warmly, some tender emotion moved throughout his eyes. It disappeared in a flash before she could even try to decipher it.
Sensing her glance upon him, with unusual trouble he tore off his eyes from the picture.
„It looks nice.” He ended somehow stiffly. She waited a second longer, her mouth open as she curiously looked him over. She was almost sure he would say something more. But yet his lips remained closed as he looked at her almost like if not seeing her.
If Guinevere has ever seen a good moment for a subject change then it was definitely one of them. Fortunately on her lap was a book with a fair amount of topic starters.
Without even thinking she uncovered the next page. It held a picture of a young woman sitting on a stump in the middle of a forest. Her eyes closed, a contented smile on her face. A small camera hung around her neck.
„It’s a reminder of one of our forest outings. I haven’t seen Gwen this relaxed in months and my hand slipped” She giggled looking over the sketch of her twin.
„You are dressed similarly” He observed glancing over her outfit, before returning his gaze to the sketch. Internally Nev breathed a sigh of relief sensing her friend returned to his normal self.
„We still have a bunch of identical clothes. It was especially funny in high school, once we pretended to be each other for a month straight. No one recognised us.” She released a soft chuckle.
„Have any more teachers resigned because of you?”
„Now, how can you say it?” She asked assuming model appearance of an offended innocence. „We wouldn’t have left you out from something like that.” Grin on her face almost faeish as she winked at him.
Judging by his smirk, he was just about to respond to her words, before something else caught his attention. „And what about this one” He pointed to the see-through sketch on the next page. It standed out with it’s quality, a little more rough than previous ones.
„That’s Clarkia” All her amusement evaporated in a second. „A pixie me and Gwen saved some time ago.” Her hands moved, rubbing her temple as if trying to stall an upcoming headache.
He shook his head smirking, eyes sparkling with mischief „Why the addictions?” Words leaving his lips laced with humour as he nodded towards the picture.
And „Why the addictions?” indeed. The sketch showed a small humanoid creature dressed in a frivolous outfit and holding his fist upwards in a theatrical pose. Paper around him full of small hearts and flowers. Rainbow and unicorn depicted in the background.
„Ask Gwen. She was the one who drew it.” She closed eyes, still rubbing her forehead. Action itself much more similar to a skull trepanation instead of a massage. She wondered whenever the page would disappear if she dared it hard enough. Unfortunately no such luck was in store for her. „I didn’t have the heart to tear it out.”
Soft hum her only answer as hints of humor still danced in her friend’s eyes.
As Nev was about to turn to another page she heard a subdued buzz. It’s source proved to be insistent spam of messages on Liam’s phone. After glancing at her apologetically he picked it up to check over them.
„It’s Nellie. I should better get going, before she sends somebody my way” He responded to Nev’s questioning look, before getting up with a regret.
„Maybe if we wait long enough she will come here herself, I doubt Gwen would mind” Nev added smirking knowingly, the action prompting Liam to smirk back in a shared amusement on account of their sisters. On the contrary to her words she still sighed regretfully and followed her companion up.
She doubted Nellie would call out Li if she didn’t need him for something important. Lately the woman was oddly determined to keep the two of them together as often as possible
Nev prefered not to think about her possible reasons for that.
„You should come more often. It was fun to spend some time together.” She remarked giving him a crooked grin. „And so you know.” She leaned conspiratorially, half - covering her mouth „I don’t really go around showing my sketches to everyone. You should feel honored.”
„Then I am really lucky.” He smiled, despite it’s teasing edge Nev could clearly see it’s rare, unhidden gentleness. The sight almost taking her breath away.
„Good that you know it.” She clapped her hands cheerfully gesturing forward, as the two of them fell into step together.
„Hey, Li.” Nev started as they stalled by the front door. „I am really happy you came.” She added fiddling with her dress. „Don’t be a stranger, all right?”
„You should visit too.” He murmured „The others will be happy, Angus as well.”
„She would better be.” She laughed. „I said it before and I will repeat it; Now I am your problem.”
„I don’t remember signing up for that.”
„No take backs.”
„NO take backs.” She cut him off with the widest grin, barely keeping laugh at bay.
Liam shook his head with a genuine smile. For once not even trying to mask it.
As he was reaching to open the door she made a step forward and pulled him into a tight hug. „I really missed you, you know.” For a moment she thought she heard a soft hitch of breath, but it could only be her imagination. As his hands engulfed her back; at first softly, a second later with firmness equal to hers; she had a feeling that no matter what life throws at them; they will preserve and forge their own fortune.
Distracted none of them heard a faint buzz by the stairs.
If you are still here then maybe some of my addictional notes may interest you 😊  
- Nev was definitely drawing Liam with the goofiest, most cheerful smile she had on her face in weeks (though she next she will draw the rest of their friends so it isn’t really a surprise)
- One would have to pry from my dead cold hands headcanon that Liam stood there for like 5 minutes watching beaming Nev draw.
- I don’t believe that Nev would actually find Liam’s heavily warded notebook, but I love the thought that he actually hesitated, because of his faith in her (she is some kind of a miracle - maker)
- The buzz by the stairs is Gwen, she is definitely trying to take a photo 😉  
That’s it, I hope you enjoyed yourself 😊
And if you still haven’t seen Speaker by @speakergame then I cannot recommend checking it enough 😊
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Hello! Could I please have a kin matchup with characters from DR1, SDR2, DRV3 and BNHA? Thank you! I am a very mixed person. When I'm out talking to people in public it's very obvious that I have nothing to say and that I don't want to be there. I'm a complete hopeless romantic and can catch romantic feelings quite easily. I'm a lot more talkative when I talk to people online and I always laugh at the dumbest things. I love the color pink and lovecore in general. I'm also quite insecure- haha
you can absolutely have a matchup!! hehe,, you sound really neat, i’d like to talk with you myself anon... only if you’re okay with that of course!! your kin matchup can be found under the cut, thank you for requesting!! i’m sorry that it took a bit for me to write this one,,
oh, also... i want to clarify something before we start. i was originally going to make peko pekoyama your second dr kin assignment, and i still agree with that. it’s just that writing out the explanation was rather energy sapping,,, it’s not your fault at all, but i hope you understand!!! i can definitely add it on if you’d like though, anon!
-mod tsu (mikan shift)
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first off, from danganronpa: goodbye despair, i match you with...
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hajime hinata!
this matchup contains spoilers for super danganronpa 2! please proceed with caution, if it’s not too much trouble! i was kind of torn between him and himiko, actually...! but i think you’re a bit closer to hajime! i think that hajime is... very mixed. there are times when he can come off as cynical or even cold, and times when he’s very genuine and determined. these sides of him don’t clash together, but rather make up him as a whole... and i think you’re a little similar, anon! maybe you have traits that don’t really seem like they fit together... but you make them work! i think that unless hajime is close to others, he can struggle to fit into the conversation at times. this is especially clear at the beginning of sdr2, when everyone is just relaxing on the beach, not really seeing them randomly being there as a big deal- but hajime is more hesitant and concerned about their circumstances... plus, this is especially clear in despair arc around the ultimates. he’s very much taken aback by the main course students as well as staff, and... during those scenes it doesn’t exactly seem like he dislikes the interaction. however, it does seem like he’s uncomfortable,, maybe you can relate to that haha. you also seem a little serious, anon! not to assume that you don’t have a sense of humour... but there may be times when you take a joke too seriously. um, if that’s true,, there’s no shame in that haha.. in general... your typing just had a really similar vibe to him, though it may be closer with the hajime at the end of sdr2! i know that’s a bit of a weird, intuition-based point, but... the two of you seem a little awkward, but you have good intentions and it seems like both of you are... rather motivated people. at least, when it comes to the things you really want,, i admire that !! in hajime’s specific case, you may feel a little jealous of people who can do things outside of your comfort zone really easily,, for example i don’t think hajime is very insecure in his ability to study- but people like peko or fuyuhiko, who have talents that are rather niche, i think he would kind of be in awe of how... not normal they are. and you just kind of... strike me in a similar way! sorry if this doesn’t make much sense haha.
while we’re not super sure on how much hajime gets crushes on other people... we can speculate in a way? other characters like monokuma and nagito have compared him to a tsundere, and he’s specifically said to be romantically inexperienced. i don’t think this inherently means he doesn’t have crushes on other people,, it’s implied that he’s interested in chiaki, as well as komahina being... um, a popular ship. a lot of hajime’s feelings about the sdr2 cast are left up to interpretation, and he can technically have feelings for all of them in the bonus mode. at least, that’s how i interpret it,, point is i think that he can have many crushes.. depending on how you see him, haha. sorry that it’s not too conclusive but, in general, i think that while he may be a little uncomfortable with it, hajime may also be a sort of ‘hopeless romantic’ in that... if he sees it as being the best for his friends, he’d also be willing to play a matchmaker !! i think that hajime, without the border of being face-to-face, would be a lot more willing to talk online. in a chatroom, i think he would be more prone to rambling on about something. hehe.. i kind of see him as someone who can accidentally send essays when he texts. i’m just guessing.. but maybe you do that too. hehe, it’s um... maybe a little too literal of me, but i think hajime does laugh at... absurd situations. it’s nice how in a lighter conversation with fuyuhiko, the two are able to just... laugh and have a good time together. i bring this up because... it’s because those smiles are from fuyuhiko suggesting that hajime’s the ultimate counselor. i like their banter a lot, and maybe there are silly inside jokes like this between you and your friends too !! um, lastly.. while i don’t know exactly what your insecurities are, i think that hajime is rather insecure..! he’s visibly upset about the fact that he doesn’t have a talent, and i’d say his seriousness partially comes from this. he does strongly dream of talent, and he puts a strong emphasis on being busy and studying ingame- i’d say that this can make up his seriousness in a way? like, he takes things very seriously in order to learn from them the most. ah, but back to insecurities!! hajime does see himself as inferior to main course students like chiaki and even chisa,, and whenever other people point out his talentless-ness, it is a very sore spot for him. he gets somewhat defensive, and mostly doesn’t know how to react... you may kind of short-circuit like this too, whenever someone hits a sore spot for you..!
and lastly, from boku no hero academia, i match you with...
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mashirao ojiro!
okay, so...! i realise that he’s kind of a minor character, so we don’t know much about him. however, from what we do know, i think he suits you well! like always, you had a similar kind of vibe to him in your ask. he would definitely be the type to use proper grammar in my eyes... and the two of you just have similar word choice imo!! second off, mashirao is kind of... mixed or in the middle, in terms of personality. he seems to get along with denki, a guy who’s definitely up there in eccentricity. maybe your friend group is rather versatile... like hajime, the two seem to be able to get along with many kinds of people. more specifically, they’re able to handle the oddities and ‘quirks’(haha. funny bnha joke) of their other classmates/friends. ah, but that’s off topic! so sorry .. i think that mashirao does kind of struggle in conversation, as he tends to not really like the spotlight, and other students describe him as sheepish or bashful. i think that despite his calm demeanor, he would shy away from conversations, especially ones where he has to play a large part- and i think that’s the most important part of him not really ‘liking’ to have in-person talks with other people. the two of you may be able to hold up something one-on-one, with one of your friends... but with a group of people, you’d just blend into the background. maybe that ‘mixed’-ness can make you feel like you don’t have much to say, too... i don’t think he really tries to hide this/can hide this either, like you. i think that the two of you are generally friendly and trustworthy, and maybe you both have plenty of loose acquaintances, the way that mashirao is on generally good terms with all of his classmates. i think that it’s easy for people to have a high view of you, but maybe not know you too closely or deeply. you seem generally nice!!!
