#i've been recording a lot of tapes lately and my head is filled with Thoughts
staticstratosphere · 1 year
I adore the concept of recording a mixtape full of love songs. Imagine creating a tape that reminds you of your cassette player, a hand-crafted and lyrical love letter to them and them alone. 
Maybe they get a bit flustered while recording it. Particularly sweet lyrics are lined with static, maybe there’s quite a few skips throughout the songs. You don’t mind, it’s just your way of knowing exactly how they feel about you and your relationship. 
They can’t even manage to record it clearly, so imagine how embarassed they get when you play it back to them. You two can listen to it together afterward, holding them in your arms and listening to all the little skips and stalls they can’t help but make. 
To anyone else, it’s just a normal mixtape, but to you, it’s a testament to your relationship with the very object that made it’s creation possible. 
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happilychaengs · 2 years
Nayeon - Tapes
a/n: had a spark of inspiration. this entire thing is from nayeon's pov. this took a lot of courage to even try and i don't know if this was worth posting or not but i tried doing something new, plot wise and writing wise. didn't proofread so it may have some errors.
word count: 1,219
nayeon x gender neutral reader
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When the doorbell rang, I almost couldn't bring myself to stand up and answer it. Not until I heard your name.
"Package for Y/N!" I... couldn't believe it. My chest was tight. My head hurt.
When I saw a box with your name signed on it at my doorstep, everything I've held back finally burst through the floodgates. I cried and cried, each tear staining the cardboard box even more than the last.
I almost didn't have the courage to bring it in but something in me needed to know what it was. There were so many tapes inside, each labeled with different dates. Now I know why you got me a VHS player all those months ago.
Tape 1 - 9/25/21
There you were with a happy smile. As happy as you could have been when you were in a hospital gown, all those syringes pinned inside your arm. You sat down in front of a white wall and yet your eyes were still so bright, almost somehow filling the entire screen with color. You looked so hopeful.
"Hi Nayeon!" You waved directly to the camera with a bright smile and almost for a second, I feel like I'm with you again. Like I'm standing in front of you just having a conversation like any ordinary day with you.
You say all the right things to make me smile despite it all. "I miss you tons already, Nayeon. All these doctors have just been feeding me so much medicine and it's all so disgusting!" You stick your tongue out playfully in disgust, a habit you've picked up from your older sister.
"And all the nurses have been side eyeing me lately for some reason. Maybe it was because I ate another sandwich when they told me not to... oops!" You laugh again and it rings in my ears so clearly. I loved your hearty laugh. The way it always made me laugh too and you'd tease me for it saying I shouldn't be laughing at you.
"I didn't want to sit in my bed all day and watch old people television so I asked for some favors and here I am now before you! Your great protector Y/N!" A nickname you gave yourself when you once killed a cockroach that crawled into my shoes.
"I also know I've been out of tune with the trends lately but I learned this from Jeongyeon when she visited earlier!" Then you dabbed like it wasn't a dead trend for years already, you giggling to yourself as you did it. God, you and Jeongyeon were such dorks together. I wish you knew she misses you a lot too.
Then a person, maybe a doctor or a nurse, was heard outside your room. Something about you going to get your treatment. You just nodded at them as you looked back to the camera, your smile still on your face.
"That's all for now, Nay! But don't worry! I'll be back!" You said in that annoying terminator impression of yours that I secretly loved. I wish I told you.
Tape 2 - 10/01/21
"Happy Anniversary, darling!" You shouted as you pulled on a small confetti popper. "I'm really sorry that we can't celebrate our anniversary together because of me but I wanted to record this to tell you how much I love you!"
You pulled out a small piece of paper which I could definitely recognize as a poem. You always did that on our anniversaries. Something new and original every year albeit sometimes they didn't make sense because you wanted to rhyme but that didn't matter. I loved them all.
Clearing your throat, you read it aloud with a stupid accent you say is 'just like Shakespeare!'
"Like a sunshine to the horizon, you were bound to light up my world.
Like water to the ocean, I feel like we're inseparable.
Whatever I say is true, I give you my word.
You're my one true love, irreplaceable.
Even when I sit here surrounded by death,
The thought of you gives me life.
I wish to love you till my very last breath,
So someday I may call you my wife."
You folded up the paper and set it down, staring directly at the camera with your ever bright smile. "Well! I hope you liked it! I really tried hard for that one since you know... can't take you out anywhere right now." And if only you knew how much that poem meant to me right now.
