#i'm surprised i didn't fuck up spelling anything ngl-
cacaoviar content from yours truly
woohoo finally finished that cacaoviar fic- believe me when i say i opted to cut it short cause i didn't know where to go (i am not a writer help me)
anyway cacaoviar mini-fic technically for @limboraptor under the cut :thumbsup: (y'all are free to draw stuff about this btw)
It was an early morning in the snow covered, cliffside, kingdom, truthfully a little too early for more than half the kingdom.
Dark Cacao, dressed in his royal kimono, furred cloak over his shoulders and crown discarded for the moment, was of the only few actually awake, a candle on the chabudai he used as his desk, and a cushion beneath his legs where he sat on his knees.
The contents atop the low built table consisted of paperwork and documents, mostly diplomatic things involving other kingdoms, a small ink vial, and the quill in the nobleman's hand.
If you were to ask him, Cacao wouldn't be able to give you a reason as to why he was up so early, mindlessly filling out paperwork. No one was to be visiting him, especially at such an hour of the morning, so it's not like he was just passing the time with paperwork.
Or, at least, he thought no one was supposed to be visiting him.
Turns out his seafaring, not yet boyfriend, boyfriend had different, specifically unannounced, plans.
Cacao was startled from the calm of methodical scratching against paper by the sound of the door to his quarters being forced open, rather unceremoniously too, the screeching of the sliding door against it's frame greatly unpleasant to his ears.
Before Cacao could look up, a familiarly warm hearted, albeit shivering, voice range from the door.
"Cacao!" A snow covered, and slightly frostbitten, Captain Caviar shouted with delight as he barged into the room, tossing aside his coat onto the wooden flooring.
With a soft sigh and warm smile, Cacao rose from his cushion, clasping his hands together as he moved to meet the sailor halfway.
"Caviar." Cacao greeted with a nod, before he brushed some snow off of Caviar's fluffy hair, unable to help himself from toying with the soft dark curls for just a moment. "It's good to see you."
"It's good to see you too!" Caviar grinned widely in return, his hands placed on his hips as he leaned into that small moment of a gentle hand in his hair.
In the back of his mind, Caviar wanted that moment to last a lot longer than just a few seconds, but, he wouldn't admit that. At least not aloud.
"…You're freezing, aren't you?" Cacao suddenly chimed, narrowing his dark purple-ish brown eyes, as he moved to remove his cloak, draping the warm, heavy duty, fabric over the barely covered sailor, gently bundling him up.
"Whaattt?? I'm fine! A little cold never bothered me!"
"You frequent tropical seas more than you do glacial seas, you are more often on a boat than you are on land, and it's six in the morning."
"…Y-Yeah- so what?-"
"Do you truly expect me to believe that you didn't spend half a day tripping and falling through the snow just trying to get here? I'm well aware sea legs don't mix with multiple feet of snow."
"…Okay fine- I might have fallen a few times-"
Caviar crossed his arms, puffing up his cheeks as he snuggled up in the furred cloak, to which Cacao couldn't help but chuckle warmly at the sight of.
Cacao, taking one of Caviar's hands in his own, his own scarred fingers grazing over the callouses of the sailor's, callouses that he found beautiful in their own way, built from years of hardwork protecting his home.
With a small, gentle kiss to the back of the sailor's hand, the nobleman looked up at him through dark, white speckled, eyelashes, and spoke with loving concern. "My dear captain, do I need to remind you that you can't be visiting my kingdom without weather appropriate wear? One of these days, you'll end up catching a cold."
Caviar however, face flushed with bright red blush, looked away from Cacao, covering his face with his free hand.
"Look, I've been trying alright- wearing such heavy clothing just ain't comfortable-" Caviar tried to argue, yet was met with a look that quite clearly said "and yet you're soaking up being in my cloak".
Without even a proper word from Cacao, Caviar continued. "This thing's an exception alright!" The sailor argued, the nobleman giving not but a small laugh at the sailor's attempts to defend himself.
"I suppose, perhaps, I'll have to have something tailored for you then, yes?" Cacao offered, as he turned over Caviar's hand to nuzzle the sailor's palm, gently kissing the rough skin.
"Y-yeah…" Caviar managed to mutter, a rare sight for the sailor to stutter but one that Cacao reveled in nonetheless. "W-whatever floats your boat-"
Suddenly, Caviar stiffened, his face scrunching up, before he sneezed, his body reacting violently, his entire body bouncing a little. Rubbing his nose with his fist, Caviar was quiet for a few moments, Cacao staring at him in surprise.
Before inevitably bursting into a fit of soft laughter, pulling the sailor closer to him. "I believe my point has been further proven." Cacao murmured through his laughter, pressing his face against the sailor's forehead, brushing away some of his fluffy hair to kiss his skin.
The sailor sniffled, rubbing his face with his arm as he grumbled a little, visibly irritated by the fact the cold had gotten to him this time.
"It was just a snee-" Caviar went to retort, but before he could finish, he was cut off by a small yelp as Cacao clasped his hand, tugging him along after him.
Both grew quiet as Caviar stumbled after Cacao, the sailor's expression softening to match the nobleman's. Caviar would have said he was surprised when he noticed they were headed towards Cacao's bedroom, but truthfully he wasn't.
Nestling into the nobleman's bed with him had become a routine for the sailor, especially when making visits like these. It wasn't like anything had happened yet anyways.
So, without complaint, Caviar carefully clipped off any accessories he had and set them on the nearby nightstand after Cacao released his hand, the nobleman going to make the bed and get some tissues for the sailor's nose.