...please excuse this second half being really short. like hajime, we don’t really know his status on crushes,, but i honestly headcanon him as bi due to him having... ‘softer’ friendships with other people, if that makes sense? not that that inherently means attraction... i just think that he could be very interested in and enjoy other people, leading to crushing of varying intensity. he kind of has a pink... vibe to him if that makes sense? ghgghgh we’re not sure about what colours he likes, but he seems to have a lot of lighter ones in his overall design and outfits... maybe a baby pink would fall under that! i think he would also be a lot more talkative online. um, my explanation for this is very similar to hajime’s. he may not feel such a strong need to be polite or accommodating through a screen! though i think he still would be out of respect. mashirao also seems like the type to find the more strange antics of his classmates funny... once again, he seems rather close to denki, and is described as a “straight man”(like, composed or deadpan in contrast to their more eccentric partner). maybe you’re also the type to go along, but have a more level head as things get ~weird~. lastly, like hajime, mashirao does seem rather insecure. he doesn’t really get why he got into UA with a quirk “like his”. he’s rather humble and doesn’t like to accept results he feels like he doesn’t deserve. in fact, he even dropped out of the sports festival because he felt as though he didn’t properly earn his placement in it. maybe you’d be more or less active in voicing this than he is, but the two of you generally have underestimating your own abilities in common. at least, that’s what i gathered, haha.
you all know what time it is, hehe... from dr, you also remind me very strongly of peko pekoyama, and somewhat of mukuro ikusaba, himiko yumeno, mahiru koizumi, toko fukawa, and kazuichi souda. from bnha you also remind me somewhat strongly of fumikage tokoyami, ibara shiozaki, and kyoka jirou, as well as lightly of toru hagakure and shoto todoroki !!
i hope this helped you out anon!! thank you again for requesting,, if you need anything about this changed or edited please let me know!! i’m happy to edit this, it’s not a bother at all... getting requests kind of makes my day, hehe..
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Confessions of a Coffee-Eater | 01
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Genre: Smut, College/University AU
Pairing: Student!/Poet!Namjoon xStudent!/Poet!
Warnings: Public male masturbation, sub!Namjoon, allusion to smoking and poverty, swearing/cussing
Summary: It is in hard times beautiful things can occur and the addiction of primal instincts be suppressed in their proximity. However, when two souls from different social worlds meet in a poetry class, any former urges gain a new direction.
Some of which are sensual in emotion.
And may not be reciprocated.
Next part
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Not everything starts off smoothly, time occupying more of the mind than the designated task or destination. Students tend to deal with this occurrence more often than it would like to be admitted, especially on the first day of the new academic year when everyone has the silent resolution to begin with a clean slate. Withal, there remain some who, nevertheless, manage to sneak into the classroom as the introductions have almost come to an end and thus go from being an absent first to a present last. 
Hence is why regardless of the few remaining students introducing themselves all eyes in the vast yet bare space shift to the tall man entering the room in a wake of smoke and cologne. It is not unlikely to think they are as intimidated by the painted canvas on well-defined arms as the girl sitting right next to them after furiously wishing to be left alone, the desire denied as it is the sole empty chair left.
Whatever you do, don’t make eye contact.
Nevertheless, the thought does not mean a glance at the artwork covering alluring honey-toned skin cannot be stolen. And the gained treasure is the sight of an intricate tribal design flowing over from bright turquoise into sleek black on the left arm and a Victorian clockwork overlapping with a nautical map and a compass, the former element stopping at the wrist after peeking out underneath a feather. That is all that can be picked up on from the side.
But almond eyes immediately sneakily take revenge by also looking at a source of interest for it is the natural thing for an individual to estimate the nearest person when being in an alien environment without a point of support consisting of friends. Unfortunately, each of them from private personal circles has chosen a different direction within the study, none of them daring to take on or simply interested in poetry. 
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‘And who might you be?’ The round of rapid-fire introductions ends at the newcomer, who flinches as if waking up from a dream with the heavily blushing cheeks of a crumpled composure.
Which are mirrored in the flustered expression of an embarrassed heart futilely trying to cover up the chest area more by means of pulling up the slightly see-through white loose top thinly striped with lines of black. Regardless of the attempt, the pastel pink push-up bra decorated with a beautiful flower pattern in onyx remains visible very much so from above and a tad less from the front. Thus, when realizing the uselessness of the endeavour, the worry of coming across as an indecent person increases as now not only the professor is taken into account but the still nameless newcomer as well.
‘Oh, ehm, I’m- I’m Namjoon, an exchange student from Dongguk University.’ Eyebrows rise at the baritone voice trying to speak in a composed manner, miraculously managing to do so to a fair degree though fiddling fingers give away the surprise of suddenly being called to attention. Oddly, a thought pops up which almost encourages hands into action to calm tanned nervous ones but just in time can they be lowered into the lap while watching the speaker politely. ‘As for poetry, I believe it’s an expression of a person’s mind. However, this also means they are puzzles to be solved because a thought is chaotic and can have a double meaning.’
‘Very well. It’s funny you should mention poems being like puzzles. My son is currently in high school, also studying poetry and he and I had a conversation about it recently. He could not for the life of him figure out what any poem meant and was astounded I do this for a living. But, as any fifteen-years-old with a literature professor for a father, he wants to become a game designer.’ Chuckling arises in the classroom at the enthusiastically told analogy and all tenseness disappears thanks to the dry humour of the resident Manchester man. At the same time, eyes which swiftly avoided each other find one another again only to repeat the rapid break of contact, those of the too-exposed girl wavering instantly after strangely wanting to make sure Namjoon is more at ease like the others. Why the deep-voiced man looks back with the intention - if there is any intention at all - to lock gazes instead of, fortunately, accidentally letting focus wander lower to bared skin, shall remain a mystery.
For blushing cheeks to never unravel.
Get yourself together, Y/N. I don’t know him and he’s clearly more interested in my chest than myself. Although... just now he looked at me. And he’s kinda adorable. And handsome. No, no, no! Jesus, what am I thinking?
Professor Brown happily continues, pacing the room. ‘But if we think about encoding and poetry, they are similar on the grounds they are both, indeed, essentially the same in the manner they are carefully composed in order to work.’ Steps halt in the middle of the space, academic sight switching from one face to the next as hands fold behind the back clad in a neat black jacket. ‘There is something I would like to ask you. Does any of you write poetry?’
The majority of the students' palms rise in response, including one of which the arm is decorated as if by a traveller of old and one which finds purpose after being mentally prevented from ridiculously serving as a means of soothing. This risen pair does not go unnoticed by the minds which control them, the air in the narrow space between bodies filled with silent curiosity pertaining to the written work. The possible style, the possible words, the possible message.
The possibility to hear it being spoken.
The possibility to connect.
But neither says anything, focusing intently on the empty pages of the notebooks lying on the elongated table and clumsily fiddling with pens between fingers. Notwithstanding, every move is carefully composed to not make a wrong impression, both parties trying to prove a point which is supposed to be interpreted without any double meanings. Certainly so when rejoining each other’s company at the end of a swift ten-minute-break to allow room for breathing something else other than poetry in four hours dedicated to it.
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Nevertheless, it cannot be helped but let shoulders relax when smelling nicotine mixed with sharp cologne and sensing two intricate paintings in contrasting styles settle on the empty chair again. It can even be admitted the presence is liked, certainly when from peripheral vision perceived americano irises follow the movements of the pen noting down a random lyrical thought.
And thighs have to clench together in slight awkwardness when unconsciously sensing them looking away swiftly after likely having been distracted anew by the revelation of the shirt that does not want to stay in place. However, the emotion changes when remarking upon an almost anticipating shiver disturbing the fairly intimidating man’s aura as knees accidentally touch.
But something undefinable and incomprehensible forms its undertone.
‘I’m sorry.’ Clenching the jaw, the contact is immediately made undone by crossing legs and focusing on the penning down each poem, any poem that comes to mind. 
But nothing appears at hearing the shy stumbling over words, picturing all too well how Namjoon’s face is adorably flushed with timidity. ‘Ah, i- it’s- doesn’t matter.’
Which only worsens the uncomfortableness of a consciousness slowly turning corrupted as the long hours of the seminar pass, wondering what lies at the heart of the cause to behave so jittery and rush out of the door to smoke. Wondering is the wrong choice of words for it are more sensual ungrounded fantasies which rise one by one while listening to the flustered ocean deep voice answering a question here and there.
Fancying how it would sound when being completely controlled by the girl keeping up an innocent façade.
God-fucking-dammit, focus on class and not your own perverted imaginations. You’re here to learn, not to lose control like this.
This warning spins around a chaotic mind at least every quarter of an hour, swirling among the perversion and bringing common sense back for perhaps a good ten minutes before either Namjoon’s voice is heard or a glance is thrown in the man’s direction. Then the whole circus starts anew without hope of redemption.
Henceforth, it comes as a relief when the class is over at last and everyone packs their things to rush to the nearest bus station to make it home.
The first to disappear are arms made of ink and smoke.
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Restraint is one of humankind’s most difficult issues to face on a daily basis, seeking refuge in what brings tranquility to a tempted consciousness. Withal, the nicotine purchased with the little money put aside from working the night shift at a nearby gas station did not help erase the vivid memory of pastel pink embroidered by lace as black as night. If anything, it was all in vain as the confrontation with it happened as soon as walking back into the room to which all of us are confined for four hours once a week.
Igniting a type of hunger which has not been felt towards any other girl in Korea, too busy working the same job as now to help make ends meet and send the little brother with big aspirations to high school because the sibling deserves a proper educational basis as well. Hence is why there was no room for letting attention stray towards anything but the means necessary to help pay for the rent.
  Three people could barely manage to bring it up each month. But out here on foreign soil and alone, being kicked out of the rented place nearby the university is not so much a surprise. Fortunately, the boss does not come in until seven in the morning which allows for two hours of sleep before packing up the makeshift bed consisting of a jacket for a mattress and rucksack for a pillow. It is difficult, but hardship is inevitable for those who are seen as pariahs, the people who do not fit the norm in one way or another.
Yet, strangely, Y/N - the name glanced from the improvised name tags the professor asked to be made to make it easier for everyone - was not as tense as the rest of the students. In fact, intrigued is perhaps the best description to give the overall attitude of the girl caught occasionally glancing sideways.
I did fuck up great time, though. Why did I stare at her boobs?
The painful twitch below that had to be awkwardly shielded against all the eyes of the room, certainly the pair of newly met ones on the adjacent chair for they are the cause, makes the memory of flesh resurface as a rapid turn is made towards the abandoned unisex restroom. Swiftly, the lock to the tiny space is turned.
God, I really blew my chances with her. I should apologize.
The phantom of touching knees makes lashes flutter shut and teeth bite down on the bottom lip as a hand brushes over tight grey denim.
Obsidian with a pearl undertone.
A cute black bow from which a small diamond dangles between breasts.
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‘She’s so pretty.’ A squeeze sends the mind reeling further away from sanity, recalling the warm scent reminiscent of the autumn which hangs in the air. Wild berries, dark plum and bergamot.
‘I could be so good to you. For you.’ Tanned fingers barely possessing a sliver of logic undo the zipper concealing heated hurt, firmly enveloping the source for distraction when slipping past the rim of plain grey boxers. To suppress any sound, their counterparts fold over the mouth on the brink of falling into whimpering submission, trembling like during the seminar in the sudden craving to be touched.
By Y/N.
If only I’d push my thigh a bit more to the side, she’d have caught on. What am I thinking? You’d never do that.
After all, what does have a poor man from Ilsan to offer to a foreign woman who is better off without an outcast glued to her? Moreover, there are financial priorities that have to be taken care of and it is highly improbable there is a willingness to help a wretched soul out of the gutter with money.
