#i've also been looking up places around the princess theater on newspaper sites like the rewrite!
britishchick09 · 2 years
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the story that partly inspired today’s senpai fic! but what about the theater? ;)
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turns out senpai’s 5 seats were gone by the time of the fic! the theater burned on october 20th 1937 (coincidentally that’s the day of the wadlows’ move to sanford avenue!) and another blaze took it 10 days later. about a year after senpai’s passing is when the theater passed away as well. crazy stuff! :o
here’s the spot where the theater stood today:
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luckily the princess theater swooped in to save the day! :D
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it opened in 1908 or 1912 as a combo theater for pictures and the stage. it had a big remodeling in early 1937 and was redone in a modern art deco style, as well as the organ was taken out (rip 1915-1937 :’( )
long after senpai, the theater started to decline in popularity during the 60s and closed in 1970, being demolished in 1981 (but not before being considered to become a disco!)
this is about where it was today:
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and for grins and giggles, here’s the route there from the wadlow’s house!:
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it’s sort of a long boi... (but not as long as senpai!) what did the he and the sibs see there? you’ll find out very soon! ;)
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