#i'm unprepared for ballet
feeling soooo stressed out today
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lover-praxis · 6 months
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explored new coffeeshop + new part of the city
battling the sunday scaries by just getting out of my apartment. busy busy week ahead with an inorganic chemistry exam on thursday and my ballet production on sunday, but pushing through as best i can. feeling kind of unprepared for this exam coming up, ngl, but i'm hoping it all turns out okay. took up journaling again too because my mind is a busy place.
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tikitania · 7 months
Coming up for Air…and answering some Asks while I can!
I finally have some time to catch up on some Asks. There aren't that many, but I do try to respond quickly because I enjoy the discussion! And a special shout out to the one who likes my blog. THANK YOU! Saving Mariinsky-China Tour topics for another post. Questions edited for brevity: Thoughts on Sofya Maimula? I believe she's a fairly recent grad from BBA, no? I haven't really followed her, but I recall seeing class footage with her and thinking that she looked exactly like Vaziev's ballet ideal — long thin limbs, beautiful feet. I hope to see her more though. In general, I feel like following the Bolshoi is like drinking from a firehose. So many dancers, so many performances. It's hard to keep up!
Yaroslavna Kuprina is no longer scheduled for Paquita & Gamzatti… I have no idea why, but I'm assuming it's injury related, which is such a shame. I don't think they pulled her for being unprepared. Hopefully, more news will come out soon and wish her a speedy recovery if that is indeed the issue. However, I also fall into the camp that it is just WAY too soon for these recent grads to be given such huge roles. I mean….Koshkareva / Koshkaryova (sp?) will be dancing the lead role in the Diamonds section of Jewels in November. I don't care how good she is….THAT. IS. CRAZY. Is it hard on Vaganova students to have such old teachers, whose deaths would devastate their young pupils. Total speculation here, but I think it's quite the opposite given how much reverence dancers have for beloved teachers and coaches. Teachers are respected and admired for their wisdom and guidance — the time and attention they give to young dancers is precious. I think it's a cultural norm and their ballet schools and companies have benefitted from having that depth of knowledge and experience. Here's one for The Olds! Thoughts on fast-tracking Arina Denisova and Eva Seergenkova? Ooof. Watching the clips of Denisova was rooouuuuugh. She's not ready and may never be, honestly. Blame falls squarely on the artistic staff for this call. They put an inexperienced and unprepared ballerina on the stage of the Bolshoi to dance, arguably, one of the hardest ballets in the repertoire. WTH. Are they trying to break her? Her Nikiya was also very rough. I just don't understand. I believe that Seegenkova has way more potential, and her performances seem more technically sound. Although she's had a very meteoric rise that felt way too rushed (now the norm at The Big) I think she'll grow into her aristry with more experience and confidence. As a comparison, I watched a video that someone put together of Renata Shakirova's first DQ — and a very recent one. The growth in technique, artistry, stagecraft was evident. It's amazing that we have videos at our fingertips to observe it. Mariinsky performing Walpugisnact on Oct. 4th It's different than the Balanchine version. You can see snippets online…I've seen both Iliushkina and Osmolkina perform this piece, which I understand to be a ballet interstitial from the opera Faust. BTW, Osmolkina is pretty f-ing good. Just watch some clips of her….you won't be sorry! Shock that Koshkreva & Kuprina have been given some corps-level roles such as Prince's Friends in Swan Lake & Peasant PDD in Giselle, while also dancing Gamzatti and the Paquite Grand Pas….doesn't seem a fair or balanced workload. So the norm for recent grads would be dancing the featured Prince's Friends pas de trois in Swan Lake, or the Peasant PDD in Giselle, so I don't find this odd. A lot of soloists also dance these two roles at the Bolshoi & Mariinsky. They are featured parts just not THE LEADING role. But in the bigger picture, casting at the Bolshoi will always remain a mystery to me. See above about Denisova.
I'm sorry if this is a silly question but would you have any clue about how the logistics of a ballet tour work? Thinking about the Mariinsky's upcoming tour in China. Not silly at all. And….I have NO idea! But that is such a good question and one for the likes of a stage manager professional! I do have a friend who worked in post-production/studio work for the Olympics at NBC, and they would charter a cargo plane (I think several) and ship all of their production gear to wherever the Olympics was taking place. So I'm assuming it's a similar task: Box it up, load it onto a plane, and set it up at the destination. The donkey in DQ probably stays back in St. Petersburg, though.
Speculation that they are preparing Kulikova for a big role soon…given that she hasn't appeared on stage at the yet this season. I actually think she has been dancing in the corps. I think I saw her IG as a swan, in particular. But maybe I'm mixing her up with someone else? My money's on Kuznetsova, though. I'd keep an eye on her.