She does not know me. 
I do not know her.
We are strangers.
But lovers in this fantasized instance, having pretty small hands replace clumsy desperate ones as ears naturally attune to the echo of what little has been heard from a charming voice. Howbeit, it is speaking in a sweetened tone furiously wished to ever be heard truly in private. ‘Namjoonie, why didn’t you tell me you were so needy?’
‘I- I didn’t want t- to- we’ve just met and- and- fuck~’ The curse comes out on a breathless whimper as the chin is flicked up to gain access to the neck, glossy lips kissing the warm skin at random as the thumb circles the heavily leaking part of corrupted fancy.
‘If I’d known you’d be submissive like this, I’d done this to you sooner. You wanted to grab my hand earlier, didn’t you? Place it in your lap to rut against during the rest of the seminar?’ A cheeky grin chisels itself onto the coy mistress’s delighted expression at the unashamed nodding confirming the intention dismissed in the last second after the second smoking break. ‘Make sure I know what I do to you? Who would have thought that such a big buff tattooed boy,’ a whine falls into an appreciative growl when the stimulating palm tightens its hold significantly, the reaction eliciting a chastising click of the tongue, ‘would be such a mess. So cute, all submissive.’
‘O- only for you.’ Hips snap in time with the movements below, aching for release from the building tightening in the lower stomach. Breath comes at a greater difficulty as speech becomes harder to manage as well, feeling too heated to think properly and dwindling further and further into the urge to please the one who ignites a sense of safety. ‘Wan- Wanna be goo- ngh, ah, ehm, b- be good for you.’
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‘As you should be as my baby boy.’ Y/N stands on the tippy toes of obsidian and alabaster Puma sneakers, arms suggestively snaking around the back of the neck and nails digging wonderfully into skin when whispering. ‘If you actually do grab my hand next time in class to rut against, I’ll jerk you off under the table but make you cry in overstimulation for being impatient. Am I understood?’
‘Y- Yes, M- Miss.’
‘That’s what I like to hear.’
‘C- Can I- Need to- shit!’ All attention of action shifts wholly to the most sensitive part, erasing every last sliver of sense while barely refraining from coming undone without permission. ‘Plea- Please, ah, ah, Miss, m- may I!’
However, the request remains unfinished as the stimulation becomes too much to handle and the world is sucked away into pleasant nothingness, taking fantasy along and leaving a poor man from Ilsan alone in perverted satisfied warmth.
Together in an imaginary self-made world. 
Alone in a bathroom in reality.
Stained in more ways than with solely thick ivory. 
Yet having to say sorry.
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justfinishedreading · 4 years
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Remainder by Tom McCarthy
I read this book about two or three months ago, it’s the sort of book I can say is really good, in a literary sense, but ask me if I enjoyed it and my answer is definitely no. The blurb describes it as “a darkly comic meditation on memory, identity and history”. I take a less romantic view and say it’s a disturbing -and occasionally comic story- about white male privilege, the abuse of wealth and power, the danger of diminishment of responsibility, and the importance of post-trauma therapy.
Before the story commences, the protagonist has already suffered an accident; an object dropped from a flying plane and nearly killed him. Part of his brain was damaged, and he could no longer walk or move. He had to re-learn every basic physical movement from scratch, starting with the simple act of picking up a small object. The part of his brain dedicated to movement was gone and to learn moment anew meant psychologically rewiring his thought-process. He learnt about the mechanics of his muscles, his bones, every change that occurs to make possible that simple act of picking something up. Over and over again these mechanics had to be thought out before action could be taken. As a consequence, when we meet our protagonist all his actions are slow, every detail must be thought through. Repetition and routine are key.
The unnamed airline company has offered him eight and a half million pounds to settle the case out of court, under the condition that he never talks about this publicly or privately. He accepts. And this is where the story begins.
One day, our unnamed protagonist, remembers a particular memory. His memories were gone when he woke up hospitalized, but they’ve been coming back slowly and in random bits. He sees a crack in a bathroom wall and is instantly reminded of a similar crack in an unknown apartment. He remembers looking out of the window and seeing black cats walking on the roof of the building opposite, he remembers leaving the apartment and walking down the internal staircase, he remembers the smell of someone cooking liver and someone playing piano, and he remembers feeling happy, feeling himself, feeling real and at one with everything around him.
He is struck by this memory of feeling natural, because since his accident all his movements, all his actions, seem rehearsed, studied, or as he puts it “second-hand”. Instead of trying to find out where this apartment is, why he was there, and what was going on at that time that brought him a form of peace, he decides instead to recreate the memory; the building and the people, to “re-enact” the scene from his memory, over and over again. Ironically experiencing the feeling of that memory second-hand…
From the point of view of the audience it is quite tedious to read about the unfolding of this plan, to us it seems obvious that this is doomed to fail, that manufacturing a feeling is counter-productive to feeling authentic. For me, I just wanted the book to end, I have never wanted more for a book to just… please, please… END.
The protagonist spends a lot of money, time and effort in finding a correct-looking building, paying off everyone that lives there to move out, hiring contractors to strip down the interior, recreate the look and feel of his memory building (which includes, amongst many other things, the wearing and sanding down of materials to look aged), and hiring people to be live-in actors, 24/7 on call, repeating the same actions over and over again: frying liver, playing the piano, taking out the rubbish etc.
Now we might say yes these actions, this way of spending money seems utterly pointless, but if he feels comforted by these actions and he has the money and it is his to do with as he pleases, what is wrong with that? What does it matter if we don’t approve? These actions are deeply important to him.
Now this is where white male privilege comes in, and also the power that comes with wealth. Speaking as a woman from a working-class background, of emigrant parents, I could never make someone go through what he puts his employees through. Here’s an example; in his memory, there’s the smell of someone pan-frying liver. To recreate this smell, he and his team found that they have to put about fours pans on the go for the smell to drift from downstairs up to his new apartment. His employees would fry liver all day, every day, for months on end, even when he wasn’t in the building, he still wants that to take place. The constant frying of liver meant that the air vents were frequently clogging up with huge amounts of fat. Imagine living there? The smell of liver every single day, all day, how nauseating it must be for those people. We may say that money can make monsters out of anyone, but the sense of entitlement the protagonist feels, in so short a space of time, is astounding, and I argue that he had some existing feelings of entitlement to bounce off of.
Another example; he hired a middle-aged pianist to re-enact the pianist from his memory, the pianist would practice a music score on the piano, occasionally making mistakes (intentionally “accidently” making mistakes). He would repeat the problem passage, then continue practicing, again make mistakes, repeat problem passage, over and over again, every day, the same score of music, but with no intention of it ever being played in public, with no end goal except to fake practicing. Imagine what that would do to a person psychologically.
We are never told what these people feel, because the protagonist, who is also the narrator, simply does not care. Whenever someone questions his motives, the protagonist replies with just one word: “whatever”. He never takes the time to explain his thought-process, he has no need for social approval or connection. In this respect the novel is remarkable, characters with these traits are usually portrayed as psychopaths in thrillers and horror stories, so it’s interesting to see that character outside the cliché box. And make no mistakes about it he is a psychopath; the team recreate the memory of black cats walking on roofs by acquiring black cats and everyday pushing them out onto the roof. Unfortunately, the roof is unnatural and artificially made, there’s nowhere for the cats to go or escape, they end up slipping and falling off and dying on impact with the ground. The protagonist is aware of this and is unmoved.
Surprisingly the protagonist does start to experience some pleasure from these re-enactments, in fact he becomes addicted to them. But the ‘high’ he gets from the control and repetition lessens as time goes on, soon he seeks out new and more problematic scenarios to re-enact, more potentially dangerous ways to feel elated. I won’t spoil the rest of the book or discuss the ending except to mention that a lot of people who read Remainder get dazzled by the ending and the various interpretations of the “truth” of what happens. We know for a fact that the narrator is highly unreliable because he withholds information, changes details and, in one occasion at least, told a story that at the end he admits was completely made up. Some readers get excited about possibilities like is he perhaps still in a coma and is this all a weird dream? Is he actually dead and this is purgatory or hell? Sort of a Third Policeman type thing. Me, I take it at face value; I think the main structure of the story is true, certain details certainly were changed, and things exaggerated, the man is a liar for sure, and the end does not tell us the full ending of what happened, but the rest we can guess ourselves.
The final thing I want to talk about is relationships, the importance of social relationships and human connection. At the start of the story the protagonist has two friends; a man about the same age as him (late twenties / early thirties) and who is a bit of a douchebag (the protagonist tells us that before the accident he used to find his friend’s humour funny, I take that as proof that the protagonist was already a wanker before the accident). There’s also a long-distance female friend, who is visiting. Now these two are taken out of the picture quite quickly, the woman continues her travels, and the protagonist stops answering his mate’s calls. No family is ever mentioned, which is really weird considering he’s been recovering from serious injuries -unless the protagonist is an orphan, but even then surely he has more people in his life? We never find out. What this means is there is no one to hold him accountable for his actions, there is no one to call him out on his bullshit, everyone he is now in contact with is an employee.
The second most significant character, after the protagonist, is Nazrul Vyas. When the protagonist first sets out to make his replica building he has a very hard time getting people to understand what he wants. The organizational aspect of this project doesn’t faze him but it’s the endless questions posed by contractors that he finds irritating to deal with. His lawyer suggests a company that specializes in management for rich clients, they facilitate any requests a client may make. Think personal assistant but with a huge network of contacts, resources and personnel. That’s where “Naz” comes in, he’s intelligent and patient and quietly relishes a challenge, the bigger and more complex, the better. The protagonist often describes him as machine-like, alluring to him having a computer for a brain. Naz is our main hope of someone being able to reach the protagonist… but a character described a robot, with the sole aspiration of materializing a client’s dreams, does not inspire much optimism… Commentary on the evils of blindly following orders, ay?
So in conclusion, yes Remainder is an interesting book; it’s literally studied in modern literature courses… Pick it up if you want something more original and challenging than your average mass-market best-seller. But for me, I’m just happy it’s finally over.