Tape 3 - 10/11/21
"Hey Nay!" You still haven't lost the glow in your eyes yet as you coddled the small teddy bear I gave you that day. "I know you just visited me but I couldn't help but want to sit down and record another tape for you in secret! I really miss you a lot but I'm glad I can have Mr. Cuddles by my side." I felt a small smile at my lips as I finally figured out what you named that bear that came along with the tapes.
"I also made a new friend here that I didn't tell you last time! I became friends with one of the nurses and now they sometimes give me extra food but don't tell anyone! It's our little secret..." You whispered.
I missed those parts of you. The social butterfly that could become friends with anyone even when you were bed ridden and that sort of free spirit you possessed. Not bound by anything. I wished those parts of you I could try to imitate at least but you really are irreplaceable.
You spoke up again as you tried peering out of your rooms windows and into the hallway. "I think I got to go but I'll definitely come back, Nayeon. Promise." I wish you kept it. Why'd you have to be so bad with promises?
Tape 4 - 12/15/21
"Nayeon. You heard the doctors." Your eyes were filled with such despair, the colors missing now. An apparent void in you. "I've... decided that these tapes will only make it to you if I..." you choked out, "if I die. If you ever see these then... I'm sorry for not being strong enough. For not fighting harder for you."
I wish you didn't say that. I should have been there for you. I should have fought harder with you. Water pooled in my eyes as my hands faltered on the remote, wanting to pause it and forget about it all but how could I ever forget? I love you.
"Nayeon. If I'm really gone, I... want you to move on if you haven't already by the time you're watching this. I know how stubborn you are. If we were really meant for each other then... I'll find you in our next life but for now please move on. For me." Maybe the only thing you could've asked me that I can't do.
"For the rest of my time, I'll record some more tapes for you just to cheer you up if I really am gone but I'm sorry if I sound a little... sad. It comes with the diagnosis." You let out a low chuckle as you reached over to the camera and shut it off, leaving me alone again.
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recorder-of-madness · 2 years
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A Love made of Delirium - Chapter One
Word Count - 2,703
TRIGGER WARNING - Physical Violence, Gun Violence, Bullet wound, Themes of self isolation'
Note - This is gonna be a self indulgent fanfic with my madness combat employer persona lmao, Kinda making it as a present for myself. I've been doing really well at work lately ( it's been pretty stressful so. ) and thought I deserved a treat. So fuck you, here is my ' i get to be cringe ' pass for the week. Also relationship wise for the fic I don't know yet so uhhhhhhh surprise you later I guess. I just like them all and can't decide +( This is also gonna be a yandere / have yandere elements because fuck you. I'm coping <3
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They lingered at their computer, Staring at the latest work as they stretched. A full report on what they had observed from one of the many monitors of the machine. papers littered the floor while large drawers, filled with folders going back a couple years were all over the room. Photos and tapes were in their own respective piles, some were polaroid while others were shitty print outs. Some tapes were kept on vhs while others were on CDs. Each of the screens currently surrounding them either had their own DVD or vhs player. The room was only illuminated by the screens and the glowing eyes of the employer who sat in the middle of everything.
Most had not heard of the Recorder. Why? Well the name was evidence enough. A recorder simply observes and does not fool around in the endeavours they watch - only to examine and record that of what happened, a witness. Many things around Nevada did happen and sometimes they would feel bad, a sense of empathy that most, if not all, lacked. No matter how many times they perceived death: The guilt would linger. If they had been there, Would they be able to stop something from happening? They shook their head, trying to push away the moral dilemma that perplexed them day in and day out. ' That is not your job ' their thoughts replied, which they would nod in agreement with.
They pinched their nose bridge, Shivers running down their spine as they glanced away from the screen for a moment. When was the last time they had left their room? Well, They did not have reason to for so long and no one really knew their location outside of fellow employers but again. They had no idea of the others location either.
For a moment, For the first time in a while, The Recorder took a moment to consider a break. A lot could happen in a moment; Much less in a half an hour break. Then they would have to catch up and possibly miss something important. Like with the ongoing story of Hank J. Wimbledon vs the A.A.H.W. The fights that would take place were a amazement to behold. They were always so awestruck with how one man could take down a literal army. Then his co-workers, They would refer to them as friends but... from the body language they observed: he seemed to mostly stick to himself. An enigma among many Nevadans.
Sanford, Deimos: A duo of total destruction. They remembered watching the two first meet on one of their many screens and since then: They had observed just how close people can become. It was adorable to watch and a nice break from the usual cutting and tearing which was always put up onto at least one of the screens. Then there was the infamous 2BDamned, From what they recall, He wasn't even a real doctor yet the title of " Doc " was bestowed due to his vast but limited medical knowledge. He could heal someone up very well and was also a bit on the tech side of things. Very calculated in everything he did, It was always exciting to see exactly what plans he'd come up with.