Thanks for all the interesting questions, speculations, and tidbits.
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Fic Origin Story
I was tagged by the marvellous @clottedcreamfudge and saved this link in my Notes to answer later.
What was your first fandom (reading and/or writing)? Lord of the Rings. So, I'm a true blue nerd. It was actually a story about the Entwives, because it was a fic exchange. I was like 14 and did so much research. It was not a good fic.
What was the first story you ever wrote (even if it was never posted) and what made you decide to write it? It was a dreadfully obvious derivative of a book I got at the library, written in glittery wax crayon, about an Egyptian servant girl who had a heart of gold and an evil priest who had a heart of stone and tried to swap them on the Scales of Justice. Illustrated, too!
What's a piece of advice you would give to your younger fic-writing self? “Stop thinking it's all got to be Big and Important and say Truthful Things! You're allowed to have fun!”  
What's an early fandom interaction that stuck with you (be it a nice comment, a friend you made, a fic that got a lot of feedback etc.)? Well, I remember joining a LoTR messageboard, so nervous, and then people being rude to me because I had the same kind of name as a recently-departed troll. However! People were a lot nicer after that, I met them in real life, and now two of them are my goddamn bridesmaids.
Post a sentence or two from one of your older fics, and a sentence or two from a newer one (if you want). Oh goodness me, this was a delve into the dives of my Gmail. This is from 2007, an Angels Unlimited fic.
"I hated babysitting.
No, I mean—the kids were generally cute and the more well-behaved ones went to bed on time, and you got paid heaps, but it was the time before bed when they want to show off so badly I hated. You got the ballerinas prancing around in lilac tutus, putting on their very expensive satin ballet shoes, and you being forced to watch wobbly arabesques. And the doll-mad ones telling you about the adventures of magical Barbie and Ken and sometimes Skipper, undressing them and invariably losing one tiny plastic shoe. AND then the ones who fancied themselves geniuses and watched University Challenge and got nearly all the right answers. Okay, so that was only one, but still. I was struggling with my French homework that night.
However, I’d never had to babysit a really religious kid before. People generally aren’t religious round where I live. In Park Hall, there’s not much proof of life before death. Its two churches are both in an equal state of disrepair. Nobody in my class goes to church on Sunday, and nobody believes in God. If he actually existed, he’d make sure nobody’s older brother got shot, or their mum taken away. But kids are like sheep when they’re that small, aren’t they? They believe what their parents tell them. And so Hope Adams was Catholic, and Believed with a capital B."
And this is from my newest fic, Ghosted, a Red, White and Royal Blue one.
“Love,” Henry says reluctantly, and looks even more bashful as Alex sends a malevolent grin his way. “God, you’re incorrigible.”
“That’s me. Dead or alive, I can’t be corriged.”
It really is their stop now, and Alex suspects (correctly, as it turns out) that there are plenty of people waiting to get on and off. He and Henry manage to squeeze their way out after a young woman dressed in scrubs, and pass a man with a bandaged hand, a nurse who looks absolutely exhausted, a man in immaculate 1920s threads, and two older women who could either be 1950s ghosts or modern day women with capital ‘S’ Standards.
But God, he’s unprepared for the onslaught of ghosts in the hospital. They have to walk past A&E to get to the main entrance, and he sees people in hospital gowns and surgical scrubs, ephemeral strangers in ghostly wheelchairs. The ones that gut him the most are the three kids playing in the little garden attached to a paediatric ward, sheltered in a courtyard within the hospital grounds. He’s only been like this for a year. How’s he going to cope if he keeps going on? If he’s still a psychopomp in a hundred years? In a time without Henry?"
THIS WAS excruciating. Thank you for tagging me, though! Let's tag... @jazzerdoc, @mariusperkins, and @rhymingteelookatme.
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beholdthemem · 6 years
So as of today my grandparents have been married for sixty years, and in honor of that I'm going to tell you all how they met and fell in love because I think it's a good story.
So in 195-None-Of-Your-Business-Maya, my grandmother was a senior in high school. She was also a pretty good ballet dancer, which is relevant because the school had a yearly talent show, and she was determined to make this the year she won. So she's waiting in the wings with all the other contestants for the thing to start, when the teacher in charge of the show announces that before they begin, they have invited last year's winner to come back and perform as a nice way to kick things off.
Nana's kind of miffed about that, because she would really like to get this show on the road here, but there's nothing she can do and there's no point complaining, so she watches as this mild looking college freshman comes onstage and waits to see what he'll do.
And then he starts to sing.
I don't know what he sang. I don't know if Granddad himself even remembers what he sang. It's been many years and many songs since then, but whatever it was, it made a definite impression because Nana listened to him from where she was waiting and thought 'I have to meet this man.'