It took a couple minutes, but eventually, Caviar got comfortable.
Wrapped up in Cacao's cloak, with blankets pulled up over his body, and a plush of the nobleman in his arms, Caviar couldn't help but smile softly.
It wasn't long after Caviar got settled that Cacao joined him, carefully climbing under the covers with him, snuggling up to him despite the possibility of getting sick as well…if Caviar was sick.
"…You're a goof ball." Caviar grumbled despite shamelessly resting his head on Cacao's chest, pressing his nose into the slightest bit of skin the kimono couldn't cover.
The nobleman smiled, bringing his hand up to twine his fingers through the curly locks of Caviar's hair. "But I'm your goof ball, aren't I?" Cacao retort, grinning lightly against the sailor's hair.
Caviar released a soft chuff, rolling his eye in a manner that said "shut up and just cuddle", and quiet Cacao did grow. Aside from the faint rumbles that resonated from his chest alongside his beating heart.
It was an ever snowy afternoon in the cliffside kingdom when Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip found their king fast asleep with the sailor they'd come to know as his unofficial lover.
Neither cookie said a word, simply smiled softly as they looked between themselves and the sight before them. Eventually, they left after making sure the two were tucked in properly.
A small plushie of a rice cake hound was the only thing left behind that implied the two were ever there.
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bondsmagii · 3 years
“some of the American suburbs I've seen are honest to god hostile to human life” this…. This articulates what I’ve been thinking about parts of America for a while tbh. And the worst part is most people aren’t even aware of it? Not through any fault of their own but the “America is the Greatest Place on Earth and we Must Save Everyone Else” mentality is so strong that a lot of people honestly believe it? Imagine not being able to walk 5 mins to your nearest food shop? What the fuck? I mean, parts of Essex are shit and built around cars as well but dear God. Another horrifying American thing I’ve been looking into recently is the teaching profession and how the s h i t e working conditions are driving a horrifying teacher shortage that no one seems to want to do anything about? Hospitality staff having to rely on tips to make ends meet is bad enough but needing to take on a second job when you’re a teacher with a master’s degree on top of having to pay for school supplies for your class or make an Amazon wish list… that country is a real-live dystopia ngl. I’m done with the unexpected rant you definitely didn’t ask for lol but that garage post did something to me
yeah, like... obviously I'm not going to sit here and act like this is a strictly American problem because god knows my country has issues too, but these issues combined with the whole propaganda thing? it honestly terrifies me, and I think a lot of Americans don't even realise it's happening -- at least not until they get old enough to get online and learn about how things go in other countries. a lot of Americans are becoming aware of it now, but there are still so many people of all ages who genuinely outright believe or just don't question what's being taught.
I bitch a lot about how American-centric the internet is, and with good reason. I've had Americans say very offensive things to me because of ignorance over basic facts, and I've been accused of lying because I've spelled things "wrong" or stated things that have happened that apparently wouldn't have happened in America. it's frustrating that the mere consideration that I might not be an American doesn't even cross their minds, and it's annoying that I have to censor my own language and dialect so that Americans don't ridicule me or deliberately misunderstand me so they can make stupid jokes. like, this is all valid criticism -- when I'm online, for example, I do not presume that everyone I'm speaking to is Irish. I don't even presume everyone I'm speaking to is American. it seems straightforward to me, but apparently a lot of people out there just don't bother.
however, I know that a lot of this isn't a conscious, deliberate choice to be an ass. the absolutely abyssmal public education in America is partly to blame... and to be honest, the American-centricness that these people grow up with, I think, makes it physically impossible for a lot of them to consider others. it doesn't occur to them because it's never been taught to them. now, if you point it out, and they still keep at it, that's just being a dick. but you can hardly condemn somebody for something they didn't even realise they were doing. they're literally indoctrinated from birth to accept all these absolutely insane things -- shitty public transport, no sidewalks or stores at all in their massive European-city sized neighbourhoods, terrible public education, fucking lunch debt, having to pay for something as basic a human right as healthcare, working for below minimum wage and having to rely on tips, school shootings for Christ's sake -- and because they're also told that America is The Greatest, they assume (and are often outright told) that other countries are much worse. the genuine anger, surprise, and disbelief I've seen from Americans when I've explained how things are in my country is unbelievable. once a person expressed disbelief in a story I told because it centred around the ending up in the emergency room with a friend, and he could not wrap his head around how I wasn't stressed about bills, and why I called an ambulance when technically we could have got a taxi. (hint: I called an ambulance because my friend was in agony, and you know... that's what the ambulance service is for. it never even occured to me to do anything else. at the hospital it turned out she had a broken elbow, so good call, really.) he was absolutely astounded when I told him it cost me nothing. not a single penny. he had been constantly told that socialised healthcare would never work, and when he realised that I don't even notice my taxes coming out to pay for it, he got pissed, wondering why his country couldn't do the same. it's absolutely insane, what American people are forced to live with -- and then they're lied to, straight up, and told that this is the best it gets.
to my American followers, I am so glad you're waking up to this bullshit, but you have got to keep pushing back. the world is watching your country with heartbreak and horror. to many of us, you live in hell. even with my own country's absolute bullshit (and I say this as someone who grew up in a warzone and who is now putting up with the national embarrassment that is Brexit) you could not pay me to live in America. you couldn't even pay me to visit, at this point. sincerely, wishing you a very pleasant revolution.
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