The Recorder promptly had a file on each, but not just them. Almost everyone in Nevada, who'd come and gone, were stored in neat little folders accompanied by tapes and photos of the respected individuals. They hoped that if they knew, That the grunts that had died for nothing would find solace that someone would remember them: in a way there memory would be alive every time they read back through the folder, replayed a tape or simply gazed as the small photo attached to the front. They'd briefly thought about death, How perhaps the deliberator would free them from their mortal body and then stygian would escort them to the other place. Just another face in the endless piles they had recorded.
They had wandered over to the ladder, leading out the bunker. It was in the middle of nowhere and in all their years of being down here, No one but themselves entered or ever found it. Not that they minded, having no one around. It made it easier to focus on recording all the little details. Sometimes, they feared that maybe they had developed Para social relationships with some after being down here, watching so many grunts day in day out. It wouldn't be surprising but the thought was scary in itself.
' Maybe just a moment outside wouldn't hurt. ' they told themself, beginning to climb up the ladder. Each bar squeaked as new weight was put on it, Causing some discomfort. They mumbled something about having to get some oil. they continued, trying to block out the reoccurring screeches the ladder let out as they made their way up. Once they had reached the top, all that stood in the way was the turning wheel. Covered in cobwebs which made them shiver lightly
After a brief inspection to make sure there were no insect's hiding around, they turned the latch. It creaked loudly, not helping that they were next to it. Physically recoiling at the noise as they continued to turn it. it opened with a pop and for the first time in a long time, fresh air swooped into the bunker and into the recorder's lungs. Only to squeal as they realized the sun was pelting down on them. They shut their eyes tight, not used to the natural light. Whining to themself, feeling around as they attempted to climb out the rest of the way. Eventually they rolled onto their side: eyes fluttering open and shut as they attempted to become accustomed to the bright red Nevadan sun, unsure if they had missed it.
It took them a good 5 minutes to get used to it, redoing the eyes shutting and opening until they could stand the light once more. They took in their surroundings, glancing back at the once shut hatch. it was usually covered in sand, buried in the Nevadan desert. A light breeze blew past as they sat in the sand around them, grainy and slightly uncomfortable but a good change from the cold concrete floor. They dug their hands into the ground, rediscovering the way it fell through their fingers, eyes almost lighting up. How they had forgotten the beauty of the outside. Only being able to enjoy so through a screen. They tossed the sand up into the air before it fell, snickering lightly in amusement.
They dig their hands back in, leaning back to sit as they looked around. Nothing but desert really. The nearest thing was the old road nearby. It was a while away but visible from this distance. However, they squinted their eyes when they caught an interesting view. A vehicle was driving down the road. huh. Out of curiosity, they stood up to try and get a better view. It looked to be just that. A simple truck - most likely carrying supplies to whatever group owned it. Although it did seem odd when it stopped in the middle of the road, right in front of where they were standing vertical of it. Sure, they must have saw them from a distance but why stop.
The Nevadan desert stood still for a moment. Just a moment as they leaned closer, only to be shot back with a force. Their ears rung as they seemed to focus on the large bang so far away. A pain in their shoulder spread through their body. Neon green fluids began to bleed out of their wound, momentarily reaching out to touch it. They prodded it for a moment before whining and quickly retracting their hand from the wound. ' Fuck ' was all their mind could think, over and over the word repeated as they gazed back to the truck.
Red goggles stood out on the grey horizon. The dark figure slowly, but surely, making their way over. Their blood ran cold, Of-fucking-course. The ONE time they took a break. They fumbled back, Quickly getting onto their feet and scrambling back down the ladder. Not daring to look back at the large male on his way. The pain in their shoulder was quickly taken over by adrenaline, Climbing down the ladder. The squeaks of each only made their panic worse as they tried to close the hatch. Digging their claws in as they fumbled with each turn. It was hard thanks to the damaged shoulder but they hoped it would be strong enough to deter him from following them.
They climbed down the ladder, Stumbling as they reached the floor. Then everything went quiet, Everything apart from the screens their job was too observe. Taking a step back from the whole, shaking violently. Although, familiar voices quickly picked up from made then stop in their tracks.
" Hank. Hold on, what the fuck did you shoot " A voice called above the other screens, that being Deimos. A voice they'd grown to recognise from their years of watching.
