#i'm so tired jfdhjkfhdk but i wanted to finish and upload it anyway
littleoddwriter · 3 years
Okay so obviously you don't need to do this if you don't want to but i thought it might be fun for you to write a fanfic of your favorite slasher and use whatever you feel well listening to this song as like the kinda theme?
(Two feet-i feel like im drowning)
Fvcked Up | Charles Lee Ray/Chucky x GenderNeutral!Reader
This was super interesting, thank you so much for this request! Gosh! <3 Also, when you said Favourite Slasher, it had to be Chucky, of course. He is my favourite after all, but damn, his human version is quite difficult to write for, ngl. I just feel like Charles and Chucky are two different people in a way; because Charles lost a lot of his humanity by being a doll (which makes sense, duh; but it's quite striking to me and stood out even more when I tried to find this sweet balance between the two, so as to not mischaracterise him). Anyway! I hope you enjoy what I've come up with. This song just screamed Toxic Relationship in my face, so-
summary; Charles is out a lot at night and it worries you. One time you stay up and find out just what exactly he's been up to and it certainly surprises you in multiple ways.
notes; GenderNeutral!Reader; Toxic Relationship; Strangulation/Choking; Background Murders; Morally Ambiguous!Reader; Anxiety; Cheating Mentions; Plays more in Present Time.
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
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When you first met him, you felt instantly drawn to him. You couldn’t tell why – and frankly, you didn’t care. All you cared about was being with him, no matter what.
Of course, when that desire was being fulfilled, you couldn’t really believe your luck at all. This handsome, fascinating man liked you and wanted you as much as you did him? It was a dream come true!
For the longest time, you didn’t even notice anything off about him at all. He’s always been a little mysterious to you and that was something you actually really enjoyed about being with him.
Yet your friends would always tell you that he was bad news and you should end it before it got too serious, but you never once listened to them. They didn’t know him like you did. Their first impression of him was all wrong. Their intuition was wrong.
Or was it?
Sure, you had to admit that Charles had quite the temper; but he never let it out on you. He never hurt you. Sometimes, he would yell, of course it happened; but he always went out and came back, fully relaxed and normal, even apologising for lashing out on you. So, naturally you didn’t dwell on it. Why should you when most of the time, he treated you like nobody else ever has?
This relationship fulfilled you. It made you happy. It made you feel like you were loveable after all. It made you feel complete.
Still, there were times that you questioned everything. Usually, it was in those nights – after you had moved in together – when Chucky would stay out far longer than he was supposed to. First, you would get worried that something had happened to him, but when he returns home eventually; you merely feel anxious over the fact that he could be cheating on you. What else should he have been up to, late at night and not returning any of your calls and messages, after all?
Not all too long into it all, you found out what the real reason for his absence was.
Determined, you had stayed up and waited for him to come home, when you usually went to bed and woke up once he lay down next to you.
Once he came through the door and saw you sitting on the couch in the living room, he stopped short. You looked at each other for a few tense seconds. While that had been going on, you noticed how his expression was pretty dazed – for the lack of a better word – and he was sporting this kind of grin that wasn’t like any of those you’d seen on him before. It all had an unpleasant shiver run down your spine.
“Where have you been?” you asked eventually, breaking this charged silence between you two.
“Went for a walk,” he replied roughly.
“Chucky,” you sighed and gotten up, “Be honest with me. Please. You’re gone for the night so often. I’m just worried, y’know?”
“There’s nothing to worry about.”
Gently, but almost cautiously, you took his hands into yours and looked him in the eyes, “Please tell me the truth.”
Heaving a heavy sigh, he held onto one of your hands, but let go of the other as he raised his right one. Then, he touched your neck, grazing his thumb over your throat. His eyes followed the movement, seemingly getting lost in it all.
“Charles, my love?” It was barely above a whisper.
He hummed thoughtfully, tightening his grip around your neck for a moment, startling you.
At that point, you started to feel anxious. This wasn’t like him at all.
Or was it?
Have you just never noticed it before, blinded by your love for him, whereas all your friends – who had no longer been your friends, then – knew exactly what was hidden underneath his façade?
Your mind was reeling, making you feel dizzy.
Although, perhaps it was also the lack of oxygen when you realised that his grip had tightened once more, putting pressure on your windpipe with both of his thumbs – and when did he even add his other hand?
Instinctively, you raised your own hands and wrapped them around his wrists, trying to loosen his grip around you.
When you looked him in the eyes, he had fixed such an intense gaze on you.
Once more, shivers ran down your spine. This time, you couldn’t tell if they were unpleasant or not. Something about it just intrigued you, despite the fact that your life was in immediate danger. Was it the fact that you were in love with him? Most likely; although you wondered if this shouldn’t have given you some clarity. Maybe that, too, was only a myth.
“Chucky,” you choked out, almost wordlessly, but you tried anyway.
That seemed to have done the job, though, as he suddenly snapped out of it and let go of you all too suddenly.
Gasping for air, your hands flew up to your neck, cradling it, while you gulped down breath after breath, holding onto your lifeline with utter desperation.
“Fuck. I didn’t mean to-,” Charles started saying, seeming frantic, but stopped himself, running his hands through his long hair.
“What the actual fuck?” you rasped out between heavy breaths.
“I’m the Lakeshore Strangler,” he confessed in a rush, shocking you to your very core.
Despite it all, you couldn’t help but laugh, “Fuck! I thought you were cheating on me, but all this time you’ve been murdering people? This is- This is fucking ridiculous, Chucky!”
“Are you fucking laughing at me?”
“Not at you. Just how ridiculous this situation is because my worst fear was that you found someone better than me,” you said, quickly sobering up, “I mean, I guess you did find something better than me at least.”
“That’s not true,” he admitted softly, making your heart skip a beat, despite the fact that he could have almost killed you, then.
“Oh? Then why did you almost make me one of your victims just now?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Why aren’t you running?, you thought to yourself.
“I’m sorry about that. It just happened! I was panicking, okay?”
“Well, I hope that was the last time you did that,” you said, taking a step towards him again, since this incident had put some distance between you two.
“I promise,” he said; and even though alarm bells rang through your mind, you believed him.
“Okay, then.”
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you tilted your head and leaned forward, intending to kiss him. Your lips were only millimetres apart, brushing against each other.
“You’re not leaving?” he asked quietly.
“I love you, Chucky,” you responded - as though that was answer enough - and kissed him, putting all the passion you felt for him into it.
In the back of your mind, you truly wondered just why you weren’t packing your things and getting the fuck out of there; but it felt wrong to do so. Just thinking about it made you feel sick. You loved him and you wanted to be with him. Apparently the fact that he stole other people’s life didn’t deter you from staying with him, then.
Still, from that night forward, you noted a shift in your relationship.
On one hand, he was less mysterious now; and on the other hand, everything made a whole lot more sense, but also made you more aware of certain issues with what you two had.
By all means, you certainly knew by then that your relationship was everything but healthy.
Sometimes, you felt ashamed of the fact that you didn’t leave him or rat him out to the cops; that you allowed more people to die through your partner’s hands that would touch you in the same night with tenderness and passion – with desire.
Despite your best instincts and knowledge, you knew you would stay with him until the very end, whatever that may look like then – although your money was on the fact that you’d die on his hands, just like so many others.
After all, you deserved it, didn’t you?
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