#i've always loved the idea of a smite fighting game
A smite concept for an adventure or spinoff: a fighting game like tekken or street fighter but with the smite gods and goddesses as the characters
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okay but like… this is my shit!! i dunno if i’ve mentioned it before on this blog but i love me a good fighting game (i’m terrible w/ fancy inputs but i’ll kick your ass in virtua fighter) so this idea is so up my alley omg. see the read more for my word vomit on this (it’s 854 words long haha oops)
izanami (basically kitana/mileena lol), daji and bakasura (even baraka sounds similar to his name lmao) totally belong in mortal kombat.
mk would totally do justice to daji’s more grizzly creations and there’s the perfect inspo to take for a game that is basically participatory torture porn lmao.
one of izanami’s fatalities should totally be her dragging someone down to the underworld as well :^)
and perhaps arachne and medusa should join? they’d have more interesting finishers,it’s p easy to imagine medusa stabbing people with some daggers and squeezing someone to death with her tail
all the gods w/ melee weapons can fit into soulcalibur p easily, esp. sun wukong (my boy kilik!), king arthur (siegfried) and susano (sexy samurai mitsurugi, they’ve got p similar personalities as well lol).
i also think jing wei and talim share a lot of characteristics and talim’s move set would fit jing wei like a glove.
nu wa would look amazing w/ xianghua’s move set although she’d probs be more controlled and mature with some of her moves lmao (no hissy fits on the floor i would hope). chang’e would also fit and i’m p sure i actually made a post a while ago how i’d like see her in xianghua’s super pretty outfits
aphro basically fits any sexy woman from literally any fighting game so take your pick there lmao. personally i’d love to see her as lili from tekken bc lili’s moves are so graceful but super powerful and their personalities are both p similar in that “i’m richer and prettier than you” way
hera would defs be in a tag team w/ argus as well, i keep thinking of poison and hugo but hera would be a whole lot less hoe lmao
the morrigan’s also got a lot of cool moves as well
using her clones to block attacks for her insteadnormal blocking and having them fade away when hit into a crow
if she gets a reversal then she copies the reversal of her opponent
her projectile is her 3rd chain basic w/ the dmg over time or it’s her 2 that marks an enemy and addes extra dmg to the end of a combo
the combo opportunities are also really sexci... all three sisters coming out and then coming together of a final blow in a combo chain UGH.....
and her special can be her summoning her sisters or turning into her enemy and using their special omg
and just in general smite’s mechanics are really easily transferable to a fighting game. chronos’ final freezing time or sending him back in time, ama’s mirror turning into a reflective charge move, ne zha’s sash as a ranged grab and his special being his ult (but instead of timing clicks you have to do certain inputs before time runs out)... it’s so easy to see smite as a fighting game lmao
if i was to narrow down a roster for smite: the fighting game i know i’d defs choose
king arthur - big sword, perfect for the heavy hitter weapon class. w/out the sword perhaps he’d be a boxer?
chang’e - dancing is always an interesting concept in a fighting game and i know chang’e would be one of the more interesting characters to watch and w/ a weapon she’d ideally be xianghua lol
daji - every fighting game needs a femme fatale and daji w/ ivy’s sword/whip thingo would be perfect or she’d strap on her claws and tear people apart. if she was going purely hand to hand then she’d fight like jun from street fighter w/ the leg raised all the way up
jing wei - talim is right there y’all! otherwise i’d go w/ sakura (from sf) for her melee
aphrodite - i’m telling y’all if she had lili’s moveset from tekken we would all be doomed
nemesis - big sword! reversals for days (as many as aoi umenokoji from virtua fighter)!
hera - tag team tag team tag team
ravana - duh
the morrigan - so much potential.........
amaterasu - she’s got a cool sword and melee wise she’d do some martial arts of some sort - she’s a leading lady so i think chun li’s style would fit her
susano - hot samurai dude, i get the feeling he’d be one of the more strong characters so perhaps a fighting style like ryu’s would work (or someone more mobile? can’t think of anyone rn but maybe he’s do some kick-boxing as well hmm)
awilix - lots of flexible stuff she can do with her staff
pele - w/out daggers i kinda wanna see her w/ a fighting style similar to laura’s but more fire-y lol
bellona - all the weapon switches would make her super interesting and if she had to stick with one then i think she’d work w/ the spear/sword combo of hilde from soulcalibur. she’d have moves like vanessa from virtua fighter if she was without weapons tho
mercury - nunchucks!! and y’all know he’d be boxing if he didn’t have them
all the other gods can duke it out for the other spots lmao
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Thank you for your help with D&D! I've kinda got a campaign idea ready, but the PDF really helps with inspiration. I have a party of four. I need a warrior, thief and mage. For the fourth, I've heard the basics have a paladin? I know it's like a priest, but could you go a bit deeper and explain what kind of stuff they'd bring to the campaign and stuff?
Of course! I may not have played a lot recently, but I grew up with the game and love to play, so I'm more than happy to help.
Also I'm curious about your campaign; all the ones I've played haven't required a specific set of classes or anything, it's more that you create any character you want and then put them into the story and figure it out from there. For me it's always been more about adapting what skills you have to solve a problem than having a specific skill that's good to solve a problem. I'm sure there are plenty of ones like what you're planning, that detail just stood out to me like "huh! that's a different approach than mine!" which isn't a bad thing, my interest is simply piqued and I like to learn how others play
But back to your question about paladins! You're right, they're like priests kinda. Think like a warrior priest or a knight, that's what they are. Paladins are the kind of class that does things because it's the right thing to do and seeks to rid the world of evil. There can be evil paladins, but they're usually the good ones.
They're very strong as well and very adept with weaponry, so they'd bring a solid force to your campaign alongside the warrior. A typical paladin is drawn in full metal armor, almost like what you see in stories of knights slaying dragons. They've also got a bit of an association with healing and diving powers.
As they level up paladins get access to spells, things like Blinding Smite, Zone of Truth, Aura of Purity, Banishing Smite, Destructive Smite, etc. They are, at their core, a holy warrior fighting for good. That includes both their physical prowess and the divine powers bestowed upon them from their oath.
The biggest component of a paladin is their oath. It's their conviction to this oath that gives them their power, though there are many deities they can make that oath to. There are a few different oath paths they'll get access to at 3rd level, but the gist of them is: I do good because I am devoted to the gods, I do good because I am devoted to goodness across time and believe in the light, and I do good because evil must be crushed.
A paladin character (when played like a paladin) would bring strong beliefs and unshakable faith to the group. They're devoted to their mission and to what's right, so that's what would guide them through the campaign. If your campaign makes decisions of questionable morality necessary (need to steal something, need to lie to someone) it could provide an interesting conflict for you to play through. This does, of course, depend on how the paladin is played by whoever is playing the character. I don't expect that when you're first getting into the game you and you're characters would divorce yourself from the characters as much, though it's not impossible!
There's a lot of overlap between a paladin and a cleric as well if you look at the two, but the primary distinction is this: paladins are holy fighters, clerics are holy spellcasters. They've both god the whole divine thing going on, but that's the main difference.
So to summarize all of this: a paladin is a divine warrior that fights for what's right, always trying to make the good choice. They'll bring both physical and divine strength to a fight and can influence the story with their resolute convictions. They're knights in shining armor.
I hope some of this overview helps with whatever you need!
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