Review by Book Hamster
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theharellan · 5 years
misconception: that solas doesn't form meaningful bonds during his time in the inquisition other than with a romanced inquisitor
send me meta this is actually a different meme but shush | accepting
i’ll be talking about this until the day i die, but solas makes plenty of meaningful relationships beyond not only the romanced inquisitor, but the inquisitor, period.
game mechanics overly emphasise the relationship between any canon companion and the play character, so i sort of understand where this misconception comes from. their arcs are decided, in part, by their relationship to the player and so it would be really invalidating if, say, you has negative solas approval but he still made it clear that he had accepted the reality of the world around him b/c of his friendship with the iron bull, for example. it’s one of the ways the developers make sure their choices matter.
luckily, this is an rp blog, so i can say that an inquisitor can treat solas like absolute shit and he’ll still make ties in the world and realise how fuckin wrong he was, as he well should.
i’m on a tangent and i haven’t even rly started answering this yet, so here we go:
a befriended inquisitor is just as important to solas as a romanced inquisitor. just as important to his development, to his epiphanies, etc. much of the dialogue goes unchanged regardless of if a relationship is platonic or romantic. even if he doesn’t have romantic feelings for the inquisitor, he still feels the whole world change upon meeting them. he still compares them to the ancient wisdoms he’s known in a pre-veil world. i’ve seen jokes that say the lines have romantic overtones, but really i think solas is just the sort of person to form highly emotional friendships. falon’din and dirthamen are implied not to be brothers, but “twin souls,” something that myself and other a-spec ppl have likened to queer platonic partners. while those two have undoubtedly sullied the term for anyone who opposes them, what i’m trying to demonstrate is that solas comes from a society that doesn’t find close platonic friendships odd.
but like i said, this goes beyond the inquisitor.
the fandom vastly understates his relationship with cole most of all. often he’s depicted as one of his fathers, which i can appreciate as a joke, but i feel like it undercuts how important that relationship is– for both of them.
cole goes to solas first when he’s experiencing trouble after adamant, not the inquisitor. not even if they’re a mage. b/c he knows he can trust solas to not use him. solas involves himself in cole’s well-being potentially even if he loathes the inquisitor and everything they are, something he didn’t do for wisdom’s sake, but is willing to for cole. and regardless of the option chosen, solas continues to support him and ask after him:
Solas: How do you feel, Cole? Are you…Cole: I am me. I cannot be bound, broken. I will help the hurt and kill the killers.Solas: I see. I… let me know if I can help.
solas offers affirmation and support for cole, talking him down from what seems to be a panic attack at one point:
Cole: It’s brighter here. Glittering. Glaring. Glinting. I can’t…Solas: It’s a mild tremor in the Veil. Nothing to worry about. Focus on what is here, in this world.Cole: But… what is here?Solas: Feel the ground, the breath in your lungs, fabric rustling against your skin.Cole: (Breathes.) Thank you.Solas: It’s nothing. It can be overwhelming for anyone.
and when cole tries to fix what’s fundamentally broken in solas, solas doesn’t spurn him. this isn’t to say characters who do react with venom when cole oversteps bounds are wrong, cole being able to see in heads doesn’t mean he has the right to speak their pain aloud, but i think it demonstrates the patience solas has for cole being who he is. it has the potential to go down a path that solas doesn’t quite… get. assuming the trespasser line “he didn’t want a body, but she asked him to come” is referring to solas, solas is someone who desperately doesn’t want to have a physical body and is probably afraid of cole having the same regrets as he does.
their relationship also goes both ways. cole offers him support throughout the game, understanding solas in ways that others can’t. not necessarily through any fault of theirs, but being able to key into solas’s emotions goes a long way. and then you get to trespasser, where cole is the one person to speak fondly of solas and the only one to approve if you say you have to save him from the vidasala. imo if we go by game canon solas is closest to cole, even closer than a befriended or romanced inquisitor. since this is an rp blog, that obviously varies, but as it stands no one understands solas like cole and no one understands cole like solas. a cole who becomes more human is likely to become alien to him in some respects, but from canon banter it’s clear that solas is willing to try. this was a very long winded way of saying solas loves cole.
beyond cole, it’s hard to argue solas forms emotionally intimate relationships with others in the inquisition. that being said i also don’t think they have to be emotionally intimate to be meaningful.
it’s, like, 100% canon that he hangs out with people outside of when we drag him places. blackwall has banter that implies they talk regularly, at least enough for blackwall to conclude that solas “knows all there is to know about everything” and even ignoring that they canonically play diamondback together. in banter they swap their experiences at war, although given they’re both hiding something they’re both being vague about it. still, solas clearly comes to regard him highly enough that he’s mad about the revelations of blackwall’s personal quest. a combination of solas having more in common with him than he hoped, and that for all solas has done wrong “killing civilians for fun and profit” wasn’t one of them. and solas seems to have come to respect him enough to apologise, backing out of his initial reaction to accept that thom had taken a step to becoming someone better.
josephine also references speaking to him, despite them never speaking on-screen which was a crime. she says “he has the most fascinating stories” and in ambient dialogue with her agents references occurrences where they seem to speak to nobility together. again, i wouldn’t say they had a deep bond, but i think they developed a rapport.
as for people i do think solas was genuinely friends with, there’s cassandra, varric, and iron bull. unlike the former two there isn’t really a reference to them hanging out outside of banter, but given their relationship i at least like to imagine they spend some time together.
varric and solas clearly spend time together before you meet them in-game, for one. long enough that varric thought of a nickname, though whether “chuckles” was decided on right there or earlier it’s hard to say. the two have actually a pretty funny rapport going, varric being one of the people to bring out solas’s sense of humour without much difficulty. and when they’re not joking around, they have interesting conversations. i’ve actually been wanting to rewrite the balcony scene with thora, my dwarf inquisitor, and solas to incorporate the fact that varric– who makes his living writing– doesn’t match his narrow view of what dwarves should be. it’s just one way the game steers solas in such a way that he isn’t allowed to grow unless the inquisitor gives him permission to, similar to how his view of the qun will flip-flop depending on if he’s talking to iron bull or a friendly qunari inquisitor, but i digress.
with varric, cassandra, and bull alike he demonstrates that he’s more capable of changing his mind than people give him credit for, i think. he admits he might have been mistaken in his interpretation of the dream of a man living his days alone on an island.
cassandra and solas’ relationship started out very hostile from the sound of it, but the hostility is worked out before the inquisitor wakes up, so much attention isn’t drawn to it. solas says he gave up his staff, and while i don’t think he was ever technically a prisoner, i also don’t think he would’ve been allowed to up and leave after that point. he references that she threatened his life if he didn’t get results, and yet in banter he’s complimentary towards her, most notably her ability to surrender the chance for power when she feels she is unfit for the role and that she’s capable of changing her mind. idk, i think their relationship demonstrates the best of both characters– cassandra’s ability to be less hard-line than she is around the likes of varric’s, solas’s ability to respect people with differences of opinions to him, both of their abilities to change their minds about the other.
heck, there’s even the option for some emotional intimacy. cassandra offers her condolences about wisdom, solas comforts her when her faith is shaken, providing hope when she realises her power did not come from the maker as she was taught. he’s also at his misotheist finest in this conversation:
Solas: You seem troubled, Seeker. Still plagued by thoughts of your order?Cassandra: I… am reminded of what I was told following my vigil. They said my abilities were a gift from the Maker, a reward for my faith and dedication. But it was a trick, wasn’t it? A ritual no different that the Harrowing, simply magic…Solas: Do you know how rare spirits of faith are? How difficult it is to draw them to this world? You should be proud, having accomplished something so remarkable, not ashamed it was not what you thought.Cassandra: Thank you, Solas. That… does make me feel better.Solas: Your faith does you credit, Cassandra. I hope your Maker is worthy.
he’s well-aware that cassandra is resolute and uncorrupt, capable of fixing what went wrong with the seekers (even if he is cynical about the inevitable degradation of any organisation). i really don’t know how you read their dialogue and think solas didn’t deeply connect with her in ways that shaped him regardless of his relationship with the inquisitor.
now iron bull is someone whose relationship with solas varies wildly depending on the inquisitor’s choices, and another character whose choice is undercut by the realities of a choice-based narrative. if the chargers are sacrificed they’re under no circumstances friendly, ableit solas seems to pity him in that case. otherwise, solas engages with bull in a way other characters don’t. but to be fair to them, i think solas understands better than any other party member what it’s like to lose your culture and home to help the people you love. through their conversations before his pq– which often got very heated, possibly the angriest solas gets in banter– solas listened and learned and kind of sussed out what bull’s fears were, what was keeping him in the qun. and like, i also think solas has a lot of experience knowing what ppl who are trying to pry themselves out of a toxic religion are also dealing with? what i’m getting at is iron bull imo reminds solas of the elves who fought the evanuris, people who had doubts about the societies they were raised in and broke from it, but still carried the damage it did to them. and he takes steps to reassure bull that “madness” isn’t something he ought to fear, b/c he isn’t a mindless beast but an incredibly intelligent person, capable of playing chess without a board. something that takes considerable practise and was for centuries considered a miracle in our world. there are issues with how solas approaches it, his understanding of the qun is flawed and imperfect, but he literally offers himself as a means of support when bull expresses fear that he’ll “go savage”:
Solas: You have the Inquisition, you have the Inquisitor… and you have me.
and after that i have a hard time imagining that they would never hang out more casually. solas would never be as close to bull as the chargers by any means, and you may not even consider them friends, but again their banter really reflects a significant relationship that would effect him without the inquisitor’s input. assuming they save the chargers, anyway. personally, i consider them friends
i just hit 2000 words and i’m starting to see why i let this sit in my drafts for like a year, so i’ll try to wrap it up. there are other characters i think have an effect on solas despite their relationship having its ups and downs. sera, namely, someone he seems to respect and resent simultaneously, grudgingly admitting he envies her at one point. their relationship is one of the most frustrating in the game but also my favourite due to how similar they are when you get down to it, sera i think on some level reminds him of when he was young, hence why he tries to give her advice. in another world, given time, i think they could’ve been friends, albeit friends who sometimes drive one another up the wall. much of what they say in-game reflects itself– solas talking about organisations degrading, in time, sera saying if you chop off the head of a government another will show up and muck up all the work you did to overthrow the first. they’re both artists, elves who feel disconnected from others of their kind. we don’t get enough of their positive interactions for me to claim they’re friends in-game w/ a straight face. rp wise, however, it’s been one of my favourite things to write, as they navigate a strange not-hostile relationship. also i just adore sera as a character, i wish there wasn’t such a divide between solas and sera fans b/c they both parallel and contrast w/ one another really well.
for one final note i do want to talk about specifically my solas interpretation, the relationships i either hc he’s built or he’s built through roleplay. my solas had a part to play in the rebuilding of skyhold alongside freed circle mages, teaching them practical magic they were denied learning in the circle and becoming something of a role model (god help them) for the more radical mages. solas served with the inquisition for a year in canon, three years in my canon. once he works past the haze of how wrong the veiled world feels i can’t believe solas, who constantly tells the histories of people– real people– whose stories he felt were important enough to remember and retell, even seemingly insignificant ones about baking bread or seeing sunlight for the first time, would connect with precisely none of the people around him on a personal level. not when we see his ability to do just that in-game, even with people without a mark on their hand.
tl;dr give solas friends. remember your inquisitor is not the be-all and end-all of his life and that he’s had 1000s of years to forge relationships with people who have just as much as an impact on him, and his time with the inquisition is no different. i don’t doubt all of us have hcs about how the companions have changed our inquisitor’s life, for better or worse, so i can’t see why it’d be any different for the companions. solas included
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holyblackspear · 5 years
For the OC OTP prompts - how about,,, every other emoji :3
Ahah, thank you for asking dear, I was in the mood for some writing about these idiots! I’m going to continue with Johnathan and Bull as in the previous ask ;) Since it’s long, I’m putting this under the cut!
❣️ When did your OC first realise they were in love? How did they react to the realisation? I’m actually writing a fic about this I hope to post soon, but to sum it up: On a mission, when Bull got hurt in his place and risked his life for him. It made him feel horrible and guilty, but they talked a few hours later. They both opened up a little about their past, and that gave him perspective about his own story and about how he wanted Bull to be happy. It was the first time he consciously realized he cared for the Qunari, that it wasn’t just about desiring him physically but rather something far bigger and more rooted in his heart.He didn’t take it well. Actually, he got terrified. He had seen Bull for being the type to sleep around, his upbringing not contemplating the idea of a stable relationship. Love had hurt him in the past already, so he was more scared and upset about his feelings and their impossibility to be reciprocated (that’s how he thought to be back then) than happy.
💝 What kinds of gifts does your OC receive from their partner(s)? What kinds of gifts do they give in return? Jonathan knows Bull likes dawnstone, so he likes to collect it when he’s on missions so he can forge weapons and stuff for him with it. He’s also aware of his love for food, so he likes to sneak away silently from the group and fetch snacks here and there to show him all of a sudden. The one he likes to give him the most is chocolate, since it’s canonically rare.He insists with Bull that the best gift he could receive from him is his time and presence, but Bull doesn’t listen (luckily). He’d bring the elf books about the sky and its stars and planets, something Johnathan is very passionate about. He’d also bring him herbs for his pipe since he’s kind of a heavy smoker (though he’s trying to slow down a little).