Now, for many years I was under the impression that this was where the story ended, until about two years ago during a family reunion, (when Nana and cousin Karina went through a bottle of wine and what was left of the Kahlua) where I learned the part of the story I'd never heard was that Granddad was actually dating somebody else at the time.
Specifically, the girl who sat behind Nana in French class.
Who heard from someone that Nana had been very interested in her boyfriend and made a point of loudly discussing all the dates he'd taken her on for the rest of the year.
Understandable, if unpleasant.
So Nana puts up with Margie's gloating, graduates high school, moves on to college, and discovers, to her delight, that the young man she was so taken with is at the same school. They pass each other pretty regularly on the way to class, actually! So every day they pass each other in the courtyard, past the stupid bull statue, and Nana smiles and waves at Granddad, who (privately does not remember Nana nearly as clearly as she remembers him) nods politely and waves back. ('Hello... You...")
This goes on for quite some time, and could probably go on forever, until one day when Nana gets a parking ticket.
This parking ticket is entirely unwarranted in her mind, but there's no officer around to argue with, and on top of everything else she's going to be late for class, so she's storming down the street on her way over there when she runs smack into Granddad.
Granddad who has been waving hello to this girl for close to a year now and has never once seen her look anything besides sunshine-y and generally filled with good will is entirely unprepared and slightly alarmed by this display of unfathomable towering white hot rage pouring off Nana by the bucketload and asks what's wrong.
The response is an explosion about the general unfairness of parking tickets, but he eventually gets the gist of it and- having been on the debate team for two years- offers to defend her in student court.
She accepts.
And lo and behold, they win!
Immediately afterwards, Granddad- who has recently been dumped by Margie for the fifth or so time in a long series of break ups and reunions- asks Nana if she'd like to go to dinner with him.
She did.
The day after Nana and Granddad's first date, Margie sought Nana out and frostily advised her not to get too attached, because Granddad might be interested right now, but he always came back to Margie in the end.
Nana nodded politely, then six weeks later drove down to Tijuana and eloped with him.
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tutyayilmazz · 3 years
i have ballet class now and I'm totally unprepared
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Hi there ! I'm not sure if you're still doing requests, but can I have one where the Chocobros reacting to their s/os doing a ballet performance ? Thanks a bunch ! 😊
Ballet is so pretty! I hope that I got the names of the positions and stuff right.
“Is it okay if I use one of the citadels rooms while you’re in the meeting with your dad?” You asked, but that was hours ago, and the young Prince was getting fidgety, he’d much rather be with you than these old men in this stuffy room.
Noctis was trapped in a meeting about some type of boring politics, watching as even his Father was starting to doze off at the boringness of it all, and it had been going on for 3 hours!
“I’m going to throw this man out a window if he mentions the tax on potions one more time.” Regis groaned softly, earning a snicker from Clarus and his son.
“…so that brings be to the point that we raise the potion tax…”
“Viscount Alder, we are not to raise the taxes any further, we are comfortable where we are. As this meeting has drawn on long enough and I and the Prince are needed elsewhere, we shall draw this meeting to a close.”
Noctis couldn’t have left the room fast enough, he knew that Ignis would set you somewhere along the grand ballroom, it was one of his personal favor place to nap. So when the young Prince found music coming from one of the Green room, he pushed open the door only to stop short.
You were moving so elegantly, as if you were in a trance, standing on pointe in your round toed shoes.
He knew you liked to dance and did ballet, but you never performed before him, and for the moment he was content watching you move around the empty room. Your sundress blossoming out as you spun, your arms waving so elegantly.
“She’s amazing isn’t she.”
“Dad!” Noctis gasped unprepared for his father to appear next to him.
You quickly halted your dance, as you rushed over turning off your phone, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just didn’t know you were done.”
“Nonsense, Noctis and I really enjoyed your performance, do you have any shows soon.” Regis asked, as you bowed softly to the king.
“Unfortunately not.”
“I know, Noctis invited you to the gala next month, would you mind performing there?” Regis smiled, placing a hand on your head.
You beamed, “It’s been a dream of mine to perform here, would that be all right, Your Majesty?”  
Regis chuckled, at your huge smile,“I’d be honor.”
Noctis gave a soft groan, but couldn’t help but smile, he had to admit, you’d be perfect.
When you had invited Prompto to your final dress rehearsal last week he was happy to join you and see all your hard work and late nights. Yet as he watched your graceful leaps, your perfect spins and the beauty he portrayed Prompto had fallen in love with you all over again.
As you both walked home, Prompto holding your duffle bag, holding your hand tightly he kept gushing and gushing.
“You’re amazing! That was so awesome! If I did that I would break my ankles trying to stand!”
You giggled at the praise, “Prompto have you never been to a ballet performance?”
