#i've done it a pokemon you can farm for meat without killing it
kariachi · 4 months
Okay, a fakemon for the day! Finally made the base idea work for me! Notes are under the read more.
The Farm Dragon Pokemon
Normal/Dragon type
Single stage
A bipedal pokemon capable of dropping onto all fours when needed with a highly horizontal posture, possesses a pudgy body and long, thick tail, hind limbs have three, thick-clawed toes while shorter forelimbs have four-fingered 'hands', head is flat and wide with a beak and large round eyes, two rows of four long, meaty caruncles grow along each side of the tail, main body is light blue with dark purple spotting, the top of the head, down the spine, and across the tops of the caruncles are spattered in white as are the hands and feet, beaktip and tailtip are dark purple and eyes are orange
Ability- Regenerator/Run Away
BST- 409 (HP- 77; Atk- 63; Def- 71; SpAtk- 62; SpDef- 74; Spd- 62)
"Over the course of the summer Deligasen grow meaty caruncles along their tails, which can be easily shed to distract predators or feed young. Its offspring climb trees for safety." "This pokemon has been a beloved companion of humans since ancient times. Deligasen's white patches spread as they age, with many claiming whiter individuals produce tastier caruncles."
Lizard, or dinosaur, or other such sort've critter? Maybe snail? Pangolin? Develops masses of 'sausages' over the summer that are used to attract mates and make themselves look bigger to predators, plus can be shed to feed offspring and distract predators?
'the young of this pokemon often climb to high places to evade predators'
'delicatessen' 'Stegouros elengassen'
'Bout 4 ft at the shoulder, 4 5 ft tail to balance it... I wanna say like 12 caruncles per row per side, each about 3 inches in diameter? So 48 in total, each weighing about 1.5 lbs on average for a total of... 72 lbs per critter per year. Seems like a lot by pokemon standards so maybe cut that in half for just 36 per year per critter... Either way it's not a lot at one time but a lot over time. Especially since this would be real fucking tender and well marbled meat...
Looking at numbers and it looks like even the higher number wouldn't feed a person for a year off one critter, though it comes a lot closer than the lower one. Don't know, kinda depends on what you're looking for, technically the higher should be more accurate but pokemon does weird shit with weights so... You can either almost feed a person for a year off one or would need three to do it.
Unless of course you bumped it up to 2 lbs per caruncle and didn't halve it, then you could feed one person per critter per year with a few pounds left over. Like I said, all depends.
And all this assumes I'm not low rolling my numbers, which I'm annoyingly prone to do when I'm theorizing and such, there could be a few more caruncles... But again, pokemon.
Actually what the fuck am I doing that's way too complex for a pokemon design. It's pokemon we could get like four each row but they'd likely be thicker, which would work better for some of the inspo...
So 4 10-inch by 7-inch by 3-inch caruncles... Then we'd be looking at about 8-9 lbs each, so ~130 lbs of meat per critter, give or take. Well a chunk of take because this isn't accounting for the fact you're likely going to skin this shit but listen that shit is still edible. And it can't be too thick on these things, they have to break away easy and thick skin would make it harder. More likely they have relatively thin skin that would get gelatinous and crispy real nice.
Okay actually bumping up to 5 ft tail because wtf was I thinking the numbers don't work sizewise. These ones probably don't either but they'd work better. So we just add another four caruncles worth to numbers because I want to do other shit tonight, bumping it to ~160, calling it there, one of these could feed a fucker for a year with plenty to spare, get a full team your household'll probably eat good.
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