💕 Describe an ideal date form them! Ideal date? As stated here, obviously for these two dorks: Hunting down a Dragon! The surprise when seeing one, the adrenaline pumping as they face the beast and the triumphant shout when they come out of it alive and successful … I mean, can you think of anything more romantic?On a more common note, however, a night spent stargazing talking about their lives would be perfect. Johnathan loves the sky and the stars and loves hearing about Bull’s stories. It makes them feel closer to open up under the infinite mantel of the universe, giving them a sense of intimacy that nothing else can.
💔 Has your OC had a bad breakup or nasty ex? If so does this have any affect on their current relationship? He did, and a very bad one actually.Back to the days when Johnathan was still young and unmarked, around fifteen years old, he had fallen for a wandering elf that had asked to be taken in by clan Lavellan for a while, waiting for the spring to come and the weather to get more clement. He was older than him and his knowledge for life, hunting and human culture fascinated him. Plus, he was a teenager eager to experiment with love and sexuality, so the elf’s flirting and teasing flattered and excited him.Having no previous examples of how a relationship should work he didn’t interpret the plenty of red flags that were there. He didn’t complain about being left alone for long periods of time, about not receiving proper attention after they got physical for the first time and most importantly he didn’t think it was bad to have sex in a rush, sometimes without explicitly consenting, only to be left alone after his partner had climaxed.To top it off, he kept it a secret to everyone else because he was shy and feared to be seen badly by the clan for liking a man (since the elves are usually concerned about having children to continue the race exterminated by the humans), so nobody could actually tell him. Plus, when he expressed the possible desire to open up to at least his friends and parents, his partner would get mad and oppose strongly.The real hit came when Spring actually arrived. Johnathan thought that he was going to stay in the clan in the name of the love they shared, but the man simply went away with a shrug, telling him he had a wife and children to go back to in the clan he belonged to. Of course, poor Johnathan was shattered, and his heart considerably hardened in regards to romantic love.He didn’t become untrustful, however. Years passing by made him realize that what he went through was an exception, rather than the rule and that most people weren’t anyhow similar to him.
💘 What do they love most about their partner(s)? What do their partner(s) love most about them? Johnathan loves Bull’s beard. Seriously! He doesn’t grow it, it’s scratchy and black, perfect for snuggling (and even better for … added sensation)That and the half-smile he makes, that sort of little grin Bull does. It drives him mad in a positive way.Bull likes his eyes and ears. Johnathan is a very serious person, mostly has a resting bitch face. Those two traits, however, are always highly expressive. His ears twitch and move, plus they’re long and sensitive, so it’s fun to tease the elf. And his eyes, well … they’re big, they’re colourful, they’re freaky, and the truest and most sincere part of the Inquisitor. So much’s hidden behind them, only waiting to be seen by a sufficiently attentive glance.
💖 What are some little subtle ways they show that they love each other? Bull stops Johnathan while he’s working, sometimes, cups his face and kisses him. It’s brief and simple, sometimes not even on the lips, but when he breaks away and whispers “Kadan” with his soft voice, the elf remembers he’s not alone, and that he’s loved more than he ever thought possible.Johnathan, on the other hand, takes care of him. Bull’s not very good at doing that himself, so the blond says nothing and simply acts, putting balm on his horns, massaging the leg when he wears the brace and such. Also, both of them do little things for each other. Sharpen the other’s weapon, fill in a document while the other’s asleep … things like these.
💗 Describe your OC’s partner(s) from their point of view! What do they really think about them? He thinks Bull’s a beautiful man, both in and out, that has suffered too much and still managed to remain kind like few others. At first he’s scary, he’s good at lying, too good at hiding what’s not quite right underneath his skin.But he’s sweet and caring, sometimes too selfless to believe. Plus he’s a walking paradox, so full of antitheses it’s funny. He’s surprising, knowledgeable and unexpected and all Johnathan could ask for and more. His heart tightens every time he stares at him for a while and his mind starts wandering.
💞 What do their respective families think of their relationship? Since Bull doesn’t have a family in the common sense of the term, I’d say the Chargers have nothing against it. They grew accustomed to the Inquisition and to Johnathan more specifically, seeing how caring of a leader he is. They probably tease them for being their “mommy and daddy” since they’re always worrying about their safety. The mom is Bull, of course.Johnathan’s parents, on the other hand, had a brief moment of disbelief and implicit opposition. They were hoping to see their child happily married with one of their kind and to have grandchildren, so being told their little boy was in love with a Qunari mercenary was … a lot to take in.It lasted very little, however. Johnathan’s dad saw how he was starting to get emotional and how his son was hurt by their reaction, to the point he was almost crying. He hugged “his little elf” while talking to his wife, both realizing that the whole Inquisition had changed their son and how he was happy with the man at his side. Eventually, the grew found of the Qunari (who has the same shitty dad humour of Joni’s father) and found happiness in their son’s. Plus, they adore their adoptive grandchildren.
🖤 Have they ever had a really bad argument where they almost broke up? I don’t think so. They’re both rational men who don’t let their feelings drive them. They had fights, most likely, especially about how careless and selfless the other was being towards himself, but never so bad they’d get close to breaking up. I think they’d rather spend some time alone to figure it out before sitting down and talking it out.
💌 Write a love letter from your OC to their partner(s). BONUS: write a reply! Fun fact: Johnathan is not good at expressing his feelings, let alone if he has to write a long, heartfelt letter.So the exchange would probably go like this:(Fancy letter with sigil and rice paper from Johnathan)Bull,let’s find and fight a dragon.My necklace’s missing the thrill of the fight.Yours, JohnathanI’m not even joking.
💜 Give a random fact about their daily life together! Sometimes Johnathan wakes up still tired and complains about the make-up he has (wants, rather) to put on. Bull is happy to apply it for him, all focused and dead serious.The result is close to atrocious, but Joni doesn’t have the heart to kill his toothy smile and leaves his quarters regardless, proud of his green racoon eyes and the fard too heavy on the cheeks.Pretty much everyone has figured out what’s going on. They find it very sweet, though it looks ridiculous.
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youngjustus · 6 years
I really liked your Bart post, could you make a post about Tim, Kon and Cassie's personalities too?
i’m glad you liked my post! these are probably going to be shorter than my bart response since you’re asking for the other three at once, but
thankfully, i already have this comic vs cartoon meta typed up regarding conner here. there is a lot more i can say about conner in the comics than what i went over in this post, but i think that that’s enough to get a basic feel for who he is. but if you have any specific questions regarding some stuff i did or didn’t bring up in that post, you’re absolutely free to ask more about him.
for tim, the first trait of his that comes to my mind immediately is that he feels immensely guilty about literally everything, even things that couldn’t possibly be his fault. there are a lot, a lot of instances of other characters commenting on or telling him that he’s being too hard on himself!
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(titans / young justice: graduation day #2, 2003)
he usually comes off as very serious and/or depressed a lot of times to others because of this - which isn’t to say that he’s never made a joke ever or done anything fun ever, because he has. (and this is also is not me saying that he is the only character ever that struggles with mental health.) he has a very hard time, for a long time, balancing his vigilante and civilian lives, and feels guilty lying to both parties. the most obvious case of this is with his dad and batman; tim feels a more father/son connection with bruce despite his own dad being alive (for a while at least), especially when there are other people who have it way worse than him. in addition, the secret identity thing is a huge plot point of young justice vol. 1, making for interesting trust dynamics between the team, especially with conner!
he’s very much in his own head, worries about everything, and very avoidant when it comes to his own feelings. this is shown in… almost every issue of all 4 volumes of robin, red robin, a lot of young justice issues, teen titans vol. 3, as well as some other misc comics he’s appeared in.
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(adventure comics vol. 2 #3, 2009)
he is very lonely for a long time because of his parents being gone so often when he was a kid! this is why he projected so much onto and invested so much time into batman and robin, following their exploits. this is why he cared so much when he saw bruce slipping after jason died.
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(robin vol. 4 #11, 1994)
i think it’s really important to remember that he says “look, i never wanted this for myself…” with reference to becoming robin. he makes the conscious decision to help someone because he can.
how i choose to interpret a lonely place of dying is a message of “you’re never really as alone as you perceive yourself to be, and someone always wants you in their life”, and i think that that applies to a lot of tim’s relationships with the other bats and the other members of the core four. he’s very grateful for them and knows in the back of his mind that he’d be worse off without them. (does he always remember this? no, but that’s a different and longer conversation.)
as for something that’s not sad or fake deep as hell, his sense of humour is often times very sarcastic, but can also be self deprecating and there is the occasional pun. he does make a number of pop culture references (but not nearly as many as conner); the one i can remember off the top of my head that always makes me laugh is him referencing elmer fudd from looney tunes (“be vewwy qwuiet! i’m hunting langstroms!”). he’s also usually the one at the end of a series with long inner monologues or speeches about the power of friendship, which i think is equally corny and sweet.
here is a really neat response to a fan letter in the back of an issue of robin, i think vol. 4:
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unfortunately, i don’t remember what specific issue this is, but i felt it was worth sharing.
finally, as for cassie, i really love her and i’m honestly really sad that, of the four, she’s the only one who never got an on going solo series; she has two limited series that come to a total of 7 issues. (but i remember them being pretty good actually!)
anyways, the first things we learn about cassie in her debut are that she and her single mom have a rocky relationship, and she is very stubborn and a huge trouble maker.
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(wonder woman vol. 2 #105, 1996)
her mom works at a museum as an archeologist and later we find out that her father is zeus. but before we and cassie learn that, cassie does meet him and asks him to grant “[her] fondest wish”, which, like most teenage girls, is to have super powers and work with her heroes.
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(wonder woman vol. 2 #122, 1997)
she very intensely hero worships diana and donna (just as tim does with dick, and bart does with barry)! she even goes as far as to wear a black wig in her early days as wonder girl to not only help conceal her identity, but also to look more like the two of them. donna later gives cassie her old red wonder girl costume, which cassie carefully stores away and doesn’t wear because she doesn’t want to “ruin it” (the double entendre!).
cassie is not an amazon, not fully human, and not fully a god, so she, at times, feels out of place in her social circles. being accepted as an honourary amazon, being allowed to be wonder girl, fighting alongside diana and donna, being on the young justice team, being a titan, all means a lot to her - especially considering her relationships with her parents and the fact that she’s an only child.
like the three boys, cassie is very brave, and cares very deeply about everyone and everything! she’s a good leader, being team leader for both young justice and the titans, but, part of just how she is, and part of being a leader, she generally has a very hard time asking for help and coping in a healthy way with negative emotions; see fifty two, wonder girl vol. 1, and a lot of teen titans vol. 3 after issue #34.
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(wonder woman vol. 3 #27, 2009)
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(wonder girl vol. 2 #1, 2011)
Someone Hug Her More Please
i love that she’s kind of rowdy and that she loves beating up bad guys. she’s enthusiastic, and when she was younger she was very eager to prove herself. she’s very happy to be part of so many amazing things!
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(young justice vol. 1 #7, 1999) (this is also why i hate the yj cartoon lol can you spot the tone difference??)
also she has a fucking sick special lasso that’s made of lightning that was gifted to her from ares, and it gets more powerful and intense the angrier she is. I Just Think That’s Neat.
anyways, uhhhh these are kind of abridged responses (i think i actually ended up making these as long as my bart one, whoops), but i hope that my explanations make some sense?? there’s a lot more i could say, but i’ve been working on this and leaving you hanging long enough.
i also hope that with that you can kind of start to see some similarities between them? and see why they’re such good friends? they’re all very grateful to have the people that they have in their lives, all struggle with mental health, all want so badly to do good, all want to be accepted, all have complicated relationships regarding the heroic legacy, etc. i really love them all!
