#i'm thinking it's a possibility he hangs out in the fringe communities that try to disappear and maybe even founded one or two of them
flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
also a potential reben NF au would absolutely just mostly center around him and i and have very little else in transplanted lore because i don’t have time for all that
#txt.txt#i already considered there's no other supes or the 7 in this anyway#vought got around to making /him/ as a supe and the timing since i'm shifting everything forward a handful of decades#means the rising happens they swerve into seeing if compound v could be a cure for KA or at the least#weaponized against it via temporary protection for soldiers in infected zones/combat#stan quickly realizes superheroes are pointless now (and is relieved for it since he felt it was getting off task)#and diverts the purpose of the research and whatnot#ben is in an impasse with them there like. he's not their puppet and hasn't been for a while and they're not happy about it#but they know he's going to wreck their whole existence if they try to force the issue#he did some soldier boy type stuff during the rising and a few years after and basically decided fuck this i'm out#i'm thinking it's a possibility he hangs out in the fringe communities that try to disappear and maybe even founded one or two of them#going from corporate and military sponsored Good Guy to kind of an infamous living legend among the#intentionally lost and forgotten that just want to live normal lives without the CDC up their asses#shows people how to jailbreak test units and jury rig off the grid living#vought/the cdc probably mostly know where he's at but again they're all in a stalemate#also there's probably vought VERSUS the cdc stuff going on in the bg which would have to do w me#and maybe butcher n the boys if i decided to bring them into it#i said i wasn't going to but also my sleep schedule is all fucked up rn let me live#local man only has to survive four hours at work he keeps repeating 'only four hours' over and over
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I have another one!!! Ash receives a text from Misty Ash....I'm pregnant This can go in three ways 1. Futuristic amml 2. April fools day 3. Or Misty's sisters kidnapped her phone and texted Ash
(Forgive me, I’m a bit sleep deprived due to real life responsibilities so this may come out sounding rough. Also I decided to go all three routes instead of just the one.)
“Where is it?!” Misty, seventeen year old gym trainer, shrieked aloud as she tore apart her room. Pillows ripped from their resting places, the duvet draped over the lower right corner of the mattress, her desk drawers askew and clothing littering the carpet with a splatter of multi-color.
She didn’t understand. She’d left her phone alone all of twenty minutes while she ran to shower and come back to… nothing. She was so very sure that the stupid device had been resting face-down on her bed! Not today, she groaned, ruffling a hand through her still damp fringe, this couldn’t happen today!
The first of the month and the fifteenth of the month were highlighted on her calendar and here she was without a method of communication. When she and Ash had opted for a long-term relationship so that they both could play mature, responsible ‘adults’ and focus simultaneously on their career paths, Misty had made Ash swear to be available on these two dates at a reasonable hour so that they could video-chat with each other.
She’d already had to babysit and nag him enough just to get him to remember that much! The last thing she could afford to do now was give him reason to prod at her for not following through on her own end of the compromise!
“Daisy, Lily, Violet! Have any of you three seen my phone?” Misty shouted as she frantically swung open her bedroom door and stared haphazardly down the hallway towards her sisters’ rooms in nothing more than a plush bath towel.
“I totally haven’t!” came her eldest sibling’s voice in reply. “Maybe you should, like, check downstairs? I think Lily said she saw it in the kitchen earlier!”
The redhead slammed her door hurriedly shut, throwing her towel aside and scurrying to pick up a myriad of clean clothes from the floor of her trashed room that she could get away with walking around in. She had only ten minutes to put herself together, find her phone, and be available for Ash’s call.
She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten it downstairs! Hopefully its charge would hold for their entire conversation…
However, eight minutes later, she was back where she started. There was no cellphone in the living room, nor the kitchen, nor the downstairs bathroom. She remembered grabbing a snack from the pantry but couldn’t find it there either.
Defeated, the redhead slowly ambled back upstairs to her room, despondently shutting the door and kicking the clothes on the floor around to create a path to her bed, stretching and grasping the duvet, pulling it back up just when…
Blinking in apprehensive wonder, the gym leader craned her neck around the foot of her bed once more and saw her phone laying there.
