#i'm.. not sure marvel would ever attempt to take on that challenge in live action
mrcspectr · 2 years
all right. recent discourse and also mine own brain sparked a terrible thought . sorry in advance (except… no .. im not ..) … if steven was born of Marc’s need to Get Away from his mother… what do you think caused Jake to appear as a second alter in Marc’s life ? is there a canon answer im unaware of atm ?? it’s hurting my whole soul to think about.. . although i have one (awful) teensy theory… maybe it was when Marc was going to …off himself.. at the base of Khonshu’s statue That Night and even just the thought of ending his own life could maybe be grounds for Jake’s existence? because.. i mean, Jake protects them, right ? even from themselves..
i was just hurting my own feelings enough that i absolutely had to come hurt yours abt it . cough. anyways here’s a spare hankie love if you need one . i’d lend you mine but it’s soaked bc im fucking sobbing over this . also im quitting my job to become your full time pre-published fic reader btw jsyk.
I truly believe that Jake would be born from Marc witnessing or experiencing something incredibly violent.
And violent could be a lot of things. The common theory is obviously Wendy's violence, and I've written about that before and still consider it a strong possibility. It would show how essential all three of them were for survival, and really reiterate the individual part they each played in it. Big fan of the whole idea of "we're all here because we were all needed."
What would really be interesting though, and this one has been absolutely doing an entire whirlwind in my brain lately, is that period of Marc being a soldier, a mercenary, and leading up to, as you said, his suicide attempt and pact with Khonshu. There's an entire world of possibilities there to explore. We could talk about his dishonorable discharge, and how that could've clouded his image of the military being an escape for him and his toxic relationship with authority. Or his PTSD, and how it's still not entirely sure at what point in his life it started to develop because all of it was violent. Marc has an entire relationship with violence in exchange for something else, whether that be money, or purpose, or the greater good, or even just as an ending. Jake could've come from any part of that.
Where he's at now, he wants to escape his own violence so completely that he was willing to die for it. He's willing to let Harrow live over it. But Jake doesn't, he won't, he can't. It would be so satisfying to see Marc come to terms with that through him, to discovering Jake and realizing what exactly he came from, and to finally understand what he needed to do to survive and to forgive himself for it.
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🍙YEAYY FOR OPENED ASKBOX!! If it's fine, can I have a good fluff with Futakuchi? (Or Kenma? Or Makki?) Any one of them of your choice! Him and fem!s/o out on a night walk; stargazing; (or day walk? Cloud gazing??) Sorry, it's hard to choose! BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH! ❤️ Take all the time you need to do this, I'm sure you're flooded with asks!
Aw how fitting that I work on this request on the day I feel serene and calm? I love it! Thanks for requesting, love! - Admin Satori
Futakuchi Kenji:
Water flowed below your feet, down the stream, off into the distance to it’s inevitable destination. And you watched as tiny fish struggled against the flow, straining themselves to survive on what they could gain just below you. You smiled softly, finding joy in the quiet sounds of the water, of the wind through the trees.
“Did you want to go swimming, ______?”
You quietly sighed in exasperation of the question asked, and of who asked it. Turning your head, you side eyed your boyfriend, Futakuchi Kenji, “No, I don’t want to go swimming. It’s a stream, Kenji, not a lake, ocean, or pool.”
He chuckled quietly, “While this is true, you’re not just seriously staring at the water for no reason, then…. right?” For years he’d known you, seen you grow up alongside him, watched you walk through life with a sense of… oneness with the world around you. That’s probably what drew him ever closer to you, what prompted him to want you by his side for the foreseeable future. He wanted to know what that was like, to feel as if the world and oneself were connected. He wanted to know why… What did you possibly get out from taking time out of your day to enjoy the way the trees swayed in the wind? What was in it for you?
But you only shrugged, “Well, why not? It’s nice and warm here under the sun, and the water is cool on my toes-“
His response surprised you, “Why is it gross?”
Futakuchi motioned to the water your toes were dipped in, “These poor fish have to deal with your stinky feet poisoning their living spaces.” You tossed your head back with a laugh, now knowing he had only been joking. “Japan is going to starve because your toe stench is going to be in every fish’s very flesh.”
You shook your head with an amused smile, “Kenji, come here… Have you ever tried?”