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raitrolling · 5 years
The Best Gift Ever
Your wriggling day has never been something you’ve celebrated. You don’t really see why it’s so important to make a big deal out of being another sweep closer to conscription, and you really don’t care to throw a party over something so unnecessary. While you felt obliged to tell your neighbours when your wriggling day was back when you considered them your friends (and you definitely don’t wish to spend any time ‘reminiscing’ on those days), when it comes to the people you met later in life you never mentioned it.
Meaning that the box wrapped in childish gift wrap with a hideously oversized blue bow that was left outside your door could have only come from one person. And that person is casually leaning against the door to his apartment, not even bothering to hide the stupid smirk plastered on his face.
“Wow, looks like you got a secret admirer, huh? I’m jealous,” Aiolos quips, folding his arms and letting out a small chuckle. You roll your eyes.
“What bullshit prank is this? I know it’s you who left it here,” You retort.
“Me? Psh, no way. Why’d I ever leave you a gift? I just deliver the gifts. Like, I know you try your best to give as little of a shit about your neighbours as possible, but I know you know I have a delivery job. Besides, check the tag. It says it’s from ‘Your Secret Admirer’,” he grins. “So, spill the beans. Who’s the probably-not-very-lucky guy? How’d you get someone to tolerate your sourpuss attitude? I bet he’s a real lemon-sucker-”
“What the fuck does that mean.” You kneel down to examine the tag left on the gift, and sure enough, it says ‘from Your Secret Admirer’, or at least that’s what you can interpret from the sad attempt at handwriting. Clearly whoever wrote it isn’t someone who cares to take their time when it comes to shitty pranks they most likely thought of at the last minute. You glare up at him. The air slowly starts to chill as you clench your fist.
The other blueblood pays it no mind. Or he’s pretending he doesn’t notice. You suppose he’s used to your anger issues by now, given both how long he’s known you and how often he goes out of his way just to piss you off.
“A lemon-sucker, you know? Someone who sucks lemons. Or, since you want some boring ‘simple’ and ‘literal’ definition-” Stated with air quotes, “- It’s someone who enjoys being around people with shitty personalities because, I dunno, they’re some sort of freak I guess.” He shrugs. “Anyways, just open the gift already. I wanna see it.”
You’re pretty sure he just made that word up. And you’re pretty sure you’re going to do the exact opposite of what he tells you to do.
“No. Why the fuck would I open a gift someone’s left at my front door when I don’t know what it is? And I know you left it here so I know whatever it is, it’s going to be fucking stupid. It’s a collection of the godawful excuses for music you listen to, isn’t it? A bag of ice? Some other braindead ‘joke’-” You copy his air quotes, “- that took you an entire two minutes to come up with because your brain cannot handle thoughts more complex than “haha, let’s make yet another ice joke about the troll with ice psiionics”, since all that hideous pop garbage you play melted any grey matter you might’ve had left?” Your tone lowers to a growl, much like how the air temperature lowers to an uncomfortable chill. Enough to make the other blueblood shiver.
“Man, that was a good one for someone who hates funny comparisons and all that jazz. Did someone give you the gift of a decent sense of humour earlier? Damn, I was hoping my gift was gonna be the first.” He sees no point to hiding that he was the culprit, prompting you to roll your eyes once again. He snorts. “Jeez, calm down. Fine. I left the gift. You got me good, Sherlock Holmes. But trust me, your ideas pale in comparison to what I really got you. So are you gonna open it or what? You know I’m just gonna stand here and keep asking until you give in. I’ve got all night.”
And you know that he can and will stand there all night until you open this stupid gift. You know him way more than you’d ever want to know anyone.
“Fine,” you grumble.
You look back at the present. God, the wrapping paper makes you want to throw this stupid thing down the fire exit. The cheesy, smiling snowmen taunt you. Haha, get it? Snowmen. They’re cold and made of ice. Just like you. Isn’t that hilarious? And they’re playing random instruments too. What the fuck kind of stupid ensemble requires a recorder, a marching bass drum, and a trombone? Who designed this? You’re going to tear this stupid paper to shreds.
You grab one of the shoddily-taped down folds and yank it, making sure some of the snowmen are decapitated in the process. Perhaps it’s as childish as the wrapping paper itself, but it’s the only satisfaction this stupid gift will bring you.
“Jeez Mikiel, calm down.” Snrk. “I know no one gives a shit about saving the paper unless you’re a cheapskate like Velour, but I did put in the effort to find something you’d like. Like damn, I actually thought about your interests and everything! I spent entire minutes on putting this thing together, which I bet is way more than what anyone else has.” He puts on a mock-offended tone, which you see through immediately.
You don’t give him any attention, instead focusing on the gift in front of you. The wrapping paper concealed a gift box, the pattern only slightly less infuriating than the last. It’s pink and covered in cupcakes, presumably the only thing close to a food pattern he could find at the dollar store. You still hate it. Thankfully, it’s the last layer of bullshit made to stall you from getting this stupid scene over and done with. You pull the present out of the box as you stand back up.
It’s a toy for wrigglers. It’s a blue ball of fuzz, it’s face contorted in a disgruntled scowl that matches your own (Aiolos is already laughing at the similarities). A single tooth sticks out of its mouth in a way that reminds you of a stereotypical pitbull, or of a troll you’re on much better terms with than the blueblood in front of you. You’re fairly certain he was going to the former idea, rather than the latter. The packaging refers to the creature as a ‘Grumblies’, and that it is a toy recommended from trolls two sweeps and older. The words ‘DON’T MAKE THEM MELT DOWN’ are plastered on the packaging as a warning, with the word ‘DON’T’ having been crossed out. Other warnings include ‘Do not shake, do not poke, do not flip’ and ‘push them too far and they rumble and jump around!’, but these warnings are immediately counteracted by the big ‘TRY ME!’ sign next to them. What’s even worse is that the toy has been tampered with in the form of adding a pair of glasses to it, handcrafted using bright red pipe cleaners. The craftsmanship on such a simple addition is insultingly good, meaning that he must’ve gotten someone else in on the joke to do it for him.
You cannot possibly be any more unimpressed by this ‘gift’. Aiolos, however, is grinning even more like than idiot than he usually is. You’d compare him to a madman if you were the type to use similes.
“So? What do you think? I think he’s great. Honestly you should sue whatever toy company made this, cuz they clearly ripped off you. I mean, come on, he’s got glasses and everything. Picking this was almost too easy. You just gotta shake him a bit and he starts going full feral. Try it!”
… You’ll admit, as stupid as the present was, the satisfying thunk it made when it collided with Aiolos’ skull is the best gift you’ve ever been given.
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academiceve · 7 years
My Study Tips // How I Improved My Grades and Got Straight A’s
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This post will consist of study tips and techniques that I have learned throughout university that allowed me to receive straight A’s both semesters my senior year. Long story short, during my final year at university I wanted to improve my GPA and receive good grades in all of my courses. I aimed for an A in all of them and managed to get straight A’s both semesters, as well as end up on the student honors list for having a high semester GPA. I hope that these tips can help improve your grades, but straight A’s are never guaranteed (please keep this in mind). Also, I will be sharing with you all of my study tips (tested for 4 years at university), as well as tips that I learned in my cognitive psychology course about memory and learning. Keep reading if you’re interested in SLAYING this semester!
1. Set GOALS. I have a post already up on how to set SMART goals at the beginning of a new a semester. Click HERE to read it. I also have a guide sharing tips how I prepare for a new semester, click HERE to read it. 
2. LECTURES. Attend all lectures, workshops, tutorials, classes, labs, etc. If you’re a full time student, you shouldn’t make excuses to skip lectures. Before lectures, I would skim assigned textbook readings or look through uploaded PowerPoint slides to have a general idea about the topic, what will be taught, what I should pay more attention to, etc. You will already be familiar with the material and this will allow you to ask questions, summarize key information, anticipate what will be featured in the exam.
3. Learn from DAY 1. My biggest tip for studying and surviving university, is that you need to start learning from day 1 and then build up your knowledge throughout the years. The first few lectures of any major are usually the core of that major, so you have to know those subjects and topics well. Then, your knowledge will build on a strong foundation, which will make learning easier. So start learning from day 1, keep up with new material and you will see that as exams approach, you will be less stressed about not knowing anything. 
4. HOMEWORK. At my university, we would be frequently assigned a lot of homework, so I always made sure I had everything done. Sure, there were times where I would skim through readings or half-ass assignments, but the key here is to know the importance of each assignment. Sometimes, while doing homework I would get carried away and research the topics to learn more about them, because it would help me understand it better. It really depends on the assignment. Another reason why doing homework is crucial is because often professors throw in homework questions in exams. By practicing trying to solve problems you’re already doing yourself a favor, because practice makes perfect. 
5. REVIEW. After lectures, I would review freshly learned materials at home. I would finish taking notes from slides, research what I didn’t understand, as well as look up answers to my questions (if the professor didn’t answer them). I would also study the material. Repetition of studying information over and over again is great for retention, as YOU HAVE TO KNOW THE MATERIALS AND BE ABLE TO APPLY IT. Don’t memorize it, know it! (this is honestly the biggest key to success!)
6. EXAMS. For exams, I would make study guides from chapter readings that cover the necessary information. I would either fill in a pre-made study guide handed out to us by our professors, or I would create one. I would include terms and definitions, key concepts, key research, theories, examples, etc. A quick tip is to make study guides from slides and then add extra information anywhere necessary from the readings. Keep in mind that your study guide’s should include only important information, don’t get carried away! Then I would only study from those study guides, which usually worked well for multiple choice exams. For essay based exams, I would ask professors for topics that we can expect on the exams and write them out at home. I would then learn from those essays. This methods helps you have coherent thoughts, arrange arguments, etc. 
7. PROJECTS. I would start working on projects (group presentations, individual presentations, etc.) at least a week in advance, just because I’m a perfectionist and a visual learner, which means that I wanted my slides to be PERFECT. Nice slides can help your earn good grades! I would choose a slide design style, 2-3 fonts (max), 2-3 colors (max) and would stick to them. I would also include funny photos (memes are really popular if they suit the topic!) or gifs. As for information, I would keep it short and summarized on the slides, and if I needed to expand on a certain point, I would be able to do that on my own. Don’t put a lot of text on your slides, nobody likes to read them (Unless it’s a very official presentation, your professor asked you to, etc.). If you have a good sense of humour, you can throw in some jokes during your presentation (in my case sarcasm wasn’t for everyone, but at least my friends found it funny!). Take the time to prepare a nice presentation, practice presenting in your room, because it is an easy way to earn good grades. 
8. PAPERS. I would also start working on papers at least a week in advance, this usually depended on the lenght of the paper and the topic. I would research articles that I could include first and make a bibliography list. Then I would read those articles, which could take up 2-3 days if I was busy and had to work on other assignments. Afterwards, I would start writing, one paragraph at a time (this approach worked on harder/longer papers or a boring topic). Sometimes I would word vomit all of my ideas and then read through it and edit the paper. However, if I could, I would always try to choose an interesting topic and I would always discuss them with my professors beforehand, because they could recommend readings or help with generating ideas for arguments, etc. 