“Wait, how’d I miss that…?” she asked herself but shook her head, allowing the relief to settle over everything and snatching it up, flipping onto her back on the mattress and catching her breath after her minor panic attack as she unlocked it.
No missed calls. No missed texts. The battery was at seventy or so percent, which was enough for her video-chat with Ash. And, speaking of, it would be starting any second now…
She stared avidly at her mobile device, willing it to ring, even as she combed the fingers on her free hand through her hair, hoping it didn’t look too atrocious.
Still nothing.
Well, it wouldn’t be the first time Ash Ketchum was late to call her and he always made up for it in the end. Part of her considered calling him but she immediately shrugged the thought away. She had decided it was a good opportunity to teach him some initiative in their relationship to have him be the one dialing the number about almost six months ago. If she gave up on him this easily just because he was two or three minutes late…
But time and silence continued to pass as Misty felt a familiar flush of fire welling up within her. Five minutes late, she knew she could excuse but… but fifteen? Twenty? What could be holding Ash up? Was it a battle? Had Team Rocket attacked again? (And she couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the very real possibility that Team Dunce would of course pop up just as Ash Ketchum was getting ready to call his girlfriend…)
Or maybe it was something serious… Maybe one of his Pokemon had been hurt? She could easily accept taking a backseat in a situation like that.
A half-an-hour ticked by while she contemplated her reaction to potentially being blown off. She was five seconds from caving and sending an angry text when, finally, her phone began to ring and she hurriedly unlocked it, automatically accepting the video-call.
“Ash, where have you been? I’ve been waiting forever!” the redhead seethed, hoping her tone sounded equally frustrated and understanding to the possibility of a consequential interruption.
“I, uh… Sorry, Mist… I was caught up with… um, things? I dunno,” was his initial response, and she stared suspiciously into her camera as she watched him flutter in and out of focus.
“Ash, is something wrong with the phone?”
The jittery video stilled almost too quickly, and her boyfriend’s strained, concerned, flushed face appeared more stable and centered. Nevertheless, the young man was obviously troubled over something.
“No, sorry, that was probably me. I just… Sorry I’m late calling. I didn’t… really know what to say earlier so I thought I might have to skip out tonight. But then I thought leaving you empty-handed would be worse so…” he finished with a noncommittal shrug, still refusing to look her in the eye.
“Wait, you were gonna just… not call? What happened? What do you mean by leaving me empty-handed?” she replied in a somewhat furious exclamation.
“W - well, y’know, earlier today… that text… I mean, I didn’t know what to say to that. I - we’re not… we haven’t… So I just never woulda expected to hear something like that from you… and I guess… we need to talk about it, considering it’s obviously not mine?”
“What’s not yours?! What text?!” she shrieked in stupefaction, both hands on her phone and grip brittle enough to almost crack it in two. And, before he could respond, she exited back to her main screen, watching the video box itself into the upper right-hand corner, and opened up her messaging app to try and figure out where Ash was coming from.
There was a timestamp from something sent to him roughly ninety minutes ago, which aligned with when she was showering… She clicked the thread repeatedly with abandon to open it quick as possible, eyes widening at the message within.
Ash, this may be unexpected but I needed to tell you that I’m pregnant.
That was all there was.
“What the he–?!”
“–Happy April Fools Day!” three simpering, giggling voices chimed in unison as her bedroom door burst open, the redhead scrambling to a sitting position against the wall her bed sat against as her mind raced at the intrusion.
“Wha… You three…” Misty muttered venomously, eyes squinting as they went black in fury. She immediately dropped her phone on the bed as she lunged forward out of it to tackle her sisters, though they dodged her attack and ran down the hall in screeching laughter.
Ash, left abandoned on the other end of the call, inhaled a relieved breath. He had next-to-no idea what was going on either but he’d at least figured out that her sisters were playing some kinda prank and Misty was thankfully not pregnant.
It was probably best to hang up and let her sort her siblings out and, should the redhead not end up arrested, he could only assume that it would be her turn to make it up to him later. ;-)
(Misty’s sisters were under the impression that Ash and Misty were sexually active, which was why they felt their joke was appropriate, btw.)