Now it was his turn to regard you in surprise, “Tried to kill innocent animals? No.”
“No, dork, come here and sit down.” He did as you asked, his legs crossed under him, the point of his knee pressing against your thigh. “Have you ever tried to find happiness? In the smallest of things?”
Confusion bloomed in his chest, and he leaned forward to watch the water pass below the two of you, under the small walkway bridge. It was just a stream. Just a rushing of water making its way to the ocean - another large body of rushing water. Nothing special, nothing to marvel at.But you disagreed. “Smallest of things being… The sun warming your skin… The sounds of wind in the trees… Even… seeing a nice grouping of pretty flowers?” You looked down at the water he was staring at, “Is that something you think you could try?”
“Probably not.” You scoffed and lightly pushed against his arm, but he only chuckled, “I just don’t see the world like you do, ______. Taking time to enjoy small things takes time out from doing things that have importance.”
You rolled your eyes, with a playful smile, “I’m about to ruin your whole afternoon if you don’t hush.” He laughed, knowing you were just kidding around.
Then the silence between the two of you came back, and he knew it was wrong of him to break it with a lame joke, a tease, or even just commentary. You wanted him to try, and this was his chance. So he took it.
Movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention, and you turned your head to see Futakuchi taking off his shoes and socks before lowering his feet into the water. He flinched at the first contact, the water was freezing. But he adjusted. He leaned forward still, watching the small fish, the gentle splashes of water wash over his ankles and even his lower calves which would then fall in small rivulets back into it’s origin.
A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips, he didn’t know you were watching, but you saw it, and it warmed your heart to see him enjoying something as silly as hanging his feet in some freezing water.
He knew it was only a single action. Only a fraction of the connection you felt with the world, but Futakuchi could just barely make out what you were talking about. Happiness in the littlest of things. Things that initially don’t have much meaning, or reasoning, but in the moment… allow him to breath completely.
Slowly he realized how silly it was of him to tease you about swimming. About killing the fish. It was teasing your view, your beliefs, and he regretted it - even if you had laughed.
But as he went to say sorry to you, you rested your hand on his shoulder and pushed him off the bridge.
You seemed to forget he was well 2-3 heads taller than you, and just easily stood up to refrain from getting soaked. You let out a groan and leaned back on your hands on the bridge, “Damn your height.”
“Well, you can’t appreciate all the small things when I’ve taken up your romantic interest.” A wink sent your way.
“Oh… I think I can definitely appreciate the small things even you provide.” Your eyebrows raised as your eyes trailed from his down his torso to his crotch. Then you were staring up at him with a mischievous smirk, raising your eyebrows in a silent challenge.
And he took it. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that.”
Kozume Kenma:
The spoken word had never really been Kenma’s strong suit… He either didn’t put enough emotion into his words, or he rarely said anything at all… And while most see him as unfeeling or uncaring to anything unless it’s a video game, he’s still human. He still feels, deeply, sometimes so deeply that he’s emotionally compromised. On those days, he rarely comes out of the safety of his room, only eating when he absolutely can not handle the pain twisting his stomach.
Only one person had been trusted enough to see him in those moments.
And it wasn’t because he told you, it wasn’t because you’d caught him in the act… You’d felt it. As deeply, and harshly, as he had. And you’d been there for him, knocking on his bedroom door, barging in like Kuroo had so many times, and just waiting on standby for him to seek comfort in your arms. There didn’t need to be any words spoken between the two of you. There wasn’t a need for it. You knew his heart, and that spoke volumes more than his mouth could ever attempt.
So being out on the hill outside his house, leaning back on your hands, his head on your lap, as the two of you stared up at the stars in silence… it wasn’t abnormal.
Every now and then, one of you would speak up, either about a shooting star the other had missed, or even the passing of a plan or satellite. But it was almost as if the two of you were in your own worlds, staring up at the same sky. These feelings the both of you felt in your heart reached beyond his world, beyond your world, into each others, and connected with such a strong hold… you knew you’d never love anyone more than Kenma.
Golden eyes shifted from the twinkling night sky, now staring up at your face, the serene smile on your lips as you watched the sky, the shining in your eyes that he knew could rival the shining of entire galaxies. Only for a moment did his eyes close, reveling in the feel of your fingers stroking through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp, but he knew you weren’t aware of it. Physical touch had always been a calming tick of yours; Twirling your finger through your hair while reading a book, stroking the smooth wood of the table while enjoying a cup of tea, rubbing your nose against warm blankets on days off.