“No, and if I had known that it was that cool I would have.” Prompto replied. “Oh, before I forget, can I take pictures?”
“Yeah, at your performance next week, if you don’t mind, or do you think that’s too much?”
“You want to take pictures of me performing?” You asked in confusion.
“Yeah, you’re really pretty when you dance. I mean not to say that you’re not pretty all the time. I just want you to see it too.”
You giggled softly, pressing a kiss to his hand, “I’ll ask the stage manager tomorrow.”
“I mean if we can’t, I’d love to take pictures of you by yourself.”
“You do that already.”
“Yeah, but this is you doing something you’d love.”
“I mean what’s so difficult about being on tiptoe?” Gladiolus inquired, as you sat on the couch stretching out your legs and feet.
You had just got done with an 8 hours drill feast for the next big production your troupe was to perform, so you’re boyfriend was not helping. “Gladiolus, when you first started working out, how often did your body scream at you to stop?”
Gladiolus blinked in confusion, that was so long ago, “Every morning?”
“Cool, and does your body hurt now when you do 10 push ups?”
“My feet and ankles do all the time, they will never not.”
“Come on, babe.”
You knew what he was trying to do, so quickly pulling your pointed shoes from your bag you, laced them up. Moving over to the stereo as you selected a track from your performance, moving about the living room, the soles of your shoes never touching the ground. As you stood before the man in a pointe fifth position as you held your final pose, trying to get a hold of your breathing.
Gladiolus sat on the couch in shock, watching as you lowered yourself back to the soles, “Babe that was…”
You rose an eyebrow, expecting something silly to fall from  his mouth.
That threw you off, “Really?”
“Yeah. Your performance is next week right?”
“I’m switching with Prompto, you mind if I bring Iris?”
You giggled softly, not the reaction your expected, “Sure, i’ll get you tickets.”
As the curtain fell and you bowed to the audience before you, you could still hear the rush of the crowd and your heart pumping within your ears. Even with you playing the anti-hero, you still received a standing ovation as you enter the stage again to take you bow.
Moving back to your dressing room, you were stopped by other members of your troupe giggling and casting glances at you.
“She’s right here.”
You blinked confused, as a bouquet of red roses and purple orchid were presented to you.
“My love, you were simple perfection.”
“Ignis.” You cooed, taking the bouquet from the man, wrapping your arm around his neck as you brought him forward, pressing a kiss to his lips. Giggling at the red that was remaining there from your stage makeup. “I’ll be right back.”
You quickly dodged into the dressing room, as some of your troupe sisters helped remove the make up and get you into your regular clothing.
“You know what those flowers mean right?”
You blinked, as your friend zipped the back of your evening dress for you, your evening makeup and heels already on. Leaving it to ballerinas to get someone out of tutu and leotard into a dinner dress in less than 5 minutes., make up included.
“Well the red roses means love of course, everyone knows that, but those purple orchids, mean refinement. So Ignis is saying slyly…”
“He’s in love with that fine ass!”
You could help but start to giggle, as the rest of the room began to laugh along with you. “Thanks, I’ll see you all next week.”
“I’ll drop your bag off tomorrow, maybe afternoon, you know don’t wanna interrupt anything. You know what I’ll call you.”
“Bye.” You called playfully, stepping  back into the hallway finding Ignis waiting for you, bouquet still in hand, a smile on his still slightly red lips. “Iggy.”
“My Dear,” Ignis smiled, pressing another kiss to your forehead. “You are simply radiant on stage, I absolutely adored it.”
“Oh Iggy.” You purred, as he wrapped an arm around you, handing you the bouquet as you quickly pulled it to your chest, leaning into the man, as you both exited the theater.  You softly stroked the petals of one of the orchids, as you giggled.
“What’s so funny?” Ignis inquired.
You tried to keep your giggles under control, “The girls say that the bouquet means that “You’re in love with my fine ass.”
Ignis gave a chuckle, “I had not meant for that to be their intentions.”
“Iggy.” You shrieked playfully, as his hand lowered from your waist to brush against your butt as he pressed a kiss against you temple.
“Yet I can not say they are wrong.”
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lover-praxis · 1 year
[01/54] sunday scaries
typing this in bed at 4am so will keep it to the point
day in a life
flew back to campus
went to play rehearsal
productivity time
downloaded music for the ballet show i'm directing/producing/dancing in
started choreographing the piece i'll be dancing
orgo pre lab
schedule sent necessary emails re: summer job
scheduled my dermatology appointment
made tech schedule for ballet
feeling unprepared for the week ahead but glad i accomplished a lot today, especially re: summer job + choreo
focus for tomorrow: readings readings readings! + prep for engl pres. must complete orgo lab report and one of queer sci proj readings or engl pres script (more urgent)
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