#i've been rotating it nonstop in my mind so i really just took this as an excuse to ramble abt it 馃槶 tried not to get spoilery tho
tomaturtles 9 months
I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED Campus Apocalypse (also known as Gakuen Datenroku) is an Evangelion spinoff manga!!! It has 4 volumes and 22 chapters, and it's basically an AU series with an action-y shonen feel to it.
It retains a lot of the cast and some elements from the anime, but for the most part does its own thing with the lore! Instead of piloting giant robots, the kids fight angels using these magic-y weapons (Shinji has a gun, for example), and the angels themselves are very different from the main series too. It can be odd at times, but it's a pretty fun and interesting take on the series imo!
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The plot gets a little wild at times and the ending is sadly pretty rushed (I think it got cancelled?), but it's a fairly quick read and has enough neat concepts along the way that I feel it's worth checking out! :] (i am of course biased, but y'know)
What Personally makes me so fond of it is that it has more of the main 4 kids as friends, as well as features Kaworu as one of the main characters and introduces him right at the beginning! He gets to interact more with Rei and Asuka, as well as has more time with Shinji, and I really really love how his and Shinji's relationship is developed.
It's not as explicitly Romantic as in the anime (CA mostly focuses more on the friendships; there's some ship tease and it occasionally leans towards Shinji/Rei, but the romantic stuff is vague enough that you can see what you wanna see for the most part imo), but it's still very sweet and meaningful all the same. The development of their friendship is a significant part of the story, and it's not that hard to view it in a romantic light. It's like. Friends to lovers kawoshin. To me
IN SHORT: Campus Apocalypse has a different vibe from the anime and has some interesting stuff, but it may be just kind of average as a whole. BUT it does some specific things really well imo and said things are like catnip to me. If you too enjoy seeing the main four interacting and being friends and Shinji and Kaworu's relationship being able to take more time to develop, it may be worth checking out!
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zxal 3 years
Kh for the ask game (of course lol) but if you already did it, maybe Persona 5?
blorbo - Isa 馃ズ I didn't have a clear fav until isa came out of nowhere and smacked me upside the head. He hits a lot of the notes I really enjoy in a character and I'm super happy with him getting to be a good guy now. I hope we get to see more of him at least a little bit and hopefully get a resolution for him and lea's friendship with subject x
scrunkly - Vanitas is so so so so so so scrunkly. i love drawing him with jagged edges and triangular shapes because it's like yeah.......he is shaped. another character who hits a lot of my favorite notes and he also gets some of the best/funniest lines/scenes in all of kh with the added bonus of being conceptually horrifying the moment you think about him too long (a being only capable of experiencing negative emotions from which spawn monsters whose only purpose is to generate more negative emotions)
scrimblo bimblo - NAMINE!!!!! I know we have lots of namine enjoyers out here but COME ON give my girl some credit...I want all of the namine keyblades and outfit designs on my desk by 7
glup shitto - this is Skuld for me and will be DOUBLY so if she gets confirmed as subject x. I swear to god on that day I am going to be so insufferable about it
poor little meow meow - Xemnas is for real the true sadboy of kingdomhearts. for the sake of brevity I will refrain from xemnasposting but I've been rotating him in my mind nonstop ever since this exchange in kh3:
Xemnas: I feel...the emptiness where my companions once stood. I took them for granted. And now, I have...nothing. My first surge of emotion in years...for as long as I can remember...and it's...loneliness. Do you see? A heart is just pain.
Sora: Pain is being human, Xemnas.
Xemnas: Really? It must take...incredible strength...
horse plinko - do i even need to explain why xigbar is going in the plinko machine. xigbar has been in the plinko machine for the past several thousand years
eeby deeby - The Master of Masters is Going to Eeby Deeby
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sevarix-blogs 2 years
Which classes have you played in FFXIV and which were your favourite and least favourite. Both gameplay and aesthetic wise?
oh!! this is a fun question! i have 2 characters, i'll go through each of them
for my au ra (main):
paladin - ok so my very first class was gladiator/paladin. it was nice for soloing stuff, i didn't mind it as a class in general, i just didn't like tanking lol
machinist - after heavensward i picked up machinist instead. it's my favorite class out of everything i've played. i consider it my 'main' class for my au ra even though he switches between red mage and mch. i'm not the biggest fan of the aesthetic but it's fun to play (plus we get a flamethrower!!!!!)
red mage - this one took me a while to get used to, but after i figured it out (after getting to like level 60 lol) i'm having a lot of fun with it! it's probably my favorite magic class that i've played! i still prefer mch over red mage but it's a nice secondary class for my au ra. aesthetic-wise it's pretty cool! goes against the typical 'mage aesthetic'
astrologian - this is a new class i picked up with this character. it's pretty straightforward healing, and pretty similar to white mage, but with some different stuff plus a cool aesthetic.
for my viera -
scholar - ok so i bought the 'finish arr' package thing for this character when it was on sale for $5 lol so i just had to level up to 50. i was a scholar and just did dungeons nonstop since healers get instant queues. scholar isn't my favorite healer, i kinda prefer astrologian but it's been a while since i've played scholar. i'm really not big on the aesthetic lol
summoner - this one got leveled up for free when i leveled up scholar lol. they completely revamped this class after the last expansion came out and i never bothered re-learning it, so it's still at like level 50 and i don't really plan to go back to it soon
samurai - i leveled samurai from 50-60 and it was just ok. i thought it was a little boring tbh, just the same rotation over and over and over. and maybe it's just me but it was pretty easy to mess up the rotation since it's kinda long. i wouldn't mind going back to it, the aesthetic is really cool, but maybe later
dancer - this is my viera's 'main' class. i love it so much, it's so much fun. it might actually be tied with machinist as my favorite class to play lol. i love the aesthetic too, i even got a nice outfit for him to go with the dancer vibes hehe
white mage - ok i will be totally honest, i bought this class to level 70 back when it was on sale LOL. i knew i liked healing and didn't want to level another class so.... yeah. but i've played it a bit and i like how it plays for dungeons and stuff. kinda similar to astrologian but easier. pretty nice aesthetic, i like the staves they use
bard - ok this is the latest one i'm just now leveling up. i'm only level 36 lol but so far it's ok. i really like ranged physical dps classes but out of the 3 i think bard is my least fave so far, but i still like it. i think in the later levels it will get more interesting
anyway those are the ones i've tried so far at least in a significant way! once you get to level 50 (or even sooner if you want!) i recommend trying other classes out! if you get frustrated with your current class just remember it's easy to pick up another, and it can totally change how the game feels.
keep in mind that i haven't done any serious raiding or anything, just msq and whatnot. so i can't speak to how any class plays in 'serious' (aka not casual) settings
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