" Shit. what is this? " The voice of his partner, Sanford then came from it too, prompting The Recorder to gently side step into view of the screen. Their the three were, outside the hatch and staring at it. Sanford was hunched over, but clearly motioning to some of their own splattered blood.
" Looks like someone burst open a glowstick " Deimos snickered reaching down and touching the liquid, Bringing it up to his face for a sniff. Sanford's features distorted with disgust as he smacked the back of the other's head.
" Don't fucking do that, bozo. For all we know it's poisonous " He responded only for Deimos to shrug in response. Seemingly taken aback by the familiar smell but different colour.
" Smells... like blood to me " He hummed, staring with integument more as he turned to the large male. Hank was looming over the entrance, unmoving and it only made the Recorder more anxious: feeling their heart beating out their chest: it rang in their ears. For a moment they feared Hank could hear it, echoing down here. He was a man on a mission, beginning to attempt to pry the hatch open. Thankfully, A younger Recorder was as paranoid as they were distrustful: So having an opening on the top was a big no no. At least not a visible one: there was the option for a code but they had never told anyone it outside their fellow employers. His attempts echoed down into the room, causing the Recorder to jolt: looking around for a weapon as they listened to the voices.
" Hank. I don't think that's gonna work. " Sanford responded to the others' actions, An audible huff of annoyance released from the other. That didn't stop them from their scrambling though. Fishing through everything Checking the drawers lining the wall. All came up with nothing. ' Am I really this defenceless? ' they thought as they recalled the tapes where each three had went around killing others. the way they done so without mercy. Will their head be squashed, stabbed? Perhaps their very flesh would be ripped from it's rightful place on their skin: Scratched and left to bleed out. Or perhaps everything they had work to record would be burned. No one would even know.
" Hey, Hey, Hey~, there's a code back here. I'll have it open in a jiff. Just let me.... " Deimos' voice trailed off, only heightening the anxiety they felt. Their form became goopier as tears began to gush from their eyes. They didn't want to die, Why did they have to go outside? Sobs of terror left their mouth as they collapsed to the floor. Gripping at their clothing and staring at the ladder. No... Please don't.
" Bingo! " And it was all over. They heard Deimos' voice as the screen turned to static: Indicating he was close enough to be observed from a first person stand point with them. The Recorder scrambled back under their desk, wrapping their arms around their legs. Mumbling for help, for someone to save them from their fate. They coudl hear the ladder creaking, even more dreadful than before knowing exactly who was making those sounds.
It didn't take them long for the group to find them, easily following the sound of crying and bright blood. Hank was already reaching a hand under the desk and snatching them up by the ankle before they could scream. Desperately grabbing onto anything that would stop him. Digging their claws into the table in some sort of desperate way to save themselves. At least not wanting to die in the same room they had been locked up for years. The Recorder continuing to get goopier, small black splotches falling onto the ground as they were held upside down by the ankle. As if some sort of prize Hank had hunted down for sport. He was much more intimidating and larger than they could ever imagine. After watching him for so long on that screen.
Sanford and Deimos watched with light amusement. Possibly because everyone could easily tell that from the appearance: The thing they had found was an employer. Down to the black skin and bright lime green eyes, glowing with fear. They definitely had to be one. Deimos grinned widely as he made his way over, Crouching down to their eye level as the recorder blubbered their speech, Their words not coherently stringing together.
" You're awfully small for an employer, aren't ya? " He tilted his head to mock them, finding great pleasure in their sobbing. He wasn't wrong. The recorder was absurdly short compared to most things in Nevada and the employers were no expectation. All of them stood well over 6 ft while the recorder was only at a simple 5'5. He poked their cheek only to flinch back, black goo decorating his finger tip. He rubbed it in-between his thumb and index finger: squinting to get a better look before wiping it onto his clothes.
" Fucking nasty. " Deimos murmured, glaring daggers at the Recorder who only shrunk under his gaze as they whimpered out an apology.
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't kill me " they hiccupped, still squirming lightly in Hank's grip which only caused his grip to tighten. The blood rush to their head was starting to kick in, making it both easier to think but their thoughts equally blurry. The bullet wound was bleeding slightly more than before from the sudden rush of inundation build up around it hurt more.
" I'll do whatever you want! " they added on which seemed to catch the attention of all three.
" Anything? " Sanford repeated as his head tilted in their direction: He had been taking a moment to look through the drawers of folders in the back before the words caught his ears. The phrase was familiar... but a begging employer was such a rare sight. It was definitely welcomed though.