9. STUDY GROUPS. Studying with friends or a group of students from your class can be different and fun, as well as beneficial for receiving that A. I would utilize study groups before mid-terms and finals, but always make sure to study on your own first and only then attend a study group. Once you know the material well, you can meet up with your friends/peers and teach each other concepts that you still can’t quite grasp. You know you’ve learned a topic well if you can teach it to other people and them being able to understand what you are teaching. Otherwise, study groups can be distracting and a great excuse to procrastinate. 
10.  PROFESSORS. Your professors are a wonderful resource of knowledge, so use them! Attend their office hours, ask questions, discuss any problems or issues that you’re having in their lecture after class. Don’t be afraid to approach them, because they’re a great ally for your success! They always notice students who go above and beyond to learn and do well at university! Trust me, they talk behind students backs as much as students gossip about professors! They can also offer you amazing opportunities afterwards, when doing research, working on dissertations, etc. I was recently offered a volunteer lab assistant position, to help out one of my professors, even though I already graduated. So network with your professors, they will help you out!
11. LEARNING STYLE. It would be useful for you to know what’s your learning style. Visual, auditory, read & write or kinesthetic. You can read about it more in detail HERE. I’m a visual learner, so I would include graphs, drawings, schemes, etc. in my notes, in order to retain information better. Discovering your learning style could help you improve your studying habits! 
COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND LEARNING. Below you will find the tips for studying that I learned during my cognitive psychology course. 
It’s easier to remember information you can interpret in the context of things you already know. You will remember textbook material better if you take the time to scan a chapter first, to get a sense of the major points, before reading the chapter in detail. This is also the reason why professors ask students to read chapters before class, so that the students’ minds are prepared to encode and remember the information presented in the lecture. 
The more deeply you analyze information, the more likely you are to remember it later. This is known as depth of processing. Experiments have shown that people remember words better if they’re formed to think about the meaning of words, rather than simply memorizing them. 
The best way to prepare for a test is by processing the material in a way that is similar to how you expect to be tested on it: making the study and recall format as similar as possible. 
More cues mean better recall. Free recall is when you are simply asked to generate the information from memory. Cued recall is when you are given some kind of a prompt. Recognition is when you pick out the correct answer from a list of possible options. Many students prefer to take exams with questions involving multiple choice (recognition test) rather than essays (free-recall test). Professors know this too, so they design multiple choice questions to include alternative answers that can easily be mistaken for the correct response if the student hasn’t studied the material closely. 
I hope you found the information included in this post helpful. If you would like to read more from me, click HERE to see other blog posts! You can also follow my studygram HERE for some inspiration! 
ALSO, I found this video that I thought would be useful, so check it out for more advice! Click HERE. 
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
1) Hey Saz, this is the person from Tink's long-ass 5-parter ask. This is going to be even longer. I'm on anon because of shyness above all things but I am willing to message you off anon if you want me to do so! I saw what you wrote about that ask and I agree.... to the most point. All the 'characteristics' of Destiel that differenciate it from other ships that you listed were actually applicable to some the ships I was talking about, especially Johnlock. -->
--> 2)The other ships, yes, you may be right, but for Johnlock I felt even more wronged intellectually when it crashed to the ground than I think I'll feel if the same thing happens to Destiel. I'm going to sound like a Johnlock shipping troll, but I'm not, I ran away from the mess of a fandom it became post-season 4. So bear with me. I really can't explain what my experience was at the time if you aren't familiar with tjlc and what the pre-season 4 sherlock fandom was like. -->
-->3)But let me assure you that it was extremely alike the spn/destiel fandom right now. I want to point out the similarities of the fandom and the ship but that would basically mean me explaining why Johnlock should have been canon, and I don't think you are here for that. So let me just point out a few things. By the end of the honest-to-god fanfic-y 3rd season, the GA were taking notice of it as well, to the point where, yes, the show is being called the worst queerbait ever even to this day.
--> 4)It frankly deserves it. And it was 2017.... we thought it was due fucking time. Guess it wasn't. When looking ay bibro blogs I can't help but be reminded of Johnlock antis. At least when that was a thing, you know, because you can't be an anti of something when it turns out you were right. We made fun of them, because how the fuck can you see jealousy at weddings, literally killing for the other the day they meet, -->
--> 5) having something secret to say that they can't bring themselves to say even after the other's death, being broken over the other's death TWO YEARS LATER AND ON THE DAY YOU FUCKING PROPOSE TO YOUR GF, prefering the other over your string of girlfriends, counting the texts a woman sent the other, COMING BACK TO LIFE AFTER LITERALLY FLATLINING BECAUSE THE OTHER IS IN DANGER, and, you know, constantly making both of them have shitty relationships and be unsatisfied romantically.... -->
.... and read it all as platonic? The show literally falls apart if you take away Johnlock... sounds familiar. You know, one of the writers for Sherlock is gay. So I believed in him, after all gay writers won't queerbait, how could they? (turns out they could.)......But I digress. I won't blame you if you just glossed over what I ranted above. Actually some of the reasons I'm still holding out hope for Destiel is 1) How atrocious the last season of Sherlock was, worst than Supernatral at its worst. 2) The sense that everything is coming full circle in this season(which we didn't get, btw, in even the last season of Sherlock). 3) Misha fucking Collins. And you know, although i heatedly ranted above in response to your response, I did it only because I wanted to justify what I spent near three years on. I didn't want to leave you thinking that a ship like this didn't exist before, because in my opinion, it did. So sorry. I was being spiteful.About the 'Greatest Love Stoty Ever Told', which was in fact the big fandom tagline for Johnlock as well....... I think I'll wait and see. If it is endgame, then I agree that it really is the greatest love story ever told. And I also agree that the show seems to be going that way
Hi Nonny, 
So this is all in relation to this post and I think that the easiest way to answer this is to say to anyone still doubting, including nonny, to just read the various replies and reblogs on that post, because the answers are perfect. 
Also nonny I know we have spoken in private already and you said that you were feeling better after reading the responses on that post as well so I won’t go into too much depth here, but I still wanted to post your asks in case there are still people out there feeling the way you do.
This is going to be my opinion on the matter, which, of course, is just that. There are many many people out there who were greatly upset by Sherlock and I feel for you all. Its not fair what happened and what that show put you through. Your feelings and your views on the matter are 100% valid and real and nothing that I say here is trying to contradict that. You saw a love story between those characters. That interpretation, like any interpretation of a text, is real and never let anyone say you were wrong. Johnlock still exists within the text of that show, just because it didn’t end with a kiss or a love confession doesn’t mean that it isn’t a valid reading. 
I started watching Sherlock before I ever got into Supernatural. When it came out in 2010 I LOVED it. My film student lizard brain picked up on the Johnlock subtext pretty much straight away and aside from some very brief thoughts of “ooh that would be a different spin on it” I didn’t pay much more attention. I continued to watch Sherlock second season in 2012 and again I noticed the subtext, but at this point recognised that it was all done for humorous purposes. I never thought they would go there. I didn’t “ship” it because I didn’t even know what “shipping” was at the time let alone thought John and Sherlock were more than friends who happen to get mistaken for a couple. That was the gag. It was what made my very typically straight male young brother giggle like an idiot because apparently being mistaken for gay was funny. (It’s not. I hate those jokes. They don’t work outside a Carry On film and I don’t even like Carry On films).
When season 3 came out in Jan 2014 I side eyed the series because I had had enough of the gay jokes. I thought it was getting weird and could see that there was a beautiful bond between the characters that imo was being twisted for cheap laughs. I pondered on whether this Sherlock was in fact in the closet, Were they trying to tell us that he was secretly gay? I didn’t get it because it was never clear enough to me that this was the case and yet they continued to play around with the concept whilst the character of John is off with his fiance. My brother continued to find the whole thing hilarious. It was never taken seriously. My musings on Sherlocks sexuality were pushed aside because it seemed clear to me that the writers were not taking it seriously.
Then over the summer of 2014 I binge watched 9 seasons of SPN. I struggled with seasons 1 and 2, made it through 3, watched 4 and fell in love with an Angel of the Lord. It took me 10 episodes to figure out Cas was gay. It took me a further 2 seasons of umming and ahhing in my own head to conclude that yes,  Dean was definitely Bisexual. It took until 6x20 to realise that this was legit something in the text and not my imagination. It took until season 8 for me to believe 100% that they were going there. (I wavered a bit on that belief in seasons 9 and 10 but season 11 pulled me back and I haven’t looked back since.)
In the early seasons, 4, 5 and 6, I recognised the patterns used between Dean and Cas were the same used in Sherlock. I re-watched Sherlock at some point in 2015 and remember thinking damn yeah they really were shoving the subtext in our faces a bit. But I still didn’t ship it, even though I was 100% shipping destiel at that point. I again pondered Sherlock’s sexuality, had a brief thought of “I’d like to see that take on the story” but again discarded any thought that it would actually be textual in a show that imo seemed adamant in keeping it all about the humour. If they weren’t going to take this characters sexuality seriously, then the story was never going to seriously be explored. 
See if Destiel had always remained the way it was in seasons 4, 5 and 6, then I wouldn’t have any belief that it was going canon. I would probably still ship it (the sexual tension in season 4 was insane) but the idea that it would go canon would have always been a pipe dream. So many shows use the queer subtext as a source of humour. So many shows tease their characters as queer and use homoeroticism for titillation. It delights my idiot brother to no end. I hate it. I think it desperately needs to stop. I have never ever watched an episode of Sherlock and thought that it was doing anything other than just that. (I didn’t particularly like the 4th season though because nothing made any bloody sense and I think they kind of butchered the characterisations - I did say this would all be my opinion though so please don’t take offence).
You say that the show falls apart if you take away the romantic love story and make it platonic. I guess if I was to watch it again I could try to consider that reading, but my own experience watching seasons 1-3 is certainly not from a romantic view point and it all made sense to me. Season 4 didn’t make sense at all, and by the time that was on I was deep in destiel fandom and frequently writing meta, so I DID see the romantic reading in the text and yet still didn’t understand the story. (Again, I stress this is my opinion and is in no way trying to invalidate your own). However, with Destiel, the last three and a bit seasons narratively don’t work without it. I have tried to watch them and ignore every romantic moment, or hint at a romantic love between them, and in doing so, it confuses the fucking plot. I need to sit down and catalogue all the ways seasons 10 to 13 don’t work without destiel to evidence this but it would be a pretty epic job because there are ALOT. 
I understand that you feel that Johnlock and Destiel are similar ships, but my opinion is that they drastically diverted course from each other when SPN went into its eighth season. Since then, there has been nothing quite like destiel in terms of build up and story structure - unless you start comparing it to the straight ships.
Where we are right now, destiel is deeply ingrained into the narrative of the show, and it is never used as a gag. It is never poked fun of in a way that reduces Dean and Cas’s relationship. Something that I believe Sherlock did right up until its last episode. I also 100% believe that the SPN creators and cast have a much greater respect and love for their fans than the Sherlock writers and cast ever did. (I’m not much of a fan of Bendydick Cucumberpatch and I have never been comfortable with Steve Moffat... dunno why the guy just gives me the creeps (then again so does Bob Singer)). They have been so positive towards Destiel recently that I am constantly stunned whenever new media or PR comes out. I am also of the belief that someone as wonderful as Misha Collins who is a champion for the LGBT community and cares deeply about making the world a better place would never ever involve himself in something that if it didn’t happen, would be considered the biggest queerbait in TV history. Breaking the hearts and severely angering millions of fans all over the world. Misha is a very smart man. He knows exactly how much this means to us and what it will do to us if it doesn’t happen. He doesn’t exactly look worried though. He doesn’t ever look like he is guilty over encouraging this ship? He looks like a fucker who knows whats up and can’t wait til we finally get to be in on the joke so he can tweet about it 24/7.