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flatstarcarcosa · 8 months
All ship questions for Abe :) (dadbodsandbots)
How did they first meet?
he broke into my fucking house and refused to leave. i have our story pick up after he dips in s2, and figure that i'm /near/ sleepy hollow but not directly in it. he finds my cabin and just thinks it's empty and free real estate. it is not. although. he never pays rent so i guess for him it was free real estate.
he kinda gets stuck because there's a bay window in the kitchen with sunlight blocking him on one side of the cabin and that's how i find him when i come home.
What was their first impression of each other?
monster fucking tendencies aside, there was some stuff on fringe news sources about the headless horseman. SH police tried to keep a lid on it but you know how the internet is. i am trope aware enough to be a bit wary of the headless serial killer now in my kitchen but also. i am on day 8 of 9 of work before a single day off between another 9 day stretch so i'm a bit kinda.
"don't gotta work if no head tho-"
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
doesn't really apply for obvious reasons. eventually i DO talk about 'the boyfriend' but am understandably cagey about a lot of it. i think some people think i'm just making up a boyfriend for some reason until he finally gets his head back and can like. be in public.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
oh i think he did. mine was just MAN BIG MCLARGE HUGE SEXY for a good bit, meanwhile me just treating him normally and putting effort into being able to communicate with him and being willing to trust him when he says (writes a note) that he just wanted to be left alone but hadn't considered what that entailed and as i've done him no wrong he has no reason to be hostile towards me so like. could he idk hang out. started getting to him.
his own mistakes leading to his own suffering aside there is the fact that like. man was already half dead when moloch showed up, it's heavily implied moloch and hell targeted him specifically because of his relationship with both ichabod and katrina to become the horseman, and regardless of people having damn good reason to treat him like a monster it still throws him for a loop to fumble into someone who. doesn't do that.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
also him. he teeters for a while between still wholly blaming ichabod and katrina for how things went with growing realization that they're NOT entirely to blame. also my hc's of 'he was in love with both, got neither, went a bit unhinged about it' he's hesitant to open himself up.
also, joking about it aside, he thinks for a while there's no way i'm not fucking with him because. he's fucking headless. he hasn't treated me monsterably but he is undeniably a monster so what could i possibly be interested in.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
sometimes when it's late at night, especially if i've been having a bad time and am only finding sleep after days, and he's still awake watching me curled up next to him he thinks it's weird how things turned out. he's not a 'everything happens for a reason' type of guy, esp considering the things he's experienced but.
what are the odds, you know?
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
man wandering loose and alone in woods, foraging for murder victims. local alcoholic pharmacy tech crashes and burns.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
it was mutual. the notes/charades and half-assed ASL and me learning his body language actually made us VERY good at communicating non verbally. he started doing nice things initially out of boredom and to pass the time while stuck inside in an otherwise tiny cabin, but eventually realized that it was also. oddly rewarding to have it appreciated.
i don't think he realized it was mutual until i started being physically affectionate though. first time he was sitting on the couch and i plopped my ass down on his lap had him like
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Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
not really because of the obvious. i think the FL vacation we take after his reheading should count though. we spend two weeks down here and then spontaneously add a third only because he spent enough days being besieged by demons he felt cheated of an actual vacation.
"so you're telling me the nations oldest city isn't haunted, it's full of demons?"
"it's goddamn infested is what it is and i didn't bring enough shotgun shells for this"
"i mean. it's florida. they're not hard to find."
What was their first kiss like?
POV abe abbie and ichabod pop out of a hell port 3 days late after disappearing to stop an apocalypse. i'd assumed they'd succeeded when the timer ran out and the world kept spinning but i'd started getting worried. all three of them are exhausted and bloody.
abe only went because they cajoled him into it out of desperation, and the agreement that if he helped they'd give him his head back.
me, having the enchanted ring means i don't immediately realize he's already taken it back. surprise!