Kenma thought it was the cutest thing about you. Your small quirks.
And while the stars were beautiful, and he held no competition against them, he wanted you to pay attention to him. He wanted your eyes on him. He’d never felt this way about anyone or anything in his life - this warm feeling in his chest that he wanted to share with who caused it.
Slowly, his hand reached up. You were startled from your staring contest with the stars, and looked down when you recognized his soft fingertips stroking against the apple of your cheek. Kenma was the only thing you saw, the only person you ever truly wanted to see, and you smiled down at him.
For a brief moment, the surroundings almost seemed dreamlike, and Kenma felt a shock of panic shoot through his spine at the idea of you just being a figment of his imagination. His fingers stroked beyond your cheek, now pressing into the nape of your neck as he leaned up on his elbow to get closer to your face. Your heart rate increased, surprised but pleased that he would take the first steps to get closer to you.
He had to make sure, though. The mere thought of you being some imagined dream of his turned his stomach. Then his lips were pressed against yours, desperation on his tongue for confirmation of your existence.
And you continued to smile, against his lips, into the kiss. You cupped his cheek tenderly, your thumb rubbing soothingly against his cheek, kissing him as much, for as long, and as many times as he leaned upward for. You could feel his quiet panic, feel the rapid beating of his heart against your own ribcage, but you were real. And you were here. With him.
Then his feeling of panic passed, without a hitch thanks to you, and he broke the kiss as quickly as he’d started it. But he didn’t move away. No, now he was in your space, and it was soft and warm, just like you, and he felt safe.
You knew he was alright, but you couldn’t help but ask, “You okay?”
Kenma slowly inhaled, leaning upward enough to rest his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as he basked in your presence. “Yeah.” It was soft, so soft you weren’t sure it actually came from him, and not the gentle wind whistling around you. But his spoken reassurance reached your heart, and you felt your shoulders relax the tiniest bit - he was okay.
It was getting late. The stars seemed to be just barely bright enough to pierce through the dark of the night, and you knew Kenma’s energy was waning fast.
But neither of you moved.
You didn’t want to. Neither did he.
But it was time to go. The night only grew darker and darker, and it was only getting harder for you to remind yourself the two of you weren’t home in bed. And he knew. He noticed.
“Let’s go home.” It was Kenma that released you from his close hold. He slowly sat up, then stood from his sitting position. But now you felt cold. The pressure of his forehead, his lips, his hands now absent and leaving you feeling as if he were the dreamlike figment.
Before you could go down that dark path, his hand was in your field of vision, offering to help you to your feet. Offering to establish that physical touch connection the two of you seemed to need in order to survive.
And you took it.
Hanamaki Takahiro:
“Is it just me or does that cloud look like a creampuff?”
Laughter flowed from your mouth, and you reached over and lightly laid your hand over Hanamaki’s outstretched arm, “Everything looks like a creampuff to you, Taka.” Slowly you pulled his arm down to rest between your bodies, your hand sliding down his arm to lace your fingers with his.
The two of you had been out here for almost an hour, and almost every five minutes he’d point to a cloud and comment on it’s cream puff characteristics. You’d remind him that all clouds pretty much looked like creampuffs if that’s the only thing on his mind.
Hanamaki smiled up at the puffy clouds drifting above the both of you, “Maybe I should have eaten before letting you bring me up here.”
Disappointment shaded your voice, “We can go in a few minutes… I just wanted to watch the clouds for a little bit.” You knew it was a long shot for you to get your boyfriend to see the beauty in the everyday things around him. There was a slim possibility that he’d see anything more than just a few clouds too far away to be carrying rain. But you had wanted him to see, to enjoy the quiet moments, maybe even seek some in his own time.
Almost immediately, Hanamaki felt guilty for partly blaming you. He hadn’t thought of his words before saying them, just blurting them out because he had had a different plan for the two of you that day - food, TV, and bed. That’s how he’d always like to spend time with you - just the two of you enjoying each others company.
But he’d come to notice you didn’t prefer those activities as much as he did. You loved being outside. Out in the sun, in the snow, in the rain, even muggy ugly days! There was rarely a single day where you weren’t outside, enjoying the weather.