The Recorder nodded profusely, not bothering to think of reproductions. They just wanted to live. They needed to live was all their head screamed at them. No matter the cost: that's what they told themself as they heaved through tears.
" Well. For now... Why don't you take a nap? " Deimos responded. With that, Hank seemed to shift their weight, moving to hold them up by the collar and directly in his face. The Recorder's eyes went wide, Squirming more out of terror as for the first time: They were facing Hank J. Wimbleton face to face. They only melted more, Similar to that of an ice-cream you might have left in the sun: Starting to have more little black drops melt of them and onto the paper covered floor: ruining their progress. under his gaze. They couldn't see his eyes but they cold feel those cold, crazed eyes never leaving their face. He reeled his head back carefully and for a moment: The Recorder felt a wave of calm wash over them. Was he going to just... let them go? the thought was interrupted by Hank as he moved his head back with immense force, slamming it down into their forehead as all went black.
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asunshinepuff · 4 years
It Started with a Piano
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🎶 Hello! Honestly, this may be my most anticipated fic ever. Not because it’s been requested of me a lot, but because I have wanted to write a fic with this song probably since I saw a marauders CMV with it.
Until today, I had no clue how to write this and never thought too hard on it, then suddenly I’m listening to the song and it clicks. Talk about Inspiration. So anyway, enjoy this piece of wolfstar fluff from their Hogwarts years!
If you want to listen along, here’s the link to the song that inspired me to write this. Or you could listen to the piano cover.
The song technically doesn’t start until Remus begins playing the piano but do with that as you will.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! 🎶
When life leaves you high and dry, I'll be at your door tonight. If you need help, if you need help.
I'll shut down the city lights, I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe. To make you well, to make you well.
Remus opened the doors of the fifth-floor classroom, grateful to find it empty, not that he hadn’t asked Professor Flitwick for permission beforehand. He didn’t know how he would've explained this - given that he wasn’t taking music as an extracurricular. 
Avoiding his fellow marauders was easier than he had anticipated, though to be fair, he had already told James and Sirius the plan for their next prank. He had some spare time as they brewed the necessary potion.
Walking towards the piano in the back center of the room, he gently lifted the lid and propped it open before taking a seat at the bench. Running a soft hand over the ivory keys, he thought about the cords that he had put together late last night in the dorms. 
Listening to the song over and over until it was ringing in his ears. Humming softly under his breath, he pulled a notebook out of his pack and flipped through the pages. 
Taking a breath, Remus began to play the first notes of the instrumental beginning, relaxing as the familiar tune began to fill the air and his strong focus lessened as it neared the first verse. 
“When life leaves you high and dry, I'll be at your door tonight, if you need help, if you need help.” He sang aloud, content at this moment to be on his own.
When enemies are at your door, I'll carry you away from war. If you need help, if you need help.
Your hope dangling by a string, I'll share in your suffering. To make you well, to make you well.
Sirius had a song stuck in his head, it echoed throughout the day ever since late last night. He knew it was because of Remus, though he had no idea what that song meant. Remus had him listen to countless muggle songs on his tape player that were his favorites or songs that they had discovered together. 
It was fascinating to hear the variety of music that could be created with instruments and recorded, to the point that it became a habit for them within their dorms. 
Something seemed strange though, he couldn’t help but muse as James stirred the fluxweed and knotgrass together for their Polyjuice Potion. Why is it that Remus took off after class? The moon wasn’t for another few weeks so he wouldn’t be headed to the hospital wing. 
He found himself unconsciously humming the tune again. What was Remus’ reasoning for the song? Wait, he was writing while he was listening. Was that song the reason why he avoided the preparation for today? 
His eyes widened slightly at that. Wordlessly, he got up from his chair, grabbing his pack, and headed out the door- ignoring the protesting and curious voices of Prongs and Wormtail that followed.
Give me reasons to believe, that you would do the same for me.
There was no sign of Remus in his usual locations. Not in the library, or the courtyard fountain, by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, or the tree by the Great Lake- actively all the spots where he could be alone and have the Marauders come and find him.
Sirius found himself walking up the grand staircase to the fifth floor, lost in thought about Moony when a soft piano piece seemed to flow through the air from the closed corridor doors. Once again, he thanked the fact that his animagus was a dog. There was no way he’d be able to hear it clearly otherwise.
As he walked down the halls of the corridor, nearing the classroom, the piece grew louder. He recognized it. The song. But, this was different than just hearing the words of the original singer or the instrumental melody. 
Remus was singing? Not the quiet hums he was used to hearing, but strong and carefree. His voice was hypnotizing, melodious, and the song seemed effortless to sing. He couldn’t help but smile, Moony always seemed to surprise him. 
