#i'm so confused i can't easily delete whole tags anymore
bi-rezi · 9 months
begging my left ear not to be infected so i don't have to stretch it all over again. if i have to have asymmetrical ears i'll die
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lovelyserpentines · 3 years
hey! so i have an unusual ask, i'm sorry. so i thought i had found of post somewhere of just a compilation of good portwell fics, but i can't seem to find it. do you mind giving some recommendations, or links to posts? i miss them so much 🥺
dude... i can't even begin to apologize enough, bc it has been like ?? almost two months?? since you asked this, and that's just unacceptable of me to not get back to you til now. i am so so sorry.
one of the first things i thought of tho when i initially saw this was that i am like 5000% sure you saw @invictusmaneo's fic recs post, but then el accidentally deleted their acc kgrngkrjg so that's likely why you're struggling to find it.
anyway, both el's and my incompetency aside, i'm still giving you the portwell fics i have bookmarked on ao3 bc i have to properly answer this ask even if i fuckn suck.
i'll organize these by authors, bc a few of these i have notifs on for and they consistently churn out fantastic portwell content.
Maybe He Needs That Romance Maybe, probably, he deserves her. And she deserves him, too. (A/N: An EJ-centric piece this time, featuring a collection of moments, some of which are from S02E05 (“The Quinceañero) until S02E07 (“The Field Trip”).)
Inadvertent Confessions When Gina accidentally confesses her feelings towards a certain water polo slash theater guy, she tries to put it behind her. But EJ’s not just gonna let it go that easily, is he?
We Should Be Lovers Instead [EJ shows up at Gina's door at 3am... it's not much of a surprise what follows.]
“I can’t keep pretending anymore,” he says simply. “I… I can’t take the-the weird moments and the knowing glances and… and the tension.”
Gina blinks, not quite following. “EJ?”
“Gina, I… “ She leans in, ever so slightly, waiting for him to continue. “I think I’m in love with you.”
Perfectly Imperfect “Can I kiss you?” she let out a breath, not letting herself think too much for fear of losing her confidence. EJ’s face quickly changed, his confusion being replaced with very clear understanding, though he looked as if he couldn’t believe what he’d just heard. She continued, not taking any chances here. “Will you be my first kiss?”
[Part character study, part fix-it to the SEVERE LACK of kissing from the season 2 finale.]
loving you is habit-forming She startles, giving him a bright smile and snatches the granola from his hand, slipping it up her sleeve. “Alright, babe. Let’s do this.”
He lets out a laugh and follows her, like he always knows he will.
[In which, E.J. is hopelessly in love with Gina and Gina loves that he stayed.]
i got you, babe He doesn’t know how it started but the whole, hey, babe turned into, this is a level five on the uncomfortable scale, please help and risotto turned into, get me the fuck out here and fake a death if you have to, but definitely put me on speaker and sob, on the uncomfortable scale. Their system is still a work in progress.
[AKA: The four times Gina and E.J. faked being in a relationship and the one time they didn't have to.]
we just keep on getting better "Uh, I actually"—he shifts the gift bag in his hand to reveal another—"got you something as well."
It’s a red bag, neatly stuffed with white tissue paper. Hanging on one of the ribbon handles outside of the bag, is a tag that reads her name in EJ’s usual clean handwriting. And it’s for her.
“I thought it’d be rude to show up without something for you. I mean, we were in a very serious fake relationship.”
you can hear it in the silence The abrupt sound of someone behind her clearing their throat quickly pulled her from the moment. She spun around to see Ashlyn, standing at the foot of the stairs, looking back at her with raised eyebrows.
Gina’s throat went dry immediately. How long had Ashlyn been standing there? And could she tell just how much Gina was feeling at that moment? Had she noticed what Gina herself was only beginning to?
daylight In a fit of panic and self-preservation, she drops everything but the bowl of popcorn, which she flings towards The Intruder.
Gina’s feeling pretty good about it. But then The Intruder yelps. She doesn’t know when she became so familiar with that yelp. Just that she is. Because she already knows who this is from the sound. Before he swings around, before she fumbles for the light switch, and before he says warily,
“How is your aim that fucking good?”
(or: a late-night conversation between Gina and EJ in Ashlyn's house)
**this author also has written r*na fics, so if you go to their acc expecting only portwell... that's not what you're gonna find lmao.
You're Like Lightning in a Bottle “One more game?” she offered, grin smug after her win and eyes sparkling and he thought he fell in love right there.
“Oh you’re on. I’m definitely winning this time”
He lost
[Or EJ and Gina go axe-throwing and it’s surprisingly fun.]
**this is an unfinished multichap that i promise i'm bullying el about.
Beneath The Streetlights And The Moon EJ turned to face her, propping himself up. The moonlight painted her with a light glow, and he realized that he was mistaken before because right now Gina was the most beautiful he’d ever seen her.
He just stared at her for a minute, not saying a word. Gina looked at him curiously about to ask if there was something on her face before he spoke.
“You’re amazing Gina.”
xxx my own fics bc i can't not self-promote oof xxx
see going through and getting all these links/etc. was why my procrastination hit so hard and i waited so long, but i'm still extremely sorry anon! i'm sure you've found amazing fics on your own/by other people who answer their asks in a more timely fashion, but here are my recs. xx
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