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
i definitely think i was too focused on being an insane alcoholic trying to make it day to day to have had any relationships in this setting, so.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
in my mind he's 6'4 (with head). which means he was already tall before imagine how fucking mad i am after the reheading when he's taller. age difference is like what 220ish slutty slutty years.
although, i remember something somewhere saying he was only 27 when he died. i don't know if that was an official age thing or just a fanon thing but if we roll with that and discount the years he was waterlogged in the river we're close in age.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
non-applicable. man's reheaded before he even finds out i have a sister. (so like, almost two years into knowing each other)
Who takes the lead in social situations?
by necessity for a while, me, because our only social situations outside each other are w ichabod and abbie and someone has to translate. post reheading it's usually him.
Who gets jealous easier?
him. i only do it if it's funny.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
oh that's equal depending on the situation.
Who said “I love you” first?
probably him, but not until after getting his head back. cringe comp, horseman of death less emotionally constipated than i am.
What are their primary love languages?
Abe is gift giving, which is. ironic because the man fucking sucks at giving gifts. he STILL falls into thinking "expensive = good" and gets confused when he buys something meant as an obvious joke and i end up being DELIGHTED by it. also he turns himself into an acts of service ass mf, stays confused at how this happens.
mine is also acts of service, as well as quality time.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
both but only For The Bit.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
i don't tend to engage in PDA much but i also don't rebuff it. i do however climb like a fucking tree at home, esp when it's a case of i had to struggle through work and my brain shut off the second i walked in the door.
Who initiates kisses?
it's mutual and genuinely depends on who's hornier.
Who’s the big and little spoon?
i am just a leetle creachur, i cannot help des.
What are their favorite things to do together?
when he's still headless obviously it's a lot of inside stuff. i think we do get to the point where we take the horse out at night though, but he's always a bit on edge to make sure no one is around.
reheading opens it up a lot more. he likes doing a lot of stuff outside just because of the novelty of being able to be out in the sun without burning to a crisp.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
look he tries but his immediate go-tos are a "oh, darling" and tea and sometimes i'm at the point where if this mf shoves one more cup of tea at me he's gonna have hot liquid in his newly regained eyes.
Who’s more protective?
him most definitely. although, i get defensive of him sometimes when it comes to abbie and ichabod. you don't have to like him or trust him (even though at a certain point it's clear he's not going to fuck them up any longer) but you're not going to be rude in my fucking house.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
abe leans towards both and i lean towards physical because i have Weird Hangups about Words.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Royal Blood -- Little Monster
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The Black Keys - Next Girl
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What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Abe. :) even though canonically others refer to his as Brahm/Brom as a nickname i think he likes i just defaulted to something else all on my own. Petnames aside he has a very specific way of saying Reese sometimes that makes it feel like a nickname.
Who remembers the little things?
i have chronic forgoring disease so it's not me, usually.
If they get married, who proposes?
we do not. he does eventually consider the idea despite initially thinking he was never gonna do that again but i am staunchly anti-marriage.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Do they have any pets?
Rufus :) also I end up getting some hamsters. he is immensely confused about having rodents as pets. he is also eternally frustrated that they keep getting out of the fucking cages.
it happens so often he'll find rufus just standing somewhere and looking between a spot under a piece of furniture and back again and it's just [deep sigh] "is there a hamster loose, rufus?" [small boof] "of course there is. you could eat one, i won't tell on you."
Who’s the stricter parent?
Who worries the most?
in general about anything i have the anxieties disorders. about specific things, he genuinely worries about the fact he's a magnet for demons and other hell creatures, and it only gets kicked up after some of them shred the cabin.
Who kills the bugs in the house?
it depends on the bug. he finds my eternal war against cockroaches fascinating and concerning. the way i can hear them in the fucking baseboards is genuinely unsettling.
one time a snake got in and all he heard from the other end of the house was "oh. ohhhh nooo, no not today. no sir. no thank you. may i ask you to vacate the doorway-"
How do they celebrate holidays?
i'm in the funk of just not doing so when we meet but i do think over time ichabod and abbie's influence drags us into it.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
me, but he doesn't need much convincing.
Who’s the better cook?
well it's not the 18th century aristocrat that never did a single thing for himself before dying that's for fucking sure.
Who likes to dance?
i'm prone to moving around if i have music going and i think he tries to get me to like. dance-dance sometimes but i always get weirdly flustered about it for some reason.
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