And I would do it for you, for you. Baby, I'm not moving on, I'll love you long after you're gone.
For you, for you. You will never sleep alone, I'll love you long after you're gone.
And long after you're gone, gone, gone.
“Give me reasons to believe, that you would do the same for me.” Remus sang to himself, faintly hearing the approaching footsteps of someone but it was already too late to stop.
“And I would do it for you, for you. Baby, I'm not moving on, I'll love you long after you're gone.” Another voice joined his own, one that was familiar. That brought a smile to his face, but right now made him only feel embarrassed. 
Pausing with a gasp and widened eyes, he quickly turned behind him. Sirius stood at the entrance of the classroom, leaning against the doorframe with a smile upon his face. Most likely filled with zero regrets, meanwhile, Remus could feel his cheeks beginning to flush at the fact that Sirius absolutely heard him. 
“Why’d you stop? You just reached the chorus.” Sirius said teasingly.
“Pads what… why are you here?” Remus replied with caution, pulling his hands away from the keys. The ebony-haired boy didn’t respond to him exactly, just pushed off of the doorframe and began making his way over to Remus’ side until he was at the bench and Remus had to look up to meet his eyes. 
“Well Moons, I wanted to find you. That, and you’ve gotten that song stuck in my head with your long hours of playing it last night.” He said with a chuckle as Remus’ eyes widened even further if it were possible. “Scoot over.”
Without waiting, Sirius placed his pack down on the floor beside the leather satchel that was already by the bench, then sat down to join his friend. Giving Remus a smile, he looks to the makeshift music sheet within the notebook, putting the melody together.
Remus stared at Sirius for a few seconds, stunned that he wanted to stay. Glancing down to their hands which were quite close together, he could feel the warmth radiating off of the other boy. 
He looks up to the notebook, then back to Sirius, watching as his grey-blue eyes scoured over the pages. “... Can you play?” He asked in curiosity.
Sirius looked at the tawny-haired boy beside him and nodded, “Mother dearest had a private teacher give Regulus and I lessons since I was five.”
At the look upon Remus’ face, which frequented whenever he spoke of his previous home life, he shakes his head. “I don’t play too often anymore, but I’ll make an exception for you.” He continued with a wink.
Remus chuckled exasperatedly, with a shake of his head, worry seeming to bypass for the moment. He stared silently at Sirius, watching as pale hands rested upon the ivory keys and began following the scale, then began playing the melody of the chorus. 
“You will never sleep alone. I'll love you long after you're gone, and long after you're gone, gone, gone.” Sirius sang softly, and it was Remus’ turn to be surprised. How much of the lyrics has he memorized? Enough he supposes, given that he had apparently forgotten to cast the silencing charm on his bed. 
When you fall like a statue, I'm gon' be there to catch you. Put you on your feet, you on your feet.
And if your well is empty, not a thing will prevent me. Tell me what you need, what do you need? “I surrender honestly, you've always done the same for me.” He continued, increasing the tempo of the piece as the chorus nears once again as he looks back to Remus with a smile and encouraging nod. Sing with me. His look said, and honestly, when has he ever said no? Or wanted to? 
“So I would do it for you, for you. Baby, I'm not moving on, I'll love you long after you're gone.” They sang in unison, voices melding together in a harmony that seemed rather perfect. Remus carried the melody as a guide as Sirius continued the rhythm. 
For you, for you. “You will never sleep alone. I'll love you long after you're gone, and long after you're gone, gone, gone.”
It was as if they were being pulled by a string, Remus found himself ever closer to the warmth that Sirius always provided. With a short pause, Sirius pulled his hands away and pulled Remus ever closer, shifting himself in the process.
You’re my backbone you're my cornerstone. You're my crutch when my legs stop moving.
You're my head start, you're my rugged heart. You're the pulse that I've always needed.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating. Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating.
With Sirius now flush behind him, Remus couldn’t help but blush, yet he did not pull away. It was warm and comfortable within his friend’s arms, and he found himself never wanting to leave Sirius’ embrace. He could hear his heart beating in his ears, and felt the fast pace of Sirius’ own heart.
Remus hesitantly reached down, and took hold of Sirius’ hands, intertwining their fingers. Just to see how he’d react. When he didn’t pull away, he sighed in relief and lifted their hands so that they rested together upon the keys.
