#i'm still on funky meds so hoping it doesn't read weird
What do you think Fairy Tail would’ve been like if Lucy and Brandish had grown up together? Do you think Lucy would’ve been one of the Spriggan 12?
I'm very torn between Brandish joining Fairy Tail or Lucy joining the 12 tbh...
This one isn't really gonna be headcanons. It's basically the plot of a story lol
Lucy ended up running away a lot earlier. Brandish encouraged her to do so from the second Jude started mistreating her
The girls didn't see each other much, but were pen pals
Brandish invites runaway Lucy to join her in Alvarez
The two women become roommates. Which is a bit awkward at first because they've only talked through letters for years but eventually they get the swing of things
Brandish keeps getting offers to join the Spriggan 12 but she refuses because she has no interest in such things
Lucy insists Brandish joins. She thinks it would be good for Brandish to make some new friends
Brandish finally agrees but requests that Lucy joins her as well
While Lucy wants to take the job, part of her still longs for adventure
So she makes a deal with Brandish. Lucy will technically be a high ranking member of Brandish's team, but will also be given the freedom to adventure on her own
The only requirement is that Lucy has to check back every couple months and has to return when Brandish calls
Lucy then returns to Fiore and begins her quest to expand her wizard skills
While with Brandish, Lucy trained a lot and is much stronger than she was in the og series
So she goes on her adventure with Fairy Tail being a high ranking member from the start
Brandish comes and helps during high stress battles but not too often for Fairy Tail to consider her a friend
Brandish decides not to tell Lucy that the guild she joined is technically their enemy. The 12 see it as a bonus and consider Lucy their inside man
Lucy is unintentionally feeding Alvarez information and helping them better prepare to battle the guild
Brandish feels incredibly guilty about this. She tries to extend the amount of time between updates from Lucy, but she knows it's not enough and Brandish is going to put her friend in a terrible situation
When the war happens, Lucy is heartbroken and her friends feel betrayed. Fairy Tail believes Lucy turned on them and kick her from the guild
This destroys Lucy emotionally and Brandish is pissed. She's pissed that the 12 put her in this situation, pissed that Lucy is crying, pissed that they were both used
So Brandish betrays Alvarez and turns to Fairy Tail's side, thus winning them the war
Both girls end up earning Fairy Tail's trust and becoming members
Brandish and Lucy then make a healthy bet for who can find Aquarius first and thus the 100 yq begins
It's a literal race tho. Like both women are searching the world to find Aquarius. Lucy with the help of her team and Brandish on her own
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