#i'm talking about the bitches who clog up the gn!reader tags with their explicitly f!reader fics
antique-traveler · 2 years
ok i need to go on a quick rant about x reader fics
so i like x reader. i've written a few x reader fics. i think it's fun and creative and a worthwhile artistic endeavor. but y'all have got to start properly labeling your x reader work.
i've read far too many fics that label themselves as "gender neutral reader", only to have the reader be called girlfriend/wife/wear a dress etc., or fics where the author doesn't mention the reader's gender at all in the description, only for the second paragraph to hit me with more she's and her's than i can count.*
if you want to write x f!reader, cool, all the more power to you, but tell the audience that it's going to be f!reader.
i am not even the littlest bit a woman, so if i start a fic that defaults to she/her pronouns and feminine titles without letting me know, that automatically excludes me (and a lot of other people) from the fic (not to mention makes me wildly dysphoric).
again, write all the x f!reader fic you want, write enough f!reader to fill libraries, but label it correctly.
*i know that none of these things are strictly "female" or "for women", and that neither clothes nor pronouns need to strictly adhere to someone's gender (hell, i'm a nonbinary person that exclusively uses he/him irl and dresses fairly masc), but to automatically choose descriptions that are most commonly associated with femininity and label them as "gender neutral" is, i think, transphobic. nonbinary people aren't "women lite". if you insist that these descriptions/terms are gender neutral, then i should be seeing just as many supposed gn!reader fics that default to having the reader wear suits and cologne.
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