Turning to look behind him, he saw the soft smile upon Sirius’ face. And he knew. That smile, it was only for him. He found himself mirroring it unconsciously, “Sirius…”
“I know Re,” He said softly, almost in a whisper. “Come on, we’re almost there. Want to sing this?” Remus nodded in reply, and turned back to the keys as he began to play again, Sirius’ hands never leaving his own.
As the song began nearing its end, Remus began to relax leaning back slightly into the warm weight behind him, causing Sirius to chuckle fondly. What the tawny-haired boy didn’t know, was that he had been watching him as he sang with a smile. 
Teasing from James be damned, he knew he was in love with Remus. And from the way Remus’ head leaned against his own, intertwined fingers tightening as the tempo began to slow, after placing a kiss upon his flush cheeks, he didn’t doubt that Remus felt the same.
Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating. Like a drum my heart never stops beating for you. 
And long after you're gone, gone, gone. I'll love you long after you're gone, gone, gone.
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dsmadmin · 3 years
Written by @SWinchesterDSM & @DeanisDoomed
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SAM - The cities still held many people but resources were running out. Those who would make no deals with the demons were left to starve to death or were taken by force to be sold to the highest bidder. Sam has been to hell and while it was horrific atleast it wasn’t filled with innocent children etc. To him this reality was worse. He got board the old bus that he and several others had reinforced best they could to make the journey into the nearest city and try to find survivors and be on the lockout for anything useful they could find.
Everything was needed and so were people to help attend the corps that were underground grown using hydroponics. Because of the constant darkness vegetation and animals were dying out. It wasn’t even about fighting the demons as much as it was just trying to survive. The temptation to harness power by drinking demon blood made Sam consider it but so far he’d abstained. He knew he’d be a lot more useful juiced up but he was afraid what would come if he couldn’t come back from it. Plus, Dean was wearing the mark of Cain.
He knew he needed to keep himself together if for no other reason but Dean. The bus rolled to a stop the driver reported a few cars needed to be moved. Sam got up and went out with a few more to push the cars clear. Cars moved the bus went on. As they got closer he caught sight of a few people or demons. They had to be careful because demons would reel you in and then jump you. Humans were being traded and sold to the highest bidder. It pissed Sam off to his core. Getting out more people emerged from the shadows begging for food and water. One of the other hunters went through the process of making sure they weren’t demons and convinced them to get onto the bus with a promise of more safety in numbers.
Two male hunters joined Sam as they scavenged for things that could be useful. The grocery store was empty of food but Sam found some paper and pens. He stuffed them into his backpack. The most basic of things were needed. Moving on to a clothing store he grabbed a shopping cart and they carried what clothes they could find. With new arrivals everyday you never knew what all could be needed. No food to be found at all and as Sam looked through what was left of a gun shop all he found was a couple knives.
They hauled their goods back to the bus and waited as more survivors were loaded on. He’d liked to have checked out more but the most important part of this was rescuing /humans/ and they had about ten, the precious cargo needed to get to safety. Taking up his position he watched for any possible problems as they began the trip back out into the country where the old missile cool no housing around one hundred people.-
Dean - Living in the old missile silo wasn't the best living quarters for the few people Sam managed to get in the last adventure into the city looking for suppliers, both sam and I would let the few survivors have the food we had gathered up, to the point, we need to ration out the food to the new people staying with us. The last thing we need is our new guests running out of food. Even Sam hadn't been on a demon blood diet for the last few weeks to keep him strong as there were no demons around to kill to keep Sam alive and to help myself with the curse in my arm. After nightfall, Sam and I would secure the silo so nothing would get inside other than us when we would return the next morning. To the guys staying with us, they would understand we were going to work, which wasn't a lie with us going out for hunts to see who would be roaming the streets.
The streets were becoming quieter each night fewer humans around with their bodies laying down in the streets due to starvation in this world of ours or whatever the few vampires were around and the rats had left of the corpses. Everything was starving now, my concern for Sammy was growing that he hadn't had drank from any demons in such a long time. He had gone to being on Cold turkey over the blood. Sam being him never wanted to drink the blood. I could see him becoming weaker I needed to keep Sammy strong with the lack of food around, “Sammy I know you have to do everything you can to stay you. As I know you would never do anything without thinking ever Theory out with us and you haven't drunk any blood in a while, Will you drank if we hunt for demons tonight? “ Dean wanted to make sure we caught a demon for Sam to allow him to drink a demon if he wanted to. Dean needed Sammy to help with this world he never wanted to ever lose Sammy and he would protect him at any cost. Dean wearing the mark of cain having the urge to kill anything in sight other than his brother. His shakes were coming to tremble he need to kill something soon to stop the urge to kill the humans back home. The events of nightfall would give us some cover if needed. We were never hiding when it was just us, we had a timetable to stick to. Trying to find any demons to set some traps for any demons to come to us. Sometimes with the traps set, we would need to urge them out from their hidden places as we need to take our time with the killing.