If destiel doesn’t happen, then Misha, of all people.... well... I’d have to rethink my entire opinion of him... the idea is so unfathomable for me, so impossible, it hurts my head to even consider. Did you ever feel this way about BC or Martin Freeman? 
I just can’t believe that the people behind SPN would do that to us, but the people behind Sherlock? Well it didn’t exactly surprise me when it didn’t go canon. The BBC isn’t exactly known for being progressive. It’s known for playing it safe. If Sherlock was on Channel 4 I reckon they would have gone there. The Channel 4 execs probably would have encouraged it from the start. They would have considered it ‘edgy’. 
I know that the CW isn’t exactly the most progressive network either, but its a young network, with a younger demo compared to the grumpy old pensioners who sit and watch BBC every night and complain that their tax payer money shouldn’t be going towards anything other than gardening shows and Eastenders. Soooo I think that has something to do with it too. The CW has a greater chance of pulling something like this off. 
I’m so so sorry that Sherlock burned you. But don’t give up hope on destiel just yet, the factors are all currently in our favour. No two ships are alike, and in my opinion, Destiel is the motherfucking Symphony of the Seas compared to all others. It’s bigger, better, and hopefully, due for launch in Spring 2018.
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beryul-blog · 7 years
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so  i’ve  reached  a  milestone .   ive  loved  luke  ever  since  i   first  watched  the  movies  when  i   was  seven  years  old  and??????honestly  my  love  for  him  hasn’t  changed?????  having  said  that ,   my   love   and   understanding   for   his   character   would   not   have   been   where   it   is   now   without   you   guys.    im  just   so   grateful   and   balled   over   at   the   talent ,   creativity ,   and   passion   of   everyone   i   follow   and   idk   expressing   emotions   is   not   my   strong   suit   so   uhhhhhhhh   yeahhhhhhhh   ilu<333   im   way   too   adh.d  for  this   i  stg ZOOM ZOO M TO  THE SPECIAL  MENT I O N S
THE BLUE MILK  (  the  duplicates  ---  some  id  consider  friends  )
ooOooOh boy .    you   guys  i  cant   even   bE  GIN  to  explain  my   love  for   y’all .     i   have   the   biggest   duplicate   angziety  in   the   world .    its   in   my   nature   i   cant   help   it   and   honestly??????/all   your   interpretations   terrify   me   bu t in a good way i promise   bc   theyre   all   so   unique   and   well   thought   out   and   amazing  and   what   makes   it   even   wor S E   is   that   all   of   you   (  even  the  ones  that  i  dont  speak  to  all  that  often  )   are   the   sweetest,   most   talented ,   sensitive ,   passionate   individuals   ive   met   online????? EV E R.   also   all   these   comments   are  genuine  not   sarcastic aslkjaksdnasl   (forgive  me  im  british  i  thin k  everything  sounds  sarcastic)
@horizonwept  :   charlie????mY. G OD.   your   understanding   and   enthusiasm   of   our   Son   is   unparalleled   and?????? ik   we   dont  speak  that   much  recently  b u  T  I  WANT  TO  MORE????? everytime   you  post   something   i   press  mah   lil   face   up   to   the   screen   and   weepe t h .   you’re   also   kind   and   funny   and   people   just????? love  u?????AND  I lov e  u  too?????  al SO   you   convinced   me   of   lukes   characterisation   in    tlj   and   tfa   and   honestly????im   so  s O   glad   u   did<3   everythign  u   post   is  just   so   thought  out   and   intelligent  and   i   just.   wish.   i   could  do   wht   u   do???   keep   being  amazing   sweaty  :’) @lstjedi  :   KAY!!!!!!!   the   founder   of   the   lu k e   slywalker  group   chat   *g a sps*   mah   love.   now   i   know   youve   been   feeling   a   lil   insecure   recently   about   ur   age   and  ur   mental   health  has   been   acting   up   (belief  me  i  know<3 )   b u T  HUN NN Y   listen   up:   you   ar e  the   symbol   of   dont-judge-by-age   policy   bc   honestly???? u   have   the   skill,   dedication,   and   maturity  of   people   who   are   twice   ur   age.   ur   passion????? unbelievable.   ur   kindness?????  one  of   a   kind.   ur  maturity?????? uhhhh more   than   me.     ur   writing???? delicious.    if   youre   feeling   insecure   about   your  age,   dont.      you   are  amazing   and   talented   and   dont   u   d  A  RE    forget   it<3   edit:   also   i   love  how   you   come   onto   the   chat   being   the  first  person  to   talk   and  ur   like  ‘hi  guys!!!’  and   idk  i   just   find   u  really   sweet   and  friendlyasjdna,nda @skyhcpped  :    ro!!!!!!!   henlo   there  my   frond.    first   of   all   wh  ERE   DO  U   FIND  ALL   THESE   MEMES??????  im loving it keep going.    we   havent   spoken   much   b U T   the  groupchat   has   brought   us   Together   and   thats   the   best   thing   ever   bc   i   think   ur   just?????? so   talented   and   ur   understanding   and   love   for   luke  (eveninmemes)  is   unparalleled.   i   love   talking   about   our   mutual  Hate  for  re/ylo   and   a L SO   i   hope   ur   not   still   freezing   on   hoth?????if  you  are cold,   wrap   up   warm,   grab   urself   a   hot  chocolate   if   u   like   that   sort   of   thing,  run  a   bath,   uhhhhhhhhh  create   a   pillow   fort,   find   a   tauntaun   and   sit   inside  it.   that   was   my   survival   lecture  thanks  for  coming  to  my  ted  talk  :)))))   also  the  fact  u  are.  literally.  daredevil???? taking  a s  hot  of  vinegar  and terrified   a   boy??? my  hero, mah idol.    i   did   a   reverse  thing  where  i  dared  (2)  boys  to  take  a  teaspoon   of   vanilla   essence   and   they  did  it   (s o empowering  ;)
@lightswept  :   riceeeeee.   honestly  how  can   anyone   ever   hate   you????    we   havent   been   talking   for   v   long   but   omgskdnf   you   are   so   sweet   and   lovely   and   u   deserve   The  World?????   haters   need   to   back  tf   up   bc   u   are   so   Pu re.    and   ur   also   really   attentive?????  your   writing   is   just   so   fluent  and  honestly??a  full   course  meal.   remember   that  i   love   and  appreciate   you   and  thats   NEVER  going  to   change<333   if  u  ever   need   to   talk,   i  am  always   here   even   tho  im   shit   at   advice   i  will   send  u   metaphorical  cake  and  hugs xoxo
@hopegave  :   mY  ITALIAN  BEAN.   look  at  us  europeans  yesiknowbrexit,   awake   when   all   the   ‘muricans   are   sleep i n g  asljdaksl   ur   honestly   adorable??????like   i   cant even  begin?????on  the  group   chat   youre   so   enthusiastic  and   capiTAL  LETTERS   and   asjaklsdlka  so   Pu re???  and  both  of   us   gushing  about   snow  ??????? iconic,  truly.  you,   being   the   first  person  to   call   ne w   york   hoth????? also  iconic.  ITALY  IS  ONE  OF   MY   FAV   PLACES   ON  EARTH  I   GO  THERE   A   LOT  IN   THE  SUMMERASFJHSD b U T  thats  off  topic.  what  i   need  to   say   is   that   ilu   and   ur   enthusias m   and  friendliness   and   yeah??????   stay  awesome
 @dualsuns   :   LIAM   IDK  WHY  IM   TELLING   U   THIS   BUT  WHENEVER   I   THINK   OF   U   I   THINK   OF   WINE???????  m aybe  its  bc   ur   prose  is   so   damn   sophistica t e d?????  its  so   fluent   and   makes  s o  much  sense???? ur  so   good   at   narrating   lukes   thoughts   its   so   obvious   you   have  this  amazing   understanding   of   his   character  its  !!!!!!!!  and   i   seriously  admire  that/?   like  your   voice   is  uhhh h   on  point .    i  can   tell   you   take   this   seriously   and   care  so   much   about   luke    (boi   me  too)  and  it   shows????  in   all   ur   hcs   and   ooc   posts   its   all   backe d   up   with    quotes,   love   and   analysis  like   damnnnnnnnn.   i   know  ive   only   really   interacted   w   you   a   couple  of   times   in    passing   but   id   love  to   more?????   ur   amazing   everythings   amazing  wow<3
 @didntturn   :    hmm mMMMM Mm   kylie.   have   we   ever  spoken?????  i   dont   think   so.   i   just   admire  u   from   afar   :’)   g U RL   first   of  all   ur   hilarious????  idk   i   think  we’ve  got   a   similar  sense   of   humour aklsdnanm  its   very   british.   also  ur   hcs   t a KE  MY  BREATH   AWAY.   so  muc h  detail   and   love?????   u   clearly   have   a   deep   understanding   of   luke  only  us   mere   mortals   can   d  REA M   of<3   hope  we   can   start   talking   bc   i   uhhhh  adore   ur   characterisation   and   id   love   to   discuss?????  idk   im   gushinggggggg
THE DROIDS  (  mah  main cretins  )  
@guiltslut  :   yh  idk  who  u   ar e   :/    j K  BINCH  IK  UR   WENDO!!!!!   mah  main  cretin  :’)   youve   been   by   my  side   for   8   months   (or   was  it   seven???? i cant rememberasdkajsdk)  which   is   an,, ,, ,  achievement.   your   writing  is   tasty  af   and   ur   enthusiasm  unparalleled.   i  will   always  love  and   appreciate   you<3
@smuglr  :   i   have   to   put   u  on  here   bc   we’ve  known   each   other   for   over   a  year   and   thats   kinda   mcCrazy??? im  sorry  i  havent   kept   in  touch  as   much  as  i  probably   should   have,  but  im   more  sorry   for  making  u   think  i   was   on   bath salts   when  i   was  quoting  bad  lip   reading  :/   honestly   ever  since  the  beginning   ive   admired   ur   prose   so   much???? its   so   good   and  attentive   and  poetic  and  fluent  i  just???? could   gush   about   it   all   weak   tbhhhhhh  your   graphics   and   aethetics   are   also ?????? amazing?????? im  so   happy   that  i  know  u   and  even  after  all  this  time   i  still  love   and  appreciate  u<33  Stay groovy  mah  frond
@primdoe   :    sO   ik   i   havent  known   u   for   very   long   at  all   n  this   is   probably   like?????? a  lil   Extra??????   but   im   already  in  love.   i  could  gush   about   ur   oc   for  Yonks   and   just   how   passionate  and   attentive   you   are  to  her????? shes   so   detailed   and   cared  about   by   many   and   you   inspire   me  to  put  more  detail  into  my  own  ocs askdjasmnd???? ur  graphics  and  ps  skills  are  just????? they  water  my  crops  honestly???? and the fact that you gave me one of your psds is the sweetest ilu??  
SPACE SHIPS  (  the  i-admire-from-afar-but-also-interracted-with-in-the-ims-and-loVING IT-so-far-even-tho-im-shit-at-replying????  category  )  
@aequitia ,    @astrmech ,  @awokeforce ,  @baelnc ,   @deadlymarch ,   @elanere  ,   @hopehrt ,  @rystolo  ,   @scintist  ,   @sunworn .
SUNSETS   (  the  i  admire  and  havent  interacted  with  yet  *__* )
@dynste ,  @entropiet ,  @ersoic ,  @flypulse ,   @forcebled ,  @galasymph ,  @greysistance ,  @jaigsight ,   @midlapse ,  @tiefighting ,  @resistijo ,  @roseared ,  @starkniight ,  @theforcetm ,   @rotichor  ,   @scorpyre .
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