That’s how he’d met you after all. Outside.
He’d been skipping class, not wanting to take his dreaded maths exam - he’d escaped to the roof of the school, having told Matsukawa to cover for him with some bogus ‘upset stomach’ story.
Though, looking back, he probably should have known Matsukawa would have given the far worst excuse of ‘sudden death syndrome’.
When he made his way to the roof, he was surprised to see you… Sitting on the roof of the gardening clubs’ shed, head tilted back and just breathing in what the light breeze brought to you.
Hanamaki knew it hadn’t been love at first sight. He’d honestly thought you were some nature freak when he’d first seen you.
First impression be damned, he’d still go every day, in his free time, to make sure you weren’t just a figment of his imagination. But he wasn’t exactly invisible, so you’d found him staring at you on the opposite side of the roof, curiosity and even a little confusion written all over his expression.
You shifted beside him, about to sit up and break whatever peace you’d been hoping to reach with him in this moment under the clouds. But his hand squeezed yours, “I’m a big boy, _____, I don’t need to eat every three hours.” You turned your head to face him, seeing his eyes were still on the clouds above, “Why do you like sitting outside? With all the bugs and noise?”
It wasn’t a strange question for the everyday person, giving an everyday answer. But to you it almost seemed like he was joking around again. “Why wouldn’t I?” Was your first response, but when his eyebrow furrowed in confusion, and you noticed him open his mouth to ask a followup question, you beat him to the punch. “It’s beautiful out here. Even on the worst days, there’s something beautiful about being in nature in all forms she comes in.” Something peaceful, you wanted to add. The world the two of you lived in was very busy - so much to do in so little time.
It was nice to just cut it all off, and enjoy easy days outside. Not every day, but.. when things became too stressful, people talking too loud, news becoming too dark. Not even the ugliest weather could outweigh the worst of news stories.
He mulled over your question, feeling you settle back down beside him, your head leaning against his shoulder. But he didn’t look at you. “Nature is beautiful… but so is solitude in your room, eating with loved ones, achieving life goals… Those are beautiful too..” Feeling your presence around him was beautiful. Hearing your voice when he woke up, and before going to sleep was beautiful.
Why hadn’t he added that in his explanation? Instead he’d left if vague for you to answer. Why? Was it because he felt so strongly for you that he was scared you’d be freaked out? Or maybe because you wouldn’t feel as strongly for him?
Why couldn’t he see how much you loved him? Because you did love him. He was the first person you thought of every morning, and the last every night. Your dreams were filled with his smiles and kisses, and your future you prayed held a happy life with him, and possibly your shared children.
You hummed in agreement, “Those are nice feelings, beautiful moments… But Taka… when I stare up at the sky, right now, with you beside me…. I don’t think I’d trade this moment for anything in the world.” You smiled almost innocently and squeezed his hand, “Not even sex.”
Hanamaki’s free hand rested on his heart in faux offense, “Wow. Why don’t you just have sex with the sky then?” You snickered and shook your head, your smile blinding him even as he stared up at the drifting clouds.
Silence settled between the two of you once more. A comfortable silence. A silence that pushed Hanamaki closer to understanding why you enjoyed being outside more than anything.
It was beautiful. The blue sky, the white puffy clouds. The tickling grass under his skin, the breeze bringing all sorts of scents and sounds to his senses. You leaning your head against his shoulder, your hand still encased by his.
But he’d much rather be staring at you. Seeing your smile, feeling your soft skin. The breeze picked up, and he was downwind from you suddenly - your fresh scent was all that washed over him, and he couldn’t help but feel blessed in this very moment.
Of all the people you’d come into contact with… You’d chosen him.
“You beat this reality in beauty in infinite ways, _______.”
You blinked a few times, taking in his words before tilting your head up to see his face. But he still wasn’t looking at you, staring up at the clouds. A wobbly smile made its way onto your lips, wanting to be both a wide smile and a humble one, but it was conflicted in what you were feeling in your heart.
That sure was a compliment if you’d ever heard one.
Just as you were about to say something, to get him to look at you, confirm what you’d heard him say, his free hand reached up to the sky and pointed at another passing cloud. “That one definitely looks like a creampuff.”
Hehehe… One of these is not like the other~ one of these was written today haha….
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