Our bullets were running low, to the point we were almost out of bullets and we have limited ourselves to using the guns but only in emergencies cases for Sam. My knife skills were getting better with the target practice with the fights. The fights each night were getting more bloody ripping the demon to shreds, not for sport but to survive. Sam and I knew we needed to find some gunpowder soon to make our bullets back home. patrolling the streets searching for any suppliers we can find like clothing, toiletries or just based food was becoming harder each night as there were no deliveries. Sam wanted to adventure out to the next city to see if they would have any supplies but that would need to be kept for another night with the sun rising on the horizon. Sam and I just looked at each other knowing it was time to travel back out of the city and back home with the few supplies we managed to get with the tin food and packets of dried noodles from the store.
Sam: -To his brother's question there was silence, he didn't want to go that route because one of them had to be clear-headed even if it meant being hungry to do it.- I don't think it's a good idea Dean, these people need us. I've got an idea, I know more a long-term plan but there's a couple of farmers and a journeyman that worked on electricity. We need to hit the country's see vault and rig up enough power to run grow lights. There's enough room in the bunker to get it started. Then we need to find a way into military bases and see what we can salvage for security and transportation. There are at least two guys with military experience in there and have been on a couple of the bases close to us. With your abilities, I think you could just transport us right in now keys needed. The humans didn't really know about demons and things till it was too late so the odds they had defenses against them are very low. And with you being a knight, I don't think we need to worry much.
Dean - I know they need us but this guy right beside you, he needs you too. I'm all ears to try anything out to keep you safe and the others too Sammy. Promise me Sammy you will eat when the next meal is prepared. Right now you are all skin and bones. I will do pretty anything to keep you with me but I can't do it all on my own as you need to eat something even if it's just rice and beans Sammy? That sounds definitely a making of a new plan to give everyone hope, safety and warmth here. Have you been getting to know our guests Sammy and their backgrounds for this idea? you can count on me helping any way I can. When we were last out Sammy I thought I saw the old power plan that could be used too if there is anything left in there too. We might be able to bring it back too. Something needs to be done Sammy I don't think we are going to find anyone else out there to save. Right now it's just us and everyone we have here now.
Sam listened to his brother and he got where he was coming from but he wouldn't give up hope of more survivors.- I'll eat something I promise. Yeah, not much else to do but talk, good to know what kind of skill sets people have could really help come up with the garden. It
won't be super easy but with the power guy, I think we have a real shot. I mean we have to think long term not just right now. We get a system worked out we could become self-sustaining with some effort. The power plant is a good idea. I'm holding out hope there are more people out there. Would be nice if we could find a way to purge the demons large scale back to hell... -As he spoke the words he got a thought.- What if we could get something rigged up for broadcasting like it might only reach a block or so but dude this might work. We use the cities own emergency speakers and broadcast an exorcism. We wouldn't even need anyone truly there, just set up a tape recording. We need to figure out where a radio station is located in the city and how many others there are. And so you'll transport me to seed bank right so we can start getting seeds back here?
Dean - *Dean looked around in the small room that was storing the canned and dried food. He knew something desperately needed to done to keep his brother alive and the others too. Their food supplies were becoming limited with each passing day as he listened to where Sammy was coming from. He has always had the best of ideas. Right now his brain was needed for the long run of this fight of such survival and with the hungry setting in with the few people He had been talking to. “Anything is possible. With the broadcasting, the only thing with that is not just survivors coming after us but demons and that might come down on us. I'm willing to give it go Sammy as I will defend you and the 99 odd souls we have here until my dying breath. Do you think the power guy is ready to work his magic? Maybe it is best if we go for a trial run to see what exactly the power plan has as we don't need to put anyone else in danger. “ *Dean ran his hand over his hairs on his ace knowing right now timing would be everything. Knowing he could transfer his brother to the seed plant safety. * Another option to have more choices of food for everyone here. How long do you think you will need in the plant Sam?
Sam - I don't know depends. I'd say a couple of hours to get a look at things see what's needed to make things run. I agree we should do a trial run on the broadcasting but focus on the food first. The seed vault shouldn't take a long time. I'll only bring back what could be started u p for now. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault vault is located about halfway between the North Pole and the coast of Norway, near the town of Longyearbyen (population 1900), in the remote arctic island archipelago of Svalbard.
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